Pride Athletic Women’s Fitness in Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia | Sports & fitness instruction
Pride Athletic Women’s Fitness
Locality: Clifton Hill, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 421 278 267
Address: Level 1, 1-7 Reeves St 3068 Clifton Hill, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1129
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25.01.2022 . STRONG WOMEN STRONG BABIES. . #rolemodel #thefutureisfemale #strongbubbas #strongmummas #mumsandbubs #strongwomen #leaders #fitness #health #mentalhealth #family #community #support #CoachE #pridetribe @northsidemvmt
24.01.2022 32wks and @kstanas has still got it! Looking fly mumma!! . . #skierg #concept2 #fly #mumtobe #fitmumma #training #fitness
22.01.2022 GLUTE BRIDGE PULLOVERS Feeling you EVERYWHERE today. . . #feelgood #feelstrong #keepmoving #onlinetraining #NorthsideOnline #virutaltraining #strength #strongertogether #strongwomenstrongcommunities #stayhome #staysafe #stayfit @ Northside Movement
22.01.2022 In light of the recent government announcement, our PRIDE ATHLETIC in house services are currently suspended until further notice. We will be launching Pride Athletic HOME training program as of Wednesday 25th of March to keep you moving and motivated throughout this period. Strong Women Create Strong Communities ... . . #wegotyourback #strongwomenstrongcommunities #Pridetribe #PAHOME #move #motivate #samesamebutdifferent #flattenthecurve #staytunned See more
21.01.2022 Happy Hump Day all you WILD Humans! . P.S. FACT: KB Swings will give you killer moves on the dance floor! Just ask @simoneland06 . #humpday #wednesday #bewild #fun #strength #strong #womensonlyclasses #carefree #stickitout #ownit #kbswing #KB #kettlebell #strengthclasses #smallgroup #partyanimal #dancingqueen
21.01.2022 Lady Lats we call her! A strong back is a happy back, don't skip back day EVER! . #lats #backgame #strong #backday #gotyourback #posture #strength #happyback #row #pull #rower #concept2 #ladylats #madethatup #hernameiserin #kiwi #allblacks #1fan #womensstrength #womenshealth
20.01.2022 Throw yourself in the deep end, know that we have your back % . On Friday night @jesschamberlain__ conquered 21,097 km SOLO on the Skierg. She went in expecting to share the load with a mate (), but took the challenge on like a true leader! . .... #champion #leader #skierg #concept2 #stitchedup #conquer #strong #strength #strongwomen #lead #courage #mindset #mentalhealth #challenge #pushyourself #sweaty #endorphins #yougotthis #wegotyou See more
19.01.2022 W E G O T T H I S #smile #laugh #keepmoving #wewillbeback #strongerthanever #training #movethebody #wegothis #strong #community #support
19.01.2022 S T R O N G W O M E N. S T R O N G B A B I E S. .... #strong #strongwomen #community #rolemodel #betheleader #move #fitmum #womenshealth #choose #priorities #healthandwellness #fitness See more
17.01.2022 Cardio feels after a 13 week break... . . #cardio #studio #smile #fun #reopen #sweatygood #sweatlife #fitness #cliftonhill
16.01.2022 Today I am Grateful for _______ 1 SUNSHINE 2 ZOOM WORKOUTS 3 PLAY GROUNDS .... What are you Grateful for? . #grateful #gratitude #thankful #positives #humpday #sunshine #zoom #fitmums #strongwomen #playgrounds #playtime #melbourne #covidsafe @northsidemvmt See more
