Progressive Legal in Sydney, Australia | Local service
Progressive Legal
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Address: 801, Level 8/100 William St, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011 2011 Sydney, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Do you realise how many different pieces of Intellectual Property (IP) your business has and what must be protected? Have a think about the following. - Has the business come up with any new inventions, new methods or way of doing things? ... - Do you have a business name, or multiple business names? - Do you have a logo, bi-line, tag-line, slap-line? Have they been registered as business names and trade marks? - Have you launched any derivative products, packages or courses? - Do you have all your trade marks registered as business names? Do you have all your business names registered as trade marks? - Do you have any social media handles? - Do your staff have any social media handles that they use for the business? - Do your staff AND/OR contractors develop any IP that needs to be protected? - Do you have any other third parties developing some of this IP with you i.e. marketing agencies, business coaches etc. As you can see - there's a lot to secure once the business expands and accumulates this IP. This IP needs to be protected as your business grows. Your brand and IP are your most valuable assets - think about it - we're happy to help.
24.01.2022 Congrats to our amazing clients Therese Linton and Paul Naraj from the Basalt Group who recently launched the Personal Productivity Checklist! This tool is made for lawyers who want to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Cant wait to read it! #productivity #lawyers #lawyerslife #lawyergoals #toolkit #personalproductivity #checklist
23.01.2022 We're very excited to launch Progressive Legal CPD! CPD programs for lawyers (especially free ones!) dont provide really good practical knowledge, especially in the mandatory subject areas. A lot of people we spoke to expressed frustration and disappointment that most mandatory webinars were either ... - extremely boring, - not helpful, - not useful or practical, or - they were annoyed that their time was wasted, or - felt that it was just a sales pitch for someone elses product. Our goal is to provide better CPD programs to lawyers that will provide better webinars with practical knowledge, instead of just ticking the box each year. We believe this type of education should provide useful tips for day-to-day activities. Were going to organise great content from experts, asking common questions from lawyers and interviewed by us from that legal perspective. Register for our first webinar - Outlook Practical Tips for Lawyers today! #cpd #newlaw #lawyer #cle
23.01.2022 2 hours of power recording video content for the year! Thank you @raycorcoran4 for the strategy and support, we smashed it! Also thank you @hubaustralia for having such a great Media Room #videorecording #hubaustralia #contentcreation
23.01.2022 "A unique model to tackle the pandemic". Great to be featured in Lawyers Weekly last week talking about the shift brought about by #covid19 and the steps we took to navigate through so far. We will be doing more, and "when the going gets tough - the tough get going".... More than just a #pivot. This pandemic is going to fundamentally change the way Law will need to be delivered post COVID-19. Clients are often stressed, massive disruption is taking place, staff are removed from their work environments, from their support structures. They will probably feel extremely isolated and alone right now on reduced hours, reduced pay, longer hours - a lot of uncertainty. Thanks to our amazing team. The read the article, click the link in bio.
21.01.2022 It was great to meet the #clioteam and Jack Newton, Clios CEO, when he opened the conference with a keynote on Monday morning! This years theme was around Thrive and how a cloud based practice management system can help your law firm do just that. Thanks team for all the insights and for having us! #cliocloud9 #cliocloudconference #sandiego #software #practicemanagement #thrive #thriving
20.01.2022 Great to conduct a webinar today with Chloe McCreedy @chloemccreedy for her great tribe - "Passion to Prosperity"! We shared useful tips about: - legal risk management; - what steps to take first; - documents and necessary business insurance; - The best process to ensure clients are aware and agree to your T&Cs and Privacy Policy when engaging you;... - what you have to do from a legal pespective online; - How to protect your business when outsourcing work; - the dangers of online precedents; - legal structure for your business; and - How important it is to have a lawyer who understands your business! . Chloe helps growing health coaches scaling their business to reach a fully booked, prosperous coaching business. #healthcoaching #chloemccreedy #wellpreneur #wellnesscoach See more
20.01.2022 Composite trade marks are a great way to obtain protection over a tag-line if IP Australia wont let you have the tag-line on its own. Check ours out here! We combined the business name and tag-line together. If you want to make sure that your business name and/or tag-line are protected at their highest, you should be applying for the word mark. ... #practicewhatyoupreach #trademark #ipaustralia #iplaw #practisewhatyoupreach
20.01.2022 Intending on selling your business at some stage in the future? If so, you should register at the very least one trade mark for the business to help with the sale. Often, businesses forget to secure their intellectual property, including their trade marks or patents, registered designs or logos, before investors or potential purchasers come along.... If you're a business owner that hasn't taken steps to register trade marks for your business name, your logo, your tag-line, and your derivative product names - you might just scare investors or a purchaser away. Either that, or they might insist on that being done before they give you a cent. That process can take some time, so best to get onto it sooner rather than later! Brand protection is one of the first questions they'll ask in their due diligence apart from the legal structure and finance reports of the business: who's in the business, what they're doing, is all the IP protected, who has access to the IP, etc. Whether this IP has been secured is also a reflection of you and the brand. It shows how serious you are as a business owner about protecting your business. Because they are assets, it helps with the value of the business as well! #intellectualproperty #trademarks #sellingyourbusiness #brandprotection
19.01.2022 Congrats to our client Steve Fanale from Drive Yello - @driveyello for winning the Best Startup award at the @nora_network awards 2 days ago! #lastmiledelivery #driveyello #noraawards
18.01.2022 Shout out to our client Danielle Sady from @everydaylingerieco and her range of everyday undies from size 8 to 22! The brand offers versatile underwear made from bamboo for all activities: sport, fitness, night out or work. Check out their Instagram @everydaylingerieco #lingerieforeverybody #everydaylingerie #lingerie #bamboolingerie #bamboounderwear #sustainablestyle #ecofashion
