Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority | Government organisation
Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority
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24.01.2022 Our friends at Trust for Nature have another great webinar coming up on Wednesday 12 August.
23.01.2022 Thank you to everyone for the amazing response to the positions we shared on Friday. Applications are currently open for the two Environmental Project Support Officers positions and will close this afternoon so please apply via Sidekicker ASAP. More information about the roles is available at https://www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/47-new-jobs-to-help-deliver-/ Applications for the Works Crew positions will open in the next few days. We'll post an update on here when they do, but we e...ncourage interested candidates to register with Sidekicker now so they get an invitation as soon as applications open. All of these positions are funded by the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria initiative. #WorkforVIctoria #CMAsGetItDone
23.01.2022 Have you checked out the Victoria Nature Festival yet? Come on an adventure into nature from the comfort of your own home with the free virtual Victoria Nature Festival. There's heaps to do, including meeting platypuses at the zoo, walking with a ranger, and even taking our virtual tour of Rhyll Inlet and Observation Point at Phillip Island. Check it out at www.vic.gov.au/ournature and visit our virtual tour at https://virtual-tours.com.au/ppwcma/rhyll/... #VictoriaNatureFestival #itsinournature #natureathome #virtualtour Phillip Island Nature Parks Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
22.01.2022 The AUSSIE BACKYARD BIRD COUNT starts today! This annual citizen science is a great way to connect with the birds in your backyard while assisting BirdLife Australia to understand more about them. To celebrate, we've been counting down Victoria's top 5 birds from the 2019 count and we've reached number 1 - the iconic Australia Magpie. There are few places in Australia where the Australian Magpie (Cracticus tibicen) doesn't occur. Known for their carolling song, striking black... & white plumage and tendency to swoop during its springtime nesting season, the Magpie is hard to ignore. Groups of up to 24 birds live year-round in territories, which they depend for feeding, roosting and nesting. They walk along the ground searching for insects and their larvae, but are also known to take handouts from humans. Learn more: www.birdsinbackyards.net/species/Cracticus-tibicen Get involved in the count: https://aussiebirdcount.org.au/ #AussieBirdCount Living Links #AussieBirdCount #Magpie #AustralianMagpie #MelbourneBirds
22.01.2022 Registrations are now open for the Grow West Community Planting Day 2021! After the event was sadly cancelled in 2020 but we're excited to have it is back bigger and better than ever for World Environment Day 2021. The planting day will be held at Kel Shields Flora Reserve in Bacchus Marsh. and volunteers can choose to join the morning session (9.30am 12pm) or afternoon session (1.30pm 4pm). Head to https://growwest.com.au/plantingday2021/ for more information and registr...ations. #GrowWest Moorabool Shire Council Melbourne Water Southern Rural Water Victorian National Parks Association Friends of Werribee Gorge & Long Forest Mallee Inc. Victorian Mobile Landcare Group Inc. (VMLCG) Moorabool Landcare Network
21.01.2022 Over the last few weeks our six Agricultural and Environmental Works Crews have hit the ground and are now ready to begin work on properties engaged through the expression of interest process. The 44 strong crew has spent the last few weeks completing important safety training and supporting Parks Victoria with work on their sites. From now until April 2021 they will be delivering a range of environmental and agricultural services across public and private land. The PPWCMA’...s works crews are a six month project to assist farmers, organisations and community groups to deliver their agricultural and environmental projects while providing employment to Victorians. The project is funded by the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria initiative. We are still accepting expression of interest from landholders and you can learn more at www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/work-crews-hit-the-ground-running/ #WorkingforVictoria #CMAsGetItDone PPWCMA loves Landcare
20.01.2022 Just because we are working from home this year, doesn’t mean the competition for the Threatened Species Bake Off isn’t alive and well! To commemorate Threatened Species Day, PPWCMA staff have again participated in the Commonwealth Threatened Species Commissioner’s #TSBakeOff. As we are all spending much more time at home in 2020, this year’s theme is ‘What’s in your backyard?’ and staff choose species that are in their local area. Check out their awesome creations below and let us know your favourite! #ThreatenedSpeciesDay #ThreatenedSpecies
