Primal Influence | Alternative & holistic health service
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23.01.2022 ! Change happens when we step outside our comfort zone - even a teeny tiny step outside of it. What slight discomfort can you go through in your health, fitness, relationships and other areas of your life to promote change and growth?... #inspiration #motivation #challengeyourself
21.01.2022 R U OK? R U OK Day > THERE'S MORE TO SAY AFTER R U OK? < "2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and, for those who are able, be willing to support those around us. In the lead-up to R U OK?Day we’ll help Australians know what to say when someone says they’re not OK and guide them through how they can continue a conversation that could change a life.... You don’t have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says they’re not OK. By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before they’re in crisis, which can make a really positive difference to their life." It's so hard to know what to say to someone you think may be going through a rough time so here are some great tips... Who will you reach out to today? . . #mentalhealth #health #mentalhealthawareness #ruokday2020 #ruok
18.01.2022 + : + We're here to help provide education, support and advice to families with ASD kids and we're so lucky to have Sissy from Absolute Potential Health & Performance, a Nutritionist + mum, join us on PrimalTV for a series of video chats all about this topic. The first little video covers general symptoms ASD kids often experience and the food sensitivities causing them.... Aimee Natural Fitness + Lifestyle Coach #healthykids #asdkids #kidsfood
18.01.2022 Did you see the post we did about sardines being an incredible superfood? If not, check it out! Here's an easy healthy recipe using sardines the whole fam can enjoy. Clint doesn't really like sardines, actually he reeeeally doesn't lol, but he loved this recipe I made for us the other night! Because he couldn't taste the sardines in there, woo!... Give it a go and let me know how it turns out and how the tribe goes with it! Aimee Natural Fitness + Lifestyle Coach .#healthykids #familyfood #seafood
18.01.2022 ? And why are puns so addictive?! We don't tend to walk to the shops barefoot or into pubs, cinemas etc with no shoes on. We wear 'barefoot' shoes most times, but we are still barefoot OFTEN because we spend a lot of time in natural environments (parks, beaches, forests etc) and never wear shoes in those places.... Why? Many reasons! Here are 4 of them: - ARCH SUPPORT The arch is the strongest structure (why bridges are usually an arch shape) and by propping our own arches up unnaturally with the design of most shoes and by inserting orthodics, we're not letting the arch be strong on its own. Most people's arches have the ability to be strong without any aids, and by walking and moving around barefoot the arches get a chance to strengthen and function as they're meant to. - EARTHING By letting our skin touch the ground (dirt, grass, sand, rocks, even concrete) we're able to absorb the good stuff from the earth. The earth has a negative ionic charge so going barefoot grounds our bodies to that charge. Negative Ions have been proven to detoxify, calm, reduce inflammation, synchronise our internal clocks, hormonal cycles and physiological rhythms. - BETTER BALANCE + OVERALL STRENGTH When we're barefoot often, particularly on uneven surfaces, not only do our feet become strong but so do our other joints therefore improving overall strength and balance. A child who climbs a tree in shoes cannot possibly be as strong and sturdy than if they're barefoot. Adults who constantly wear supportive shoes cannot possibly be as strong and sturdy in everyday and unusual movements. - SAVE MONEY Even though we wear minimalist footwear (me Earth Runners and Clint Lems Shoes) and sometimes regular shoes, we spend very little money on shoes these days. The minimalist/barefoot shoes we do wear are high quality and last, they cost less than typical brand joggers to begin with, we're not relying on cushioning and various materials that wear and break down quickly, and we spend a lot of time not in shoes! Pretty good reasons right?! Let us know if you have any q's! Aimee #earthing #naturalhealth #gobarefoot
17.01.2022 ( ---) Sardines are definitely not the most popular seafood on the planet! The smell and the texture, not to mention the really strong flavour, can really put people off! But this bony little fish is so incredibly high in so many bioavailable nutrients, meaning it's a true superfood, it's just gotta be talked about and utilised more.... Thanks to info from Shawn Powers, here are some reasons to eat sardines RICH IN OMEGA-3 Omega-3s benefit the body in many ways and are well-studied for their importance in the body. Sardines provide both EPA and DHA fats, which are beneficial for the brain, heart and to reduce inflammation. SUPER SOURCE OF SELENIUM Selenium and iodine are synergistic and occur together in most naturally occurring sources, including sardines. In fact, one can of sardines contains almost the