17.01.2022 Merry Christmas everyone!
17.01.2022 Cant wait to read Jack Newtons freshly published book - The Client Centred Law Firm! @newtonian @goclio As a client centred law firm, we understand every business owners situation is different and how fast the modern online business environment is. #jacknewton #newtonian #clio #goclio #practicemanagement #clientcentred #lawfirm #sydneylawyers #businesslawyer #trademarks #iplaw #commerciallaw #businesslaw #hubhydepark #hubaustralia #coworkingspace
15.01.2022 Shout out to our client Sabrina from @keekooil and her handy pulling oil sachets! Theyre easily transportable and can be used anywhere to keep great oral hygiene. Try them along with the activated charcoal toothbrush for teeth whitening! #oilpulling #keekosmile #keeko #getswishing
15.01.2022 We love our client Lahana Actives #animal collection and photo shoot of 5 different women and body shapes! It stands out when over the last 30 years, society and media have tried to "normalise" what women and men should look like. Go team! Youre all beautiful! Love, Sophie & the team #untameher #lahanaactive #lahanaswim #activewear #swimwear #australianbrands #afterpayavailable #shippingworldwide @lahanaactive
13.01.2022 Were so proud of our new branding! The overwhelming feedback has been that its fresh, clean and professional. Just the look we were going for. Thanks @johooks for the design and great to be supporting a local small business as well. #newlogo #brand #branddesign #smallbusiness
13.01.2022 Its about time!!! Weve been so busy helping clients that we didnt introduce you to Sophie! Our business assistant/marketing co-ordinator/finance-wizard/automation-implementer/website-controller and social-media manager! Who knows how she does it all??? Shes been such a great asset to the business and were glad to have you with us. #teamwork #teamalpha #socialmediamarketing #newlaw #progressivelegal #spinningplates
12.01.2022 What do you do if someone else is using your brand name? With the Internet and the explosion of new ideas, copycats are unfortunately becoming more and more common. It could be that someones using your business name, your logo, a new product name or your tag-line. If you've come up with something original in terms of new branding, or new product, often unfortunately, it's just a matter of time until someone comes along and does something potentially same or similar, or too c...lose for comfort to what you're doing. This will likely lead consumers into not knowing who is the owner. It misleads, deceives and confuses the market and diluting the value of your brand. If you or somebody else notices, please reach out to us urgently and we can discuss your options. At the end of the day, you're the one that's put all this sweat, energy, effort, tears, toil, late nights and weekends into building your brand, which is your biggest asset. Sending a cease and desist letter on our letterhead is usually the best way to stop it and weve had a lot of success. Sometimes people just wont stop until theyve been told by a Lawyer. #intellectualproperty #iplawyer #ceaseanddesist
12.01.2022 So.. this happened last week! 50 5* reviews on Google! Thanks to our great clients and fantastic team members for all the hard work! #googlereviews #50reviews #grateful #progressivelegal #lawfirm #happy
11.01.2022 When is a good time to use a Non-Disclosure Agreement? Are they useful/enforceable? If they're drafted correctly, they're absolutely a great way to protect your Intellectual Property from being disclosed further. There is a lot of misinformation out in the market that NDAs aren't enforceable and it's simply not true. ... They are very commonly used in larger businesses to protect confidential information and they are taken very seriously and used effectively. It's a legally enforceable contract between you and a 3rd party, to make sure they don't disclose any information further than whats agreed to. Firstly, it shows that you are serious about the intellectual property being protected. If it's not in writing, most people don't appreciate the seriousness of it. When it's in writing, they're more likely to take it seriously. There are serious consequences in writing if they do breach it and you can rely on it. Otherwise, you have a he said/ she said issue. Simple templates usually don't cover you. They usually don't have the parties correctly described, the definitions clear on what is the IP, what the consequences are, etc. Some templates we see are based on US Law, so very difficult to enforce here in Aus!
