Gerda Muller in Loganholme, Queensland, Australia | Business consultant
Gerda Muller
Locality: Loganholme, Queensland, Australia
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25.01.2022 Ahhh... Home.... after a 7 day work trip to Brissie. This is how to end your working week...
24.01.2022 Today, I wanted to touch on the ideal number of clients to be seen in private practice (once fully registered). Clinicians hold very strong views on this and the purpose of this post is to encourage people to STOP JUDGING others for seeing 8, 9 or even 10 clients per day. And for the latter group, to STOP JUDGING those that only do 3, 4 or 5 clients per day. ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 Join us LIVE as we ask R U OK and what to do if you are not.. #ruokday2020 #RUOK
24.01.2022 The G&T Sessions is starting....
23.01.2022 And it's a go... #TheAcademy
23.01.2022 Be sure to join The Psych Professionals as we talk to local community experts and services about what to say if you've asked the question and your friend, family member or colleague is brave enough to acknowledge that they are NOT OK
22.01.2022 Nothing feels as good as giving, whatever it is you have to give Don't stop the flow... #affirmators #generosity
22.01.2022 A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y + P L A N = C L A R I T Y Let us introduce you to the two people in the image, who are also the driving force behind the vision of ...Source Health. At the top of the image is Duane Lines. Duane is our Business Development & Operations Manager and the first port of call for all our Source Health Partners. At the bottom of the image is Gerda Muller, who is the Source Health Founder. Gerda is also a Clinical Psychologist, a Group Practice Owner and a Private Practice Success Business Coach & Mentor. Gerda is tasked with providing the business support to our Source Health Partner Community. Yesterday, Duane & Gerda spent just under 2 hours getting clear on the SH Goals and Priorities for the next 3 and a half months. We are excited to share that we have set some awesome goals that will directly serve our SH Partners and SH clients that we serve. The biggest take-aways from yesterday's meeting was this.... Accountability to our Vision and community is a vital part of making progress. Making the time to map out a Plan is an extremely empowering and inspirational activity. With Accountability and a Plan come Clarity of Vision, Clarity of Action and Clarity of Impact and THAT is what we are here to do. Your Partner in.... , . The Source Health Team
20.01.2022 *** RESOURCE OF THE WEEK - FREE *** I've had quite a number of practice owners reach out over the last few weeks asking about how to engage Provisional Psychologists within the private practice setting. I've also been reading some disturbing posts in some Facebook Groups around the exploitation of provisional psychologists within the industry by, amongst others, private practice owners. Those posts angers me for two main reasons:... 1. The fact that this IS happening in our industry. Yes, we need to stop being martyrs and should embrace running profitable private practices, but NOT to the detriment of our provisionals - that is NOT ON. 2. The fact that reports such as these contribute to the perception that practice owners are just greedy and unscrupulous human beings lining their own pockets when this is NOT true. Yes, I totally believe that there are private practice owners doing the wrong thing, but there are many - MANY - more doing the right thing and I would hate for us to get a reputation of exploiting provisionals due to such reports being generalised to the industry. Guess what...? You can make money all whilst doing it in an ethical way - these two things are NOT mutually exclusive. I'm sure you will agree that the exploitation of provisional psychologists will not happen on our watch. Although successfully employing and engaging Provisional Psychologists in private practice has the potential to be a 2 hour long lecture to cover EVERYTHING, I wanted to at the very least give you a quick start checklist to ensure you cover the most basic, yet essential, points and do this right, right from the start. As such, I've put together this 10 Point Checklist on The Ethical Employment of Provisional Psychologists in Private Practice and am offering this for FREE to you as part of this week's Resource of the Week. You can DOWNLOAD the Checklist HERE: PS: Will free to share THE LINK with any other practice owners, so we can spread the word. #ROTW #ProvisionalPsychologists #ResourceOfTheWeek
20.01.2022 Spent the morning co-working with my Practice Principal Psychologist, Chelsea Knight Chels was having a Zoom meeting with our new Capalaba Principal Psychologist, Renee, discussing all things Provisional Psychologists, with me interjecting from the coach every now and then like only an expert back-seat driver can :) #privatepractice