20.01.2022 A little Helmeted Honeyeater update from the Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater.
19.01.2022 As part of the PPWCMA's Work Crews project, 31 full-time jobs were created to support organisations, Landcare and community groups to deliver their environmental projects that were delayed or impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). The crew members worked in three environment-specific crews and over six months assisted 28 groups and organisations to improve 69 environmental sites through weed control, plantings, maintenance, bushfire recovery and more. This invaluable work has pr...ovided so many benefits to the community and the environment and helped the region's residents bet back into nature sooner. Here is just a couple of stories from those who benefited. The PPWCMA's Work Crews project was supported by the Victorian Government through the Working for Victoria initiative. #workcrews #workingforvictoria #CMAsGetItDone Annette Ruzicka Photography Bunyip Landcare Group Inc Zoos Victoria Monbulk College Lily D'Ambrosio MP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Landcare Victoria
19.01.2022 There are only two weeks left to nominate someone for the 2020 Bob Hawke Landcare Award! Nominations are open until 31 August 2020: bit.ly/2Eh5WSU
18.01.2022 Did you know that there are more than 5,000 plants and 1,200 vertebrate animals native to Victoria? Today is Threatened Species Day, a day when we can all learn about our native flora and fauna and commit to their protection, so we thought we’d take the time to introduce you to just a few of these species. We’re proud to work with conservationists, researchers and volunteers every day to protect our native plants, animals, and ecosystems. While how we work has changed over th...e last few months, our commitment to protecting our environment hasn’t, and we’re working harder than ever. #ThreatenedSpeciesDay #TSDay2020 #CMAsGetItDone Threatened Species Commissioner Lily D'Ambrosio MP DELWP PortPhillip
18.01.2022 This two-part Eco Anxiety Forum starts on Friday and there still have a couple of spots available left if anyone is interested in attending. It is an online event and is open to all volunteers and facilitators from Landcare and community environmental groups in the Port Phillip and Western Port region. Details and registrations at https://www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/eco-anxiety-and-environmenta/
18.01.2022 Fruit on household trees and plants is a tempting treat for hungry wildlife. Netting is a popular way to protect fruit, but inappropriate types of netting can kill or injure animals such as birds, flying-foxes and possums. Agriculture Victoria has developed some information about which netting is acceptable, how to use it and your obligations at https://agriculture.vic.gov.au//protecting-fruit-trees-and Also visit the WIRES website at https://www.wires.org.au//wildli/wildlife-friendly-netting for help choosing the right net.
18.01.2022 When it comes to working in natural resource management, physical first aid is second nature, but many of us don't feel confident to offer mental health assistance. To help upskill our local NRM volunteers and professionals we're hosting free mental health first aid training. Facilitated by Tamara from P.S. My Family Matters and Joel from Hearten Up, this online course will take you through the five significant mental health classifications and how to support people who may b...e experiencing them. It features a self-guided component and two online group sessions. There are four dates available, with up to 12 places in each. You must be able to attend both group sessions. Tuesday 20 & 27 October, 10am-1pm Thursday 22 & 29 October, 2pm 4.30pm Friday 30 October & 6 November, 10am-1pm Saturday 31 October & 7 November, 2pm 4.30pm This is open to volunteers and professionals working in natural resource management in the Port Phillip and Western Port region. More details and bookings at www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au//mental-health-first-aid-for-nrm-vo/ Landcare Victoria PPWCMA loves Landcare PPWCMA Grows Agriculture DELWP PortPhillip
17.01.2022 Applications are now open for our Works Crew Member and Works Crew Supervisor positions. These roles will undertake field work on private and public land around the Port Phillip and Western Port region over the next six months. Three of the crews will focus on providing agricultural and environmental services on private land, and the other three will focus on providing environmental services on public land. Applications need to be submitted via Sidekicker and will only be op...en for a limited time. All the details can be found at https://www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/47-new-jobs-to-help-deliver-/ #WorkingforVictoria #CMAsGetItDone PPWCMA loves Landcare PPWCMA Grows Agriculture DELWP PortPhillip Landcare Victoria NRM Regions Australia
17.01.2022 Are you, or someone you know, teaching students agriculture-related topics in term 4? If so, why not have the paddock to plate process explained by a farmer? Through the Farms2Schools project, the PPWCMA can organise free online incursions for your school. Students will learn directly from a local farmer all about how a farming business operates, sustainable practices and innovations, as well as the many career opportunities. The incursions can be tailored for all year levels... and to a range of curriculum topics. If you’re interested in getting involved, all you need to do is complete the EOI form at www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/farms2schools and we'll be in touch. But be quick as session slots are filling up fast and this program is only running until the end of the 2020 school year. Farms2Schools is delivered by the PPWCMA in partnership with AUSVEG Victorian and is supported by the Victorian Government through the Working for Victoria initiative. #Farms2Schools #SustainableAgriculture #WorkingforVictoria
16.01.2022 It's wonderful to see so many schools embracing the Farms2Schools program, such as Altona Meadows Primary School, who the other week learnt all about vegetable farming from Velisha Farms. They got to take their learning into the kitchen and samples some of the amazing local produce grown by Velisha!