09.01.2022 Congrats to our client Lucy Hendriks @thefashionworkshop who recently nailed it by creating 7 different looks with the same $20 skirt from Kmart! #lucyhendriks #lucysstyletips #virtualpersonalstylist
08.01.2022 Great to be invited to speak on Lucy Dickens Doing Law Differently podcast yesterday! We spoke about a number of issues facing law firms, customer service, our #legalshield retainer, costs, comunication and care. @lucy_dickens #podcast #lawfirm
08.01.2022 Team, the NSW Gov't grant is open today to apply. Here is some more information about it to see whether you qualify.
08.01.2022 Congratulations to Rachael Sheldrick - The Workshop Whisperer - for launching a series of events for her auto-repair clients around Australia and New Zealand! Rachael helps auto-repair workshop businesses grow, develop and improve by teaching new industry trends and promoting best business practice. Shell be visiting and hosting workshops in the cities of Adelaide, Melbourne, Auckland, Perth and Townsville in the next 6 months. Were so happy to be a part of her growth and helping her protect her business! #workshopwhisperer #workshop #autorepairworkshop #whisperingloudly #podcast
08.01.2022 Celebrating the 20th - Platinum anniversary of our Document Management system @netdocuments at their #elevate2019 event in Sydney today! Great to meet the team and hear about new features and developments of the software. Lots of changes to implement at Progressive Legal in 2020! #cloudbased #cloudbasedsoftware #netdocuments @ Sydney, Australia
07.01.2022 Received a trade mark adverse report back from IP Australia? - Here is what to do. Unfortunately, a lot of trade mark applicants simply give up when they receive an adverse report in Australia. IP Australia usually has a conservative approach when it tries to balance competing interests of current owners and those that want to own further trade marks, so they dont step on each-other's toes.... Replying to an adverse report and overcoming objections can be a difficult process if youre not familiar with it. In most circumstances, we're able to find a way through adverse reports by talking to the examiners, working out whether there's any way we can get at least some protection for you by either: 1. Removing some overlapping classes with other trade marks cited in the adverse report, depending; or 2. Working out how much evidence of use or submissions you need to provide to get your trade mark over the line. It all depends on the nature of the objections raised by IP Australia. So, if youve received an adverse report from IP Australia, feel free to contact us and we can give you some quick complimentary advice about overcoming the objections and getting your trade mark over the line! #trademark #adversereport #IPAustralia
07.01.2022 Check out @salt_lab s magnesium oil spray and deconstructed bath bomb to enhance #musclerecovery and all other effects caused by #magnesiumdeficiency. Theyre Australian-made products and were proud to help Clementine and her business!#magnesiumoilspray #naturalproduct #sportsrecovery #madeinmelbourne #madeinaustralia @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
06.01.2022 Time is of the essence with registering trade marks! If you file your trade marks for your business name, your logo, your tag-line, slap-line, by-line, or product names, as soon as possible, you have the best chance of protecting them against 3rd parties. If youre first to register them, and have use in the market before others, legally you should have the ultimate rights. ... We have too many clients coming to us too late and have to either apply to register their trade marks urgently or it's too late because someone else is already on the register before them! The real danger is that by not registering fast enough, you can actually lose protection over your business name / slogan or logo etc and lose it altogether! If you register a trade mark before someone else does, you've had more time in the market and prior rights which is just so much more powerful if a dispute arises. You can't sue for trade mark infringement under the Trade Marks Act - unless you have a registered trade mark! This is why time really is the essence and the earlier you register your trade marks, the better for you and your business. It's not as expensive as you might think to at least get some protection and the sooner, the better! #trademarks #intellectualproperty #brandprotection
06.01.2022 Hello sunny San Diego! Were in California for the next 2 days to attend the Clio Conference #cliocloud9 Clio is the practice management system weve been using for the last 3 years, and we absolutely love it. #sandiego #cliocon #practicemanagement #lawyerslife
04.01.2022 Applying for a trade mark on your own? Many business owners file trade marks without seeking legal advice first, and down the track realise that IP Australia has an issue with their mark which could have been picked up earlier. They may also miss IP Australia's correspondence, miss deadlines or even their application lapse without them knowing! We see it all the time. ... That's like money down the toilet. As soon as you're set on a really good name for the business, a logo, a tag-line, derivative product name - make sure you come to us first for a complimentary check. We can do instant checks on the Australian Trade Mark Register, ASIC, the Business Register, Google, and have a look at domains and social media handles to make sure it's all clear, that no one else is using your trade mark. If the searches are all clear, then we can file a head-start application, to see whether IP Australia has any issues with the trade mark, or whether IP Australia thinks that somebody else may have an issue with it. It only takes 5 business days for IP Australia to come back with a report (instead of 6 months!). We find so many people are left waiting for that amount of time only to find out they can't use the trade mark! #trademarks #intellectualproperty #ipaustralia #iplawyer
