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A Labour of Love Aqua
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24.01.2022 Did you know that A Labour of Love Centre is now open and has its own facebook page? Like us to stay up to date with all the happenings at the centre including the class timetable, updates and special offers!
23.01.2022 Creating the birth you want and desire It is your right as a woman to create and implement the type of birth you wish for, bring your baby into the world in the most peaceful and loving way possible. The Labour of Love program is about just that. Assisting women and their partners to acknowledge and understand that empowered, peaceful and calm birthing is possible. All you have to do is believe it is possible.... The key word to use when talking about birth is surrender. Surrender is what is really necessary to bring a baby into the world. If you have problems with letting go of the need to control situations, hypnosis during labour will be just right for you, as it assists in allowing women to let go and just relax into the natural rhythms of labour. Trust is another really important component of birthing. Knowing how to trust your body to do the job it is designed to do. Being aware of trusting your own intuition, listening to what your body is telling you. Staying positive, in your mental capacity. Your thoughts really do create your reality so what is it that you are thinking about daily? Are you listening to all the negative stories or are you requesting for them not to be told to you. It is totally within your right to block out any story you do not wish to listen to. Be really clear in knowing that other womens stories are not your story. Women tell their stories to debrief themselves on others, because some how it makes them feel heard. This will not however help you in your preparation. Being very clear and focused upon the birth you wish to create will assist your whole being to believe that the type of birth you are visualising each and everyday is exactly what is going to happen. The clearer you are in your intent to Surrender, Trust and Stay Positive about your labour birth experience the greater chance you have of achieving that outcome.
23.01.2022 Organising your labour bag what do you really need? Women often ask me, What do I really need to take to hospital for the birth? In order of priority I have compiled the list below which I hope will assist you... Labour Massage Oil (scented or plain) Labour Calming Remedy Bach flower Rescue remedy OR Australian Bush flower Essence Labour face spray/room spray to change the smell to something you like Fresh bottled drinking water Your own fitball Wheat/Gel heat pacs/Hot water bottle Hypnosis for Birth Labour/birthing CD/Peaceful music CD/stereo MP3 player Food and Drink Low GI foods to sustain your energy- Bananas are fantastic! Big t-shirt or dressing gown to wear around Socks so your feet stay warm Your own pillow or blanket Piece of Foam 1 metre by 1 metre for the floor in the shower to kneel on
22.01.2022 A Big thank you to Sarah Kahle who is updated this FB page on my behalf - Sarah is currently pregnant again looking like a Yummy Mummy as she attends my NEW aqua classes!
21.01.2022 Some incredible photos of some beautiful bellies underwater! Maybe some inspiration for our water mummas... http://www.news.com.au//photo/story-fnet08ck-1227100962244
21.01.2022 Class is on tomorrow at 9.30, see you in the pool ladies!
20.01.2022 OUR THOUGHTS REALLY DO CREATE OUR REALITY SO WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? If your thoughts really do create your reality, what is it that you are projecting out and focusing on mentally with regard to your labour and birth experience that you wish to create with this labour/birth?... Women have to watch -The self fulfilling prophecy of attracting to them the very thing they do not wish to have happen in labour! Women who often focus so intently on the very thing they do not wish to have happen, more often than not end up with having it!.
20.01.2022 See you in the pool!
19.01.2022 There are many benefits in doing exercises in water. It helps you carry your body weight, which helps to reduce backaches and eliminates common ailments that pregnant mothers often experience.
19.01.2022 Pregnancy Aqua-fitness class NOW AVAILABLE at Oceanic Waterbabies Centre in Success on Hammond Rd cnr Darlot Ave. Monday 9.30am-10.45am and Weds 5.30pm-6.45pm No need to book - just turn up- casual class $20 book of 5 classes $80 book of 10 classes is $170. These classes will focus on Fitness, strength, flexibility and relaxation. What you need to bring is a water bottle, towel, money and a good sense of humour! Hope to see you at my new venue- Gabyx
18.01.2022 Being pregnant should not stop you from maintaining a fit body. With my help, you can keep a healthy lifestyle and have a happy pregnancy. If you are looking for fun and safe exercise program, my aqua-fitness class is for you.
