Lisa Pröscher | Businesses
Lisa Pröscher
Phone: +61 480 281 380
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25.01.2022 Alone we can do so little: together we can do so much. - Helen Keller Du kannst alles erreichen, auch alleine, aber die Frage ist... ... Wenn du vor einer Hürde stehst, wer wird dir darüber helfen? Du wirst es vermutlich alleine schaffe, wenn du die Willensstärke hast, aber du wirst länger brauchen, um diese Hürde zu meistern. Wenn du jemanden hättest, der dir über diese Hürde hilft, glaubst du, dass du schneller voran kommen wirst? #gemeinsam #stark #zieleerreichen #gemeinsamistmanstärker #schneller #effektiver #onlinecoach #onlinefitnesscoach
25.01.2022 The trouble is you think you have time. -Buddha
21.01.2022 Challenge accepted! Let’s see what we can achieve in 6 months! Every 4 weeks I’ll upload a progress photo of us. ... #fitnesschallenge #fitnessjourney #fitnessgoal #buildmuscles #discipline #nutrition #training #fitnesscoach
21.01.2022 Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to be fit? Do you want to live a fit and active lifestyle? Do you want to feel great in your body? Do you want to wear clothes you like without worrying about whether you can wear them?... Do you want all these thing but don’t have time because of your Job, Kids, family and social life? Do you think that there is no time for healthy food and exercising? Are you sure that you don’t have the time; or are your priorities not in the right order? It’s all about your priorities. Priority No.1: Is YOUR life. Is YOUR health. If your health is not your priority, then who is going to look after your kids when you are unwell? What if your kids want to play hide and seek but after one round you are out of breath? What if your family needs you, but you are too unwell to help/support them? What if your family or friends want to do some adventures activities but most of them have weight restrictions? What if your family or friends want to go on an adventure but your not able to join because you have health issues What if you are on vacation and your family or friends want to explore the city by bike. While they have the best time, will you have fun or will you struggle because you are out of breath for the whole time? You have to look after yourself first! When you are fit, healthy and happy, only then you can be there for your loved ones 100%. First: Look after yourself. Second: You are a role model for your kids. Do it right for your kids! Third: Make sure your kids and your family are fit and healthy too. #thereisalwaystime #prioritiesfirst #prioritizeyourself #yourhealthyourwealth #yourchoice #kidshealth #familyhealth #fitnesscoachonline #fitnesscoaches #onlinefitnesstrainer
20.01.2022 My lifestyle: 1. I am healthy 2. I am fit 3. I am able to eat what I want, when I want ... 4. I don‘t put on weight because my lifestyle gives me that luxury. It’s not luck... it’s knowledge and discipline. I worked for it and so can you #lifestyle #discipline #onlinefitnesscoaching #onlinefitnesstrainer #goalsetting #eatwhateveryouwant #healthylifehappylife
19.01.2022 6 weeks between these two photos It can happen so quick, all you have to do, is to make a decision. A decision for yourself, for you health, for your happiness.... It calls a lifestyle change. NOT a diet. . . . . . #lifestylechangesnotdiets #makeadecisiontochange #chosetobehappy #onlinefitnesscoach #onlinefitnesscoaching #onlinecoach #training #nutrition #mindset
16.01.2022 There are three solutions to every problem: 1. Accept it 2. Change it 3. Leave it... If you can’t accept it change it If you can’t change it leave it - Buddha Zum Beispiel: Du bist unzufrieden mit dir selbst, du magst deinen Körper nicht und du hast kein Selbstbewusstsein? Du findest keinen Freund/Freundin, weil du dich selbst nicht leiden kannst und einfach unzufrieden mit dir selbst bist? Problemlösung: 1. Akzeptiere es und hör auf dich zu bemitleiden 2. Akzeptiere es nicht und ändere etwas an deiner jetzigen Situation 3. Gibt‘s es in diesem Beispiel nicht, denn in dieser Situation gibt es nur 2 Möglichkeiten: Stehen bleiben oder weitergehen - 3. Wäre zum Beispiel: Du hattest ein Job Interview und du hast es total vermasselt... Anstelle dich Tagelang darüber aufzuregen, konzentriere dich lieber darauf, dass du dich für das nächste Interview besser vorbereitest. Denn an der Vergangenheit, kannst du nichts mehr ändern, aber aus deinen Fehlern kannst du für die Zukunft lernen. #acceptit #changeit #leaveit #akzeptierees #veränderees #lasses #oneproblem #threesolutions #yourchoice #coach #onlinecoach #onlinefitnesscoaching #mindsetgrowth
16.01.2022 There is no WiFi in the forest, but you will find a better connection... ... to yourself
15.01.2022 Doro’s Testimonial - - - Der erste Schritt ist der Entscheidende und diesen Schritt hat Doro vor 4 Monaten gewagt. ... Ich bin so verdammt stolz auf dich Doro und deine Entwicklung! Was sich bei verandert hat? Sehe und hore selbst. . . . . . #lisaproescheronlinefitness #testimonial #onlinecoaching #mindset #fitness #nutrition #lifestylechange #makeyourselfproud
15.01.2022 I did NOT feel like getting up this morning. It was cold and rainy outside. But I got up and I went for a run.... While I was running I still didn’t feel like it. But then I reminded myself why I’m doing this. I’m doing it for me. For my health. For my wellbeing. For my happiness. And guess what! 10 minutes into the run I felt so much better and I was so proud of myself that I made the decision to get up. Do you have the self discipline to get up and do something for your wellbeing or do you prefer to stay in bed? Comment below!
