Presentation College Windsor in Windsor, Victoria, Australia | Religious school
Presentation College Windsor
Locality: Windsor, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 8517 2777
Address: 187 Dandenong Road 3181 Windsor, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1484
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25.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Paige Connor Paige has been a student at PCW since 2015 arriving as a Year 7 student. Paige has participated in numerous College events such as Presentation Day, Swimming and Athletic carnivals and Music Fest. In 2019, Paige travelled to Italy with the school to enhance her language skill of Italian. Paige was the Kostka Music Leader for 2020.
25.01.2022 Tomorrow afternoon, Susan McLean, a highly respected cyber safety expert, will be holding a live Facebook Q & A session about keeping children safe online while in lockdown. Although it is short notice, we encourage parents to take advantage of this opportunity if you can. Click on the event link below for more details.
23.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Bridie Wilcox Favourite memory at PCW As well as encountering the most remarkable school adventure -a PCW school experience-, one of my most fond memories is singing on stage with my sister and friends at PCW’s final Music Festival.... What you will miss about PCW? I will miss seeing everyone in the school-yard and knowing that I could walk up to and talk to any of them. I will miss all our beautiful teachers and students and I hope that they are appreciated wherever they go. I hope that our lanterns will lead us to each other again. What is next for you? I hope to meet many more amazing people and be able to help them in times of need. I hope to study at Australian Catholic University and become an Occupational Therapist. Personal Motivational Quote "Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth."
23.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Xiaojun (Sherry) Xu Favourite memory at PCW I absolutely loved being part of the Year 12 Formal this year and Music Fest in 2019... What you will miss about PCW? Having fun with my friends at PCW. The family of PCW. What is next for you? I want to study at university and do some travel Personal Motivational Quote ‘You will make it!’
23.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Carla Torre Favourite memory at PCW My favourite memory at PCW was probably going to Singapore and having the opportunity to travel with all of my friends. My fondest memory from Singapore is getting lost with my friends on the first night and walking half an hour in the wrong direction then having to call a taxi to take us back to the apartment.... What you will miss about PCW? I will most miss the school atmosphere and the friends that I have surrounded myself with for the past years. What is next for you? I am hoping to go to university and do an arts degree potentially interstate to experience more of Australia.
23.01.2022 Today, we continue the Easter story. We invite you to join us in our prayer for Good Friday.
22.01.2022 To our PCW Community, Staff, Students and families - we wish you all a safe and relaxing long weekend. We are looking forward to our Year 7 to 10 students returning on Tuesday.
22.01.2022 Welcome back to our VCE Presentation girls, great to see them enjoying their new spaces in Nagle and they loved being welcomed back with a PCW scarf to keep them warm.
22.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Scarlett Wihongi Favourite memory at PCW 2018 PCW day- (disco party) I remember everyone was having so much fun dancing and singing together! Everyone was getting involved and having the best time. This made me incredibly happy, seeing as I had the most amazing group of girls surrounding me and knew I would make lifelong friends.... What you will miss about PCW? I feel that over the 6 years of being at PCW, I've built the best connections with teaches and the amazing friendships with the girls who have helped me grow and mature. Leaving PCW I'm really going to miss having supporting and caring family around me What is next for you? I will be going to study a Bachelor of Nursing at university and hope to become a registered nurse after my course and work in Melbourne hospitals, as well as volunteer in hospitals around the world, caring for those in vulnerable communities. I also plan to travel places like Europe and Asia with friends and family and try as many new experiences as I can. Personal Motivational Quote "Don't limit you challenges. Challenge you limits"
21.01.2022 Nano Nagle Memorial Day | 26th April We remember Nano Nagle, a woman who faced dark reality with a light of hope. She opened the door of education to children who were deprived of that right.... She wandered the winding lanes for need called her there, and love was her lantern flame. In the face of fear she chose to be daring. She reached out in a spirit of compassion and hospitality. A woman of welcoming heart. Always going one step beyond. What a legacy that is! Today we are Nanos legacy. She is our foundation, and we, her wings. We tell her story in our story. Her dream is realised in our living. She is the heart and we, her heartbeat Let us love and celebrate Nano, by our living by our loving by our presence and by our service. Let us follow in the footsteps of Nano, not only in words but deeds. Now and Forever.