entire RDA selenium and smaller amount of iodine. BIOAVAILABLE CALCIUM & PHOSPHORUS Sardines are one of the few animal foods that we still consume all of, including the bones and skin. These odd bits of the fish have important vitamins and minerals, including a great dose of calcium from the bones. Phosphorus is an important mineral for bone and tooth health as well and difficult to find in food sources. Sardines are one of the best natural food sources, which is why they are often recommended for healthy skin, teeth and bones. VITAMIN D BOOST The majority of us are Vitamin D deficient. And this number is even more drastic if we consider the optimal levels of Vitamin D and not just the minimum! It is one of the reasons that experts are calling for a change to the recommendation to avoid the sun! HIGH PROTEIN These tiny fish are considered a very efficient food since they contain a very high amount of vitamins, protein and Omega-3 for the amount of calories. ' + ? It'll be in the next Primal E-news! Aimee Natural Fitness + Lifestyle Coach #healthyeating #superfoods #seafood
16.01.2022 ? Toxins in common soap brands on the market can easily add to our health problems and we might not even realise it because it can be a slow, long process. Most regular varieties contain nasty chemicals, some of which effect hormones among other things. From the synthetic fragrances to the highly processed oils... it's important to know what you're putting on your skin and how it could be affecting your health.... Check the ingredients label on the soap you use and if there's a long list of ingredients, lots of numbers, words you don't understand and you basically feel confused from reading through them all... maybe swap to a natural minimal alternative! Or at the very least do some research into the ingredients so you understand what they are, where they come from and what their possible side effects are. Aimee Natural Fitness + Lifestyle Coach . #healthyfamilies #lowtoxliving #naturalhealth
16.01.2022 + You might think you sleep fine or 'good enough' but the reality is most people simply don't sleep well enough. There are many contributors to poor sleep and one of the biggest is the light we're exposed to on a daily basis; both natural and unnatural. On the next episode of PrimalTV I chat with Dave Liow from Kaizen Exercise Physiologists + Holistic Movement Coach about just what blue light is, the differences between 'night... + day' living and how light effects our health. Register for Primal E-news to catch this super informative + interesting video chat Aimee . #healthykids #mumlife #health
15.01.2022 You probably won't like us for this at first but hopefully you'll be ok with it soon! Plant oils are a staple in most pantries. Olive oil, canola, sunflower. Plus a lot of fridges these days have a tub of plant oil margarine on the shelf. Many of these products are touted as good for lowering cholesterol, being heart-healthy and healthy because they’re low in saturated fat.... If you asked everyone you know Hey do you think olive oil is healthier than beef fat? most likely at least 99% of them would say yes. That’s the sad reality of sneaky marketing and BS health advice it teaches the majority of the population the wrong thing! One of the main reasons these oils and products are classed as heart-healthy is because they contain Phytosterols. ' 2' Clint + Aimee #healthykids #familyhealth #naturalhealth
14.01.2022 . ? We’ve really upped our beef fat intake since we went mostly carnivore in 2019 and enjoying continually learning about why it’s such a smart move. It’s an incredibly health fat to consume but so feared because of the stigma still attached to it in regards to ‘fat being bad’ and ‘saturated fat is harmful’. Us humans need to be rid of that old outdated and just plain WRONG way of thinking once and for all, do our hea...lth a favour and get on the good fat train! We’ve created a 4-part blog series covering the benefits of beef fat for our health inside and out, how to consume and use it including how to make natural skin products! This first post is all about why beef fat is so healthy Let us know what you think! . #healthyfood #healthykids #familyhealth
14.01.2022 ?! ! ' ! You can breathe a sigh of relief because you don't need to worry about planking in order to get a stronger core. There's a more effective and much-less-painful exercise you can do at home! Our good friend Sissy from Absolute Potential Health & Performance demo'd and explained it to me recently for an episode of PrimalTV ... Watch here Clint #womenshealth #corestrength #functionalfitness