11.01.2022 To all the wonderful women out there . Be strong, be proud, be wonderful. Challenge excepted.... @flowwithnature_by_nina @moneypenny79 See more
11.01.2022 I probably won’t get many likes on this post because... Yes, I show my skin, but not enough I don’t pose so you can see my muscles I don’t put my butt straight in your face... My hair is a mess I don’t use a filter I have puffy eyes I look tired My face has pimples I have a cold sore on my lip The photo doesn’t have the right light I don’t wear make up ~ I smile, but am I really happy? This is just me! Not trying to be perfect. Not trying for hours to find the right angle for my photos. Not trying to make myself look better. This is who I am. Just because I change a photo doesn’t mean it changes who I am, what I think and feel about myself. All I care about is, that I’m healthy physically and mentally. And when I’m healthy it will shine out of myself, without even trying . . . . . #beyou #behealthy #physicalhealth #mentalhealth #youaregood
10.01.2022 If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy.
10.01.2022 Only 4 months between these two photos... I seriously don’t have any words to describe what this legend has achieved in the last 16 weeks!... I’m so proud of you! Keep smashing your goals. Everyone can do this, if you have the will to change something. #goals #fitnessgoalsachieved #achieveyourgoals #youcanifyouwant #noexcusesjustresults #onlinecoaching #personalonlinefitness
09.01.2022 You are capable of so much more. #youcandoanything #pushyourselftothelimit #dontstopyourself
09.01.2022 Learn the HOW behind the WOW ! I don’t just recharge my own batteries. I also help new clients recharge their batteries. I’m so proud of her and I’m always impressed to see how easy it can be to change a lifestyle, when you’re willing to change something.... We’re talking about a lifestyle change. We’re not taking about a diet. A diet restricts you from everything you love. A diet is stressful, painful and you can’t enjoy your life. I teach my clients the HOW After they work with me they will never need another coach or trainer ever again, because they know HOW. #coach #onlinefitnesscoaching #learnthehowbehindthewow #nodiet #fitandhealthylifestyle
07.01.2022 Sometimes you have to take a step back to recharge your batteries. You can’t always operate at 100%. Our life is like a phone. We have to charge our phone everyday, so it works. Same with us. We have to charge ourselves with good fuel everyday - good food, nature, movement and people who are good for us. Sometimes our phone is fully charged but after using it for an hour or so we have to charge it again because either the battery is old, the battery was charged incorrectly f...or a long time or something we were doing has drained the battery faster than we expected. Same with us. We may think we’re fully charged but we’re not because we’re taking on to much; we’re charging ourselves with the wrong fuel; or we’re stressed. Eventually we’ll come to a point where we can’t handle it anymore. Next step: Take a step back to re-charge. Re-charging takes time. Give yourself time to re-charge again. We’re humans and it’s okay not to be 100% everyday. The important is: Look after yourself and make sure you’re able to live with a battery of 70-100%. If you’re always down between 0-69% make sure you change something. Step back to allow yourself to charge up to between 70-100% everyday. #rechargeyourself #stepback #changeyourmindset #changeyourlife #changeyourthoughts
06.01.2022 6 weeks between these 2 photos All it takes is a lifestyle change. No more, no less. A lifestyle change is about changing your habits and your mindset. It’s not about restricting yourself from your favorite foods, a birthday cake, a wedding or holidays simply because you think that will ruin your body/health.... A lifestyle change means changing something which is good for you, for your body, for your health and for your life. You’ve got one life You’ve got one body. Treat your body right and enjoy your life. Don’t waste your life by being unhappy in your own body, because change is in your hands. YOU CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Please message me, if you feel like you need someone who can show you how to treat your body right and enjoy life. #healthyhabits #mindsetchangeseverything #habits #lifestylechanges #onelife #onebodyonelife #itsinyourhands
06.01.2022 No words needed I´m just so glad to have the opportunity to help other people change their lives for the better. Doro is half way through my program and she has already changed so much in her life. She does workouts she loves, she eats yummy food and she has no food restrictions. ... She enjoys Pizza and Ice Cream with her friend and still loses weight. Just amazing. Do you want to know how she is able to eat all that food and still loses weight? Hands up in the comments.
05.01.2022 If you are to busy to laugh, you are to busy.
02.01.2022 Hey guys! Yes I’m taking to all the men out here... Even YOU can do this! First we started to concentrate on losing body fat and now we’re focusing to build up those muscles Do you think you have to lose weight? And get the body you’ve always wanted?... If yes, message me and I’ll tell you how we did this! Ps: You don’t have restrict yourself from beers if you worry about that #everyonecandothis #menfitness #lifestylechanges #nutritionmatters #beyou #befitandhealthy #onlinefitnsscoach
01.01.2022 And in life, it is all about choices we make. And how the direction of our lives come down to the choices we choose. -Catherine Pulsifer . . . .... . #life #choices #lifechoices #itsalwaysyourchoice #brisbane #noosa #queensland #roadtrip #australia See more
01.01.2022 Life is your creation. #createyourlife
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