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Prime Time Advisory in Blackburn, Victoria, Australia | Accountant

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Prime Time Advisory

Locality: Blackburn, Victoria, Australia

Phone: +61 3 9894 3449

Address: Level 1, 4/194 Whitehorse Rd 3130 Blackburn, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Businesses: Its time to make your JobKeeper monthly business declaration for August Remember - August has 3 fortnights, so dont forget to claim your eligible employees for all of them. If you have newly eligible employees include them in the claim from JobKeeper Fortnight 10 (which started 3 August). Weve created a new fact sheet to explain the steps you need to take to add newly eligible employees, visit

24.01.2022 The pressure that can come with making a financial decision can lead to no decision being made and no action being taken. In this article, we discuss financial rules of thumb (decision shortcuts).

24.01.2022 Assistance is now available for Victorian hospitality businesses impacted by restrictions. Find more information on the CBD Small Hospitality Grant and the Hospitality Business Grant Program here.

24.01.2022 If you have received, or are expecting to receive, a tax refund this year, consider how it can be put to good use. In this motivational video, Tom Bilyeu talks on making your vision a reality.

23.01.2022 What are the tax implications for beneficiaries of superannuation balances?

23.01.2022 When thinking about the future, what do you want to see for yourself? For example, do you want to be financially independent; free of debt and living a comfortable lifestyle in your retirement years? With this in mind, understanding where you are (your present) and where you want to be (your future) is important when setting out to achieve the latter. So, is your present self aligned with your future self?

23.01.2022 Assistance is now available for Victorian hospitality businesses impacted by restrictions. Find more information on the CBD Small Hospitality Grant and the Hospitality Business Grant Program here.

23.01.2022 Research from @Financial Planning Association of Australia shows Depletion of savings is the biggest financial worry among Australians, followed by Job security and Retirement / erosion of super. If these topics concern you, please reach out to us for an initial #financialplanning session. #WFPD2020 #FPWeek2020

22.01.2022 Please be aware for a new email scam about JobKeeper and backing business investment scheme payments.

22.01.2022 When looking to enter the property market, gauging our potential borrowing power can be useful. In this animation, we illustrate borrowing powerboth potential and actual borrowing power.

22.01.2022 What are the tax implications for beneficiaries of superannuation balances? #financialadvice #financialadvisers #superannuationplanning

21.01.2022 As at 30 June 2019, there were 900 different medicines in 5,455 brands listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). In this article, we discuss the PBS, as well as the Pharmaceutical Allowance.

21.01.2022 When it comes to mitigating retirement-related risks, and providing for your retirement lifestyle, there can be several strategies employed. In this animation, we illustrate the three-bucket approach.

20.01.2022 2020 Budget: The ‘COVID-19 Recovery' proposed measures Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the 2020-21 Federal Budget on 6 October 2020. We provide you with an overview of the main proposed measures that may be relevant to you and your personal finances.

19.01.2022 In 2016, roughly 8.4 million (62%) of Australia’s 13.6 million home-owners did some kind of home improvement. In this article, we provide information on home improvements and overcapitalisation.

19.01.2022 The receipt and review of your annual super statement can assist you to stay actively engaged with, and well-informed on, your super. In this article, we provide a review checklist to help with this.

18.01.2022 Theres an update to the JobKeeper Payment. From 3 August 2020, the relevant date of employment will move from 1 March to 1 July 2020, increasing employee eligibility for the existing scheme and the extension. This also applies to sole traders.

17.01.2022 Australians are more determined than ever to plan financially for life after #COVID19, with 70% of Australians believing they could have done better or differen...t to improve their financial position, according to our new research out this week. If you're looking to become financially confident and be assured about your finances during #COVID19, why not speak to a financial planner? To find your nearest #financialplanner, visit: #FPWeek2020

17.01.2022 Businesses: Have you nominated an eligible business participant to receive JobKeeper payments? You can only claim payments for one eligible business participan...t: who was actively engaged in day-to-day operations on 1 March 2020, and for each fortnight payment is claimed they were actively engaged in the operation of your business. Find out more at

16.01.2022 Are you a business receiving JobKeeper payments? If you are, you have until 14 October to make your declaration for payments made in September. Remember Sept...ember is the last month you can claim $1,500 per JobKeeper fortnight for your eligible employees. For more information check out our JobKeeper guides at

15.01.2022 When looking to fund your retirement from your super benefits, it’s important to understand your options and their appropriateness to you. In this animation, we illustrate super lump sum withdrawals.

15.01.2022 Applications are now open for Commercial Landlord Hardship Fund grants - supporting small, private landlords who may not have the capacity to provide rent reduc...tions to their tenants under the requirements of the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme. For more info and to apply See more

15.01.2022 The Sole Trader Support Fund provides support to non-employing Victorian sole traders operating out of commercial premises or locations within specific sectors. The Fund offers eligible sole traders who are impacted by the Victorian COVID restrictions to receive a grant of $3,000 that can be used towards their overhead costs. Applications to this Fund are now open

15.01.2022 In the 2020-21 Federal Budget, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg announced many proposed measures, ABC News’ political correspondent, Greg Jennett, explains the key numbers behind some of these measures.

