Preston Osteopathy | Businesses
Preston Osteopathy
Phone: +61 491 621 742
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25.01.2022 Sore neck and shoulders from all that sitting in your home office, or all that working from the couch, or just sitting on the couch in general? Me too! Give these floor angels a try: knees bent keep your low back pressed into the ground and dont let your ribs flare up/out chin tucked slightly in keep elbows, forearms, and backs of hands against the ground slowly slide hands/arms up and down (dont forget point two) you should feel it in your upper back and around your shoulder blades, and 3 sets of 10-15 usually does the trick. Im just in the process of finalising Telehealth, which means soon Ill be able to provide virtual consults for pain management and movement strategies, exercise advice, and home office setups! Get in touch if you think you might be interested.
25.01.2022 Anyone elses jaw feeling a little rough with all this mask elastic around your ears? Well, your ear and your jaw are closely connected and Im tellin ya - this feels goood. No hard or fast rules here, just hold onto your ear(s), gently pull and move around for 30-60 seconds - youll find the spots that feel best for you.
24.01.2022 S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G P A R T O N E I dont often take weightlifting seriously but when I do, I still dont really. I actually just 1) put my little shoes on, 2) pray to the weightlifting gods beforehand for help because of all the times I didnt take it seriously, and 3) have to check every time that its actually gone up because of all the times it hasnt. If you have the means, I recommend trying to include some strength training at least twice a we...ek (also recommended by Australias Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines for adults). This doesnt have to be Olympic weightlifting (Ill admit not long ago I was also DEAD SCARED of throwing weights above my head, and its also not pure strength), and can include resistance from bands or everyday objects around the house! Everyone has the right to health and strength training should not be dictated simply by your access to a gym. Get in touch if youd like to learn how to get some strength training in, even if just at home. 0491 621 742
24.01.2022 LOCKDOWN UPDATE For those wondering, osteopathy is an essential service under allied health, so Preston Osteo (at this stage) will remain open for face to face treatments, with stringent safety protocols in place. There has been a recent direction from Professor Michael Kidd, who has recommended that ALL health professionals in Greater Melbourne and Mitchell Shire seeing any patient for any reason should wear a standard surgical mask. So I will now look like this throughou...t consults. BUT, lucky for you (and to the dismay of my grandma who thinks Im going to have too many wrinkles), my face is super expressive and you can still tell Im smiling so hard to be here for you, even if you cant see my mouth. Telehealth options are also available for anyone who doesnt want to come in to the clinic - we can talk diagnosis, movement and self release strategies, exercise, or desk setups. Get in touch with any questions! And you know the drill for the rest of it - please dont come in if youre unwell - get tested instead so we can keep everyone safe.
24.01.2022 For those still working from home, potentially in less-than-ideal setups.Heres an easy one thats essentially the opposite of your desk position: stand against a wall, and try to have as much of your body touching (or as close to) it as possible. Keep active and think about what your body is doing - what are your hips doing, your low back, or your shoulders? Can you get the back of your knees to touch? Are the backs of your arms or hands coming off the wall? Hows the back of your head? Aim for 3 x 30 seconds and build to 60 when it starts getting easier. Its harder than it looks! Sped up x 6 because boring.
24.01.2022 Stage Four Restrictions are upon us, and this has had a significant impact on Allied Health and how we can operate. At this stage, Preston Osteo remains open, but only to the most urgent of cases. DHHS define this a presentation where the absence of care causes a significant change/deterioration in functional independence necessitating escalation of care. Sounds intense hey?! Thats because it is. These are serious directives designed to reduce the amount of people moving... around Melbourne, to keep us all safe. As much as it breaks my heart, routine, face-to-face appointments are not available at this time. I am still accessible through Telehealth for information and education, home management of existing issues and how to avoid aggravating them, injury management advice, exercise advice, help refining your home work setup, or just a general chat. PLEASE consider this if you are struggling to manage your condition yourself! If youre unsure if you qualify as urgent, get in touch! We can have a chat over the phone and discuss your options. I know this sucks for everyone, but it wont be forever. I cant wait to see you all again in September.
