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25.01.2022 simplify to amplify // find yourself rushing to get to important tasks completed last minute? Love a good list but never seem to make a lot of headway? Or struggle to get to your most important priorities? This topic came up in a client conversation today. I was reminded what a common challenge it is for high-achievers who like to over plan, over schedule or set big, audacious goals.... The truth is, the key to accomplishing MORE is to SIMPLIFY. Here’s a simple daily practice I suggested to my client. It’s one I commit to and recommend you try if you struggle with any of these challenges too! Ask yourself these three questions on a daily basis: 1. What are you celebrating? It’s important to acknowledge our successes and the incremental steps we take towards our goal. At the end of each day, get in the habit of writing down three things you’re celebrating that day. 2. Choose your Daily Big 3 These are the top 3 tasks you plan to work on the next day. This will help you be intentional with your time and focus on the tasks that matter most. 3. Select your number ONE priority you need to complete before moving on to anything else Break any big projects into achievable steps and forget the small, unimportant tasks these will get done. Each morning review your list and start with this task first. Thoughts? How else do you simplify to amplify?

25.01.2022 6 secrets to confidently negotiate your worth and get what you want // I walked into my boss’s office, palms sweating and heart racing. It was early in my career and my first real negotiation discussion. I was about to ask for the pay-rise I believed I deserved based on my performance. Despite this, I became tongue-tied and ended up accepting terms I wasn’t happy with. Less than what I knew I was worth (and one of my male colleagues had negotiated).... Do you struggle to negotiate your worth? Have a tendency to lose confidence and accept less than what you want? It doesn’t matter how confident you are with clients or speaking about your area of expertise. I worked in sales and negotiated with corporations every day. A lot of my clients are lawyers and negotiate for a living. But when it comes to our careers and ‘selling ourselves’, many people struggle. Whether you want a promotion, pay-rise or job offer, you MUST know your value and how to communicate it. Over 12 years, I’ve helped hundreds of individuals secure salary increases and learn to effectively negotiate. With annual performance reviews upon us, I’m sharing my biggest insider secrets. Follow these six simple tips to confidently negotiate your worth -- and get what you want! Go to:

24.01.2022 falling out of love with your work? // 5 things you need to do next It started out as a tiny flicker of unease. The occasional feeling that something wasn’t quite right. It was gone as quickly as it arrived and so I shook it off, buried it deep and kept moving forward.... Over time, that initial dissatisfaction grew into a sense of pure dread. I struggled to get up and go to work each day. Felt relieved as the week rolled on and complete anxiety on a Sunday night. I was dreading Monday’s and living for the weekend. And it was then that I realised I no longer enjoyed my work and needed to find something more meaningful. This discovery arrived by the time I’d hit rock bottom. In the depths of burn-out and physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. Since then, I’ve seen many clients and people around me experience a similar ‘career crisis’. And noticed it often coincides with a major life obstacle the loss of a job, relationship or loved one, a health scare or some other challenge. It triggers them to take extreme action like quitting their job without a plan or walking away from a successful business before figuring out what to do next. Collectively, we’ve all experienced significant challenges this year. So if you’re feeling unsatisfied at work, know you’re not alone. For this reason, I’m digging back into the archives to share an article from earlier this year. This led me to ask a question. What steps can you take an earlier stage when you’re starting to ‘fall out of love’ with your work to avoid ending up in this situation? Discover how to address those initial feelings of discontentment so you don’t end up in a ‘crisis situation’ or waiting until you have no choice but to make an extreme change. You’ll learn five actionable steps to improve your job satisfaction and start ‘falling in love’ with your work again! To find out more, go to: ~~ Also, I’d love to hear from you. Have you ever hit ‘crisis point’ in your career? And what helped you through? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

22.01.2022 quick tip friday // are YOU making one of these common career fails? In this video, you’ll discover two of the most surprising mistakes keeping you stuck in the ‘wrong’ career. They SEEM logical but are actually a big waste of time and energy.... Find out what they are -- and how you can avoid them. Watch this video to find out more! ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to know. What’s your biggest takeaway from today’s video? Share with me in the comments below!