14.01.2022 Government grants are now available for small businesses to improve energy efficiency, reduce costs and lower energy consumption.

12.01.2022 With the recent Victorian Government announcement of Stage 3 Stay at Home lockdown to metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire, businesses within these areas that are affected by the restrictions may be eligible for a one-off $5,000 grant under the Business Support Fund Expansion program. Find out how from Business Victoria

11.01.2022 Have you been receiving JobKeeper or the Coronavirus Supplement? The Government has recently announced changes to these payments that may impact you.

11.01.2022 From 25 September, there are changes to the partner income test for JobSeeker Payment. Your payment will reduce by 27 cents, instead of 25 cents, for every your partner earns over $1165 per fortnight. If your income is less than $300 per fortnight, your partner can earn up to $3086.11 before your payment reduces to zero. More on this and other changes here:

10.01.2022 The major benefit of LMI is that it allows the dream of homeownership to become a reality for a lot of first home buyers. Depending on your circumstance, while it may appear that it is exclusively favourable to the lender, there is value to borrowers in paying the premium.

10.01.2022 According to ATO data, for the 2017-18 financial year, 8,950,205 individuals claimed $2,424 on average in work-related expenses. In this article, we discuss work-related home office expenses.

09.01.2022 In times of uncertainty, a #financialplanner can build your financial plan to meet your unique needs. Our team of experienced advisers are here to help you achieve financial confidence. #FPWeek2020 #WFPD2020

09.01.2022 What are your goals retirement goals? Having a plan in place now can help to ensure that your next stage of life meets your expectations.

09.01.2022 Employers: The JobKeeper Payment is changing, so more employees can qualify. There are changes to: 1. the eligibility criteria 2. a payment extension to 31 Aug...ust, and 3. employers can nominate different employees if their employment has changed. For more details on the changes, see

09.01.2022 The construction industry (among others) has been adversely impacted by COVID-19. In this article, we provide information on the Governments recently announced HomeBuilder grant program.

09.01.2022 : Do you need help to understand how JobKeeper is changing so more employees can qualify? Download this infographic for changes to: 1. the eligibility ...criteria 2. a payment extension to 31 August, and 3. how employers can nominate different employees if their employment has changed. For more details on the changes, visit

07.01.2022 As you may already know, the JobKeeper scheme has been extended for a further six months from 28 September 2020 until 28 March 2021. The JobKeeper extension is broken up into two periods: Extension 1: from 28 September 2020 to 3 January 2021 Extension 2: from 4 January 2021 to 28 March 2021 For each of the above extension periods, it is vital to note that an additional actual decline in GST turnover test will still apply. The payment rates is broken up into two tiers and will be different depending on the number of hours worked by each employee in each period.

07.01.2022 You cant always predict the future, but you can safeguard yourself and your finances. Having a financial plan in place will enable you to live the life you want, and also be prepared for any setbacks along the way. Uncertain times call for certain advice. Contact us today and talk to our CFP professional financial planners to help you create a tailored financial plan and give you the confidence to get through today and anything that may arise in the future.

06.01.2022 The Victorian Government has extended a ban on evictions and rental increases until the end of the year, increase assistance and ensure tenant turnover is taken into account in rental negotiations giving tenants certainty and security they wont lose their home or workplace during the pandemic.

06.01.2022 On 21 July, the Government announced it is extending the JobKeeper Payment until 28 March 2021 with some changes to eligibility criteria and payment rates. Check out details from the treasury website

03.01.2022 Watch out for cybercriminals at #TaxTime! They often impersonate the Australian Taxation Office, seeking info like your TFN. They may try to convince you they n...eed it, claiming youre eligible for a payment claim or that you need to pay a fake tax debt. Take our phishing quiz to spot a scam this #TaxTime

03.01.2022 A transition to retirement income stream (TRIS), among other things, may help you ease into retirementreduce your work hours, while maintaining your income level. In this article, we cover TRIS.

03.01.2022 Thinking of refinancing? Finding a lower interest rate doesnt necessarily mean youve scored yourself a better deal. Let our lending team do the hard work for you in finding the right loan to suit your needs.

03.01.2022 Got symptoms? Get tested. Vic Gov is providing payments to support workers required to self-isolate. You or your employees may be eligible for the $300 Test Iso...lation Payment or $1500 Worker Support Payment. More at Victorian Department of Health & Human Services > See more

02.01.2022 'Live Your Today. Plan Your Tomorrow.'

01.01.2022 When taking out a mortgage, there are many associated fees and expenses involved that people forget to include in the cost of purchasing a home. Application, establishment fees and stamp duty are just a few of the fees involved. Talking to our MFAA broker can give you a clearer picture of all the extra costs involved in taking out a mortgage.

01.01.2022 Businesses: Do you have new employees who will now be eligible for the JobKeeper Payment? You now have until 31 August to pay your new employees for the fortni...ghts commencing on 3 and 17 August 2020. For more details on the changes, see

01.01.2022 The Treasurer delivered a mini-budget on 23 July 2020an economic and fiscal update. In this article, we provide a summary of the update, inclusive of the main personal finance-related points.

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