23.01.2022 P R E S T O N O S T E O I S O N E Welll it has been a HOT MINUTE since Ive had the chance to post anything up here...and I just wanted to say CAN YOU BELIEVE ITS BEEN A YEAR ALREADY?! I have had such a blast serving the community of Preston and beyond for the last twelve months, and I need to thank YOU ALL for all of your support.... Thank you to everyone who has personally come in, to everyone who has sent or brought your parents, partners, siblings, children, friends, relatives, and colleagues in. It means the world that you trust me with your health, and the health of those you care about. Thank you to everyone who has liked or shared a post, who has sent my profile to somebody who might be interested, who has left me a good review, who has told a stranger in a cafe about me. And THANK YOU to Preston for welcoming me into the community. Heres to many more years!
23.01.2022 Quick little self-release for my posterior rotator cuff (back of the shoulder).In my opinion, this area is easily forgotten about but definitely should not be! Watch my right hand from start to finish to see the difference 45ish seconds (45 seconds!) of work can make. I LOVE treating shoulders, so if youve been meaning to have your shoulders looked at, Im here for you....
23.01.2022 The smug mug of someone who has been in THE POOL for the last hourthe less smug mug of someone whose brain is fried from 25m pool maths and whose arms might genuinely just snap right off tomorrow! With the return of lots of sporting and leisure activities in the coming weeks and months (here's hoping!), it’s important to remember a couple of things: If you haven’t been able to train for the last few months, you are NOT going to be at the level you were ( my pace was slow no matter how hard I tried, my arms felt like lead, I mistimed my breath and my strokes at the wall, and my left leg was MIA for a lot of it), and THATISEXPECTEDANDOKAY! In light of the above, START EASY to give yourself the best chance of continuing without injury! Mentally, give yourself grace, and physically, give yourself time to allow your tissues to adapt to the new (old) loads! You might hate it at the time but you’ll thank yourself later!
22.01.2022 WHY DOES MY (INSERT BODY PART HERE) HURT AGAIN? To be honest - I dont know.If I followed you around all week I might be able to tell you, but thats wildly out of my scope of practice (and also kinda creepy). BUT - do you remember those movement strategies or exercises you were given for your complaint? Did you stop doing them as soon as you felt better? How long ago was that?... Ive certainly been guilty of stopping my prehab/rehab as soon as I feel better(), which is probably the worst time to stop! My shoulder has been niggling again recently so instead of stressing, I re-started the exercises I was prescribed months ago. I already feel better! In an ideal world, youd be able to manage your niggles effectively, so next time you have a little flare up, do yourself a favour and have a go at reinstating the strategies or exercises youve previously been given. If THAT doesnt work (or youve forgotten them), then come on in so we can figure it out together.
22.01.2022 Were coming to the end of Womxns Health Week 2020! I wrote a little blog summarising the (very topical) focus of yesterdays content - mental and emotional health. Also head to Jean Hailes for Women's Health to learn more about the other topics covered this week - there are some good ones! Stay safe and sane Preston!
21.01.2022 Your girl is now an accredited strength and conditioning coach!Special thanks to Kirsten @swimnastics_au for your help mentoring over the last few months.
21.01.2022 Its RUOK Day 2020, and what great timing for Melbourne! A great reminder to check in with your loved ones, your liked ones, your neighbours, your baristas, your supermarket workers. This year theres (understandably) an emphasis on what to say if someone responds with a no, actually, Im really not ok. Head to @ruokday to have a squiz at their resources and learn how to navigate those tricky convos you may find yourself having a little more often these days.... And remember, today might be RUOK Day, but you can ask any old day of the year. Dont be shy.
20.01.2022 Anyone elses back super tight from all that sitting and working like crazy coming up to Christmas?Give this nifty little number a go. We have a small number of appointments available through the Christmas break, on the 24th, 27th and 31st of December. Why not use your time off the sort out some of those niggles youve been experiencing? Call or jump on the website now to secure your appointment!... 0491 621 742
19.01.2022 #blackouttuesday #mutedbutlistening
19.01.2022 This morning, on my way to the gym, I walked past a taxi driver, in the street, outside his taxi, doing these ones. You know why I like it? Its not because he was stretching any specific muscle or attempting to mobilise any specific joint (which IS sometimes important), but he was having a go at M O V I N G within the bounds of his current life. There are plenty of ways to fit movement into your day, and I can appreciate that it doesnt look the same for everyone. Want some developing movement strategies just for you? Get in touch, Id love to help!
