Prisoners on the Run Inc in Beechworth, Victoria | Public & government service
Prisoners on the Run Inc
Locality: Beechworth, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5728 0021
Address: Locked Bag 3 3747 Beechworth, VIC, Australia
Likes: 231
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22.01.2022 Its Official! Grab your runners, bring the family and stomp the gorge with us on Sunday 5 March. Head to for a Registration Form.
22.01.2022 We have a big surprise announcement next week :) POTR will be announcing the winner of our logo contest. The winners school will receive equipment to the value of $500. The new logo will be added as our profile picture :) More to come next week.
21.01.2022 The annual Prisoner on the Run Fun Run will be held Sunday 16th August 2015 at 10.00 am. Entries will be taken from 9.30 am. The run commences opposite the Old Beechworth Gaol and continues through the beautiful tourist town of Beechworth, and then down through the picturesque gorge and out to the Beechworth Correctional Centre. (8 kms) Fees for Adults $25 (includes T-shirt) $15 per child (includes T-shirt) and $50 per family of 2 adults and 2 children (also includes T-shirts). Why not enter a team from your sporting club??
21.01.2022 Results from last Sundays fun run will be posted early next week, apologies for the delay
20.01.2022 Results are in!! Check your times Medalions left from the presentation will be mailed out this week.
19.01.2022 Congratulations to Ali Coskun the winner of our recently held logo competition. Ali is a grade 6 student from Tatura Primary School whos ambition is to become a graphic designer.
18.01.2022 Congratulations to Digby Race and his son Alexi Race-Stelling on being equal winners of our fun run, both finished the race in 32mins 55 seconds. The top 3 placed in each age group listed below: Female (aged 5-16 years)... Caitlyn Regan 36:27 Taya Ross 49:36 Maisey Waayers 56:52 Male (aged 5-16 years) Alexi Race-Stelling 32:55 Nicholas Stewart 36:59 Thomas McLean 40:03 Female (17-30 years) Sarah Slater 55:41 Maddie Altmeier 56:47 Jessica Carey 57:10 Male (17-30 years) Nathan Regan 37:13 David Rees 38:46 Stephen Leach 51:47 Female (21-39 years) Sheridan Howe 41:54 Jenelle Dunkley 44:57 Lu Lury 51:18 Male (21-39 years) Luca Papas 39:36 Tom Sharwood 53:04 Brock Knights 1:26.14 Female (31-49 years) Fiona Laurie 45:30 Maria Garvey 48:20 Leanne Barton 48:35 Male (31- 49 years) Christopher Owens 37:50 Philip Dunkley 42:21 Paul Waayers 48:35 Female (40-49 years) Ali Maher 48:25 Annette Shallie 50:49 Kellie Kimpton 51:21 Male (40-49 years) Digby Race 32.55 Stuart McIntosh 36.44 Darren McCormick 43.13 Female (50+) Gretal Newman 47:31 Jo Austin 49:32 Male (50+) Larry Abel 35.15 Rick Atkins 38:41 John Chambeyron 38:54 A big thank you to all our competitors for supporting our great charity. Please encourage your friends to like our page for further presentation days and functions.
18.01.2022 The annual Prisoner on the Run Fun Run will be held Sunday 16th August 2015 at 10.00 am. Entries will be taken from 9.30 am. The run commences opposite the Old Beechworth Gaol and continues through the beautiful tourist town of Beechworth, and then down through the picturesque gorge and out to the Beechworth Correctional Centre. (8 kms) Fees for Adults $25 (includes T-shirt) $15 per child (includes T-shirt) and $50 per family of 2 adults and 2 children (also includes T-shirts). Why not enter a team from your sporting club??