18.01.2022 This is so beautiful!
18.01.2022 So what is it that you really want during childbirth? Diana Korte and Roberta M. Scaer who wrote A good birth, a safe birth, conducted a survey in the form of a questionnaire from three different cities in America asking women to list what they felt were the most important needs during childbirth. Interestingly, I myself have asked women here in Australia the same question and found the response to be almost identical. Perhaps these needs are essentially universal particularl...y in the western and developed countries? These responses were from and I quote; Women of very diverse educational and economic backgrounds agreed on whats important in maternity care being:- They want their partner or babys partner to be present for the labor, delivery, and recovery and to have unrestricted visiting rights. They want a lot of contact with their babies, immediately after birth and throughout their hospital stay. Women who breastfeed want effective help from nurses and doctors They want their other children to visit them and see and hold the new baby. They want cooperation and assistance from the hospital staff-doctors and nurses-in using prepared childbirth techniques Pg 8, 1992
17.01.2022 FUTURE PROJECTION EXERCISE for creating anything positive in your life especially the labour you desire! IMAGINE-EERING POSITIVE FOCUS OR INTENT ON DISIRED OUTCOME... FOCUS ON THE THING YOU WANT TO CREATE SEE IT EXACTLY THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO BE IN THE FINEST DETAIL POSSIBLE AS YOU IMAGINE THIS THING BELIEVE IT TO BE REAL IMAGINEER EVERYDAY TO KEEP YOUR FOCUS AND VISION CLEAR BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE TO BE REAL AND TRUST THAT YOUR DESIRED OUTCOME IS COMING TO YOU WHEN THE TIME IS RIGHT OUR THOUGHTS REALLY DO CREATE OUR REALITY If our thoughts really do create our reality, what is it that you are projecting out and focusing on mentally with regard to the labour and birth experience that you wish to have with this baby?
16.01.2022 Start to believe that - YOU ARE RIGHT NOW, A VAGINALLY BIRTHING WOMAN! Say it, feel it, mean it, know it. Be so full up to the brim with powerful belief and emotion that there is no room for anything elseno room for that nagging voice, that in the moments of self doubt leave you wondering about what is going to happen. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.... Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich I am suggesting you write this statement out and put it on your fridge, in the bathroom and on your chest of drawers or wherever is close to your bed that you see it first thing when you wake up in the morning BELIEVE IN YOU THE STRONG WOMAN THAT YOU ARE BELIEVE IN THE EMPOWERED AND EDUCATED WOMAN THAT YOU ARE RIGHT NOW AT THIS VERY MOMENT:- BELIEVE IN HOW STRONG YOUR BODY IS AND HOW CAPABLE IT IS IN DOING THIS JOB IT IS DISIGNED TO DO. REALLY TRUST IN YOUR ABILITY RIGHT NOW Affirmations are one of the most important ways of telling yourself what you believe to be true and real.
16.01.2022 Opening soon- in Perth!!
15.01.2022 Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, And everything your heart desires must come to you. Shakti Gawain
14.01.2022 I am in Alice Springs again!!
14.01.2022 It is official I have just birthed my new A Labour of Love website- check it out!!
12.01.2022 We are on the move- I love the NT
10.01.2022 Pregnancy/Post Birth Massage June special is about to start!
10.01.2022 Endorphins The natural helper during labour and a womans assistant! Endorphins are neuropeptides natural opiates which the body produces in the pituitary gland to make us feel calm and relaxed. Their effect is 10 times greater than that of morphine and is similar in properties to that of pethadine and heroin which, coincidentally, work on the same receptors of the brain. Endorphins are produced in the brain stem, nerve endings and the placenta. From Birthing from Within... Pg. 197, Pam England and Rob Horowitz suggest: When the brain perceives pain (especially with the added stimulus of stress) endorphins are released. Endorphins are chemical compounds secreted by the brain and adrenal glands, and have a pain-relieving effect ten times more potent than morphine. Endorphins are also mood elevators (e.g., provide a runners high). As dilation progresses the sensation of pain will increase. The more pain you have, the more endorphins are released to help you cope. The rising level of endorphins contributes to a shift from a thinking, rational mindset to a more primitive and instinctive one. Endorphins take you to a dream-like state, which meshes well with the tasks of birthing. The main effect endorphins have on our body during labour: Modify the pain - the intensity of pain may feel less than it actually is Create a sense of well being women may feel very calm and blissful Alter the sense of time women often totally loose track of time Make women forget about the pain intensity after the baby is born like amnesia, women almost always forget about the intensity of the labour immediately after the birth Endorphin production is at its highest point during the transition phase of labour which explains why a lot of women find it considerably hard to remember the pain associated with the pushing part of the birth. At the height of the pushing stage the endorphin production helps a woman to manage the pain and assists her to focus inwardly to work...
09.01.2022 The class will be on this public holiday Monday- so put on your swimmers and come on down to the class you will love it- for sure.
09.01.2022 Dont let the cold weather prevent you from coming to class... Did you know that we have heated floors in our changerooms, and the pool is heated to a toasty 34 degrees! Next class is Monday at 9.30am. Hope to see you there!