16.01.2022 Our first Farms2Schools virtual incursions kicked off yesterday with Warratina Lavender Farm giving students at Sirius College a glimpse into the wonderful world of lavender farming. The students are now dreaming of lavendar icecream! More sessions between local farms and schools are scheduled for the coming weeks and we're excited to be able to help them connect. If you are a school or farm in the Port Phillip and Westernport region and would like to be involved in Farms2Schools visit www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/farms2schools AUSVEG DELWP PortPhillip #Farms2Schools PPWCMA Grows Agriculture
16.01.2022 To celebrate Biodiversity Month, Grow West’s annual ‘Greener, Brighter Future’ Photographic Exhibition has gone digital! The beauty and wonder of the animals and plants of the upper Werribee Catchment is celebrated through the lens of talented local photographers - Bernie McRitchie, Chris Lindorff and David Whelan. You can view the exhibition now at moorabool.vic.gov.au/moor-art-space-online. A big thank you to @MooraboolShireCouncil and the team at the Lerderderg Library fo...r their support. Dusky Woodswallows by David Whelan #GrowWest #photoexhibition #naturephotography #bacchusmarsh #moorabool #werribee #werribeecatchment #LerderdergLibrary #MoorArtSpace #AustraliaAnimals #naturerestoration #threatenedspecies #biodiversity #BernieMcRitchie #ChrisLindorff #DavidWhelan
16.01.2022 The 2021 Victorian Landcare Grants are now open Groups and networks can apply for up to $30,000 for projects that protect, enhance, and restore Victoria’s land and environment. Support grants of up to $500 are also available to help with administration and running costs. Applications close Wednesday 16 June. Head to https://www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/what-we-do/grants/ for more information and to apply.... PPWCMA Grows Agriculture PPWCMA Grows Agriculture
15.01.2022 We've been loving how schools have embraced the Farms2Schools program and Eastbourne Primary School in Rosebud West definitely wins a 'most enthusiastic' award! Last week the entire school participated in their own ‘Farm Week’. Principal Stephen Wilkinson said it was an innovative way for students to experience life on a local farm and to raise awareness of the various careers across the region’s agricultural industry. Through the Farms2Schools program, the PPWCMA organised... five online virtual incursions with local farmers to teach the Foundation to Grade 6 students about the process of how agricultural products get from the paddock to their plate. Students investigated food and fibre production across a wide range of agricultural industries: sheep, chicken, beef, berries, market gardens, bee products and honey and commercially grown flowers. The school also ran a range of farm-themed complimentary literacy, numeracy and STEAM activities and concluded the week with a playful farm dress-up day. Pictured is the Principal Stephen Wilkinson with one of his little chicks! You can read more about the event in this great article by Mornington Peninsula Magazine: https://bit.ly/3oR7nue Farms2Schools is delivered by the PPWCMA in partnership with AUSVEG VIC and is supported by the Victorian Government's Working for Victoria initiative. #Farms2Schools #WorkingforVictoria PPWCMA Grows Agriculture Jaclyn Symes Lisa Neville MP Agriculture Victoria DELWP PortPhillip Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning
14.01.2022 There’s only 5 days left for Victorians to submit a short film all about about nature for the Wild by Nature Short Film Festival! There are some amazing prizes to be won, including $3000 for the adult age category. All skill levels are welcome and backyard creations are encouraged. We cannot wait to see your stories from all over Victoria. Show us why you love nature! Find out more at www.wildbynaturefilms.org... The Wild by Nature Short Film Festival is produced in partnership with Remember The Wild through the Living Links program. #LivingLinks #DandenongCreek DELWP PortPhillip City of Greater Dandenong City of Casey City of Monash City of Kingston Maroondah City Council Knox City Council Frankston Council Bushwalking Victoria
13.01.2022 Are you a Traditional Owner/Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander looking for qualifications in land management or wanting to work in natural resource management? The Warreen Beek Ranger course (Certificate III of Conservation and Land Management) is happening again and kicks of on 28 October. We're proud to have helped initiate this program and supported its delivery. Get in contact with Ben Cullen at Trust for Nature if you are interested.