04.01.2022 Want to defame people on Facebook? That’ll be just $875,000 + legal costs thanks! MP Anne Webster, her GP husband and her charity Zoe Support were awarded cumulatively this amount of damages against a conspiracy theorist Karen Brewer who published a series of videos and comments on her Facebook page suggesting the Websters and their charity were involved in a secretive criminal network exploiting and sexually abusing children. Ms Brewer published a combination of text and se...lf-recorded videos, all of which the Court found to raise defamatory imputations against the Websters. Federal Court Justice Gleeson found that social media provided Ms Brewer with a platform where she could reach individuals who may believe her statements, noting that Ms Webster’s Facebook page had several thousands of followers. Her Honour was also concerned about the impact of the defamatory publications to Zoe Support which was set up by the Websters to provide support to vulnerable pregnant women and new mothers. Aggravated damages were awarded due to the vicious nature of the conduct and the fact that Ms Brewer showed no willingness to apologise or stop the improper behaviour. The Courts really do take a dim view of people who make these salacious comments.
04.01.2022 We're excited to introduce you to our new Lawyer and registered Trade Mark Attorney, Jacqueline Purcell! Jacqui has over 6 years experience in the Trade Marks and Intellectual Property Law area. She's very passionate about helping business owners protect their brands. She cares for her clients and takes the time to build strong relationships with them, to become their trusted advisor. #progressivelegal #lawyer #trademarkattorney #trademarks #intellectualproperty
04.01.2022 What are the dangers of using online precedents when it comes to protecting your Intellectual Property? Most precedent providers will say that some protection is better than none, but most of them we see don't provide anywhere near the amount of protection needed when it comes to IP. Business owners see them as covering them for what they are doing, but in reality, most don't - some aren't even worth the paper they're printed on. ... Most employment contracts or independent contractor agreements found online don't have enough to protect the business' IP. We see so many businesses get in trouble by employees leaving and taking IP, even setting up rival businesses with that IP and pinching staff and clients because they didn't get their documents tailored by a lawyer who knows what they're doing! Contracts with 3rd parties, such as graphic designers or web developers, should contain strong provisions for IP transfer and ownership. Template terms and conditions or disclaimers/waivers simply won't cover you properly. Getting advice on what you should put in your IP clause, and making your documents detailed, structured and tailored is the best way to protect your business. Even just a small bit of advice can go a long way!
03.01.2022 Did you know that you can Trade Mark your Favicon? A Favicon is a small version of your logo, which is displayed in your bookmarks when you save a web page to your browsers favourites. Because we are using it as a badge of origin" for the business we can trade mark it! Registering your trade marks (i.e. anything that you use as a badge of origin for your business it could be your: business name, ... logo, tag-line, product name, coaching package, hashtag, favicon, book title, Podcast name, etc. Its a great way to obtain protection over your brand and its not as expensive as you might think to obtain at least some protection! Weve decided to protect our Favicon as well, as its very distinctive and we use it everywhere - online, on social media, website, etc. Are you using a Favicon to identify your brand? #favicon #practicewhatyoupreach #trademark #ipaustralia #iplaw #practisewhatyoupreach
02.01.2022 Great to speak on Lucy Dickens Doing Law Differently podcast @lucy_dickens #doinglawdifferently We spoke about how important it is to consider clients expectations and always apply the three Cs: Cost, Communication and Care. Thanks Lucy for the opportuity to chat to your audience! ... Link to the podcast in bio! #lawfirm #australianlawfirm #clientcentred #cost #communication #care #sydneylawyers #iplaw #commerciallaw #workplacelaw #coporatelaw
02.01.2022 #covidsafe thanks to @bondibottles for the hand sanitizer & @kwikkopybondi for the labels #handsanitizer #backintheoffice
02.01.2022 Did you know all the different types of areas we specialise in? Our team has recently grown and we now operate in Corporate, Commercial, Privacy, Intellectual Property, Workplace and Dispute Resolution. We decided to make an e-Flyer which you can access by clicking the link in bio. It's a 2 pager with a list of all the services in a bit more detail. Looking forward to working with you more this year! ... #lawfirm #australiawide #clientcentred #businesslawyer #progressivelegal #legalshield #legalservices #cloudbased #sydneylawyers #eflyer See more
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