18.01.2022 Online fitness apps or programs can be a great way to get involved in more structured physical activity. Here's a nice little article from ABC Life on what to look for when choosing an online program or app. In short, try to ensure it is holistic (doesn't promise to zap fat from just your belly, for example), sustainable (not a quick fix), and enjoyable for you (because you're the one who's going to be doing it). Bonus points if you can get a friend involved for accountabilit...y! Check out the article below, and remember to consult your health professional before undertaking any new exercise program to ensure it's safe for you. 0491 621 742
17.01.2022 A D D U C T O R S The muscles on the inside of your thigh make up a big chunk of your total leg mass, but they are often forgotten! Research suggests that your adductors work synergistically with your abductors (muscles on the outside of your thigh/hip) to provide pelvic stability as well as absorb and generate force through the hip and pelvis. Heres one way to strengthen your adductors, that can be done almost anywhere. Im all about accessibility to strength, so this dumbbell here can be substituted for a kettlebell, a can of tomatoes, or a box of tissues (among other things). Have you been having hip or pelvic pain or niggles recently? Get in touch, Id love to see you!
17.01.2022 For those still working from home, potentially in less-than-ideal setups.Here’s an easy one that’s essentially the opposite of your desk position: stand against a wall, and try to have as much of your body touching (or as close to) it as possible. Keep active and think about what your body is doing - what are your hips doing, your low back, or your shoulders? Can you get the back of your knees to touch? Are the backs of your arms or hands coming off the wall? How’s the back of your head? Aim for 3 x 30 seconds and build to 60 when it starts getting easier. It’s harder than it looks! Sped up x 6 because boring.
17.01.2022 Your friendly Friday reminder to M O V E (even if it’s just a little). At this stage in Melbourne it’s super easy to slip into a routine of work, then lying on the couch, then sleeping, then work, then lying on the couch, then sleeping. But don’t forget to incorporate just a lil bit of movement in your day too! . It doesn’t have to be heaps - you can jump up from your chair and do a 30 second shake out a few times each day, you can wiggle while you’re waiting for the kettle boil, you can walk back to the bottom of the stairs once you get to the top, so that you can walk up again (I mean I can’t because I don’t have stairs but you get the idea). Or, like me, you can stretch your hamstrings while waiting for your coffee (you might feel a little silly but believe me at this stage no one cares what you’re doing). . Movement doesn’t need to be super strenuous or necessarily structured to have benefits, and something is always better than nothing! As always, get in touch if you’d like a little help. See more
16.01.2022 Simple tips for getting some activity in while working from home Schedule specific time away from your desk for your physical and mental wellbeing (read: take an actual lunch break or have a specific start/end time to your day) Personally I never push myself as hard if Im on my own() - try rounding up some friends to keep you accountable online ... Keep it simple - thanks to my friends Hydra Movement Im lucky enough to have a barbell at home, but you dont need anything fancy to get some movement in, just consider the things you actually like doing - something is better than nothing! And get in touch if you want some strategies for movement or management of complaints from home - happy to help you from afar
15.01.2022 Feeling a little cooped up at the moment? If youre healthy, able, and dont have a crippling fear of blood or needles, why not book yourself in to donate blood or plasma? Think about it: a state sanctioned outing, the warm and fuzzy feeling of doing something good, and a free strawberry milk! Win win win!
15.01.2022 S H O U L D E R H E A L T H These rotations with a stick, while lying face down, are a great way to improve your shoulder range of motion without cheating or stealing motion through your thoracic cage (upper back and ribs). This can be performed to help improve range of motion (especially for those of us who dont put our hands above our heads all that often), and as preparation before overhead movements in the gym for the muscles around the shoulder.... There are a bunch of variations to this movement (including hand placement, band use, standing against a wall, working range) so get in touch to find the right one for you and your shoulders. 0491 621 742
15.01.2022 Q: If you cant put your hands on me, can you even treat me? A: Omgosh so much yes! Unfortunately were not in a great position to be treating face-to-face at the moment, but theres still plenty on offer in terms of help for you problems (musculoskeletal of course, cant help you with this actual lockdown sitch).... Some things you can expect from a telehealth appointment with me: A check in and a top notch chat Movement screen, assessment and diagnosis Movement strategies for your current presentation and to prevent it happening again Exercise and home management advice Advice on your home desk (or dining table, couch, or bed) setup Reassurance Theres HEAPS on offer thats not hands on treatment, so if you need a little somethin to get you through, you know where to find me. Stay safe Preston.