16.01.2022 PA HOME Going live in 2 hours! . Links available on our Inner Circle FB group. Not already member? DM for details. .... Lols, muscle burn and banter guaranteed . #ontheline #live #viral #influencer #lol #PAHOME #PATRIBE #community #move #strengthsession #strong #wellbeing #physical #mentalhealth #notalone #togetherwearestronger #wegotthis #allwelcome
16.01.2022 Just hold on! PT IN THE PARK with the opportunity for fresh air, quality exercise and that ever so satisfying feeling of finishing a session is around the corner Bring on MONDAY ... . #braceyourself #pt #parkfun #training #freshair #covidsafe #personaltraining #arsewhooping #strong #strength #keepmoving #isofit #isogotthis
15.01.2022 @simoneland06 wanted to smile, but is also highly competitive... . . #smile #cheese #row #competitive #concept2 #matchymatchy #fitness #womensfitness #pridetribe #focus #effort #determination
15.01.2022 Never stand between a Strong Mumma and a Punching Bag . #bangbang #kapow #fightclub #strong #strongmumma #unleash #punch #knockout #KO #hitmewithyourbestshot
15.01.2022 Where's the couch gone...? . . #wallsit #ouchies #quadsofsteel #womensfitness #strong #smallgrouppt #2021 #nocouch #noworries #bestview #realitytv #training #movement #getoffyabutt
15.01.2022 The wait is OVER! WE ARE BACK BABY!! . Reach out, We are here to finish 2020 with a BANG .... #backbaby #waitisover #melbourne #fitness #covidsafe #fitness #strength #community #family #strongwomen #strongcommunity #cliftonhill #fitmums #isofit #reachout #24by6challenge #bangbang See more
14.01.2022 While some shy away, others seek the cardio high. " I REALLY LOVE IT, HONESTLY" @tanjabl .... . #cardio #smiles #fun #loveatfirstride #bikeerg #womensfitness #smallgrouptraining #community #effort #fitness #cliftonhill See more
14.01.2022 Time is flying by fast. Not long until we can 'play' on the machines again ladies. Keep Strong Keep Connected Keep Being Awesome
13.01.2022 TRIBE. Social collective of likeminded people. Common culture here is to Train hard & Play HARDER! . #TRIBE #PRIDETRIBE #PATRIBE #play #sweat #erg #sweaty #fun #tuesday #girlgang #playhard #trainhard #crew
13.01.2022 Throwback to when HIGH 5's were a real thing . Miss these moments, but so grateful to see these faces in 4 MORE SLEEPS . #high5verynice #high5 #4moresleeps #womensfitness #training #fitness #physical #covidsafe #cliftonhill #isofit #isostrong #isooverzoom #realpeople #pridetribe #girlgang #mentalhealth #wellbeing
12.01.2022 " ¡ Vamos Chicas ! Let's Move The Culos " - @libertad_cordero .... #vamos #move #movedabooty #getup #getmoving #fitness #cardio #letsgo #workit #latinlove #sweatlife #painface #paincave See more
12.01.2022 To all the, Bakers, Ballers, Bikers, Supporters, High achievers, Leaders, Sisters and Bad Ass mothers & Daughters and alike! THANK YOU for a special workout this morning HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMENS DAY . #iwd #family #community #pridetribe #wegotthis #team #sweatlife #sweat #sundayfeels #appreciation #love #womensfitness #fitfam #mytribe #cliftonhill @ Northside Movement
11.01.2022 Full time psych, Part time model... . #model #fitnessmodel #natural #bootcampover #deus #physical #fitness #activities #smile #workout