19.01.2022 Say it with me.... "I choose to live a life of my fullest potential" #affirmators #ultimatepotential
19.01.2022 RUNNING FROM PILLAR TO POST Once a week, I have a 'Running from Pillar to Post Day' and I absolutely love doing it! However, it wasn't always like this...... For many years, having to run from 'pillar to post' left me anxious and resentful. Why? Because it felt like I was ALWAYS doing it. Some weeks I would do it every day.... Go to the practice; See clients; Trying to remember personal stuff I had to do and which had now become urgent, as I kept putting it off due to never getting to it. I had this constant running list of things to do that I never got to and it was like this huge anchor weighing me down. It made me feel like a complete failure, as it felt like I never got ahead. My mistake was trying to fit it around my usual day. Problem was, my usual day was just too full and too busy, so I was basically setting myself up for failure. I did this for literally years. How silly of me! However, often we don't know what we don't know, right!? We just think that THAT is our life, so we keep on doing it. I finally caught on that I could CHOOSE to change it. That I could CHOOSE to do it differently and actually ENJOY it. So I dubbed Fridays my 'Running from Pillar to Post Day'. I now schedule all my 'pillar to post' activities for this day. Choosing this day, has taken away all of the frustration I felt having to do it. Choosing this day, has taken away all the anxiety, as I now get stuff done. The bottom line is this... Just because things have always been a certain way, it does not mean you can't choose to change it. I know you KNOW this. But..... When last have you actually DONE something about it. Do yourself a favour and spend 5 minutes reflecting on what you don't like about your schedule and CHOOSE to change it! Ban the CAN'T word. Because..... You CAN Yours in Private Practice Success, Gerda PS #1: Got your Elevate Conference Tickets as yet...? You are so gonna kick yourself if you miss this. Check it out here: PS #2: The Private Practice Success Academy is starting 1 November 2020. To apply and be eligible for founding members rates, reach out on [email protected].
19.01.2022 Today, Duane Lines from Source Health was interviewed by The Psych Professionals, as part of their R U OK Day Community Awareness Event. The first half of the interview is with QLD Ambulance talking about how they support the public, with Duane's interview starting at the 17 minute mark. Please feel free to share with your friends, family and community who needs to hear this ... #ruokday2020 #RUOK #sourcehealth #mentalhealthmatters
19.01.2022 Have you been wondering WHAT the Private Practice Success ACADEMY is all about...? Well, wonder no more In this short video, I share with you the 'what' of the PPSA. #TheWhat... #BusinessSchoolForAlliedHealthProfessionals
18.01.2022 I highly recommend spending at least 5 minutes a day on your back. You will be surprised at how much more GROUNDED you feel as a result, especially on those days that feels like it's going to completely overwhelm you . . . #selfcare #mentor #privatepractice #grounded
18.01.2022 PRIVATE PRACTICE FIRE-FIGHTING Do you feel like all you are doing in your practice is putting out FIRES...? It is generally due to one of the following culprits...... You have never taken the time to truly get your business FOUNDATIONS right, You allow others' lack of time-management to impact on YOUR priorities, You don't have the human resource SUPPORT you need to actually do all the things you need to do as the practice owner. How to fix this...? Set time aside to accurately document your practice policies, systems & processes and other items required to build the foundations that will see you through any business challenge - and then DO IT when the time comes. Become aware of your internal rescuer and practice becoming uncomfortable with not act on the impulse to rescue others from their unresourceful behaviour. Stop being a martyr and spend the money on getting yourself some admin support - you deserve to have it!!! You don't have to justify it - just get it. #mindset #timemastery #elevate2020 #privatepracticesuccess
18.01.2022 When last did you communicate to your team WHY you (as a team) do what you do...? That is, help them reconnect back to the practice Vision, Purpose and Reason for being. . . .... . . . . . #team #elevate2021 #privatepractice #privatepracticesuccess See more
17.01.2022 WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO STOP LISTENING TO EVERY TOM, DICK & HARRY TRYING TO TELL YOU HOW TO RUN YOUR PRIVATE PRACTICE....? Don't get me wrong.... I don't mind you listening to Tom....Continue reading