21.01.2022 5 biggest business mistakes (and how to fix them!) // ever made a big mistake in your business? Mistakes are part of doing business. And being human! We all make them. But it’s important to learn from your mistakes and those you observe in others, so you can get ahead in business and grow professionally.... This week I’m celebrating my birthday -- and 7 years in business! Starting a business is one of the most terrifying steps I’ve ever taken. But also the most rewarding. I made SO MANY mistakes in the early years. Petrified of failing, I constantly second guessed my decision to leave a steady, well-paid corporate job. But I knew this was the path I had to follow. It was tough and took plenty of hard work, determination, self-belief and a continual investment in my development. Over the past 7 years, I’ve taught myself everything needed to build a successful business. Today, I have the pleasure of helping consultants and service-based entrepreneurs to do the same. Earlier this week as I reflected on my business journey, I realised. The greatest mistakes I’ve made in business are also the common challenges I support my clients with too. So what are these big mistakes and how can YOU avoid them? In my latest blog you’ll discover: The five biggest mistakes business owners make and why What you can learn from them (and how to prevent them altogether) Tangible tips to help you work through major mistakes and the exact steps you need to know to fix them! To check it out, go to: ~~ Also, I'd love to hear from you. What’s the biggest mistake you've made in business? And how did you go about fixing it? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

21.01.2022 spring has sprung! // it’s the start of September and a sign of the changing seasons as we transition out of another Australian winter into spring. A time of change. 2020 has been a BIG year of change, filled with unexpected twists and turns.... Overnight, we were forced to live, work and communicate in new ways. Yet this experience has also given us the opportunity to slow down and revaluate. As we start afresh this month, it’s time to decide what you want from your personal + professional life. And to start making changes to create the life you desire! This is your reminder to join me this Thursday, 3 September for a free group call where we’ll explore: What you do -- and don’t want to go back to How you want your business, career + life to look for the rest of 2020 -- and beyond What needs to change now as a result This is a rare opportunity to take some time out of your busy week for yourself and reflect on what you want next. Plus, I’ll be on hand to answer all of your pressing career and business questions. Spots are limited. So if this speaks to you, DM/email me to secure your place!

20.01.2022 quick tip friday // overwhelmed by the hiring process -- or NO idea where to start when it comes to building your team? In this video, you’ll learn some simple but important questions to help your hiring. As a corporate leader or business owner, hiring a new team member is a big upfront investment of time and money.... There's the initial interviews, selection process and onboarding. Then significant time spent on training -- before you ever see the ROI. It’s critical to get the interview process right so you don’t make costly mistakes or waste time. Here are two essential questions you MUST ask during the interview process to find the right person for your team. Watch this video to find out more! ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to know. What’s your BIGGEST takeaway from today’s video? Share with me in the comments below!

20.01.2022 3 minute video tip // ever felt exhausted from trying to ‘do it all’ -- or unsatisfied despite your success? I work with high-achieving professionals, consultants + entrepreneurs who are successful in their careers and businesses. From the outside, their lives look picture perfect. But on the inside, they’re often deeply unhappy. Why?... Watch this video to find out! You’ll learn a game-changing secret to help you stop striving + start thriving in your work and life. ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to know. Have you ever experienced this and what helped you overcome it? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

18.01.2022 the value of knowing your values // what’s most important to you in your work + life? Ever since I was young, I’ve dreamed of having the freedom to run my own business. You see, freedom is an important value of mine. 7 years later, being my own boss has allowed me to fully honour this value.... But it wasn’t always this way. For years, I was slave to my corporate job and later, my own business. Back in 2017, I was burnt out, miserable in my recruitment career and completely dissatisfied with the business I’d created. I’d also not taken a holiday in nearly 3 years. As a last ditch attempt to move past my unhappiness, I booked a 2 week beach holiday. My intention? Take a whole fortnight off, rest and rejuvenate. The reality? I worked every day, closing sales. I had no time to switch off and enjoy myself. I’d started my own business because I wanted more freedom and balance. Yet I had none. I was in no way honouring one of my core values and what was important to me. And I was deeply unhappy as a result. You see, knowing your values helps you understand what’s essential for your satisfaction and fulfillment. This allows you to make the right decisions in all aspects of life. Clarifying my values allowed me to create a career and business model aligned to what’s important to me. And life is far more fulfilling as a result! I’d love to know -- are you currently honouring your values in your work + life? Share your thoughts in the comments below. ~~ Want to uncover your unique values? Download my free business guide: ‘The 5-Step Process To Grow Your Dream Business’. It outlines a process for uncovering your values + other tools to help you make better business decisions. Go to:

18.01.2022 a cause close to my heart // Patrick Swayze. Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Steve Jobs. Aretha Franklin. My Dad. What do they have in common? They were talented. Full of life. And finally lost their battle with pancreatic cancer.... Today is World Pancreatic Cancer Day and here in Australia, November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month. A global initiative to raise awareness and funding to fight one of the world’s deadliest cancers. After losing my Dad to this devastating disease in 2019, I’ve thought long and hard about how I can support this cause. Helping to raise awareness seems like the most obvious first step. Pancreatic cancer is one of the most fatal because it has virtually no symptoms and the majority of patients are diagnosed in advanced stages. According to the American Cancer Society, the 5-year survival rate is 9%. With two thirds of people losing their lives within the first year of diagnosis. Incredibly, little progress has been made in the past forty years to reduce these figures. After seeing my Dad suffer through the last 13 months of his life, I don’t want anyone else to experience the same. Further research and funding is needed to fully understand the symptoms and causes, reduce the risks and improve survival rates. So as a second step, I’ve donated to the Pancare Foundation, to help support the lives of individuals living with pancreatic cancer. Please share with your family and friends to help raise awareness. And if you're in a position to contribute, please consider donating to this important cause too. To donate, go to: and click DONATE. Thank you for your support. Stacey X

17.01.2022 9 surprising mistakes keeping you stuck in the wrong career // it’s happened with EVERY new client I’ve ever worked with. They contact me because they’re feeling stuck in their career and want help to figure out what to do next. In our introductory consult I’ll ask them what they’ve already tried to address this challenge. Nine times out of ten, I’ll hear:... ‘I’ve applied for a new job BUT I’m not sure if it’s what I want.’ Or: ‘I went through an entire interview process and got offered the job then realised it’s not the right fit.’ You think your current role is the problem and finding a new job will ‘fix’ it. Then find the same issues follow you to your next position. Why? Because immediately searching for a new role is an external, ‘band aid’ solution. You haven’t got to the root cause of the issue. Or looked internally within yourself to figure out what you REALLY want. Some people fail to tackle the true problem for YEARS. In my previous career as a corporate recruiter, it was common to see people job-hopping from one role to the next. A big reason why I do what I do now is the frustration I felt at not being able to help individuals address the REAL problem. Finding a new job to ‘fix’ things is the first of many mistakes keeping you stuck in the wrong career. Are you making one of these common career fails? In my latest blog post, you’ll discover 9 surprising career mistakes holding you back and how to avoid them. Check it out HERE:

17.01.2022 quick tip friday // do you struggle to negotiate your worth? In this video, I’m sharing three secrets to help you get what you want! Whether you want to secure your next promotion, pay-rise or job offer, you MUST know your value and how to communicate it.... For 12 years, I’ve helped hundreds of individuals secure salary increases and learn how to negotiate. One of the keys to successful negotiation is preparation. Today, I’m sharing three tips to help you prepare effectively -- so you can communicate your value with confidence. Watch this video to find out more! ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to know. Which tip stood out to you the most? And what’s one step you can take to implement it? Share with me in the comments below!

16.01.2022 vision // what do you truly want? clarifying your vision is the first step to figuring out what you want in your business, career + life. I work with high performers who are very successful in their careers. They contact me for help to build their business or clarify their career goals. But often, they have no idea what they really want.... Why? A common mistake is trying to define a specific goal upfront. Without considering the big picture of what they want in their personal and professional lives. This is like trying to plan a journey without a final destination point. If you don’t know the vision you’re working towards, it’s tough to identify the right goals and action steps to get there. Your vision gives you clarity on what you want. It helps you understand what steps to take, define important goals and guides your actions and decisions. Start by creating your vision. Then you can devise the strategy -- the goals and action steps to make your vision a reality. In my free guide ‘The Proven 5-Step Process To Grow Your Dream Business', I share a simple exercise to help you clarify your long-term vision. You can also use it any time in future when you want to pivot your business or re-set your career goals. Get your FREE copy NOW! Go to:

15.01.2022 4 simple ways to uncover your super-powers // one of the most common question I get asked in my consults or new client intake forms is: How do I figure out my unique strengths? Or, How do I communicate my value and what makes me unique? At the core of these questions is a lack of clarity around professional direction and someone’s desire to develop or change their current career.... Since the start of the pandemic, many people have realised their steady, well paid jobs aren’t as secure as they once thought. I’ve certainly noticed a rise in people reassessing their career options as they look to take control of their professional lives. Lockdown also forced us to embrace technology and remote working. Organisations have noticed the benefits and are permanently introducing more flexible ways of working. But with these workplace changes comes a growing need to keep our skills relevant. The bottom-line? It’s more important than ever to know how to differentiate yourself and articulate your value to clients or potential employers. So today, I'm digging back into the archives to share four ways to discover your super-powers. All so you can do the work that lights you up, communicate your value and attract more clients and opportunities. Check out the full post HERE:

14.01.2022 R U OK? // mental health is a topic close to my heart And it’s a particularly critical issue this year as many of us deal with the impacts of isolation, uncertainty about the future and financial + health pressures. In my private coaching work, I assist high-achieving entrepreneurs and business leaders who are ambitious and successful in their careers. ... They’ve worked hard to get to where they are, often sacrificing their personal lives, physical and mental health in pursuit of their professions. Stress, anxiety, overwhelm and burnout are common. And I get it, I’ve been there too. As a high-achieving, Type-A personality, these are constant challenges I’ve faced running my own business and throughout my corporate career. After experiencing anxiety my whole life and a bout of depression last year, I also know what it’s like to dismiss these feelings, silently struggle and try and push through. Remember to check in on those closest to you on RU OK Day -- and every day. So today, I want to ask you -- are you OK? Please don’t suffer in silence. Ask for support if you need it. And reach out if I can help in any way!

12.01.2022 getting real // in one of my most popular articles to date, I get real and share my own personal battle with burn-out. Discover how I found meaningful work and successfully changed careers, pivoted my business and transformed my personal and professional life. Here are my top tips for navigating change & transforming your career:... 1. If something’s not right, declare it. Then commit to changing it. 2. What’s your WHY? What do you value? Understanding what’s important helps you make the right changes and create the career you want. 3. Acknowledge limiting beliefs holding you back and replace with helpful ones. 4. Take action - stretch yourself outside your comfort zone. 5. Get support - enlist the help of family and friends or consider hiring a career coach. Like to know more? View the full post at And if you’re serious about taking your professional life from good to great in 2021, book your complimentary strategy call with me:

11.01.2022 next steps // have you been asking the big questions: Who am I? What is my purpose? What does success look like to me? And what do I want next professionally?... Are you: > Ready to transition from corporate to consultant, or start a business to have more freedom, flexibility + ability to make your own decisions? > Wanting help to establish the right foundations in your existing business so you can grow a sustainable business -- one that supports your desired lifestyle? > Needing support to pivot your career or business + figure out your next steps professionally? If so, I have great news. I’m wrapping up working with some amazing clients + will be opening up my calendar for 2 new coaching clients to start in October. What this means for you is you’ll get the personalised support to clarify your career direction or grow the business you want! I’ll show you the exact steps to take -- in the right order -- to establish your dream business + set yourself up for success. All so you don’t make costly mistakes + build a business you love, aligned to your ideal lifestyle. Ready to work with me? I’ve got room for you. Get set to create the business, career + life you deserve! Schedule your free 45 minute discovery call to experience some coaching with me and find out if we'd be a good fit to work together. Book HERE:

09.01.2022 quick tip friday // going round in circles trying to make a decision -- out of fear of making the ‘wrong’ choice? If you let it, decision-making can become an exhausting, all-consuming process. But it doesn’t have to be this way! In this video, you’ll discover three ideas to help you find clarity -- so you can stop agonising over making the ‘right’ decision.... Watch this video to find out more! ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to hear from you. Which of these tips resonated the most and why? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

09.01.2022 3 min video tip // can you guess the biggest hiring mistake business owners make? Watch this video to find out what it is -- and how YOU can avoid it! Does the idea of making your first (or next) hire fill you with confusion or overwhelm? ... Today, I’m sharing three important questions you must ask to get clear on your new team member’s role, duties and exactly what you’re looking for. All so you don’t make any hiring mistakes, choose the right person and avoid overwhelm in the process. Watch to find out more! ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to know. What’s the biggest hiring mistake you’ve ever made? And how did you fix it? Share with me in the comments and let’s start a conversation!

08.01.2022 getting unstuck // a common question I hear from established + aspiring business owners is: ’ -- -- . ’ ! ? This is one of the biggest challenges business owners face. Not knowing WHERE to start leads to procrastination, overwhelm and no action.... But here’s the truth -- no action equals no progress or results. I see it all the time in my clients and experienced it too in my early years of business. Thankfully, I’ve made many mistakes along the way so you don’t have to! Feeling stuck? , -- . Get your copy of the FREE guide NOW! Go to:

07.01.2022 first steps // I remember the day, when I officially ‘opened the doors’ to my first business nearly 7 years ago. I had NO IDEA what I was doing. As I sat at my desk, staring at the wall, I thought, now what?... Despite being very driven, it was certainly a shock to step out on my own and not be accountable to a boss, pay cheque or being at my desk by 8am each morning! Over the years, through plenty of trial and error and investing in my development, I’ve taught myself everything I needed to know to build two service-based businesses. From email marketing, to copywriting -- and small business accounting from a yellow ‘Dummies Guide’ book my husband bought me to celebrate my business launch! And that’s just the practical stuff. In recent years, I’ve learnt even more important foundational pieces such as knowing the ‘why’ behind my business. How to build a business to support the lifestyle I want. And how to manage my mind to build the resilience I need to get through the challenging times + not give up! Thankfully, I’ve broken all this knowledge down into a simple, step-by-step guide so you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Or make the mistakes I did! This is the exact framework I work through with my one-on-one clients. To get your FREE copy, go to:

05.01.2022 common career mistakes // are you ‘outsourcing’ your important career decisions? A client was struggling to make a big professional decision. ‘I’m so confused’ she said. ‘This person is telling me I should do this, someone else the complete opposite.’ So I asked her: ‘What do YOU want to do?’.... The answer was immediately clear. But it had become lost in the noise of other people’s voices. Which only confused her more! The reason you outsource career decisions is because you lack self-trust. You seek external validation from others instead of listening to yourself. The problem with this is EVERYONE has their own opinion which often conflicts with another. This leaves you confused and stuck in the wrong career. Or it muddles your ability to hear your own voice, so you make a decision which isn’t right for you. To discover more surprising mistakes keeping you stuck in the 'wrong career', check out my latest blog. Read the full article HERE:

05.01.2022 3 minute video tip// one of the biggest mistakes holding people back in business? Striving to be perfect! Perfectionism is common among the world’s most successful people.... The problem is when the pursuit of success goes beyond a healthy sense of accomplishment into overachievement, procrastination or overwhelm. Struggling with the desire to be perfect? In today’s video you’ll learn: The consequences of unhealthy striving Why it’s happening Three tangible tips to help you work through it Watch this video to find out more! ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to hear from you. Which of these tips resonated the most and why? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

04.01.2022 finding your version of success // in my work with consultants + service based business owners, I’ve noticed the two biggest challenges they face are: 1 Overwhelm or burn-out, due to lack of boundaries or trying to ‘do it all’ 2 Dissatisfaction because their business isn’t aligned to what’s important to them -- or set up in a way that supports the lifestyle they want... I get it, I’ve been there too. When I started my first business, I took what I’d learnt from my corporate career and focused on achievement, working hard and making money. 5 years in, my work lacked meaning and I was exhausted from chasing someone else’s version of success! The reason? I hadn’t taken the time to figure out my purpose, what was important professionally -- or what success looked like to ME. Ready to start living YOUR version of success? Discover -- ‘The Proven 5-Step Process To Grow Your Dream Business’. You’ll go from confused to clear on the exact steps to take to create the business you want. All so you don’t make costly mistakes or waste time and build a sustainable business you love, aligned to your ideal lifestyle. Download your FREE copy of the guide NOW! Go to:

04.01.2022 quick tip friday // can you guess one of the biggest mistakes business owners make? One mistake I see time and time again amongst my clients is ‘trying to do it all’. Or the inability to let go and delegate.... When you’re first starting out in business, you might need to manage everything on your own. The problem is when you continue to do it all. And refuse to hire help, even when you can afford it. If this is something you’re struggling with, today I’m sharing 3 steps you can take to fix it. ! ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to hear from you. Which of these tips resonated the most and why? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

04.01.2022 quick tip friday // ever lost confidence and accepted less than what you want in a salary negotiation or performance discussion? Today, I’m sharing my best insider tips to help you increase your income, build confidence and negotiate the career terms you’re after! It’s natural to feel nervous about a negotiation discussion. But remember, a negotiation is simply a two-way discussion -- and about coming to an agreement both parties are happy with.... Discover my top four questions you MUST ask during a career discussion to successfully negotiate the outcome you want. Watch this video to find out more! ~~ Once you’ve watched, I’d love to know. What’s your best success tip for others who struggle with career negotiations? Please share it in the comments below!

03.01.2022 how to stop striving + start thriving in your professional life // I fell into a heap on the floor, overcome with feelings of guilt and shame. How the hell did I end up here?! I was in the depths of burnout, physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. After a decade of repeating this cycle, I decided it was time to make significant changes.... But I also felt like something was missing. I was dreading Mondays and struggled to find the motivation to get up for work each day. As an ambitious, high-achiever this was unusual. Deep down, I knew I needed more than a break. I realised I wasn’t fulfilled by my work. In this moment, I knew I had to find something more meaningful. This is where my journey of learning how to thrive, not strive started. Are you a high-performer who is: 1 Exhausted or overwhelmed from trying to ‘do it all’? 2 Feeling empty or unfulfilled, despite your success? 3 Questioning who you are and what you want professionally? If this is you, I want you to know there is a better way. Discover my 3 greatest secrets to help you thrive in your professional life. You’ll find out how to stop striving and start thriving so you can create a business, career and life on your terms! To find out more, go to:

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