13.01.2022 From November 2020 to April 2021, the PPWCMA was proud to deliver the Work Crews project, which assisted farmers, organisations and community groups to catch up on their agricultural and environmental projects, while providing employment to Victorians impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). 50 full time jobs were created to deliver the on-ground work, and the individuals that filled them went above and beyond, putting so much enthusiasm, energy, persistence, initiative, patience,... humour and passion into their work. As a result of the project 51 landholders and 28 groups and organisations were supported, with 120 sites improved. The PPWCMA's Work Crews project was supported by the Victorian Government through the Working for Victoria initiative. Lisa Neville MP Lily D'Ambrosio MP Mary-Anne Thomas MP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning DELWP PortPhillip #WorkCrews #WrappingupWorkingforVictoria #WorkingforVictoria #CMAsGetitdone
13.01.2022 Yesterday, the Australian Government announced a further $335,000 through the Environmental Restoration Fund will go towards the French Island Feral Cat Eradication project. We're thrilled to be leading the project and to see these additional funds build on the hard work already undertaken by Parks Victoria, French Island Landcare and the French Island community. This project will help turn French Island into a safe haven for threatened species, like the Eastern Barred Bandi...coot (pictured). Greg Hunt MP made the announcement; here's a link to the media release: https://www.greghunt.com.au/french-island-safe-haven-for-n/ Museums Victoria Threatened Species Commissioner National Landcare Program Zoos Victoria
13.01.2022 Grab your binoculars and get ready because the Annual Backyard Bird count starts on Monday 19 October! Each year, BirdLife Australia holds the #AussieBirdCount, which asks Australians to get out into their backyards or local nature spots and record the birdlife they observe. This is a fun activity that everyone can take part in. It’s also a great way to unwind and learn more about the native birds in your local area. Last year, more than 88,000 Australians took part in the bi...rd count, recording close to 3.4 million birds. This year is more important than ever, with the 2019-20 bushfires having had a devastating impact on Australia’s native wildlife, including our birdlife. The data received this year will be compared to previous years to help track the long-term impacts of the 2019-20 bushfires on birdlife. To register and find out more, visit https://aussiebirdcount.org.au/ or click the event below
12.01.2022 Over the many months that Victorians were kept close to home, hundreds in our community chose to also get closer to the nature near them and filmed stories for the Wild by Nature Short-film Festival. Join us on Saturday 7 November as we screen the finalists, announce the winners and celebrate what we love about nature in Victoria! The Pobblebonk (12 years and under) and Swamp Skink Division (13-17 years) division will be showcased from 3-4.30pm, and the Black Swan Division (1...8 years and above) will be showcased from 7pm-8pm. Register now at www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wild-by-nature-short-film-festival- to get the Zoom link. It's free and all are welcome! The Wild by Nature Short Film Festival is presented by Remember The Wild and Living Links, supported by the PPWCMA and the Victorian Government. #WildbyNature #WaterforVictoria #OurCatchmentsourCommunities #ConnectwithNature #VictorianValueNature Lisa Neville MP Lily D'Ambrosio Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning DELWP PortPhillip
11.01.2022 Don't forget that our webinar on cultural burning in urban areas is on today at 12pm. No need to register, just join via Zoom or YouTube. A recording of the webinar won’t be available so make sure you don't miss it! Hear first hand how Indigenous Australian' burn techniques can be used to manage biodiversity in urban bushland areas and how fire changes vegetation. See event for links.... Living Links Trust for Nature Melbourne Water Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation. Wurundjeri Narrap Rangers Land, Water & Fire Natural Resource Management DELWP PortPhillip
10.01.2022 Volunteers and facilitators from Landcare, Friends Of and other community environmental groups in the Port Phillip and Western Port region can sign up for this free six-week 'Digital Storytelling' course, starting Thursday 29th October. There are still a couple of spots so learn more and register at www.eventbrite.com.au/e/telling-your-landcare-story-film-ma
10.01.2022 Learning comes in many forms and the current situation has shown us all the power that technology, creativity and adaptability can have. The original plan for Farms2Schools was to get students onto farms via excursions, but since this hasn’t been possible yet we’ve been bringing the farm to them via virtual incursions. Students have gained a first-hand insight into what it takes to run a farm, with farmers hosting live paddock tours and explaining how their food is grown. Sev...eral lucky school classes even witnessed live lamb births! This is a first for many students who have never had the opportunity to experience farm life. The online incursions have even intrigued parents and younger siblings, who have jumped online to have a look. Thanks to the online format, schools like Mt Eliza Secondary College (MESC) has been able to meet multiple farmers and introduce students to a range of agricultural industries, which wouldn’t have been possible with excursions. MESC Steiner mentor, Jenna