17.01.2022 : The year 2020 will go in down history as one hell of a year. It challenged many of us.... It crushed many of us. It exposed many of us. The Allied Health Private Practice Industry has NOT been immune to this stinker of a year. Yes, we have had it way better than most other industries, but we HAVE BEEN EXPOSED. One particular area that has been within our business FOUNDATIONS. COVID-19 has exposed practices that were lacking in robust business foundations. This was exhibited, amongst others, in: -: Painful indecision on the part of the business owner. : The inability to navigate the unexpected and forced consequences and hence required change in a speedy fashion. :The absence of a 'cash floor' essential to ensuring liquidity during business crises such as these. As a result, I have seen and heard about practices closing down, practices floundering to keep their heads above water and practice owners pushing themselves to the brink of burnout to stop their practice from going under. If that was you, know that there is no judgement here. What there is, is an opportunity to learn from this. An opportunity to restart, regroup and reconsider the business foundations essential to see us out the other end of this current challenge and to secure a business foundation that will protect us from future crises to come. When I say Business Foundations, I am referring to the set-up and execution of the following basic business functions within your practice: Marketing Sales Operations Finance Human Resources (Team) Customer Service And just for the record, even large and long-standing private practices need to address their business foundations. Times has changed. Time are constantly changing and you absolutely must ensure you have the foundations in place for this new decade we are entering. Business Foundations are one of the Themes on offer at our Elevate Conference happening over , & . Check out all the details at and be sure to join the large number of private practice allied health professionals who has already secured their tickets. Let's Elevate! G Your Elevate Host & Fellow Practice Owner
17.01.2022 How I define my Management Style...
16.01.2022 Spending the day writing my The Management Team Trivector training, called for a serious raid of the fridge for supplies and leftovers in order to have some brain food for brunch
16.01.2022 ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM SUPERWOMAN SYNDROME.? Of course you are! I mean, how else have youve gotten to where you are now?...Continue reading
16.01.2022 W H E N - L I F E - D R O P S - P O O P - O N - Y O U One morning, as I was on my usual morning run, I noticed something. Something that I had been observing on my runs, but which I hadn't brought to a conscious reflection until that morning...... On my running route there are about 4 sections where it seems I become a target for these annoying little birds that tries their utmost to poop on me... I mean, it appears to literally be raining poop as I'm running. Thank goodness their aim sucks as I'm yet to be hit. But this particular morning it got me thinking.... Just like these little birds throw their poop at me every morning - dutifully defending their turf - life throws poop at you on a daily basis. Some days you don't see the poop. But that doesn't mean it ain't happening. Other days it's like all you see IS poop. It is distracting as it smells, it is messy, and it gets in the way of you doing your thing. The bottom line is this: >> There is always gonna be poop. >> You have the power to decide how much attention you are gonna give the poop. >> You get to choose whether the presence of the poop is gonna make you change your 'route' or whether you are gonna persist despite the poop being there. And on those days, when the annoying little birds actually gets their aim right and hits you - maybe even straight in the face - you get to choose how you react. Choose laughter. Choose compassion. Choose acceptance. Choose BELIEF in that you will wipe it off your face and be right there, tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after, to face the poop head on, as you continue to live your best life of making a difference. Yours in Private Practice Success, Gerda
14.01.2022 The truth of it is this: You can either do it the HARD WAY or you can do it the EASY WAY by learning from my experience and mistakes. THE MANAGEMENT TEAM TRIVECTOR... Want to know how I completely removed myself from my private practice, allowing me to now live more than 6 hours away from my two brick and mortar group private practices? Well, I plan to reveal it all, as I take you through The Management Team Trivector where I will show you HOW TO: 1 How to MOVE from having Personal Goodwill in your Practice towards Commercial Goodwill, hence increasing the VALUE of your practice as a Sellable Asset. 2 How to EMPOWER your Team to step up and Lead allowing you to extract yourself from the day to day operations. 