20.01.2022 Todays remote learning tip from our students is to stay connected. Although the Government has announced some easing of restrictions this week, it may still be some time before we get to see our friends from school. Now that the school day is over, we encourage our students to reach out to a friend and say hello . Perhaps you could touch base with someone you havent spoken to for a while, send a thoughtful message to a friend to let them know youre thinking of them, or... look back through your photos and pick one to email to remind each other of some good times youve shared together. To our other community members: parents, past students, teachers... we encourage you to do the same! Being apart and disconnected from family and friends can be difficult. Some people may be excited about seeing others again or may be feeling anxious about changes announced this week - make sure you reach out for some support if you need it. Students can contact the school counsellor on the number they have been provided during school hours. There are also some great external organisations that can be of assistance to anyone who needs it: Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800 eHeadspace 1800 650 890 Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 Life Line 13 11 14 Victoria Police 000
20.01.2022 Our students and staff have shared pictures and special messages of love for their mums this week so we could share them with you as a special treat. We invite you to watch the video weve created and join us in a prayer of thanks. Happy Mothers Day to all of the amazing mothers and mother figures in our community!
20.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Elizabeth Tran Favourite memory at PCW My favourite memories include the Presentation Days and Sport days. The best activity is playing benches in P.E as well as being able to be in class with friends.... What you will miss about PCW? I will miss my teachers and their level of support they provide. I will also miss going to school with my friends. What is next for you? I will attend university studying law or real estate property. I also hope to be able to travel and go to many new places. Personal Motivational Quote ‘There's a women and lifestyle I strive for, until I reach that point, I have work to do.’
19.01.2022 We were happy to see our Senior students return for Term 3. The days will start slightly different to usual with temperature checks happening for students. We wish these students well for Term 3.
18.01.2022 The health and safety of our community is a priority at this time, so in line with Government social distancing recommendations, we have made the decision to postpone the Windsor High Tea, which was originally scheduled for Sunday, 17 May. It is our hope that we will be able to reschedule the event for a weekend in September this year. As soon as we are in a position to recommence planning, we will advise our community of the updated details. Stay healthy and happy everyone.
18.01.2022 Wonderful to see our students still engaging in learning and practical classes. Check out one of our students who in her Product Design & Technology class has made some new pyjamas.
17.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Lexus Wilson Lexus began at Presentation College in 2015 as a Year 7 student. Throughout her time here she has enjoyed Music Fest, camps and being with her friends. Lexus has been part of the VCAL/VET program at the school and hopes to complete TAFE next year.
17.01.2022 It is lovely to have our girls back in the classroom and particularly re-engaging in practical classes
17.01.2022 We are asking for our families to help us in our efforts to assist St Vinnies this winter with an appeal for Winter Care Bag donations. Bags can be packed with warm clothes, blankets, toiletries and non-perishable food items. Students can bring the bags to school when they return and they will earn house points for each bag donated. Thank you in advance for your assistance and generosity in your support of our students initiative.
16.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Abigail Youl Favourite memory at PCW The musicals, music festivals and any special moment I shared with the people I care about.... What you will miss about PCW? I will miss walking to a place where I see my best friends and share the best memories every day, as well as knowing that I am a part of a strong and caring Presentation community. What is next for you? I am hoping to pursue a Bachelor of Civil Engineering at university where the skills I learn can be used to help people all around the world. Personal Motivational Quote ‘Do what you think is right because you'll be criticised anyway.’
15.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Mia Glover Mia joined PCW in 2018 and has made some very long lasting friendships during her time at the College. She has enjoyed participating in the VCAL/VET program offered by the school and hopes to finish her studies at TAFE next year.
14.01.2022 Competition is usually fierce for the coveted PCW House Cup and we have had to get creative to come up with ways for students to earn house points whilst they are learning remotely. Over the past week, our girls have been showing off their trusted sidekicks and today we announced the best in show.
14.01.2022 CBC St Kilda were unable to hold their Open Day at the end of last term. However, if you missed out or you're looking for a school to enrol your child in 2021 and beyond, they have shared the first of their Virtual Open Day Tours. We encourage our families and community members to take a look by clicking on the link in their post below
13.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Madeleine Whiteside Favourite memory at PCW Being able to get involved with all things presentation like Music Fest and Presentation Day. Being able to go on the Singapore trip would definitely have to be my highlight.... What you will miss about PCW? I will miss seeing my friends and all the teachers that have been there for us to get us where we are today. What is next for you? I am hoping to go to university to do study in Design and to make many new memories such as traveling with friends and family. Personal Motivational Quote "Don’t stop until you’re proud"
12.01.2022 House Cup Badge Design Competition Congratulations to Athena Anastasopoulos and Audrey Guevarra whose badge design was selected as the favourite for the PCW 2020 House Cup. The badges are now in production and will be awarded to the winning house at the end of Term 4. Thank you to all of our designers for submitting such creative and well-considered designs.