18.01.2022 Results from last Sundays Fun Run Congratulations to all of the top 3 in each age section Participant name Age M/F Time completed 5-16 Male... Will MacLean 5-16 M 42.11 Aiden Shaw 5-16 M 43.2 Travis Dunkley 5-16 M 43.51 5-16 Female Caitlyn Regan 5-16 F 39.08 17-30 Male Wade Ganzerla 17-30 M 34.45 Dale Bosenberg 17-30 M 34.45 Luke Robinson 17-30 M 36.41 17-30 Female Amy Reif 17-30 F 44.32 Joanne Hendy 17-30 F 45.11 Holly Barker 17-30 F 48.26 31-49 Male Cameron Gray 31-49 M 35.53 Rodney Lang 31-49 M 39.2 Tuan 31-49 M 41.26 31-49 Female Bronwyn Rennick 31-49 F 38.02 Kirsten Arthur 31-49 F 42.42 Nikki Starr 31-49 F 43.4 50+ Male Barry Bodsworth 50+ M 31.53 Rick Atkins 50+ M 35.19 Michael Crowe 50+ M 39.41 50+ Female Joannna Austin 50+ F 49.33
17.01.2022 Prisoners on the Run was a great success today, a huge thankyou to all competitors, and volunteers that assisted. The rain held off and we had good numbers. I will post the results/place getters tomorrow in each age group.
16.01.2022 Fun run this Sunday BBQ supplied at the end and a bus to return you back into town Medals for 1st 2nd & 3rd in each age section
15.01.2022 Its here! Registrations open @ 8am. A shuttle bus will be available to run participants to the starting line to collect their belongings. Pram and family friendly, walk, run, skip or dance your way to the finish line. Its set to be a beautiful day, so, join us for a great day out to support a worthwhile cause!
15.01.2022 Well Done to all of our participants today! Please tag each other! Todays results will be displayed on the website from tomorrow.
14.01.2022 Ali was the winner of our logo competition and we wish him all the best
14.01.2022 Congratulations to Ali Coskun the winner of our recently held logo competition. Ali is a grade 6 student from Tatura Primary School whos ambition is to become a graphic designer.
14.01.2022 Lock it into your diaries - next years fun run will be on Sunday 5th March 2017
10.01.2022 Prisoners on the Run will be holding their next Presentation Day at Beechworth Correctional Centre on Friday 22nd May 2015. Application forms have been sent out to all schools within an 80km radius of Beechworth, all applicants must reside in Victoria. If you are aware of any disabled children who may need assistance with some equipment please pass on the information to their family members or school.... Application forms may also be obtained by contacting the Secretary Helen Doig on [email protected] or calling 03 5728 0039
09.01.2022 The fun run tomorrow will go ahead rain, hail or shine :) Hopefully the rain will hold off until after the event.
07.01.2022 Dust off the sneakers, the runs only 9 days away! Registration forms can be submitted early, get yours here: See you at the starting blocks!
07.01.2022 Complete results of fun run in finish order Congratulations to all that participated Participant name Age M/F Time completed... Barry Bodsworth 50+ M 31.53 Wade Ganzerla 17-30 M 34.45 Dale Bosenberg 17-30 M 34.45 Rick Atkins 50+ M 35.19 Cameron Gray 31-49 M 35.53 Luke Robinson 17-30 M 36.41 Bronwyn Rennick 31-49 F 38.02 Caitlyn Regan 5-16 F 39.08 Rodney Lang 31-49 M 39.2 Michael Crowe 50+ M 39.41 Thomas Rankin 17-30 M 41 Tuan 31-49 M 41.26 Daniel Rennick 31-49 M 41.27 Jose 31-49 M 41.5 Will MacLean 5-16 M 42.11 Mal Boyd 31-49 M 42.31 Kirsten Arthur 31-49 F 42.42 Aiden Shaw 5-16 M 43.2 Nikki Starr 31-49 F 43.4 Travis Dunkley 5-16 M 43.51 Amy Reif 17-30 F 44.32 Askin Starr 17-30 M 44.59 Joanne Hendy 17-30 F 45.11 Owen Davies 31-49 M 45.12 Davina Perkins 31-49 F 45.15 Jenelle Dunkley 31-49 F 45.37 Thomas MacLean 5-16 M 46.21 Sally Evans 31-49 F 46.35 Chris 31-49 M 47 Michael Ennis 31-49 M 47.11 Christopher Maher 17-30 M 47.28 Aruna 31-49 M 47.53 Martin 31-49 M 48.1 Holly Barker 17-30 F 48.26 John 50+ M 48.34 Kat Livingstone 31-49 F 48.43 Evan Rennick 17-30 M 49.07 Sally Plant 31-49 F 49.11 Amanda Hoskins 31-49 F 49.24 Joannna Austin 50+ F 49.33 Tony Austin 50+ M 49.33 Dani Thompson 31-49 