3 How to finally get the time FREEDOM you crave, so you can focus on scaling your impact or retire early (the choice is yours). Join me on Friday, 11 September 2020, at 11:30am (QLD TIME) via Zoom, at which time I will show you exactly how Ive built a management team that today consists of a Principal Psychologist, Clinical Team Leader, Accounts Officer, and Client Relationships Team Leader (i.e. Practice Manager). This will be a 2 to 3 hour (approximate) workshop where I will take you through how I started this process and how it grew to what it is today. There will also be an extensive Q&A at the end. In addition, I will provide you with the following MS Word Documents to use in your private practice: Job Description for a Principal Psychologist Job Description for a Clinical Team Leader Job Description for an Accounts Officer Job Description for a Client Relationships Team Leader In addition, I'll give you a Template Monthly Report that my Principal Psychologist sends me each month Just the above documents alone will already cover your investment for this workshop. As my web developer is currently completely overhauling my website, I dont have a webpage for this, so if you have any questions about it which I have not answered above, feel free to email me at [email protected] or just ask in the comments below. However, if you are ready to build a sellable asset that can run without you, then book your place by signing up here: Yours in Private Practice Success, Gerda
14.01.2022 "The best runs are the Moments in Time when you see how great your life is" #RunningByVerv #75Hard #Day1
13.01.2022 Well, that explains it! #affirmators
13.01.2022 TIME TO GET BACK TO BASICS I did a rare Sunday morning run today, just because I felt like I needed it. But boy oh boy.... it was an interesting one...... I've been using a running app of late in order to improve my running - it basically uses interval running to improve your stamina. This morning during the walking parts (after a stretch of running) I literally felt like I couldn't breath. It was probably due to the extreme humidity that we had this morning. The air felt thick and I struggled much more than usual to get my breath back. It was so bad that I could not even drink water during the walking sections. Which did not help! I literally had to stop, wait to get my breath back and then have some water. In reflecting on why I was struggling so much this morning, I realised that I had neglected to focus properly on my breathing. Steady, rhythmic breathing is an importance part of running and usually I just do it without even thinking. But this morning, in harsher conditions, I got distracted by the heat, the humidity, the heaviness in my body and dropped the ball on the most basic of running requirements.... Focussing on the breath. And I suspect this happens to us when dealing with difficult business challenges, such as the challenge many of us are going through right now as a result of COVID-19. During a challenge, it is easy to get caught up IN the challenge, IN the crisis, IN the difficulty. We are tempted to jump into problem-solving of the crisis, removing our energy and focus from the basics that ensure the survival of our practice. So ask yourself his... What does your practice need in order to breathe..? What is it that keeps your practice going...? What provides the steady rhythm of operating in your practice...? Have you been neglecting any of the above...? If so, now is the time to refocus back on the basics. If you need help in getting your breath back (so to speak) in your practice, so you can navigate through the challenge without running out of steam and feeling like you are suffocating, then feel free to DM me here on Facebook to see how I can help. Yours in Private Practice Success, Gerda
13.01.2022 What an amazing opportunity for a current or aspiring Solo Practice Owner! Please feel free to share within your networks :)
12.01.2022 Looking a bit worse for wear but the first workout of 2021 is done Happy New Year everyone
12.01.2022 Started my Friday with Body Project doing 500 Reps of Pure Resistance Now I'm ready for a fabulous day PS: Those abs were a killer (probably because I got none!)
12.01.2022 PRIVATE PRACTICE OWNERSHIP IS COLD & BRUTAL. BUT IT IS ALSO SPECTACULARLY BEAUTIFUL & REAL As I wrote this, I happened to be 20,000 feet into the Melbourne air on my way home to Brisbane (Pre-COVID-19 of course!) Looking out of my window to the ever-shrinking earth below me, I noticed in the distance the amazing view.......Continue reading
12.01.2022 Me? By bringing a brand-new opportunity to LIFE?! I'd love to hear how you're elevating your impact this week? . .... . #elevate2020 #privatepracticesuccess #businesscoaching #alliedhealthprofessionals See more
11.01.2022 Winner winner chicken dinner! Staying in your own lane just got a whole lot easier! I would LOVE to hear what YOU are celebrating as a WIN this week. Either post it in the comments below, or if you prefer, DM me #weeklywins... #elevate2020 #privatepracticesuccess See more