13.01.2022 COVID-19 UPDATE YES we are still open, but your treatment room and treatment may look a little different. Linen such as towels and pillowcases will not be used unless necessary, and obviously thrown straight in the wash after each use. The treatment table is cleaned thoroughly between each patient.... You may be asked to put some of your clothes back on to reduce the need for draping. I wont be shaking your hand to greet you, Im sure you feel okay about this. This is unchartered territory for all of us, and please rest assured that I am doing all I can to maintain a safe space for treatment (to keep patient, their friends, and family safe) and a safe working environment for myself. So that I can continue to treat the lovely community in Preston for as long as possible and with minimal interruption, I ask that you do a few things for me too: If you have recently returned from overseas, please observe current government mandates to self-isolate for 14 days, and do not book or attend your appointment. Please wash or sanitise your hands before your appointment (and all day). Catch your cough in your elbow, not your hand! This should go without saying but please do not attend your appointment if you are experiencing cold or flu like symptoms (fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, etc) and have not seen your doctor. I will still be here when this settles and more than happy to reschedule your appointment to a more suitable time. . Dont forget, at the end of the day were all in this together, so lets look after each other as best we can.
13.01.2022 N O W E I G H T S N O W O R R I E S Today Ive been feeling a little stiff so heres part of my circuit, done with a simple resistance band. There are no dumbbells or barbells but it still includes a pushing movement a pulling movement, and an anti-rotation movement, all against resistance. Now dont get me wrong, I love lifting weights, but Ill just say it again for those who missed it the first few times - you do not need a fancy gym membership to do some resist...ance training! Any is better than none! Get in touch if youd like some guidance on where to start. 0491 621 742
13.01.2022 Your friendly Friday reminder to M O V E (even if its just a little). At this stage in Melbourne its super easy to slip into a routine of work, then lying on the couch, then sleeping, then work, then lying on the couch, then sleeping. But dont forget to incorporate just a lil bit of movement in your day too! . It doesnt have to be heaps - you can jump up from your chair and do a 30 second shake out a few times each day, you can wiggle while youre waiting for the kettle boil, you can walk back to the bottom of the stairs once you get to the top, so that you can walk up again (I mean I cant because I dont have stairs but you get the idea). Or, like me, you can stretch your hamstrings while waiting for your coffee (you might feel a little silly but believe me at this stage no one cares what youre doing). . Movement doesnt need to be super strenuous or necessarily structured to have benefits, and something is always better than nothing! As always, get in touch if youd like a little help. See more
13.01.2022 Today, and with a very, very heavy heart, I made the decision to close Preston Osteo for the time being. This decision was not made lightly, but absolutely feels like the right one. I had a whole, long caption ready to go, but at the end of the day, I feel an immense sense of responsibility to the community of Preston and beyond, and am trying to make good choices for my patients and myself. Ill be back in person as soon as it feels appropriate BUT Ill be around online no ...matter what. Look after yourselves and each other, wash your hands regularly, and stay home when you can.
13.01.2022 WERE BACK (but still restricted) BABY So as of the 28th of September (this coming Monday!!), allied health will have some restrictions on face to face visits eased. We can now see you if you have: Pain or injury that will worsen significantly, or take longer to improve, if not treated, Pain that has not improved due to a delay in treatment throughout Stage 4 restrictions, or... Pain or injury that it affecting, or likely to affect, your functional independence. While timely treatment is important to all of us, this step is NOT business as usual, and as such we cant see you for routine services. So, if you: Want a check up, or Have a little niggle that is not impacting your function, nor likely to worsen, Id encourage you to consider delaying your visit at this stage. Online bookings are still unavailable so you will need to call me on 0491 621 742 to chat about your presentation. Cant wait to see a few more of you come next week!
