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25.01.2022 Truth is honesty in a harmless way Truth can be painful. Humility comes from an accurate perception of what you are, you must know your strengths and weaknesses, your virtues and vices. Truth is dynamic... Not only are there different levels of truth, but also different aspects of truth. "Truth is based on validation not emotion." Master Choa Kok Suit
25.01.2022 Enlightened beings see the Divinity in everyone. The saint sees the Divinity in all and is very patient. A person who is good thinks other people are good. A person who is of doubtful character thinks other people are like him. The limitations of your brain do not change the reality that, to a certain degree, you are connected and one with your Higher Soul, and ultimately, to a certain degree also, you are connected and one with the Divine Spark and with God. The spiritual co...nnection of ordinary people is minimum. It is as thin as the spider thread while with a highly evolved Soul, the spiritual cord extends beyond the physical body. Heaven is not here or there or anywhere. It is Within you! -(Luke 17:21) This means that heaven is a higher state of consciousness or the gateway to heaven is within you. By meditating on the crown chakra or the blue pearl, one can experience heaven while still having a physical body. You can achieve illumination by looking at a flower. By looking at nature you can become one with all. If you can desire illumination as much as you desire air, you will achieve it.* *Taken from a popular yogic story in India. "By loving a person intensely and recognizing the Divinity, you achieve a certain degree of Oneness." Master Choa Kok Sui
24.01.2022 As pranic healers, we often witness many people's ailments that might be connected with their inability to forgive others. By forgiving you cut the cords that bind you to those who have hurt you. This allows your energy body to flow like a river, free and fluid. Forgiving heals, forgive yourself and forgive others. "Inner forgiveness is therapeutic. If you do not forgive, you cannot be internally healed. Forgiving heals." ... Master Choa Kok Sui See more
24.01.2022 Today's quote is simple, by practising forgiveness it shows that you have compassion. Forgiving people is the right thing to do, Sometimes it should just be forgive and forget Often people will say they cannot forgive, holding on to anger, resentment, is not a healthy thing to do this so forgive and move on with your life. People make mistakes, you make mistakes, start practising forgiveness. Start today, recall an event or situation, imagine the person in front of you who ...hurt you or caused you suffering, mentally say I forgive you for this, or that and let go. Mentally say I forgive you, go in peace. And then let go, do not remain entangled to this person or what they did. When you have forgiven them, it is done, don't mull over the event again, if you do you have not really forgiven them. "When you forgive other people, you bring out the glory in you" Master Choa Kok Sui
23.01.2022 Growth comes from experiences, you grow personally and spiritually each time you experience either happiness or pain. Live your life passionately, grow and grow some more. Become the best version of you. Live with passion, Love with passion ... "You grow by experiencing pain and happiness" Master Choa Kok Sui
22.01.2022 This quote seems simple yet the meaning is truly much deeper. In life, moderation is actually important in all areas of life, be it work, food, relaxation, fitness etc So all areas of our life are affected by balancing moderation. THis does not come easy for many people and you need to consciously practise moderation, one way is to practise when out at a party or a social dinner, practise moderation with your food intake. "Everything goes back to moderation" ... Master Choa Kok Sui See more
22.01.2022 Our minds are powerful so are the recurring thoughts we have, by having a positive attitude you can achieve anything. The Star Wars character Master Yoda said, to Luke Skywalker in the swamp "do or do not there is no try" This reminds us of a time our teacher Master Choa said something similar to his students while on a visit to Perth in 2004. We can control our future by applying the same rules, our teacher said... 'if you think it can be done ~ it can be done" Master Choa Kok Sui Create powerful thought forms that are positive and make things happen in your life.