11.01.2022 Inside the PPS Academy Group Coaching & Mentoring Session...
10.01.2022 Spending the day writing my 'The Management Team Trivector' training, called for a serious raid of the fridge for supplies and leftovers in order to have some brain food for brunch
10.01.2022 Love me a YouTube video showcasing great talent
10.01.2022 Received this lovely note from one of my Inner Circle (now Founders Club) clients. Being able to change lives is truly why I do what I do and I'm grateful for the practice owners that allow me into their worlds and lives so I can do my purpose work #weeklywins #gratitude #elevate2021
10.01.2022 B E L I E F Belief is probably the number one pillar for starting and building a successful and sustainable private practice. Belief in yourself... that you can do this.... Belief in your family... that they can handle you doing this. Belief in your message... that this is all worth it. Belief in your purpose... that you are doing this for a reason more important than money and ego. The strength of your belief might wax and wane as challenges present themselves, but as long as you remember to reconnect back to the Belief that made you start this journey in the first place, you will get through it. Questioning your beliefs is normal. I would say it is even recommended, because if it was born out of truth and authentic alignment, then questioning will act as a re-affirmation off what you are here to do and why. So I encourage you to allow your Belief itself to carry you through the difficult times. When belief in you wanes, tune into the belief around your message. When belief in your family wanes, tune into belief around your purpose. When belief in your message wanes, tune into belief around yourself. When belief around your purpose wanes, tune into belief around your family. At the end of the day, everything starts with BELIEF Gerda xoxo
10.01.2022 You can either continue on the path you are now, that is, being a slave to your business and feeling that you're not being rewarded properly... Or you can start embracing the Profitable Private Practice Mindset and start turning things around and get the practice you deserve. #mindset... #privatepractice #7figurepractice See more
09.01.2022 No more bad vibes at the practice! If that isnt a WIN, I dont know what is! I would LOVE to hear what YOU are celebrating as a WIN this week. Either post it in the comments below, or if you prefer, DM me ... #weeklywins #elevate2020 #privatepracticesuccess
09.01.2022 Back Yourself...
09.01.2022 Getting clients to walk through the practice doors and actually ATTEND their appointment is an amazing celebration, as it means they are now able to get the help that they need. So when my mentoring clients reports this as a celebration, I'm just over the moon I would LOVE to hear what YOU are celebrating as a WIN this week. Either post it in the comments below, or if you prefer, DM me ... #weeklywins #elevate2020 #privatepracticesuccess
09.01.2022 When you invest into you practice.... and you are investing huge amounts of time, money & energy, then you sure as hell are allowed to expect a return on your investment! When last did you check on your ROI? You might just be pleasantly surprised I would LOVE to hear what YOU are celebrating as a WIN this week - and if it is a great ROI, even better. Either post it in the comments below, or if you prefer, DM me ... #weeklywins #elevate2020 #privatepracticesuccess
08.01.2022 When I started my business it was just me. Fast forward another 12 months and I had grown to a team of 3. The bigger the team got, the more challenging it became, until I finally realised I needed support in how to do this thing called running a business. Cue my first Business Coach, the fabulous Nathan McDonald. He become my go-to person for all things business development and management. I swear my husband was his biggest fan, as having Nathan in my life meant that I was no... longer calling my husband in tears or bursts of panic or frustration - I was now calling Nathan. Poor Nathan, I'm won't be surprised if I was his most emotional client ever! Fast forward another 4 years of intensive coaching and mentoring from Nathan and my practices were running smoothly in my absence. I was finally ready for the next step in my personal growth journey as a business owner. Cue the start of Private Practice Success :) These days I have my very own 'board of directors' whom is there to offer me the support, input and even accountability as and when I need it. Some people might call them my Management Team or my Leadership Team. We call them our 'Ops Team' - for 'Operations'. And today I had the privilege of attending our Quarterly Planning Day with them, with the next two days set aside for IMPLEMENTATION. The thing is.... No matter how BIG or how SMALL your practice is, you need support. This support might look a bit different to each of us. It could be: - mentoring - coaching - accountability - clarity - re-alignment - a sounding board - strategics - tactics It doesn't matter.... ....and it WILL change, as YOU grow and as your practice GROWS. Please, please do yourself a favour and get yourself your very own person or 'board of directors'. Trust me, you WILL thank me in another 6 months :) XOXO