10.01.2022 Steam Rolling through the weeks.
10.01.2022 We have over 400spm of active space. We sanitize before and after we leave. We wipe down each piece of equipment post use. We have cut out relays/shared equipment. We know exercise plays an integral part in mental health through this health crisis.... We keep the music high and the banter higher. . . #somuchroomforactivities #socialdistancing #exercise #trainthelungs #mentalhealth #wellbeing #smile #laugh #support #pridetribe #cliftonhill #mumma #fitmum #funpants #matchymatchy See more
09.01.2022 This is @libertad_cordero . Liberty LOVES the #bikeerg so much she has taken it into her humble home for a wee while. Nothing stops these ladies from getting their sweat on . .... #isotraining #ergprograms #homeprograms #onlinetraining #virualtraining #temphome #wegotthis #sweatlife #move #zoomtraining See more
09.01.2022 2021 - We are going to CRUSH you!! Reopening Monday 4th for endless banter, giggles and sleds!! . #bringiton #2021 #powpow #holidayover #northside #smallgroup #mindbody #sleds #fun #fitness #melbourne #cliftonhill #backtoit #breakover #allthegals #fitfam #womensfitness #wellbeing #lifestyle #community #family #friends #workoutbuddies
09.01.2022 @northsidemvmt update on the current covid-19 scenario. Hygiene, Health and Hope. @ Northside Movement
09.01.2022 Take ACTION and move. For your body For your mind For your future.... . . #action #move #doitdaily #wellbeing #mind #body #future #exercise #moveyourbody #startnow
08.01.2022 Happy 1000 Sessions with @prideathletic @kathywilly & @ali_mckay61 ! Together with @absmorgs11 & @edelbrady the team smashed out a spicy session this morning. .... 1000 SPECIAL: Team of 4. A) 1000 cal on the airdyne. B) Then taking turns: 100 cal Row 100 cal Ski 50 burpees 1 takes off completes the 100 cal row while other 3 hit the airdyne. Rotate through until all rowing, ski and burpees. Every airdyne switch flip a coin. Heads = sled. Tails = rest. . #1000sessions #champions #family #sweatygood #friends #gymbuddies #girlgains #sweatlife #6amcrew #pridetribe #originals #yearsnotfad #consistency @ Northside Movement
08.01.2022 We are a Women's Small Group Training Program normally based in Clifton Hill. We have the most amazing women in our community that share a connection that goes so much further than the space we meet at regularly to train. Fact. We would usually train in the incredible Northside Movement studio, however with the studio currently shut, we have temporarily diverted all of our energy, passion and experience into developing a home training service called Pride Athletic Home.... We open up our "online doors" to those that want to get involved and could use a good dose of exercise and positive vibes at the moment. If you'd like to find out more, please get in touch to find out what we're currently providing in an online format. If you'd like a snapshot of what we do, here's a recording from our very first LIVE Zoom session that will be done daily at 12pm. We'll leave this recording link up for 48 hours so that you can have a play, get a "feel" for what we do (my arms are dead) and get moving at a time that puts health very high on the list of priorities. Enjoy
08.01.2022 Stronger Together Strong From Afar . . #PAHOME #PAtrainathome #PrideTribe #Strong #strongwomenstrongcommunities #wegotthis #womensfitness #community #fitathome #homeworkouts #virualtraining #banter #liveat12
08.01.2022 Smile it suits you! . . #smile #spring #fun #sunshine #fitness #fitmum #drshaz #rower #camerashy
08.01.2022 R U OK? . It's ok to ask for help, feel a little flat and need some love and support especially right now. . Tag someone who brings colour to your life and send a message or call that person ASAP.... . No matter how long it's been between chats. Time to reach out and give a BIG virtual hug . #ruok #ruok2020 #reachout #speakup #connect #community #family #support #mentalhealth #emotionalsupport #chitchats #thearpy #mindmatters #strongmind #headstrong #feelthelove #sharethelove #checkin #phoneafriend See more