21.01.2022 Let's begin by defining humility noun the quality of having a modest or low view of one's importance. When you practise humility, don't over inflate yourself or what you can do, be practising humility and being humble then energy and blessings flow to you.... When you are humble about what you know, for instance, about football, by saying i know alot about football but there is much i do not know, this is a form of humility. Rather than saying i know everything about football. "With humility comes power. When you become humble energy and blessings go to you " Master Choa Kok Sui
20.01.2022 By Master Stephen Co (from words and teachings of GMCKS): "Have you noticed when youre in deep meditation, sometimes you see purple? You know why? Your crown has a lot of violet energy. When you re in deep meditation, that violet energy pours down and breaks up all these negative thoughts and negative emotions." See more
19.01.2022 Today's quote is from one of the Golden Lotus Sutra books 'Beyond the Mind" by Master Choa Kok Sui. Sometimes you just need to read a quote and then meditate on it, by meditating on it you will understand the deeper meaning. Enjoy discovering the deeper meaning of today's quote, may you be blessed with tremendous light "The light is always there, How much light comes to you depends on you.." ... Master Choa Kok Sui See more
18.01.2022 We start the week with a reminder of a simple technique when faced with situations that out of your control, my teacher recommends you just withdraw from the situation and meditate on it. It sounds easy, what you find when you meditate on it, the whole situation becomes clearer and you gain a deeper understanding of what is actually going on. Sometimes you find your own answers sometimes you are just more at peace with what is happening around you.. "When a situation is beyond your control just be calm. Withdraw and meditate" Master Choa Kok Sui
18.01.2022 Today's quote is from Practical Psychic Self Defense for Home and Office by Master Choa Kok Sui. "When a person has strong spiritual connection with the higher soul, the person has integrity." Master Choa Kok Sui
18.01.2022 In conjunction with Teacher's Day in India, let us reaffirm our love and respect to our teacher, Master Choa Kok Sui. His teachings, love, guidance and wisdom transformed our lives forever. Our sincerest gratitude and respect to the Teacher whose Great Vision is for a better world for all. Following his last 3 messages, Let us practice diligently, continue to purify ourselves and spread the teachings. Following his last messages, please do share this quote with as many people as possible. Let us spread his message to the world! Happy Teacher's Day <3
18.01.2022 It is important to practice inner purification by doing this regularly your incarnated soul will be able to operate at a higher level of conciousness. "As you purify yourself thoroughly ,your ncarnated soul will be able to function on a higher level of conciousness." Master Choa Kok Sui
16.01.2022 In life there will always be obstacles, we must learn to be able to let go. This for some people might be difficult, but while people remain attached to the obstacle it's difficult for a situation to change. When you let go and just flow with things then the situation usually resolves much quicker. "Obstacles are part of life. You must flow like water.Learn to let go in order to flow with the situation." Master Choa Kok Sui
16.01.2022 Hidden in today's quote is really a discussion on the Law of Karma. Planting the right seeds is important, by giving or being more loving you are entitled to receive or harvest love in return. If you want more of something in life, then give it to another. If you want money, give money, if you want more love in life, be more loving ... "If you plant the right seeds you will harvest love. If you give love you will receive love." Master Choa Kok Sui
16.01.2022 Each day we open a book written by Master Choa Kok Sui searching for a message to share. The challenge is actually not finding one but choosing which piece of wisdom to share each day. In today's quote, we are reminded that it is easier to be kind and tolerant than attempt to change and improve everyone. Everyone is on their own journey just by being kind and tolerant shows others qualities they may aspire to have themselves. "It's easier to be kind and tolerant and detached... then to try to change and improve everybody" Master Choa Kok Sui See more
16.01.2022 Today;s quote is from Master Choa Kok Sui's sutra book '"Experience Being." Forgiveness is not a matter of what is right or wrong , its a matter of doing the right thing. Do not be unhappy the past is the past! Let go Practising forgiveness is a healthy thing, Anger and hatred bind people together, to break this entanglement you must forgive. If you want to be free you must forgive people... Forgive! Forgive! Forgive! As you forgive you will be forgiven "Learn to forgive, forgive and forgive!." Master Choa Kok Sui