13.01.2022 What an outrageously impressive athlete
12.01.2022 Sore neck by this stage of lockdown? Makes sense. Give these ones a go to get your upper back moving and take a bit of pressure off your neck - youll notice that even though Im extending my neck, its not drastic, and not where the movement is being initiated from. Things to remember: Let your chest follow your arms and make sure its lifting and pointing towards the ceiling before you move your head Try to keep your glutes engaged and keep a connection between your r...ibs and your hips/pelvis - dont let those ribs flare up and out too much This shouldnt be that easy so if it is, see what happens if you move a little further away from the wall Take a deep breath at the top and see how you feel (hint: probably good) Start with a couple of sets of 5 slow ones, aim to build to 10! As always, let me know if you need a little more help with your neck or back, I got you.
12.01.2022 We’re coming to the end of Womxn’s Health Week 2020! I wrote a little blog summarising the (very topical) focus of yesterday’s content - mental and emotional health. Also head to Jean Hailes for Women's Health to learn more about the other topics covered this week - there are some good ones! Stay safe and sane Preston!
12.01.2022 S T R E N G T H T R A I N I N G P A R T T W O A while back I posted about strength training and what the guidelines recommend (at least twice a week for those playing at home). But why? Why do we care about this? WELLStrength/resistance training offers SO many benefits so Ill just list my current top 5:... Can improve focus and cognitive function Can decrease anxiety and depressive symptoms, and improve feelings of wellbeing Can improve insulin-sensitivity and improve insulin swings for those with type 2 diabetes Increases bone mineral density (strong bones! ) Increases muscle mass (this translates to benefits for almost everything - getting in and out of the car, carrying your shopping, getting up off the toilet, moving that fridge, having the stamina to braid your own hair!) Ive said it before and Ill say it again: I firmly believe that health should not be exclusive to those with a gym membership. There are plenty of ways to get some resistance training in at home. Get in touch if youd like some guidance on where to start.
11.01.2022 Pssst...did you hear were open tomorrow morning? A couple of appointments still available so get in touch to book now! 0491 621 742... See more
11.01.2022 Yeah we are!Preston Osteo has a small number of appointments available on the 24th, 27th, and 31st of December. Well be back to normal programming on Thursday the 2nd of January. Why not use your time off to sort out those little niggles youve had? I look forward to seeing you! 0491 621 742
11.01.2022 It’s RUOK Day 2020, and what great timing for Melbourne! A great reminder to check in with your loved ones, your liked ones, your neighbours, your baristas, your supermarket workers. This year there’s (understandably) an emphasis on what to say if someone responds with a no, actually, I’m really not ok. Head to @ruokday to have a squiz at their resources and learn how to navigate those tricky convos you may find yourself having a little more often these days.... And remember, today might be RUOK Day, but you can ask any old day of the year. Don’t be shy.
09.01.2022 Hands up if youve gone a bit hard with your health and fitness based New Years resolutions?Already lost your motivation?Have a quick squiz at my new blog on S M A R T goal setting for your health and why shouting new year new me! uuuusually doesnt cut it.
06.01.2022 Q: If you can’t put your hands on me, can you even treat me? A: Omgosh so much yes! Unfortunately we’re not in a great position to be treating face-to-face at the moment, but there’s still plenty on offer in terms of help for you problems (musculoskeletal of course, can’t help you with this actual lockdown sitch).... Some things you can expect from a telehealth appointment with me: A check in and a top notch chat Movement screen, assessment and diagnosis Movement strategies for your current presentation and to prevent it happening again Exercise and home management advice Advice on your home desk (or dining table, couch, or bed) setup Reassurance There’s HEAPS on offer that’s not hands on treatment, so if you need a little somethin to get you through, you know where to find me. Stay safe Preston.
