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Pranava Veda
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 400 598 922
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25.01.2022 Sometimes our pain and emotions are just stuck. They are stuck in our bodies. All it can taken sometimes is a bit of energy healing, or touch to shift this. I experienced this medicine offered first hand when I was in a heavy dark place recently, and honestly the physical and emotional shift in me after the session was profound. I highly recommend this. Very heart opening, healing and beautiful.
24.01.2022 We all experience different things at different times. This rang true for me in my teenage years and into my 20’s with different partners. To willing to forgive, too hard to walk away, manipulated, green as. One thing I want to teach my kids is to look for red flags and feel confident in walking away from people and situations that don’t feel right. We don’t have to push through everything in life to keep others happy. Know your strength and worth.
24.01.2022 When we step into some active spiritual growth we need to be prepared for our shit to come up! Yep, the stuff you shoved under the carpet, the words you swallowed to keep peace, the things you sucked up just so you could keep going. Sometimes its the things we think we have dealt with already. This is where Im at this week. Feeling raw and vulnerable. Dealing with feelings Ive suppressed since I was pregnant with my first child. Pregnancy and being birthed as a new strips any strong woman bare and you are left to recreate yourself as a mother. Even though I feel as though Ive stepped out of the, at times challenging adjustment of becoming a mum, and It all feels easier than it use to. Feelings of rejection, being unseen or misunderstood, loneliness, lack of community, lack of freedom and self love has all come flooding back to me. Theres been tears, days on end not being able to shift my funk, sadness, crying in my sleep, aching heart. But none of this is for the now. Its all repressed emotions from the past, triggered by a moment in the now. I know that this needs to be expressed and released to be able to step up into my higher callings. Ive asked for the guidance, growth and support from the universe. Sometimes it comes in ways of purging. We purge to release old conditioning and believe systems. To clean out to make way for more a more enlightened and empowered version of ourselves. We purge so we dont hold onto stuck negative emotions in our body which manifest into illness. Lifes a trip and we are hear for the ride.
23.01.2022 Astrologers have know that the year 2020 was one to watch out for! Having said that, this crisis gives the world a chance to reset and hopefully operate more sustainably and share world profits more evenly as opposed to the 5% of the population that hold most of the worlds wealth. An interesting insight
22.01.2022 Front page of New York Times today...times are a changing...thankfully
22.01.2022 This has been a theme for me and a topic of conversation Ive had with friends over the last few weeks. Its important now to look back and make a comparison to how you spent your time pre-covid 19. Why? Because werent nearly all of us running around like dick heads most days!? I feel we were. So what does rushing around, doing too much or not allowing time to just or achieve? It disconnects us from ourselves and often others. It can minimise presence. It can a complete avoidance technique to really connecting to what is happening for you. Like it or not your truth is your truth and its best you deal with it. I know for myself, having kids makes running around 10 times harder. In my single life with no attachments I really could jam a whole lot of living into 1 week and it really wasnt too imbalanced. I possibly wasnt doing the deep work I knew was needed at times but it was certainly easier to only concern myself with myself. Throw in the mix of responsibility and kids and wowsers does that change! Down time at home truely is a thing to be nourished and cherished. I was concerned initially that the kids might go a bit bonkers. I was wrong. They thrived in their own environment with each other. They were easier, more balanced and happier. And I think I am also. In fact Ive noticed more how much my stress had projected into them and effected their behaviour. I knew this but it was more obvious in this time. So I look back to what was jarring before. What was I forcing us to do instead of letting it flow. Because lets face it, even getting ready and in the car with two small children is a feat in itself. I found myself reliving that tense feeling I hated on the odd one or two days where we did jam things in recently, and had to take check. Am I falling into this old pattern of behaviour that I didnt like??? Can I shift my perspective to make this more enjoyable or joyful. (Because life should be damn right joyful!!! Im sick of tension and survival mode. Its time for more joy.) What can I do here. Its an awareness and a practice. Sure you cant change some things but some things you can say no to or do differently. Its worth a ponder to help maintain a sense of balance when things go back to normal. Its now a necessity for me.
22.01.2022 This is a big one when it comes to choosing a life partner. You HAVE to accept them just the way they are. They may want to change certain aspects of themselves but there are bound to be many fails along the way. Dont go into a relationship trying fix someone. Its just not good foundations for a relationship, you also dont want to create co-dependence and resentment either. They are most likely NOT going to change for you, as much as everyone may think they can or should. Love can run strong and deep, but you must accept them for who they are and let them travel their own healing and life journey.
22.01.2022 Interesting read for and on light workers
21.01.2022 Something to take you away for a few minutes
21.01.2022 This isnt news to a lot of us who are connected to our spirituality, and Im certainly not into animal testing. However this article shows a little of what us in the spiritual community long meeting spirituality. It talks about how ancestrial stressors impact future generations through changes in the hi DNA. One mention in how this may present is who someone experiences extreme phobias with no direct traumatic experience. An example quite relevant to now... is the pain that some of the indigenous cultures are feeling about how some are treated now but most certainly how their ancestors where treated.