16.01.2022 To help understand today's post lets begin with a definition of pride noun ~ a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of one's close associates, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired.... For many of us poor self-esteem started at an early age, we have lived with it through our lives and been told things by others that have reinforced this. self-esteem noun ~ confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self-respect Our poor or low self-esteem sometimes has us focusing on the things we have achieved or what others around us have achieved or acquired like worldly possessions. Having good self-esteem is a positive thing but we must do our best to eliminate pride, one of the easiest ways is through having self worth and self-respect, another is by getting help from a pranic healer to help you remove pride. The path I take is through my Arhatic Yoga practise and a process called inner purification. This allows me to reduce and remove pride while focusing on strengthening self-esteem. "One of the major sources of internal obstacle is pride. Pride comes from poor self-esteem" Master Choa Kok Sui
13.01.2022 Following on from yesterday we are reminded of the benefits of practising forgiveness. Forgiving those who have wronged us provides an opportunity for us to reduce our karmic debts. Forgiveness unshackles you from the binds or entanglement that holding on to anger or resentment creates. Today's quote is from Master Choa Kok Sui's sutra book '"Practical Psychic Self-Defense for Home and Office." "Forgiving others who have wronged you is an opportunity for you to balance your k...armic debts." Master Choa Kok Sui See more
11.01.2022 To understand today's quote one should have an understanding of the Higher Soul and the Incarnated Soul, Two aspects of the whole.THis quote refers to the lower nature of the incarnated soul often described as our weakness, our cravings, greed, fears etc. Once the incarnated soul has overcome these lower nature's to a certain degree there is an opportunity for there to be a greater connection with the higher soul. "The Higher Soul has to slay the lower nature in order to overcome it."
11.01.2022 Your spiritual growth is evolutionary, by the nature of evolution there must be change, survival of the fittest is also linked to evolution. For your soul to evolve the wiring and circuitry of the physical body must be upgraded this can be done on many levels, health clean energetically speaking diet, exercise to strengthen and inner purification of negative qualities. The practise of Arhatic Yoga can support the rapid evolution of your soul. "The evolution of the soul must be accompanied by the evolution of the physical body." Master Choa Kok Sui
10.01.2022 Thinking deeply is a form of meditation, when you think deeply on a subject you will reach a greater understanding of the subject. "Think, think, think. Penetrate deeply through all the layers; by thinking through a subject deeply you reach a greater understanding " Master Choa Kok Sui
10.01.2022 Miracles are often seen as things people cannot explain, often people say there is no scientific reason that something has happened. Just because science can't prove it today does not mean it won't be able to be proven in the future. Electricity has existed for thousands of years and science has only in the last 200 or so years been able to measure and harness it. Miracles are actually based on the laws of nature Miracles do not break the laws of nature they are actually bas...ed on them." Master Choa Kok Sui See more
09.01.2022 Intellectual property is as real as physical property. Intellectual property must be respected. Practise mental non-stealing. Do not buy pirated copies. When a person takes what does not belong to him/her the energy goes down, even the sizes of their chakras are reduced "Stealing generates poverty karma"... Master Choa Kok Sui See more
09.01.2022 Today's quote reflects on the fact that we all make mistakes, what's important is to not wallow in the mud stuck focusing on our mistakes, By learning the lesson we can avoid making the same mistake again. There is no point being too hard on yourself, just dust yourself off and get on with your life "Don't make a big fuss when you make a mistake. Just keep going. Do not be to hard on yourself" ... Master Choa Kok Sui See more
08.01.2022 Through the practise of meditation, you raise your vibration, light begins to radiate through your body and aura. Practitioners of meditation tend to increase their connection to the higher soul and achieve oneness to varying degrees. Blessings Dean "The purpose of meditation in the long run is to achieve oneness with the higher soul. The degree of oneness is seen by the light."... Master Choa Kok Sui See more