06.01.2022 WE’RE BACK (but still restricted) BABY So as of the 28th of September (this coming Monday!!), allied health will have some restrictions on face to face visits eased. We can now see you if you have: Pain or injury that will worsen significantly, or take longer to improve, if not treated, Pain that has not improved due to a delay in treatment throughout Stage 4 restrictions, or... Pain or injury that it affecting, or likely to affect, your functional independence. While timely treatment is important to all of us, this step is NOT business as usual, and as such we can’t see you for routine services. So, if you: Want a check up, or Have a little niggle that is not impacting your function, nor likely to worsen, I’d encourage you to consider delaying your visit at this stage. Online bookings are still unavailable so you will need to call me on 0491 621 742 to chat about your presentation. Can’t wait to see a few more of you come next week!
04.01.2022 M O V E M E N T M O N D A Y S A quick lil combo for your mid back, as well as promoting hip and overhead mobility! 30 second front squat hold - focus on keeping your elbows up and squeezing together, if you cant sit in a squat prop your heels up with a couple of books Barbell overhead press - again, focus on squeezing your elbows together the whole time, and maintaining a good connection between your ribs and hips at the front so your ribs arent flaring up/out ... Obviously not everyone has a barbell at home so substituting with a couple of heavy books usually does the trick - depending on the content they can really weigh you downjust add a few more reps if your load is a little lighter - 10-15 would usually work, I did 4 rounds and my mid-back is [not personal medical advice]
04.01.2022 I had a sit down and a chat with my mate Caspar about the whats, hows, and personal whys of what I do. Give it a listen if you can get through the intro with him calling me an osteo-therapist!
03.01.2022 F I S H I M I T A T I O N 1 0 1 Jks, this is just another way of releasing that jaw from your mask wearing. Three fingers on either side or your jaw, just in front of your ear(s)... Apply a pressure thats comfortable for you Open and close your jaw a few times, then moves your fingers slightly to a new spot, and repeat. Again, no real hard or fast rules here. Easy peasy
03.01.2022 J E F F E R S O N C U R L S BUT NOO dont bend your low back Seriously though, at times its important to train a movement like this. Why? For all the times in your life that your movement isnt ~perfect~ and you will need to be strong in positions like this! Times such as bending quickly to lift your dog or baby away from dangercrouching down for work (as a chippie, plumber, wedding dress maker)sneezing while looking in the bottom of the pantrytrying to coax you...r cat out from under the car. There are a bunch of progressions/regressions of this exercise (this is not the beginning or end point) and its important to note this weighted one is not where I would start with most people. But it is still a movement I encourage with most people! Hows your back? Pop in if its not and lets figure out some movement strategies just for you. 0491 621 742
02.01.2022 P R E S T O N O S T E O I S O N E Welll it has been a HOT MINUTE since I’ve had the chance to post anything up here...and I just wanted to say CAN YOU BELIEVE IT’S BEEN A YEAR ALREADY?! I have had such a blast serving the community of Preston and beyond for the last twelve months, and I need to thank YOU ALL for all of your support.... Thank you to everyone who has personally come in, to everyone who has sent or brought your parents, partners, siblings, children, friends, relatives, and colleagues in. It means the world that you trust me with your health, and the health of those you care about. Thank you to everyone who has liked or shared a post, who has sent my profile to somebody who might be interested, who has left me a good review, who has told a stranger in a cafe about me. And THANK YOU to Preston for welcoming me into the community. Here’s to many more years!
02.01.2022 Sometimes you need specific movement strategies for specific issues. Sometimes you just need a wiggle. How are you moving your body today?
01.01.2022 Anyone else’s jaw feeling a little rough with all this mask elastic around your ears? Well, your ear and your jaw are closely connected and I’m tellin’ ya - this feels goood. No hard or fast rules here, just hold onto your ear(s), gently pull and move around for 30-60 seconds - you’ll find the spots that feel best for you.
01.01.2022 Hows your overhead squat? MINE is by no means perfect! The overhead squat is a deceptively difficult movement, a nifty tool to assess dynamic control, and a good way of demonstrating how all parts of you need to work together at once. It can be useful in discerning restrictions, compensation and loading patterns, or in my case, excessive mobility (known at Preston Osteo as clinical gumbiness). Findings can be used to work out which parts of you need mobi...lity work, which parts of you need strengthening, and which parts of you need to work better together. Cool hey? Have a niggle youve been meaning to have checked out, or not sure where to start with it? Get in touch, Id love to see you!
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