11.01.2022 Please join us in congratulating Year 12 student, Juliana Nield, whose artwork, Eye Make Change, was selected for the 2020 Top Arts exhibition displayed at the National Gallery of Victoria (NGV). With only 46 artworks selected from 1,713 submissions, this is an outstanding achievement! The NGV is temporarily closed, so we are unable to see it in person at present. In the meantime, the NGV has created a Top Arts hub on their website, which includes a virtual tour of the exhibition, videos from curator, David Menzies, insights from exhibiting students, annotated folios, student interviews and a booklet for VCE Art students with focus questions and folio tips. You can find it all here:
11.01.2022 It was great to welcome back our whole community today. Our Year 7 & 8's are enjoying the new Nagle garden.
11.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Eleni Zapantis Favourite memory at PCW I have loved participating in SCSA day events as I was able to play new sports. I had a great time playing team sports and laughing around with my friends.... What you will miss about PCW? I will miss the friendliness of the PCW community and being able to see everyone, especially my friends. What is next for you? I hope to be able to attend university and to be able to travel the world shortly after. Personal Motivational Quote ‘Life is better when you're laughing.’
11.01.2022 The Easter story is a story of love and hope. We believe that the power of Gods love that raised Jesus to new life on Easter will help us overcome the darkness that prevails in our world today. As we celebrate Easter this year, during this challenging and extraordinary moment in history, know that we shall overcome the darkness through the power of love and hope. Together we pray... May we open our hearts, when all is closed. May we open our minds, when fear can overwhelm. May we open our arms, and find ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbours. May we embrace the Easter hope kinder than before. Amen. Wishing all in our Presentation family a blessed and holy Easter. Stay safe out there.
10.01.2022 Today is International Family Day and the start of National Family Week. Our school community gathered online this morning to reflect on what family means to us. Family is one of lifes most precious gifts. They can take many different forms and each family is different. Family can connect us to our past and be the ground for our future.... Family can extend beyond who were related to. Our family can consist of supportive and caring friends with whom we enjoy a strong connection. Family is not always a birthright, but a choice. It can stem from an act of kindness that helps us thrive. Family can also be a community that we belong to and find strength within, such as the wonderful community we share together here at PCW. No matter how your families are made up, we hope that each and every one of you are surrounded by those who love you unconditionally, you support each other to flourish, and find peace in the love, laughter, tears and moments you share together.
10.01.2022 Stretching was one of the most frequent remote learning tips given by our students. A good habit to get into no matter where youre learning or what your occupation is.
09.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Bronte Webster Favourite memory at PCW My favourite memory at PCW was Year 12 Formal and all of the Presentation Days... What you will miss about PCW? All the people at PCW and the experiences we have had together What is next for you? Take a gap year and hopefully finding out what I want to do and go to university.
09.01.2022 Yesterday we closed the College after a member of our community tested positive for COVID-19. Our thoughts are with this young person, family and friends and all who are impacted. We are working closely with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Catholic Education Melbourne (CEM) to ensure we receive the best and most timely advice possible, and that the wellbeing of our students and staff is paramount. We ask families and students to check their emails regul...arly for updates regarding remote learning and the reopening of the school. As a Catholic community, we respond in this time of need with compassion, prayer and action. We thank our community for your support, and encourage you all to look after yourselves and one another.
09.01.2022 Our students were recently asked for their best wellbeing tips for remote learning and wed like to share them with our school community. Well be posting a series of tips over the coming weeks. It is important that we engage and connect at this time, so please feel free to share with us how you are practicing these wellbeing tips, or share some other tips with us, by tagging Presentation College Windsor or commenting on our posts. Have a great day everyone!
08.01.2022 Two of our Year 9 students Bridgette and Zara sharing some of their creative designs using the 3D modelling software Tinkercad. The girls have been teaching themselves how to use the software during remote learning, very impressive work!
07.01.2022 As a school community, we have been privileged to provide an education to thousands of young women, across multiple generations. Nano Nagle, the Presentation Sisters and their values have been the soul of our schools community, and our students have been its beating heart. To commemorate this legacy, we are working on a project to capture the essence and history of the College through the women who have walked its halls. We know that each of you have a connection with the ...College and will have many stories to share. You can get involved by sharing your story or nominating a fellow alumna by completing our questionnaire at We are seeking past students across multiple decades who are willing to share memories of their daily school life, who can tell us what a typical school day and year was like during their times, what it was like to be a day student or a boarder, etc. We are also interested to know what values and/or inspiration you received from an education at PCW. Did it help guide you as you moved beyond the gates and went on to further studies; did a teacher or subject inspire a career pathway; did you make a wonderful home for you family; were you a Prefect, Captain, Dux, the lead in a production; do you have family connections with the College? Please be aware that we are not necessarily only looking for past students whom have had high profile success since leaving PCW, we want to hear from many perspectives. To get involved, we invite you to complete our online questionnaire or contact our Community Engagement Officer, Nikki Williams, at [email protected]. Final stories to be published will be selected by the Commemorative Project Committee to ensure coverage across multiple generations of students. We look forward to hearing from you!