Farrington, said the virtual incursions were the next best thing to a real life farm excursion. As a class, we’ve had some wonderful discussions inspired by the Torello presentation and their regenerative farming practices. One of the most heartening was listening to how empowered the students were around making informed decisions about which foods they chose to consume, not just guided by season or locality but by the values of the farmers themselves and how they choose to produce their food. With classes wrapping up this week, the Farms2Schools team is busy preparing session dates for Term 4. If you know of a primary and secondary school who should take part in this program, head to www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/farms2schools to find out more! #Farms2Schools #WorkingForVictoria #CMAsGetItDone Jaclyn Symes Lisa Neville MP James Merlino AUSVEG Agriculture Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning DELWP PortPhillip PPWCMA Grows Agriculture
10.01.2022 It takes a lot to feed a growing city. To meet the nutritional needs of Melbourne’s 5 million+ residents we need constant access to a wide variety of good quality, locally grown food. Thankfully farmers like Tony and Sue Morgan from Orchard End Farm in Bayles are jacks of all trades and run a farming enterprise that provides certified grass-fed beef, organic blueberries and garlic. Through the Farms2Schools program Tony and Sue been giving home learning students from Laberto...uche Primary School a glimpse into what it’s like running a busy farm. The children were taken on a virtual tour of their property and learnt some tips and tricks, including how to make the ultimate blueberry smoothie! If you are a school or farm in the Port Phillip and Western Port region and would like to be involved in Farms2Schools visit www.ppwcma.vic.gov/Farms2Schools #Farms2Schools #WorkingForVictoria #MelbourneFoodbowl PPWCMA Grows Agriculture DELWP PortPhillip
09.01.2022 The first Farms2Schools virtual incursions kicked off last week and the first cab off the rank was Warratina Lavender Farm. Annemarie from Warratina Lavender Farm gave students at Sirius College a glimpse into the wonderful world of lavender farming. She told them all about the growing process, harvest, drying and what day to day life is like. They loved it so much that she gave them all a voucher to visit the farm and enjoy a free lavender ice cream once restrictions allow. ...More online sessions between local farms and schools are scheduled for the coming weeks and we're excited to be able to help them connect. If you are a school or farm in the Port Phillip and Western Port region and would like to be involved in Farms2Schools visit www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/farms2schools The Farms2Schools program is delivered by the PPWCMA in partnership with AUSVEG VIC and is supported by the Victorian Government #Farms2Schools #SustainableAgriculture #WorkingForVictoria PPWCMA Grows Agriculture DELWP PortPhillip Jaclyn Symes Lisa Neville MP
09.01.2022 The first two trailers arrived this week in preparation for the agriculture and environmental works crews starting in late October. A big thanks to the locally owned and operated family business, Ramco Trailers, for building the trailers on such short notice. The trailers will carry all of materials and equipment to and from the sites that the work crews will visit over the next six months. The PPWCMA’s agriculture and environmental works crews is a six month project funded ...through the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria initiative that’s assisting farmers, organisations and community groups to deliver their agricultural and environmental work while providing employment. Eligible individuals and organisations that need works undertaken can register their interest at https://www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/what-we-do/work-crews/ PPWCMA Grows Agriculture PPWCMA loves Landcare #WorkingforVictoria #CMAsGetItDone
09.01.2022 Over the next six months we’re going to be working to assist farmers, organisations and community groups to deliver their agricultural and environmental projects and improve their sustainability credentials while providing employment to Victorians. Six crews will work across the Port Phillip and Western Port region to provide a range of agricultural and environmental services. Crews are expected to start in late September (depending on restrictions). If you are a farm, gover...nment organisation or Landcare group, register your interest in accessing these services at www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/what-we-do/work-crews/ The PPWMCA’s Work Crew project is supported by the Victorian Government through the Working for Victoria initiative. #WorkingForVictoria #CMAsGetItDone PPWCMA Grows Agriculture PPWCMA loves Landcare Landcare Victoria DELWP PortPhillip Jaclyn Symes Lily D'Ambrosio MP Lisa Neville MP
09.01.2022 Thanks to the National Landcare Program for highlighting our work to save saltmarsh vegetation at The Spit Nature Conservation Reserve on United Nations Day. We're proud to be working every day to contribute towards Australia meeting its international obligations under The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Read more about this project below or at bit.ly/35libYG #RamsarProtectionProgram #PortPhillip #CMAsGetItDone
08.01.2022 Farmers and land managers, fishers, foresters and regional communities can apply for grants of between $5,000 and $100,000 to support projects that will help increase the awareness, knowledge, skills and capacity to adopt smart and sustainable practices.
