Australian Pro Bono Centre | Businesses
Australian Pro Bono Centre
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17.01.2022 Today we are celebrating National Pro Bono Day! It is a great opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the pro bono work undertaken by the Australian legal profession. The Centre asked nine young pro bono leaders across Australia to share their most rewarding moments and explain why they dedicate their time to #probono. Click here to read each inspiring story: Thank you for contributing: Ella Alexander, Makinson d'Apice Lawyers, Nesha Balasubramanian, DLA Piper, Arti Chetty, Russell Kennedy Lawyers, Susan Flynn, Clayton Utz, Reimen Hii, Barrister, Qld, Laura Muir, Cancer Council NSW, Amelia Schubach, Hamilton Locke, Stephen Somerville, Herbert Smith Freehills and Dusan Stevic, King & Wood Mallesons.
14.01.2022 Today the Centre acknowledges the 4th anniversary of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. This year's theme for National Reconciliation Week is "More than a word. Reconciliation takes action." The Centre supports action through pro bono work for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and community organisations working towards reconciliation and a brighter tomorrow for our country. #MoreThanAWord #NRW2021
12.01.2022 We were out walking on campus today to support the Walks for Justice! #W4J21 If you would like to donate to these incredible organisations, there’s still time to contribute. See the links here:
05.01.2022 During Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month, the Centre is launching its Justice Project Pro Bono Tool - People Who Experience Family Violence. It is a directory of organisations across Australia that provide legal assistance to people who experience family violence. The Justice Project Tool is a practical resource that helps pro bono providers identify which organisations across the country are working on particular justice issues and find organisations with whom they can partner. You can access the new tool here:
05.01.2022 Last week for #NationalProBonoDay Ella Alexander (Pro Bono Senior Associate at Makinson d'Apice Lawyers) shared why she dedicates her time to #ProBono legal work and some her most rewarding moments. Read more here: