Primary Care Connect in Shepparton, Victoria | Community organisation
Primary Care Connect
Locality: Shepparton, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5823 3200
Address: 399 Wyndham Street 3630 Shepparton, VIC, Australia
Likes: 1598
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11.02.2022 This weekend a pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinic will be hosted at St Georges Road Primary School!
30.01.2022 TODAY IS THE DAY! Head down to see the amazing and dedicated staff and take a walk through the Enchanted Forest at the Shepparton Vaccination Hub this Wednesday! No appointment necessary on Wednesday 26 January for children aged 5 to 11 years to receive a COVID-19 vaccination from 9am to 4.30pm.... @gvhealth @gvhealth
24.01.2022 DIFFERENT WAYS WE CAN REDUCE & END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN There are three key strategies that are used to reduce the prevalence and severity of violence against women. Interventions after violence happens, interventions for groups that are at risk of using violence or experiencing violence and community initiatives that prevent violence before it even happens addressing the underlying causes. Our community needs understand the causes and invest its resources, capabilities a...nd focus its attention on addressing the underlying causes of violence against women and children and preventing violence before it happens using Primary Prevention as the strategy. DISCLAIMER: Primary Care Connect (PCC) wants to ensure that everyone who access our Facebook page feels safe and can access appropriate and timely help and support. PCC provide important support and assistance to people who have experienced violence and trauma, and PCC staff necessarily undertake training and reading in these areas as part of their professional development requirements. As such, some of the materials, including videos on our Social Media platforms may be disturbing, upsetting or trigger strong/negative emotions for victims and survivors of violence and trauma, and others. Primary Care Connect respects your autonomy. If you feel triggered or upset by any of the content or materials provided here, we encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading, watching, or listening to the material. Should you require support, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for 24/7 phone services or contact us directly on (03) 5823 3200 to arrange a booking with one of our Clinicians. If you are concerned for your safety or of someone else, please contact the Police in your state or territory or call 000 for emergency assistance.
24.01.2022 Take a break and join Rod for a stretch!
24.01.2022 Applications closes tomorrow Wednesday 15th at 5pm
24.01.2022 We are looking for 5 Youth Workers to provide support to young people in our community. Our Youth Workers will work collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders to ensure the young person experiences client centred and holistic service. Our Youth Workers will have specialist knowledge and experience in working within one of the following cohorts migrant/refugee, disabled, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, LGBTIQA+.... These roles are Working for Victoria funded roles, filtered through Sidekicker. Only people who are unemployed or have lost a significant amount of hours during COVID-19 can apply. Application Process Applications will only be accepted via the Sidekicker Platform. Visit Use the above link to register and apply for 1 of 5 Youth Worker roles at PCC today! #WeNeedYou #ouryoungpeopleneedyou
24.01.2022 28 August 2020 - Colour Shepparton PURPLE! #sheppurpleton
24.01.2022 COMMUNITY MESSAGE Klarindah and Levi our Aboriginal Health Coaches would like to check in and thank everyone who are following the guidelines and restrictions. To our extensive online community please visit to see the guidelines and restrictions in your area. ... Keep up the great work and remember to; Wash your hands regularly Keep your distance stay 1.5 metres away from people you do not live with Wear a face covering when you leave your home Get tested if you have symptoms #StaySafe
23.01.2022 How long since you changed your toothbrush? Using a worn out toothbrush to clean our teeth is going to be ineffective at removing that plaque! Tip: Buy a new toothbrush at the start of every season, its a good way to keep track of how long you have had your toothbrush.... #DentalHealthWeek2020 #ToothBrush #DentalFacts
22.01.2022 Is it time for you to visit a dental professional? Going to see a dental professional may sound daunting, however regular visits can help to address dental disease before pain occurs or even prevent it all together. Depending on our individual risk factors 6 - 12 monthly check ups are ideal. #Dentist #DentalHealthWeek2020 #DentalFacts #Shepparton
22.01.2022 Did you know...
21.01.2022 How long has it been since you cleaned between your teeth? Plaque is constantly building up on our teeth. It is made up of the bacteria that live in our mouths and food debris from the food and drink we consume throughout the day. If we fail to remove plaque properly by brushing twice a day and daily flossing we are putting our teeth at a higher risk for developing dental caries, also known as a cavity or tooth decay. #DentalHealthWeek2020 #DentalFacts #Plaque #DHW
21.01.2022 Myths about Domestic and Family Violence Lets unpack some of the common myths about the causes, challenge outdated thinking and work together to create new norms of non-violence, equity and respect between women and men! The use of Domestic and Family Violence is a human rights abuse and its a choice someone makes. There is never any excuse or justification to hurt, frighten, threaten or abuse anybody by using Domestic and Family Violence in our community. ... #BreakTheSilence #NoMoreExcusesforViolence #NoMoreExcusesforAbuse #YouAreEnough #StopEmotionalabuse #StopVerbalAbuse #StopFinancialAbuse #StopSexualAbuse #StopPhysicalAbuse #StopSocialAbuse #StopPsychologicalAbuse #StopStreetHarrassment DISCLAIMER: Primary Care Connect (PCC) wants to ensure that everyone who access our Facebook page feels safe and can access appropriate and timely help and support. PCC provide important support and assistance to people who have experienced violence and trauma, and PCC staff necessarily undertake training and reading in these areas as part of their professional development requirements. As such, some of the materials, including videos on our Social Media platforms may be disturbing, upsetting or trigger strong/negative emotions for victims and survivors of violence and trauma, and others. Primary Care Connect respects your autonomy. If you feel triggered or upset by any of the content or materials provided here, we encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading, watching, or listening to the material. Should you require support, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for 24/7 phone services or contact us directly on (03) 5823 3200 to arrange a booking with one of our Clinicians. If you are concerned for your safety or of someone else, please contact the Police in your state or territory or call 000 for emergency assistance.
21.01.2022 Today until the 9th of August is Dental Health Week and this year it is all about S U G A R ! Have a think about how much sugar you consume in one day, did you know the recommended daily intake for an adult is 6 teaspoons? Choosing to eat fresh food over packaged food and understanding food labels are ways to minimise your daily sugar intake. Keep an eye out for more oral health facts this week! ... #DentalHealthWeek #Sugar #DentalFacts #HealthPromotion
20.01.2022 Healthy Lunchbox Week is here! This Nutrition Australia initiative is aimed to motivate and inspire all of us to create and enjoy a healthy lunchbox. Did you know that children eat around a third of their daily food intake at school? Help fuel your child’s mind and body by providing them with nutrient rich foods. ... Source:
20.01.2022 With Stage 3 Restrictions coming into place tomorrow at 11.59pm, it is important for us to ensure that our whole community is aware of what that means so that EVERYONE in our community remains safe and healthy. Please be sure to share this information far and wide. If you require information in language, visit @Department of Health and Human Services website, Greater Shepparton City Council website @Uniting website and ours at to hear and see information shared in language. Stay safe everyone and our doors are open and lines open should you need support through many of our services. #wewillgetthroughthistogether #yourcommunityhealthservice.
19.01.2022 Good morning! Have you had your say? If not, still time scan QR Code and tell us your thoughts!
18.01.2022 Don't forget tomorrow is Walk in Wednesday! Help boost your child's defenses before school commences at the Shepparton Vaccination Hub this Wednesday! No appointment necessary on Wednesday 26 January for children aged 5 to 11 years to receive a COVID-19 vaccination from 9am to 4.30pm.... Goulburn Valley Health @gvhealth
18.01.2022 Primary Care Connect is growing! We are seeking a range of experienced, motivated and highly skilled people to join our team. Contact people can be reached via Primary Care Connect’s phone number (03) 58233200.... Applications for these positions will close at 5.00pm on Friday 8th January 2021. For position descriptions and to apply please visit our website
18.01.2022 Watch this short video of Alan explaining what to do if you ever see or hear Domestic or Family Violence. We all have a role to play in ending Domestic and Family Violence and following these safe simple steps can help families and communities break free from violence. People using domestic violence need to know that its NOT OK and its NEVER acceptable or excusable to hurt, frighten abuse or control someone through force and threats in our community. ... #BreakTheSilence #NoMoreExcusesforViolence #NoMoreExcusesforAbuse #YouAreEnough #ListenBelieveValidate #KnowHowToRespond DISCLAIMER: Primary Care Connect (PCC) wants to ensure that everyone who access our Facebook page feels safe and can access appropriate and timely help and support. PCC provide important support and assistance to people who have experienced violence and trauma, and PCC staff necessarily undertake training and reading in these areas as part of their professional development requirements. As such, some of the materials, including videos on our Social Media platforms may be disturbing, upsetting or trigger strong/negative emotions for victims and survivors of violence and trauma, and others. Primary Care Connect respects your autonomy. If you feel triggered or upset by any of the content or materials provided here, we encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading, watching, or listening to the material. Should you require support, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for 24/7 phone services or contact us directly on (03) 5823 3200 to arrange a booking with one of our Clinicians. If you are concerned for your safety or of someone else, please contact the Police in your state or territory or call 000 for emergency assistance.
17.01.2022 GOOD MORNING FRIDAY! Are you registered on Sidekicker and are keen to work with our young people?... YES? Great! We are recruiting real soon! Keep an eye out for them! Not registered on Sidekicker yet? Thats okay you still have time - go to and create a profile today!
17.01.2022 What are you up today? Don't forget ...
15.01.2022 WE ARE LOOKING FOR... Kiswahili Bi-cultural Worker/Interpreter to join our Team!... APPLY TODAY!
14.01.2022 Our WULUMBARA Program and Team!
14.01.2022 Preparing our community for changes to restrictions, as of 11.59pm this Sunday, 02 August we will all be required to wear a mask when we leave our homes. Please prepare by purchasing disposable ones or get in contact with some amazing locals who are making washable-reusable face masks so that you and your loved ones are ready. COVID-19 DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE!... Please be safe and protect your health and well-being and those of our whole community! #weareallinthistogether #yourcommunityhealthservice
13.01.2022 Tomorrow is International Overdose Awareness Day which began in Australia and is now a global event held each year on 31st August. It is a day to acknowledge the tremendous grief experienced by loved ones of those who have experienced drug overdose, whether fatal or non-fatal. Lets show solidarity by wearing the colours purple and silver adopted by International Overdose Awareness Day. ... For more information visit: #EndOverdose #InternationalOverdoseAwarenessDay2020 #IOAD2020 #SomeonesEverything #SomeonesLife #SomeonesFather #SomeonesMother #SomeonesBestFriend #SomeonesSister #SomeonesDaughter #SomeonesBrother #SomeonesSon #SomeonesBuddy
13.01.2022 There are many out there who are willing to support you... all you have to do is get in touch... #wehaveyoucovered #reachout #weallcare #PCC #24/7 #supportavailable #together #wecan #wewill
12.01.2022 INTERNATIONAL OVERDOSE AWARENESS DAY Today we raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug related death. It also acknowledges the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have died or have a permanent injury as a result of drug overdose. Australia has recorded its highest number of drug related deaths since the late 1990s. ... The Australian Bureau of Statistics shows a concerning increase in drug related deaths, figures revealing this is now at 7.5 deaths per 100,000 Australians. Source: Surge in Australian drug-induced deaths Australian Clinical Labs 2020 For more information visit: #EndOverdose #InternationalOverdoseAwarenessDay2020 #IOAD2020 #SomeonesEverything #SomeonesLife #SomeonesFather #SomeonesMother #SomeonesBestFriend #SomeonesSister #SomeonesDaughter #SomeonesBrother #SomeonesSon #SomeonesBuddy
12.01.2022 At Primary Care Connect we provide a free Alcohol and Other Drug counselling service for people who are experiencing difficulties because of their substance use, as well as those who are affected by someone else’s substance use. Want to connect with this service? Contact ACSO on 1300 022 760 ... Needing crisis support? Directline 1800 888 236 Confidential alcohol & drug counselling and referral in Victoria. Lifeline 131 114 24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services.
11.01.2022 Today and everyday, we just want you to know...
11.01.2022 THURSDAY, 10 SEPTEMBER #ruokday2020 #moretosay #yourcommunityhealthservice #ask #lookingoutforyourmates #theresmoretosay
11.01.2022 Its the end of the week and its also the last day of Womens Health Week. We hope all the women of our community have done something this week that has elevated your health and wellbeing. At PCC today, we are encouraging all women to ENJOY IT YOUR WAY! Take some time to yourself today, to do something that you love, have wanted to do but still havent, relax, or just breathe. EVERY Women this week and every day deserve it!... From PCC, we wish you all a relaxing Friday and endless health and wellbeing!
10.01.2022 Join us for Couch Sessions Episode 2 Ideas to remind yourself to get moving with Bentley & Hope! Sessions are all about having a chat. We will touch on ideas, information on certain topics, services here at Primary Care Connect and we will also answer some of your most frequently asked questions.