06.01.2022 Who wants to discover and explore a world renowned wetland from the comfort of their own home? We've teamed up with Phillip Island Nature Parks to create a virtual tour of Observation Point and Rhyll Inlet, which form part of the internationally-important Western Port Ramsar site. The tour allows you to discover the unique wildlife and other natural values that exist on Phillip Island, including coastal saltmarsh, mangroves, waterbirds, and shorebirds. You can learn about th...e importance of the intertidal zone, that provides important habitat for global travellers including Red-necked stints and Eastern curlews. Take the tour at https://virtual-tours.com.au/ppwcma/rhyll/ #PhillipIsland #WesternPort #VirtualTour #RamsarProtectionProgram DELWP PortPhillip 360South The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Visit Victoria Corporate Lisa Neville MP Lily D'Ambrosio MP
05.01.2022 We've got 47 new jobs on offer to help deliver PPWCMA projects funded by the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria initiative. We need 2 Environmental Project Support Officers, 6 Works Crew Supervisors and 39 Works Crew Members. These positions are being advertised and shortlisted on Sidekicker within the next few days so potential candidates need to act NOW.... Get all the details at https://www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/47-new-jobs-to-help-deliver-/ #WorkingForVictoria #CMAsGetItDone PPWCMA loves Landcare PPWCMA Grows Agriculture
05.01.2022 This great discussion group session is coming up next week from Western Port Catchment Landcare Network Inc on the topic of no-till and organic agriculture.
05.01.2022 As part of the PPWCMA's Work Crews project, 19 full-time jobs were created to support farmers and agricultural businesses to deliver their agricultural and environmental projects that were delayed or impacted by coronavirus (COVID-19). The crew members worked in three agriculture-specific crews and over six months assisted 51 landholders, businesses and organisations to undertake weed control, crop harvesting, insectary planting, Queensland Fruit Fly monitoring and more. Thi...s invaluable work has provided so many benefits to landholders, the community and the environment, and the crew members have received so much heartfelt praise and gratitude for their hard work and dedication. But rather than hear it from us, here is it directly from some of the people that benefited - Tony of Orchard End Farm, Isabella of Sugarloaf Produce and Jacob of Iron Bark House. The PPWCMA's Work Crews project was supported by the Victorian Government through the Working for Victoria initiative. #workcrews #workingforvictoria #CMAsGetItDone Annette Ruzicka Photography Mary-Anne Thomas MP Agriculture Victoria DELWP PortPhillip Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Landcare Victoria Moorabool Landcare Network PPWCMA Grows Agriculture PPWCMA loves Landcare
04.01.2022 We've teamed up with Trust for Nature to bring you this great webinar focused on cultural burning in urban areas. Hear first hand how Indigenous Australian' burn techniques can be used to manage biodiversity in urban bushland areas and how fire changes vegetation. Speakers: - Fire Knowledge Holder and Wurundjeri Elder, Uncle David Wandin - Melbourne Water's Traditional Owner Relationship Manager and Firesticks Alliance Director, Rhys Collins... - Environmental Scientist, Dr Graeme Lorimer Join us on Zoom or YouTube Live at 12pm on Wednesday 30 September. A recording of the webinar won’t be available so make sure you don't miss it! Living Links Melbourne Water Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation. Wurundjeri Narrap Rangers Land, Water & Fire Natural Resource Management DELWP PortPhillip