F 50.12 Susannah Schmidt 31-49 F 50.27 Ruth Marr 31-49 F 51.08 Kylie Stevenson 17-30 F 52.37 David 17-30 M 52.41 Katie Burton 31-49 F 52.41 Bruce 31-49 M 53.13 Georgia Jackson 17-30 F 54.26 Donna Hill 31-49 F 54.37 Alissa Rhodes 31-49 F 54.39 Chris Rhodes 31-49 M 54.39 Michelle Davies 31-49 F 54.47 Kendal Sharkey 17-30 F 54.51 Emma McLaughlin 31-49 F 54.57 Danielle Grace 31-49 F 55.16 Jacqui Younger 31-49 F 55.16 Brenton 17-30 M 55.36 Kylie Darcy 31-49 F 55.52 Marita Christensen 31-49 F 56.06 Sandra McDonald 31-49 F 57.24 Gus Parkinson 5-16 M 58.16 Liam McLaughlin 5-16 M 58.18 Hannah Brodie 17-30 F 58.59 Alana Turbitt 17-30 F 59.48 Chelsea Perry 31-49 F 59.55 Bret Critchley 50+ M 60.4 Michelle Critchley 31-49 F 60.4 Degan Dolny 5-16 M 67.06 Joanne Tasevski 17-30 F 71.37 Stelios 17-30 M 71.44 Frank 31-49 M 71.44 Serkan 31-49 M 71.44 Kemal 31-49 M 71.44 Domonic 31-49 M 75.12 Mathew 31-49 M 75.42 Mel Hopkins 31-49 F 79.12 Katrina Anderson 31-49 F 79.14
05.01.2022 Are you as excited as we are? 2 sleeps to go! Registrations will open at 8am, race begins promptly at 10am!... See you at the Rotunda.
05.01.2022 THREE sleeps to go all, Get the trainers out, werre stomping the Beechworth Gorge. See you at the finish line!!
05.01.2022 THREE sleeps to go all, Get the trainers out, wer're stomping the Beechworth Gorge. See you at the finish line!!
04.01.2022 Prisoners On The Run is a charity in which monies raised by the fund raising activities of prisoners are distributed to disabled and disadvantaged children. Since its inception, the charity has raised over $1 million. Prisoners on the Run started at Morwell River Prison in 1988. Based around a fun run, in its first year the aim was to raise $1,000 for an sick child; from there it grew to a significant charity, raising $50,000 or more each year to distribute amongst disabled a...nd disadvantaged children in the Gippsland area. The charity was transferred to Won Wron Prison in 1997 upon the closure of Morwell River. In late 2004, with the imminent closure of Won Wron Prison, Fulham Correctional Centre and Gippsland Community Corrections maintained the charity to ensure the continuation of Prisoners on the Run in the Gippsland area. In 2005 changes were made to allow for the expansion of the charity to Beechworth and Dhurringile Prisons. Since this change, presentations have been made in both locations with funds of over $60,00 to the North East and $20,000 in the Goulburn Valley region for disadvantaged and disabled children.
02.01.2022 It's here! Registrations open @ 8am. A shuttle bus will be available to run participants to the starting line to collect their belongings. Pram and family friendly, walk, run, skip or dance your way to the finish line. It's set to be a beautiful day, so, join us for a great day out to support a worthwhile cause!
01.01.2022 Reminder - only 10 days until the next fun run.... The annual Prisoner on the Run Fun Run will be held Sunday 16th August 2015 at 10.00 am. Entries will be taken from 9.30 am. The run commences opposite the Old Beechworth Gaol and continues through the beautiful tourist town of Beechworth, and then down through the picturesque gorge and out to the Beechworth Correctional Centre. (8 kms) Fees for Adults $25 (includes T-shirt) $15 per child (includes T-shirt) and $50 per fa...mily of 2 adults and 2 children (also includes T-shirts). Why not enter a team from your sporting club?? See more
01.01.2022 Just to let you all know, due to unforeseen circumstances Prisoners on the run wont be holding a fun run this year, but are planning on holding the next on around April of next year. As soon as details are available they will be posted.
01.01.2022 Congratulations to Ali Coskun from Tatura Primary School for designing our new logo for Prisoners on the Run.
01.01.2022 Mark this date on your calendars, the Annual Fun Run at Beechworth will be held on Sunday August 16th :) Details to follow
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