10.01.2022 Don't forget to have your say!!!
10.01.2022 SIGN UP NOW!
10.01.2022 WEAR IT PURPLE In 2010, several rainbow young people took their own lives following bullying and harassment resulting from the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity. This Friday join us and many others in the community in wearing anything and everything purple to show our young people from our community that they are and we are here for them! ... Thank you GOTAFE and team for this awesome image! #support #LGBTIAQ+ #youngpeople #wearitpurple #sheppurleton The Bridge Youth Service Shepparton Education First Youth Foyer GOTAFE Latrobe Uni Shepparton Goulburn Valley Health Uniting Goulburn Valley Pride Shepparton Womens Health Goulburn North East Nexus Primary Health headspace Shepparton OUT in the OPEN Festival Shepparton BeyondHousing
09.01.2022 Everyday it is important to ask R U OK? Not only ask but have a real conversation with them. Right now more than ever staying connected through real conversations matter. Today, make the effort to ask and have real talk time with someone you love and those around you. You never know what they are going through and just your smile and question change their very being!... #soASK #ruokday #everyday #thereisalwaysmore #connect #yourcommunityhealthservice
09.01.2022 Follow us on Instagram to stay connected with the team here at PCC! We look forward to launching; - Workout Wednesdays - Sustainable Living Tips ... - Self care reminders - Tips from our Financial Counsellors PLUS MUCH MORE!! #StayConnected #PrimaryCareConnect #ConnectWithPrimaryCareConnect #Instagram #GoulburnValley
08.01.2022 Join our Primary Care Connect team and enjoy contributing to the health of our communities today. We offer outstanding career and work opportunities in: Professional Development Opportunities to shape the way we deliver services... EFT flexibility and Employee benefits such as salary packaging and employee wellbeing program APPLY NOW!
08.01.2022 JOIN OUR TEAM FAMILY VIOLENCE SUPPORT WORKER 60 Hours per Fortnight Fixed Term until 30th June 2021 Contact Person Sheree Monteleone Manager Clinical Services (03) 5823 3200.... HARM REDUCTION WORKER 75 Hours per Fortnight Contact Person Debbie McDonald Manager Alcohol & Other Drugs on (03) 5823 3200. Apply now via our website: Applications for these positions will close at 5.00pm on Wednesday 16th September 2020.
07.01.2022 Chewing sugar-free gum does not replace brushing or flossing, but it is a good addition and can assist with preventing dental caries. Saliva is one of our biggest protectors against oral disease! #DentalHealthWeek2020 #DentalFacts #OralDisease
07.01.2022 Take a walk through the Enchanted Forest at the Shepparton Vaccination Hub this Wednesday! No appointment necessary on Wednesday 26 January for children aged 5 to 11 years to receive a COVID-19 vaccination from 9am to 4.30pm. We look forward to seeing you there! @gvhealth Goulburn Valley Health
07.01.2022 Seconds Save Lives, Clean Your Hands! Washing our hands is crucial in preventing the transmission of germs to one another. There is a technique to hand washing and it takes more than a quick rinse of the fingertips! Have a look at our video on correct hand washing and some of the spot's germs can hide. #worldhandhygieneday #secondssavelives #handwashing
05.01.2022 Primary Care Connect (PCC) is part of a coalition of youth services led by Youth Affairs Council Victoria, which has secured funding through Working for Victoria to create new jobs to help address the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of young Victorians. With this funding, PCC will be increasing opportunities for 6 individuals who are keen to work with young people in our community. Register on Sidekicker and create a profile to gain access to these upcoming opportunities: Need help getting registered? Call through and speak to Mellisa Silaga on (03) 5823 3200 today.