03.01.2022 How great is this?!
03.01.2022 Since 2017, the Living Links program has been working with Maroondah City Council, Knox City Council, Whitehorse City Council, City of Monash, City of Greater Dandenong, City of Casey, Parks Victoria and Melbourne Water to transform the Dandenong Creek corridor into a world-class urban 'living link'. This has involved restoring habitat for wildlife and making it a more beautiful place for people to enjoy. The vast majority of works have been completed including environmental ...works at 37 priority sites and 90 community events that have involved more than 5,500 participants. You can read the project's 2019-20 wrap up at https://livinglinks.com.au/transforming-the-dandenong-cree/ This project is supported through Victorian Government’s Our Catchments, Our Communities initiative. #LivingLinks #WaterforVIctoria #CMAsGetItDone Lisa Neville MP DELWP PortPhillip
03.01.2022 If you're coming to the Wild by Nature Short Film Festival this evening, in addition to seeing the finalists' films and meeting the winners you will also be treated to the premier of The Birdwatcher, a special Frankie Magazine film by Kara Riley Photography. You can register right up until the start of the event at https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/wild-by-nature-short-film-f to get the Zoom link. It's free and all are welcome! 3pm-4.30pm: Pobblebonk (12 years and under) and S...wamp Skink (13-17 years) divisions 7pm-8pm: Black Swan division (18 years and above) The Wild by Nature Short Film Festival is presented by Remember The Wild and Living Links, supported by the PPWCMA and the Victorian Government. #WildbyNature #WaterforVictoria #OurCatchmentsourCommunities #ConnectwithNature #VictorianValueNature #shortfilmfesitval
03.01.2022 There's only a couple of days left to check out Grow West’s online ‘Greener, Brighter Future’ Photographic Exhibition! This digital exhibition celebrated beauty and wonder of the animals and plants of the upper Werribee Catchment is celebrated through the lens of talented local photographers - Bernie McRitchie, Chris Lindorff and David Whelan. You can view the exhibition now at moorabool.vic.gov.au/moor-art-space-online. A big thank you to Moorabool Shire Council and the team... at the Lerderderg Library for their support. Wedge Tail Eagle by Bernie McRichie #GrowWest #photoexhibition #naturephotography
03.01.2022 Don't forget that the Wild by Nature Short-film Festival is happening tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon and evening. You can check out the finalists' films and see the winners being announced all from the your couch! The Pobblebonk (12 years and under) and Swamp Skink Division (13-17 years) division will be showcased from 3-4.30pm, and the Black Swan Division (18 years and above) will be showcased from 7pm-8pm. Below is a sneak peek of the finalists. Register at https://www.event...brite.com.au/e/wild-by-nature-short-film-f to get the Zoom link. It's free and all are welcome! The Wild by Nature Short Film Festival is presented by Remember The Wild and Living Links, supported by the PPWCMA and the Victorian Government. #WildbyNature #WaterforVictoria #OurCatchmentsourCommunities #ConnectwithNature #VictorianValueNature Lisa Neville MP Lily D'Ambrosio DELWP PortPhillip
01.01.2022 The Farms2Schools program officially kicked off at the start of August and since then has delivered a whopping 37 online incursions to 745 students from all across the Port Phillip and Western Port region. Our online incursions have allowed students to learn first-hand from local farmer all about Australian agriculture, sustainability and biodiversity, build appreciation of food and fibre production and think about a career in agriculture and related service industries. Do y...ou know a school or farmer that should be part of Farms2Schools in term 4? All they need to do is complete our EOI form at www.ppwcma.vic.gov.au/farms2schools and we'll be in touch. But be quick as session slots are filling up fast and this program is only running until the end of the 2020 school year. Farms2School is supported by the Victorian Government. #Farms2Schools #WorkingforVictoria PPWCMA Grows Agriculture Agriculture Victoria AUSVEG DELWP PortPhillip Jaclyn Symes Lisa Neville MP
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Community organisation Public & government service
+61 7 4125 5788
8 Truro Street 4655 Hervey Bay, QLD, Australia
- Townsville foster and rehoming animals.
Charitable organisation Community organisation Animal shelter
+61 409 184 685
Po Box 1903 4812 Aitkenvale, QLD, Australia