14.01.2022 I was just chatting to my client Andrea this morning about the fact that there are some really inflammatory herbs and spices, and some that are really low. We're working hard to reduce the inflammation in her body, and are noticing improvements to her energy, sleep, pain levels and overall mobility and agility, due to all the awesome lifestyle improvements she's made. Moving forward I suggested taking into consideration this fantastic list of low and high inflammation herbs... and spices by Health Coach Kait, especially because Andrea is such a huge fan of using spices in her cooking. She's a great cook and loves creating beautiful flavourful paleo dishes but maybe if she has a few more simple meals in her week and a few less flavour-intensive dishes, and swaps some of the more inflammatory flavours over for better choices she'll see even more improvements to her health Personally, I sometimes do enjoy a nice homemade paleo curry using a yummy organic mild curry powder and coconut milk, but my stomach never loves it, and whenever I have a garlic and chilli-heavy meal I feel it the next day, so clearly my body is telling me it doesn't like it! Whereas I can eat meat, eggs and fat and absolutely no gut issues, no digestive problems, it's so interesting! By the way... turmeric can be pretty inflammatory according to Paul Saladino MD, contrary to popular opinon. Don't shoot the messenger though ok!! I hope this info helps you on your health journey! Aimee
13.01.2022 ' + ' + ! Our PrimalTV special guest Dave Liow explains briefly here that the human body is easily confused when it's getting too much artificial light at the wrong times of day, getting our circadian rhythm all out of whack. That's not a good thing! Check out the full episode on our YouTube channel + listen to our chat all about blue light, what it is, natural light benefits, the diff...erences between natural + artificial light and how they're effecting our sleep and overall health... + more! Aimee . #bluelightblocking #asdfamily #naturalhealth
12.01.2022 #fridayfunny #goodfun #foodfunny . . . Unknown
09.01.2022 Some Monday morning inspiration for all the adults out there who've maybe forgotten how it feels to play and are maybe even thinking it's too late to try. Because you're never too old to play and have fun! Clint + Aimee #inspiration #adultscanplaytoo #playislearning ...
06.01.2022 Organ meats are generally the organs of an animal and our ancestors fully utilised these for survival and general health. They didn't have science to tell them why these parts of the animals were so beneficial, they just ate them because they knew they needed to. As do animals, they instinctively know they need them. Just look at a dog, it goes for the organs and marrow before anything else (when it has the option of those anyway!...). Smart! ? : 1. Increased energy levels 2. Aids weight loss 3. Improved skin health 4. Supports cognitive function 5. Immune boosting 6. Reduces risk of disease 7. Promotes muscle growth 8. Reduces toxic load "Animal organ meats and other components like bones and fat often provide nutrients that fuel the same organs in humans. That’s because the vitamins and minerals will be found where they are stored or used the most. For example, B vitamins that support detoxification are found in the liver the body’s main detoxification organ. Calcium and phosphorus are found in the bones of animals and also support human bone health. " - CarnivoreAurelius ' . Aimee #healthyfamilies #nutrition #Meat
05.01.2022 ! It's all about "" which Dave explains in our What is Blue Light and How It Effects Our Health and Well-being episode on PrimalTV. In terms of light v food v exercise for balancing our circadian rhythm ... light is #1 the most important element.... Watch here Aimee #bluelight #naturalhealth #healthyliving
05.01.2022 + ! Learn how to make pure coconut oil soap bars for you, your family and to give as lovely eco-friendly gifts (Christmas is coming up!) with these comprehensive and fun demo events with my mum and I! We've been making soap together for a few years now and will never need to buy bars again - it's a huge $$ saving and so rewarding so we're passionate about teaching this method to others.... gathered.folk in Noosaville - a beautiful event space! Spaces are limited to 12 guests + bookings are essential. Find out more + book in Aimee #soapmaking #sunshinecoastwhatson #sunshinecoast
03.01.2022 #FridayFunny If this is you, no judgement here!! We wouldn't say we haven't done this before, but usually we'd at least make time for a play workout before the drinking starts! lol Clint + Aimee... #exercisecanbefun #couchtime #findyourbalance See more
02.01.2022 It's a Paleo Porridge kinda day! Windy, rainy, cold-ish... The type of weather that makes me feel like having a warm comforting bowl of yumminess. My nut-free, grain-free, egg-free, dairy-free recipe is so quick and easy and with organic strawberries from @flannerysorganic, a drizzle of honey, it's the perfect brekkie Do you want the recipe? Head to Recipes page ... Aimee
01.01.2022 Ask a coffee drinker to stop drinking coffee and they'll look at you like you're crazy or simply burst out laughing! Coffee is addictive, we all know this. And consuming multiple cups a day, close to meal and supplement-taking time, along with not consuming plenty of nutrient-dense foods can cause mineral definciencies that contribute to a huge variety of symptoms and health problems a lot of us experience and suffer from. Are you a coffee drinker? Did you find this info in...teresting or useful? Aimee #coffee #health #nutrientdeficiency
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