06.01.2022 With gratitude being one of the wellbeing tips for today, we decided to give a shout out to our amazing staff on Telstras #saythanks billboard, located on Bourke Street in the city. We believe they have done an incredible job in transitioning to remote learning - we hope you do too. If youd like to join us in giving thanks, feel free to give some words of gratitude and encouragement in the comments below. Perhaps you might also like to give thanks to someone in your life or to those doing great things for our community at this time. You can share a message on the billboard too by texting a brief message to 1484 THANKS. (SMS rates apply, so please make sure you have permission from your parent/guardian, if needed).
06.01.2022 As we gather in our homes this Easter period let us reassess what is important in life. To be kind, to value love and compassion, to serve others in need, to have courage and to be people of hope for each other.
05.01.2022 Today we remember those Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Please let us know how your family commemorated today by commenting below or tag us in your posts so we can share and give thanks to our service men and women together. Yesterday, our school community came together through Google Meet to commemorate and pray as a school community. The prayer service was led by our student leaders and reflected on the sacrifice made by... many, as well as the responsibility we have today to ensure we become agents of peace for future generations. We also kept in our prayers all first responders, medical staff and essential workers during this time of pandemic. The service included The Ode, one minute silence and the Reveille, which was followed by Ms Virgato laying the wreath at our nations flag on behalf of the school. Our school Captain, Bridie Wilcox, ended the service by encouraging families to commemorate ANZAC Day at home this year and provided a number of suggestions to do so.
05.01.2022 PCW Year 12 Honour Roll Kas Thomas-Evens Favourite memory at PCW The VCE music class 2018-2019 was always the highlight of my week. We had so many fun times together and became super close... my favourite memory was probably our final class together at the end of 2019, where our teacher allowed us to have a small party, so we all brought balloons and snacks and played games and music. It was a fun time to celebrate the class of 2019 graduating, and the class of 2020 students... having fun all together. What you will miss about PCW? The fun-loving community What is next for you? University and continuing to work/volunteer with my local council! Personal Motivational Quote ‘If our beliefs tell us one thing, and the needs of real people tell us another, can there be any question of which we should listen to?’
03.01.2022 Not even Covid-19 can stop our beloved Presentation Sisters Mary and Robyn from visiting the new Nagle Building and seeing the students engaged in a Psychology lesson about photographic memory.
03.01.2022 Today in Sandies Kitchen Treats Students and Staff were shown how to make this scrumptious cinnamon bun recipe in the microwave. Last week Sandie showed us how to created delicious ice-cream sandwiches. Students and staff are invited to join Sandie every Thursday @ 1:00pm via zoom.
02.01.2022 Today Presentation College Windsor stood in solidarity with our refugees and asylum seekers with messages of welcome and hope. The students and staff live out the mission of our founder, Nano Nagle through faith in action standing in solidarity with those in need. To Flourish as Presentation, means that we all flourish together, not one at the expense of the other. This is at the heart of Nano and Jesus mission to reach out to those in need with kindness, compassion and hope. The theme of Refugee Week in 2020 is the Year of Welcome. Welcome is about generosity, inclusion, support and a care for others. As Presentation people may we go one step beyond to uphold the right of refugees to seek asylum and welcome them into our nation home.
02.01.2022 For those families seeking a school to enrol their child in 2021 or beyond, CBC St Kilda have shared their latest virtual tour. We encourage our families and community members to take a look by clicking on the link in their post below
02.01.2022 Our archival records reveal that Presentation Colleges very first speech night in December 1874 was postponed for five months due to an epidemic. We could never have imagined that 2020 would mirror those times and our plans for the year be interrupted by a global pandemic. As we return" for Term 2, we find ourselves in unusual circumstances and apart from those we regularly see, both in and out of school. One of our greatest strengths is our school community, and althoug...h it will take shape in a different way, we have no doubt it will continue to shine through. We will all experience challenges but were confident that our teachers, students and families will embrace the new way of delivering lessons and that we will continue supporting one another and stay connected. Let us be grateful for all that we have and allow ourselves to continue to flourish as Presentation people.
02.01.2022 We welcomed back our staff this morning with Care Packages and look forward to our students returning tomorrow.
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