21.01.2022 Fears, phobias, certain ways you deal with things, triggers the list can go on and on. Sometimes you have no reasoning for why you or your body reacts in a particular way when triggered. Trauma can be from this life time, past lifes or even traveled down in your ancestral line. Yet we can heal our traumas no matter what life they originated from. This takes a willingness to dig deep within our mind, body and soul. Most of us need help with this weather its through int...entions place in meditations, therapy, plant medicines, past life matter what, it takes a bit of work and awareness. Do the work though, and you will have a greater understanding of yourself and you may experience a shift in your physical body. You may feel lighter, more at ease possibly less physical pain. All due to the releasing of stuck energy and lifting your vibration. But you gotta do the work.
20.01.2022 Once you harness and trust listening to your intuition, the mind games begin to minimise.
19.01.2022 As times are changing
17.01.2022 You just don’t really know how your words can effect someone. Your not inside their head, you may not be aware of their insecurities or their struggles. We should all feel free to express our true selves no matter how different it might look to others. You squash someone for singing off tune or their outfit that took a lot of courage to wear or just for being uniquely may just dull their shine. They may second guess themselves. You may just make them feel like shit for self expression. Wouldn’t we rather people feel more empowered and joyful for being their authentic selves? Let’s learn to appreciate our differences and allow everyone to be themselves....perfectly imperfect.
16.01.2022 Wouldnt everything feel a lot more balanced if we all followed this...contemplation as I arrive half an hr early to get poo tickets as the other 10 visits to the shop had resulted in zero so far.
16.01.2022 Ashwaghanda...adaptogenic herb. Meaning it adapts to what your body needs. Its a must have in my medicinal kit and is often part of peoples herbal combination. BUT must be used correctly and with a digestive as it can increase vata without a digestive. Use under practitioners guidance.
16.01.2022 LETTER FROM EINSTEIN TO HIS DAUGHTER ON THE THE MOST POWERFUL FORCE ON THIS PLANET "When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world. I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.... There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. . . , . , . , , Love unfolds and reveals. For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love. This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will. To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation. If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, , . After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, . Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet. However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released. When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that , , . I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe its too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! ". Your father, Albert Einstein
16.01.2022 Challenging times are here to teach us. To allow us to see things more clearly, to feel into the discomfort and to let go. Change is not something to be afraid of but to embrace. As change brings about opportunity. With opportunity being choices and decisions. What if you then choose a path more aligned to you, your higher self, your calling? This can only be a win win situation no matter the circumstance. You win as you are being true to yourself. Do this and you raise you vibration. Live your truth and your vibration becomes contagious and others begin to live theirs. . . We all win
15.01.2022 Strangely enough I always find these to be bang on for where Im at in the present time. This time I got: change, strength and breakthrough, alignment What do u see straight up?
14.01.2022 Through challenging times is growth. Have you thought deeply into what these isolation times is trying to teach you!? Because there will be something there for everyone! We have all been affected in someway by this. Whats your story? As a human race we have been running on dysfunctional habits for a long time, so long that its become normal and the dysfunction can disappear from our awareness. Now we have slowed down and look at how many amazing things that have happen...ed!!!? The earth is sighing a sigh or relieve, it can breath again. We have slowed down, do you remember how much stress it creates in your body when you rush around? We have spent more time with our immediate family or those we live with. This can be incredible bonding time, it can also be incredibly difficult. Perhaps realisations that its time to move on have surfaced? Feel thankful for the difficult feelings as these help you to see the truth and to wake you up. Did you loose your job? Down the track if you look you will realise what opportunities this created for you. Were you staying in that job when it wasnt aligned to you? The universe can have abrupt ways in dealing with our circumstances to help out us on the right path. Every soul has pre determined lessons and purpose to sink into whilst here on this earth. Dig deep and find your lesson and lean from it. It may even lead you to your life purpose.
14.01.2022 Been doing some personal spiritual work recently, and came across this....Venus has finished an orbit cycle today. 8 years its taken and check out the pattern its created. Endings equal new beginings
14.01.2022 This is a lollipop snapshot of what celery juice does for the body....its completely transformed my Ayurveda and how I help people. Its that powerful.
14.01.2022 If youve delved into the depths of your existence...Im sure you can relate
14.01.2022 Some ancient dentistry!!!! Amazing. Does it conjure questions for you? Is there more to our being than meets the eye perhaps?
13.01.2022 What we consume effects our mental health. If the news is sending you into a depression, you gotta just stop watching it and stop listening to the radio. They very rarely show the amazing things that are happening on the planet. Amazingly good things are happening all the time all around us. Its a negative machine designed to keep you asleep and a sheep following the pack, stuck in fear. Imagine if all you heard on the news was the best things this planet and the people... on it do. Wouldnt that make your heart sing? All we can do is be the best version of ourselves. Do this and we lift others up. If feeling better means not watching and listening to the news, fuckin do it!!! Its the easiest thing you could change. Tap into the world of podcasts. Its the new learning. Get inspired and excited. Fill yourself full of those topics that bring you joy!!!