08.01.2022 What is the non-medical model approach to birth? The non-medical model approach to birth is a no-fear approach to childbirth with the emphasis being placed on women trusting their body and its ability to birth naturally. It is about thinking in a positive way, having positive thoughts daily, using meditation, visualization and hypnosis for birth everyday.... Saying affirmations, sighting visually affirmations that you have around the house, at work or in the car Understanding your body, and how it produces a complex and amazing concoction of hormones that assist you to labour and birth In a calm way with inner focus Gaining an understanding of the function of the uterine muscles and how they assist in the birth of your baby Educating yourself to know what your options are in your birthing environment Believing in your body and its ability to birth
07.01.2022 Swimming whilst pregnant is fantastic for your body and your baby. Laughing while pregnant is even better. Our aqua fitness classes provide you with plenty of both! The classes are located in the beautiful heated pools at Oceanic Waterbabies - 1 Darlot Ave, Success. Monday 9.30am-10.45am & Wednesday 5.30pm-6.45pm Cost is $20 casual or you can purchase a 5 or 10 class pass for discounts.
07.01.2022 No class this Australia Day so enjoy your day and go to the beach for a swim instead xx
07.01.2022 Its hard to know if its summer or winter at the moment but I do know that its a toasty 34 degrees in the pool! The next Aqua Fitness class is on at 9.30am Monday morning. No need to book, see you in the water!
06.01.2022 With regard to not so positive birth experiences -Just know that the past is the past YOU CANT CHANGE THAT however you CAN CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK AND FEEL ABOUT IT hindsight can be a powerful tool so use it in the best possible way. It is important that you understand that you made choices and decisions during your previous birth experience based on the knowledge and understanding you had back then, and at that time it seemed the right thing for you, your body and ba...by. This time around things are different for you. You a growing a different baby, experiencing a different pregnancy and this can and will be a totally different birth experience. TRUST and surrender any preconceived ideas or assumptions you have about this impending experience going the same way as the last experience, as it has no bearing at all on what is going to go on this time. Ask yourself - Is there any limiting obstacles, fears or worries that you have around the labour/birth of this baby you are growing within you at this present time? If you are writing down some fears and worries, ask yourself are these realistic and legitimate or are these things just negative responses that have come from other people? FEAR is known as FALSE EVIDENCE APPEAR REAL is your fear real or fabricated in your mind based on other peoples conditioning around labour and birth?
06.01.2022 Pamper Me packages are for EVERY WOMAN because you deserve it!!
06.01.2022 Spring is in the air so its time to get active and make the most of your glorious pregnancy. Our next class is Wednesday night at 5.30 at Oceanic Waterbabies, Success. Come and have a twilight swim and a float with some gorgeous ladies and their beautiful bellies!
04.01.2022 PLANNING YOUR BIRTH WRITING UP YOUR SPECIFIC BIRTH WANTS AND NEEDS LIST A GUIDELINE TO HELP YOU PREPARE FOR YOUR OWN BIRTH. There are many options and possibilities when planning your labour and birth. But most importantly remember that this is your birth and no one elses. With that in mind it is important not to write/draw a guideline for birth based on what your husband, mother, sister or best friend wants to see. This is truly about you and your body and the way you fe...el you would like to bring your baby into the world. It is therefore imperative that you have a sound and clear understanding of what you would really like. Going into the birth process with a clear understanding can and will help you to be really prepared both Mentally and Physically. Birth after all is 90% mental and 10% physical. There a number of ways to gain information and understanding of the types of births available, some of which may include; attending Pre-Natal classes (either hospital or private), reading books, watching videos and talking to other women about their experiences. (Just watch out for the really negative stories!)
03.01.2022 Official opening is the 16th of November for my NEW A Labour of Love centre. The new website will go live on Wednesday with all the details as to what is going on- we would love to see you all come down and attend some post birth Mum and Bub classes or have a massage etc
01.01.2022 It is no accident that you receive nine months in which to prepare for birth! The nine-month period of pregnancy is a sacred time of growth and self-analysis both internally and externally. It is a time to readjust and accept the life force within; a time of growing knowledge and acceptance of the birth journey, of a changing body, mind and spirit. It is a time of celebration for the new journey and beautiful birth ahead of new life, with no place for self doubt and fear. Fr...om this day on, I ask that you look forward in a positive way as you grow your baby within. I want women to really ask themselves, what type of birth do I want (make no mistake-this is about you and your body and your baby therefore it goes without say that you need to know what you want ) start to say to yourself everyday, as an ongoing affirmation number one,- (write this on a piece of paper and put it on your fridge!) My body and my baby are open to the wonderfully positive aspects of pregnancy and birth. See more
01.01.2022 Winter time is the best time to exercise when your pregnant, especially when your in a lovely warm pool. There are also so many other reasons to join me and the other lovely pregnant women, not only will you get a great workout aerobically and great toning, we also chat about childbirth, hypnosis and other wonderful things whilst we exercise! I always save the best part to last and that is the relaxation! Can you imagine being floated around in warm steamy water, listen to the tune of Pachabels Canon in D- ? If you can come and join me Mon-9.30 am and Weds 5.30pm 1 Darlot Ave, Success. Gabriellex