04.01.2022 Welcome to the first episode of Couch Sessions! These sessions are all about having a chat. We will touch on ideas, information on certain topics, services here at Primary Care Connect and we will also answer some of your most frequently asked questions. Join us for Couch Sessions Episode 1 - Exercise, Mood & Motivation with Bentley and Klarindah!... ** this video was filmed prior to wearing face covering guidelines and restrictions **
04.01.2022 HOW TO RESPOND TO A DISCLOSURE OF DOMESTIC OR FAMILY VIOLENCE This video covers the 3 steps you need to know if someone discloses an experience of domestic or family violence to you. LISTEN to them - BELIEVE them - VALIDATE their experience ... We have developed a comprehensive training package at Primary Care aimed at increasing peoples skills and understanding about How to Respond to a Disclosures of Domestic or Family Violence for individuals families groups clubs and workplace to ensure everyone knows how to effectively responds to D/FV in our community. If youd like more information, go to our website: DISCLAIMER: Primary Care Connect (PCC) wants to ensure that everyone who access our Facebook page feels safe and can access appropriate and timely help and support. PCC provide important support and assistance to people who have experienced violence and trauma, and PCC staff necessarily undertake training and reading in these areas as part of their professional development requirements. As such, some of the materials, including videos on our Social Media platforms may be disturbing, upsetting or trigger strong/negative emotions for victims and survivors of violence and trauma, and others. Primary Care Connect respects your autonomy. If you feel triggered or upset by any of the content or materials provided here, we encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading, watching, or listening to the material. Should you require support, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for 24/7 phone services or contact us directly on (03) 5823 3200 to arrange a booking with one of our Clinicians. If you are concerned for your safety or of someone else, please contact the Police in your state or territory or call 000 for emergency assistance. #BreakTheSilence #NoMoreExcusesforViolence #NoMoreExcusesforAbuse #YouAreEnough #ListenBelieveValidate #KnowHowToRespond
03.01.2022 Safer, healthier, mutually respectful relationships are the keys to ending violence against women in all our communities. For more information on Domestic and Family Violence visit: ... Should you require support, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for 24/7 phone services or contact us directly on (03) 5823 3200 or via the website to arrange a booking with one of our Clinicians. If you are concerned for your safety or of someone else, please contact the Police in your state or territory or call 000 for emergency assistance. #StopViolenceTogether #WomenandMenCanEndViolence #BecomeAnActiveBystander
03.01.2022 MEN WHO USE DOMESTIC & FAMILY VIOLENCE Many factors can reliably predict the risk of perpetrating violence. One key set of factors is to do with masculinity, that is, the attitudes and behaviours stereotypically associated with being a man. Longstanding ideals about manhood include ideas that men should be strong, forceful, and dominant in relationships and households. Boys and men are exposed to constant messaging that they should be tough and in control and are often forc...ed to spend their lives trying to prove their manhood all the time, while women are often seen as lesser, or even malicious and dishonest. Men who conform to these ideals are more likely to hit, abuse, coerce, and sexually harass women than men who see women as their equals. Whats more, men whose male peers tolerate or use violence are themselves more likely to do so. These harmful ideals not only lead to the perpetration of violence against women but also its perpetuation. The good news is there is widespread recognition that to prevent and reduce violence against women, we must engage men and boys in this work. We have an opportunity to reshape healthier, safer more respectful ways of being men. DISCLAIMER: Primary Care Connect (PCC) wants to ensure that everyone who access our Facebook page feels safe and can access appropriate and timely help and support. PCC provide important support and assistance to people who have experienced violence and trauma, and PCC staff necessarily undertake training and reading in these areas as part of their professional development requirements. As such, some of the materials, including videos on our Social Media platforms may be disturbing, upsetting or trigger strong/negative emotions for victims and survivors of violence and trauma, and others. Primary Care Connect respects your autonomy. If you feel triggered or upset by any of the content or materials provided here, we encourage you to use your discretion as to whether you should continue reading, watching, or listening to the material. Should you require support, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) for 24/7 phone services or contact us directly on (03) 5823 3200 to arrange a booking with one of our Clinicians. If you are concerned for your safety or of someone else, please contact the Police in your state or territory or call 000 for emergency assistance.
03.01.2022 FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE with from PCC! We are here and our doors are open! Thank you to our staff who were able to send in their Wear it Purple photo to show their support on this day. ... #sheppurpleton #wearitpurple #supportingouryoungpeople #RainbowCommunity #ourdoorsareOpen
02.01.2022 Every day sexist attitudes and behaviours can have significant impacts on a peoples sense of safety health and have impacts on their careers, involvement in clubs and community. #EndSexismTogether #SexistCommentsAreNoJoke
02.01.2022 When creating a healthy lunchbox make sure to choose food from each of the 5 food groups. Take note at the end of the videos to find out where each food item sits within the 5 food groups! Source: ... See more
02.01.2022 Be in the Know! Join our Shepparton Community Share CEOs for... ... #yourcommunityhealthservice
01.01.2022 Our Family Violence Program supports those who are currently experiencing family violence or have experienced family violence in the past. Family Violence encompasses as range of abusive behaviours such as: Physical assault Emotional and psychological abuse... Coercion and threats Intimidation and isolation Financial abuse Spiritual abuse The Family Violence Program is free and confidential and offers education, short term support, advocacy, referral and court support for intervention orders or family court matters. Want to connect with this service? Call us on 03 5823 3200 or visit our website!
19.12.2021 Have you had your booster shot? A booster dose will help maintain protection against COVID-19, help Victoria to remain open and to support community, business and schools to continue operating in a COVID safe way. Booster doses can be booked with local GPs, pharmacists and state run vaccination centre
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