13.01.2022 Anyone curious about what their dreams represent? This link is a simple one to look for keywords that represented feelings and objects etc in your dream.
12.01.2022 Need a pep talk
11.01.2022 This is a good watch on how you can go about improving your health so your have better chance of fighting illnesses. Its common sense, but now hopefully more of us feel compelled to reflect on our habits and the effect they are having on our body. The cleaner the better. Cut out the refined processed foods. Its a must for good health. Do this and then you will actually have more room in your gut to actually good fruits and veggies. A high percentage of deaths related... to the covid -19 virus have had other conditions going on in their body. The power is in your hands. If you need some help, Im still offering consults online.
11.01.2022 Last two days of round two on the #3:6:9 Liver cleanse. Munching on spinach soup over cucumber noodles! Must say backing up the first detox with a second 1.5months later has been a much easier and different experience. And what time to detox hey! Prepping my body for health and immunity. Stay well x... #medicalmedium #pranavaveda
11.01.2022 For those of you who are star seeds and are looking to step into more of your higher self. Here is a powerful download that has been given to us to help come into heart space and step into your highest calling. This was a very powerful for me and the synchronicities thats have happen since are all in line to help me what I have recognised is my highest calling in this time.
08.01.2022 To help shift your perspective to see it a new and to help you get through this difficult time. Challenging times is a time of growth for the soul. Find the positives.
08.01.2022 What if we looked at our challenges differently? What if you trusted that this too shall pass? What if you respected the dark before the light and trusted in this process? What if you sat in the pain and discomfort and fully felt into it, and know that its ok to do so?...because this too shall pass. What if you allowed yourself to grieve properly and fully only to allow yourself to let go and no longer hold on. What if...
08.01.2022 Its true right? We are all one, we all bleed the same, we all feel the same. For me racism is a massive trigger. Its not something I can sit and just listen to when its around me. It instantly boils my blood and a quick sharp response is projected. Its just something I cant tolerate in my space. I actually think sometimes people dont realise they maybe even projecting racism. Sometimes is just a verbal regurgitation of words that the supposed majority believe.... But maybe before playing into the racism narrative, maybe we can stop and take a moment to understand the history, the pain, the sadness, the disrespect that holds as collective pain in their DNA. Maybe we can come from a place of empathy and understanding, of compassion and love. We can put ourselves in someone else shoes for a second and just understand. Shift your perspective. Be the change you want to see on this planet. Do your best to act and speak in integrity and respect for one another.
08.01.2022 Lets get deep here :)
07.01.2022 So they have discovered a thing or two about this virus, there is lots of info going around but I found this to be quite good. From the Royal Brisbane hospital for your info and pass it on : This is advice given to hospital staff. Explains the virus and how to prevent the virus. Please share with family , friends and work colleagues. ...Continue reading
06.01.2022 When someone goes through a crisis, hardships, really difficult times we are forced to open our eyes. Even just a little. When we open our eyes we see something different, a different reality, a different perspective, a different life. Some of us dig deep, some of us are forced to dig deep. The universe is asking you to evolve your soul. Your soul is asking you to step up. This is a crisis on a mass scale. Are we looking at the next mass awakening?? ... I can only hop...e so for the sake of all of us. Know you are supported, on earth and the universe, god, the Devine what ever it is you want to call it. There IS a bigger picture. There IS hope. There IS growth no matter what your reality is. You ARE LOVED. We are all in this together.
05.01.2022 This is a very informative and supportive Mayan Weather Report for this current time from Perths lovely Mark Bentley. If you are needing a little direction or guidance in this time, certainly give this a listen
03.01.2022 Every had this realisation??? Ive had it many times. Theres a real knowing that we are here on this earth plane to learn, grow, expand and become the most enlightened we can be. Its about facing your challenges head on and not hiding them away to manifest into illness. To know that those challenges served you in some way, as they have shaped you to be who you are today. And today and everyday you are wonderful!! Not always perfect but perfectly imperfect . Since tu...rning 40 a month ago, I could feel real change going on for me. My inner world was intense in terms of stepping up into more spiritual growth (this isnt always a easy place to reside as your shit comes up to be healed) and my outer world showed signs of my dreams and desires slowly coming to fruition, a roller coaster it was! It sounds amazing to have dreams come to fruition and it is, but dont be fouled to think there is no blood, sweat and tears that go into the manifestation of your dreams and stepping into your lifes purpose. Sometimes when things come up for us, its important to really understand what the true trigger is, because most of the time there is a wounding inside if you that had been pressed on. So with all this. I had great realisations in merging my worlds of photography and Ayurveda for those who dont know, I also am @starkphotographics. So Ill eventually be stepping into the world of Birth photography and Doula. This seems like the most logical and nurturing thing I could ever do for myself and others utilising my strengths. Now I just have to arrange life so that I can do this. The miracle in knowing and getting clear, is that the universe opens up and delivers opportunities. For me this came as a new job with flexible hours and work from home. Which in turn mean I can leave support work and be on call to be a birth photographer and doula. Baby steps in the right direction. So down the track you will see a merging of social media, a new website and it will be all systems go!