08.01.2022 No more bad vibes at the practice! If that isn't a WIN, I don't know what is! I would LOVE to hear what YOU are celebrating as a WIN this week. Either post it in the comments below, or if you prefer, DM me ... #weeklywins #elevate2020 #privatepracticesuccess
07.01.2022 J U S T - O N E - L I T T L E - T H I N G I remember the time when weekends meant going into the practice for up to 6 hours to: * pay wages,... * check, process and pay clinician invoices, * go through every diary entry to ensure the fee amounts, service type, etc etc is all correct, * see if anyone has open appts and do an email to reception to let them know the priority follow ups for the week, * clean the practice and ensure its fresh for the coming week ...and these are just the basic tasks I can recall doing. I did these things with the simple aim that everyone's week would go as smoothly as possible and that everyone's experience within the practice would be as pleasurable as possible. These days my weekends look vastly different. Now, it is all about family, food, fun, rest and more rest. My advice to you... I get why you need to work so hard. It IS part of the process when building your practice, but don't wait as long as I did before you decide to INVEST (not spend) the money into people whom can support you. Just start with one thing at a time. Yes, you COULD clean the practice yourself. But you COULD also go home that hour earlier and spend it with your family or go to the gym or just lie on your bed doing nothing. You DESERVE to. My challenge to you this week is to find just one little thing that you can outsource or delegate. Very often it is the little things that make all the difference. PS: Are you yet to enrol into The Management Team Trivector training? Join me, on the 11th of September @ 11:30am (QUEENSLAND TIME) I am running a first ever training called The Management Team Trivector (via Zoom) where I will take you through HOW I SET UP my first Management Team and how it evolved and grew over the years to the amazing team it is right now. A team that allows me to live more than 6 HOURS AWAY from my brick and mortar private practices. A team that has allowed me to build COMMERCIAL Goodwill in my practice (instead of PERSONAL Goodwill) which has doubled the value of my business. A team that only takes up 1 hour of my time a week !!!! Allowing me to focus on my genius zone. As an inclusion of this training you will also get: * Job Description for a Principal Psychologist * Job Description for a Clinical Team Leader * Job Description for an Accounts Officer * Job Description for a Client Relationships Team Leader (i.e. Practice Manager) * Template of the Monthly Report that I receive from my Principal Psychologist each month Just the above documents alone will already MORE THAN cover your investment for this workshop. As my web developer is currently completely overhauling my website, I dont have a webpage for this, so if you have any questions about it which I have not answered above, just email [email protected]. However, if you are ready to build a sellable asset that can run without you, then book your place by signing up here:
06.01.2022 TODAY I WANT YOU TO NOTICE... I want you to notice how fast you are walking... I want you to notice how fast your mind is running....... I want you to notice the current of anxiety running through your chest... I want you to notice the unease in your stomach... And then..... And then... I want you to STOP. And then... I want you to JUST BREATHE. Just breathe IN the calmness available to you. And then... just breathe OUT the overwhelm. Breathe IN the knowing that you are loved and breathe OUT the notion of not being good enough. Give yourself the gift of the breath for a full 5 minutes, before you go on with your day, remembering that you are doing your best, you are making an impact and you are good enough. Yours in Private Practice Success, Gerda #selfcare #elevate2020 #privatepracticesuccess
06.01.2022 2020: MY YEAR IN REVIEW Needless to say, 2020 was a year most of us would rather forget. The stress, worry, anxiety and significant negative consequences as caused by the arrival of that pesky virus called COVID-19 has wreaked havoc with most of our well-laid out plans for what was meant to be a super special year called 2020. Over the last few months I have personally spent a lot of time reflecting on and working through the impact COVID-19 has had on my life, the life ...Continue reading
06.01.2022 A LESSON IN PRACTICE MANAGEMENT FROM THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT I'm thinking that the majority of us has had at least one visit to the Emergency Department in our lifetime. If you haven't, be sure to touch wood, throw some salt over your shoulder or do what ever you need to do in order to keep it that way......Continue reading