07.01.2022 Forgiveness is the right thing to do. Start practising it today, forgive someone for wronging you. Forgive and forget. By doing this you may feel lighter, as if a weight has lifted from you, it's also good for your energetic health. Today's quote is from Master Choa Kok Sui's sutra book '"Experience Being." "Forgiveness is not a matter of who is right or wrong it is a matter of doing the right thing." ... Master Choa Kok Sui See more
07.01.2022 In life, we should show loving kindness to others and be kind to ourselves. Being kind to yourself means feeding your body with healthy food, giving it rest and exercise and not having negative thoughts or being self-critical. You should always be positive, we all make mistakes however we have the opportunity to learn and grow from them. Others also make mistakes, don't judge others and you are less likely to be judged by others. Practise loving kindness to yourself and other...s. "Show loving kindness to others and be kind to yourself" Master Choa Kok Sui
07.01.2022 Meditating regularly is like going to the gym and doing a workout for the physical body, ,meditation supports the evolution of your energy body and your soul. When you meditate regularly you typically experience more peace and stillness in your life. "With regular meditation, your body will be filled with light, love and power.You will become a highly evolved person"... Master Choa Kok Sui See more
06.01.2022 change. When our expectations are realistic we do not suffer. "Suffering is brought about by the unrealistic expectation that nothing will change. Suffering comes from inaccurate and unrealistic expectation " Master Choa Kok Sui
04.01.2022 "Before the "brilliant light", there is the dark void. The inner world consists of a series of greater "brilliant light" and dark void. This dark void seems to be a transition realm between two worlds or realms of "brilliant light'. To experience the light you first need to experience darkness to identify the difference. Today's quote comes from... The existence of God is Self Evident. 2nd Edition. By Master Choa Kok Sui "Before the brilliant Light there is the dark void" Master Choa Kok Sui
03.01.2022 As you develop yourself and grow spiritually, people around you begin to change and are influenced by the changes that you undergo and share as you become a better person. As you progress the world at a certain level progresses to a certain degree. "As you develop, people around you also develop. As you progress, the world progresses to a certain degree." Master Choa Kok Sui
03.01.2022 Saying to yourself you are not the body, you are not your emotions, eases your suffering. it' important to remember you are a soul, with a body, When you remember you are the soul your realise you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions and you are not the body. "In the moment of weakness don't identify with your body or your emotion. Remember who you are, what you are " Master Choa Kok Sui
02.01.2022 eople often ask why am I here, what is my purpose ? It may be as simple as to grow up, spiritually speaking. To understand this you may need to be on a spiritual journey, pranic healing is a bridge to spiritual development and Arhatic Yoga enables the rapid evolution for your soul. "The mission of your life, of your soul, is to grow up.." Master Choa Kok Sui
02.01.2022 Today is a milestone for our Daily Quotes, 2 years ago we committed to posting a MCKS quote daily for 30 days, we later changed this to a one year or 365 day challenge. Today is now day 730, exactly two years of sharing a MCKS quote and we hope you have enjoyed the daily quote we have shared over the past 730 days, if you have been part of this since day one, well done for checking them. It's pertinent then to be talking about constancy of aim and effort today. ... It has taken this virtue to be able to find a quote, a suitable image and a summary every day for the past 2 years. If a person masters the virtue of constancy of aim and effort, that person is destined to be successful. Another term for constancy of aim and effort is industriousness, make a schedule. A schedule is a manifestation of emotional commitment Setting a schedule of is a commitment of physical effort. Once you have a schedule maintain the schedule. Do not let anything stop you! Daily preparation has been our last 24 months, every evening finding a quote from one of Master Choa Kok Sui's books, finding a suitable image, creating a post, putting some words around the message and then scheduling the post/email. It has been a wonderful opportunity to dive deep into the teachings of MCKS daily and be reminded about the wisdom and power of his teachings. Atma Namaste, Master Choa Kok Sui, we are so very grateful for all you have shared and continue to. Thank You Thank You Thank You. "Constancy of aim and effort is the quality needed for greatness " Master Choa Kok Sui
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