07.01.2022 Battling to keep the exercise mojo going? 12pm we go LIVE. DM to join our PA HOME TRIBE.... Ps. Hope you have adequate recovery floor space Katharine . #goingontheline #inthecomputer #live #PAHOME #Sweatlife #socialdistancing #community #tribe #family #wegotthis #missyourfacesalready
06.01.2022 Unlock what is possible, challenge your limits and reap the rewards . . #140kg #sled #drag #gains #strength #alphafit #womenfitness #strong #effort #trynotshy #pridetribe
06.01.2022 Happy Birthday to the, Burpee Queen, PPE wearing, #PRIDETRIBE OG @wongsta97 We ya! . . #birthday #burpee #burpeequeen #OG #PPE #buff
06.01.2022 WOMEN'S HEALTH WEEK . Let's use this week to get connected to yourself and support fellow women both physically and mentally. . We are offering a FREE week of online training with us @northsidemvmt to get your body moving, give you some energy and human interaction (via zoom).... . DM us for more info on how to get involved created for us by the talented @jacqui_the_spacecowboy . #womenshealthweek #womenshealth #support #wesupportyou #community #strongertogther #strong #fitfam #womensfitness #training #zoom #motivation #mentalhealth See more
06.01.2022 9th NOVEMBER WE ARE BACK IN THE STUDIO BABY!!! Are you Excited or Terrified? ... . #hellsyes #babygotback #feelsgood #goodnewsstory #fitness #melboune #covidsafe #readytorumble #excited #nervous #prepared #mightdrown #community #friends #family #happylittlevegemites #bringiton See more
05.01.2022 Ready, Steady, Wiggle, WEEKEND ! . Escape the wiggles and do something for you!! Weekends are for training with friends @northsidemvmt .... 8am : PRIDE TEAM 9am : SQUAD TEAM + 10.30am : FIGHT CLUB + 7.15am : RUN CLUB + 8.30am : SQUAD STAMINA + 9.30am : CYCLE + 10.30am : RECOVER + . #ready #steady #wiggles #weekend #activities #escape #explore #excite #connect #advance #belong #run #cycle #ride #sweat #fightclub #boxing #fitness #cardio #weekwndwarriors #bettertogether #pridetribe #womenshealth #support #recover #stretch #move #somanyactivities #fun #movement
05.01.2022 PT in the park with these two strong mummas . . #accountability #strong #isofit #strongmummas #fitmum #PT #personaltraining #keepmoving #kidfree
04.01.2022 What do the coaches get up to behind closed doors. GET OUR STRONG ON!! 3RM @ 97.5kg @jesschamberlain__ .... . #monday #deadlift #strength #strong #lift #swear #liftagain #3rm #coach #girlsgottalift #girlsgonestrong #trapbar #deadies #gains See more
04.01.2022 Sled my old friend... How I've missed you! . #sled #friendorfoe #heavylifter #pushit #strength #strong #welcomeback #burnbaby #lifeinthefastlane #speedy #fitness #workout #melbourne #myfirstlove #home #community #family
03.01.2022 The days are flying by... Make them count! . . #fly #skierg #funtimes #sweatygoodness #concept2 #fitness #smallgrouptraining #cliftonhill #spreadyourwings
02.01.2022 Only a couple more #zoom sessions before we see your lovely faces in the flesh again! . #zoomedout #cannotwait #excited #goingtopeemyself #training #exercise
02.01.2022 Hair cut WAY OVERDUE... Anyone else in the same boat? In tomorrows 12pm LIVE session I will be taking self hair cut tips. .... . #haircut #annualcut #poorlytimedRONA #Online #virtualtraining #tipswelcome #zoom #isotraining #strongertogether #strongwomenstrongcommunities #Northside #northsidemovement See more
01.01.2022 Head Coach, Owner and resident Banter Boy @mike_singline sat down with @g_alexander21 from @revopt to discuss what goes on inside that brain of his! Episode is available from 7am. The Your Revolution Podcast is back with Episode 113! With Greg Kourpanidis as your host, join him on this special episode in quarantine where he sits down with Owner of Pride Athletic and head honcho of the Northside movement Mike Singline... Mike is an exceptional fitness trainer who has created a strong womans fitness community empowering them to become the best versions of themselves. When he is not in the gym, he is tackling the toughest peaks whether it be in the saddle or in the surf! Tune in as we find out about overcoming early struggles at a young age, his passion for health and fitness and what makes him tick! . #podcast #buiness #fitness #talk #insidemikeshead
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