05.01.2022 If you are like me..... ... that means that you are on a mission to help as many people as you can! Unfortunately though, we are only given a limited amount of time on this earth and I don't know about you but I want to make every minute count.... It also means that I want to be around for as long as possible, which means that being fit and getting stronger is not an option for me. I will never run a marathon nor win a cross-fit competition, but I am determined to ensure that my body can keep up with my mind and my soul-driven desire to live my purpose for as long as possible, as I continue on my mission to help as many people as I can. So this evening and weekend ahead -- take a minute to reflect on how you are looking after you. Much love, xoxo
05.01.2022 You are already... Amazing. You are already... Enough. You are already... Worthy. #elevate2020... #privatepracticesuccess #alliedhealthprofessionals #practicemanagement #practicedevelopment See more
04.01.2022 FEAR OF FALURE I bet you almost just scrolled past... I bet you almost decided not to read ANOTHER fear of failure post... This topic continues to remain prominent and current and there's a reason why...... It's because it is real. It's because it has staying power. I suspect it's probably one of the hardest fears to dispel, because it is so deeply rooted into who we are, how we view ourselves and how we judge ourselves. Just recently I spoke to a lovely private practice owner on the brink of expanding her solo practice. She reminded me so much of myself. High academic achiever at school. High academic achiever at university. Very successful in her employed full-time job where she initiated and implemented various mental health projects to a high standard, making a significant positive impact on the lives of those suffering from severe mental health disorders. She successful made the leap into solo private practice and are now signing a lease on a new property and are hiring her first subcontractor. Midway during our conversation I hear her pause... And then she said in a soft whisper... 'Gerda, I'm petrified of failing. I'm petrified of getting it wrong. I'm petrified of stuffing this up, because I always succeeded at what I do..' Oh my goodness... What a burden to carry! What a standard to uphold! Of course she would be petrified! She has had a good run - a great run - but the one thing I do know about business is that it is fraught with challenges and hence fraught with failures. IT. IS. INEVITABLE. So what to do..? Prepare. Prepare for the failure. I'm not saying don't pursue success in everything you do - most certainly do! But know that failure is imminent. It is what you do when it happens that counts. It's the tapping into your determination that counts. It's the tapping into your resilience that counts. And the one thing I can guarantee you is this... Once you have bounced back from a failure, you will be filled with THE KNOWING that... - you can handle it - you will problem-solve it - you will move through it. Yes, you might never learn to love it, but you will learn that you have the tools and the mindset to kick failures ass when it happens. So today, this week, allow yourself to stop fearing. Allow yourself to even risk the fall, to risk failure, in order to learn that you will be OK... That you will remain the amazing person you are despite of it. Yours in Private Practice Success, Gerda
04.01.2022 TAKE THAT COVID-19 ! Today was spent in Virtual Retreat Mode with my Inner Circle Mentoring & Coaching Group During our Accountability Session - where we hold one another accountable for doing what we said we were going to do - the following wins and achievements were shared. ... * Implemented a Static Diary for Business Management. * All 2021 Therapy Groups Planned, with Term 1 & 2 groups already Filled and Pre-paid. * Hired a Book-Keeper. * Hired a Provisional Psychologist. * Developed and delivered a 2 day Trauma Training to corporate. * Booked a 3 day Retreat for 2021 for the Team. * Refined Interview Process for hiring Admin Team. * Hired a PA. * Hired a Marketing Assistant. * Set up 2 x Group Programs. * Increased both Facebook & LinkedIN reach. * Refined Strategy to Improve New Client Attendance. * Upgraded the Website. * Rolled out new KPI's to the team. * 3 Provisional Psychs got full registration. * New online group program launched. * Practice Revenue grew with 78%. * Practice Profit Margin increased to 25%. * Hired multiple New Clinicians. * Income from Group Programs grew by 46%. * Smashed the $2M Annual Revenue mark. Needless to say, this is pretty impressive given that these practice owners achieved this amidst what has been a terribly challenging year. These achievements took a lot of mindset growth and a lot of action taking even when doing so was uncomfortable. These are the achievements that is possible when you surround yourself with a group of fellow over achievers that it determined to make a difference, determined to have an impact, determined to leave a legacy and determined to not let COVID-19 deter them from their mission and I feel eternally privileged to be their mentor
03.01.2022 Freedom Fridays Yes, its a thing. Yes, you should have them too....
03.01.2022 5 STEPS FOR DEALING WITH YOUR ANNOYING TO DO LIST - SO YOU CAN BREATHE AGAIN First thing we need to acknowledge is that irrespective of what stage you are in your practice - you will ALWAYS have a to do list - it is just the nature of this beast called running a business. What matters is how you deal with it.... For me, these 5 Steps are really helpful in taking the sting out of my to do list, leaving me to regain a sense of control. Step 1: WRITE IT DOWN. You want to get it out of your head so you know what you are dealing with. Let's face it, allowing it to swim around in your mind just makes it look and feel greater than Ben-hur. Step 2: Find the 3 MOST URGENT ITEMS. Prioritise these 3 by scheduling a time in your diary to get this done. Step 3: DELEGATE. But first... Be aware of that little voice in your head that says: "I can't delegate THAT" OR "I'm the ONY one that can do it". Take my word for it, there is very little in business that can't be delegated, the only person stopping you from doing it is YOU. Be aware of how this story is keeping you stuck. Step 4: Choose ONE ITEM from the list that you can quickly get done - in like less than 10 minutes - and do it RIGHT NOW. Getting even one item off your list gives you a sense of achievement. Step 5: Practice SELF-COMPASSION. This is just a big word for being kind to yourself. Remember, life is busy - which probably means you are living a full life and hence you can only do so much. Now repeat after me..... "If I don't get to it, it will be OK" Because you are. You ARE ok. Remember the number of things on your to do list or how good you are at getting them done, does not define you. Yours in Private Practice Success, Gerda
02.01.2022 Love my latest delivery
02.01.2022 WHY HAVING A COACH OR MENTOR IS A 'PAINFUL' EXPERIENCE One morning, I was reminiscing on the times when I had the pleasure of having the lovely Mishka with me on my morning run. Running with Mishka was always a 'painful' yet extremely rewarding experience.... Painful, because having Mishka on the run was like having my own personal running coach and THAT meant.... * I didn't get to just be comfortable (as she darts to and fro, especially at the start, with excitement of what's to come) * I would develop a stitch less than half-way into the run (when normally I don't have a stitch at all) * My lungs would be burning - like it was literally on fire - as I become out of breath like never before. But it was also rewarding, as I got home to realise that.... * I just ran the exact same route as per normal, but I did it 10 minutes faster than usual (who knew THAT could be done) * My face is actually red all over, which is a physical sign of having stepped things up * I just elevated my vibe, my mood, my energy and hence my productivity and outcomes for the day x100. WHY the pain? WHY the reward...? Because that is what having a coach and or a mentor is all about. They CHALLENGE you to step up. They SUPPORT you in stepping up. They CELEBRATE with you when you've stepped up. But is it NOT easy - if it were, everyone would be engaging in high level premium coaching / mentoring programs - it is definitely not for the faint hearted! You need to be willing to.... - feel the pain - do things differently AKA get out of your comfort zone - invest your emotional energy into doing what is hard - invest your time into doing what is important rather than just urgent Basically, you need to be willing to have skin in the game. Without it, nothing will change. You will just stay in your comfortable zone. Cruising. Which is perfectly fine if that is what you want. But if what you want is: * growth * expansion * choice * freedom * and purposeful living ...then cruising is not going to cut it. Pick up the leash. Attach it to your coach / mentor of choice.... ....and enjoy the ride :) It is going to take your breath away! Yours in Private Practice Success, Gerda PS #1: Got your Elevate Conference Tickets as yet...? You are so gonna kick yourself if you miss this. Check it out here: PS #2: The Private Practice Success Academy is starting 1 November 2020. To apply and be eligible for founding members rates, reach out on [email protected].
01.01.2022 SO, YOU SAY YOU DONT LIKE TO TAKE RISKS. LETS THINK ABOUT THAT FOR A MINUTE I was recently speaking to someone who also provides services to mental health professionals. During the conversation, the topic of RISK came up, more specifically the risk averse nature of allied health and mental health professionals. ...Continue reading
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