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Project 4 Change Limited | Charitable organisation

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Project 4 Change Limited

Phone: +61 407 021 079


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24.01.2022 Australian Bush-fires and Project 4 Change. Project 4 Change Limited is an Australian charity that provides housing to the community without any government funding. Our clientele is best described as those who have been disadvantaged by circumstance. For example, OLDER SINGLE WOMEN, THOSE WITH A DISABILITY, WOMEN MOVING ON FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND LOW-INCOME EARNERS. P4C as a charity, does everything on a commercial basis and returns any profit back into ongoing support for... our clients. Given the continuing effect of the bush-fires on hundreds of families impacted we are accelerating our work to help look after these people. This is a longer-term approach rather than temporary housing needs being met by others. We formed the Project 4 Change charity as a direct result of the 2011 Brisbane floods where we found that once the event was no longer newsworthy, people were left to their own devices. We do not wish to see this repeated! We will work with other agencies who are in direct contact with the families in need and individually structure each family’s recovery on an ongoing platform that allows them to return to a lifestyle without being penalized further than they already have. We have set up a gift fund for public donations to help us bring this to reality a lot earlier than we planned. It's ready to go NOW. If you wish to be part of the solution for our communities across the nation, then please see the bank account details below. A tax receipt will be issued to each donor as requested/required. We are creating a facility to prefabricate homes and deliver for immediate erection. This is not modular construction, rather each wall will be built as a complete component delivered to site. Its easier to create and cheaper to deliver, saving thousands of useful dollars. We also include the construction of the bathroom as a safe room from fire, storms or cyclones too. Many of the homes that have been lost will be older style properties and some may contain asbestos. The requirements of federal government now are that all the asbestos will need to be removed independently of the general demolition and this can be an expensive exercise. The current building standards in these areas now include construction around fire protection, which was not part of the original construction of most of the homes that have sadly been lost. The insurance policies based around replacement cost of the homes will not cover the asbestos removal and updated fire compliance. As a result, families will be struggling, getting out of the rubble. Left out of pocket for large sums of money to start a rebuild. Add to this the need to have trades people travel to the more remote areas and so further costs will be incurred. Check our website Direct donations helping your community. Community Sector Bank - BSB 633000 - A/c 158120295 - Project 4 Change Gift Fund. See more

24.01.2022 Affordable Housing and keeping the government out! There has been a lot of press about government getting involved more since Covid 19 and creating work and jobs. We believe if they got out of the way totally we could create more jobs and more houses. Have a look at the attached screen shot.... Our project at Ipswich of 21 town-homes. Each one has 28% of the cost price in government charges. Just come up with a scheme similar to NRAS where particular projects are approved as affordable developments and we can build nearly a third more homes with the money saved. See more

22.01.2022 Australia the Lucky country Yemen: 5 million in famine and starving to death! Australia: Greed and self interest. What a wonderful community we have!

22.01.2022 I saw this on Linked in. It really confirms we need to be moving faster with what we are doing for single women of all ages. Not just in QLD but everywhere as the problem is getting bigger.

15.01.2022 My son is a teacher living in Gladstone and sent me the picture attached which was in his local coffee shop. This amazing young lady of eight years could teach a large number of people older than her what community is all about. The village!

12.01.2022 Below is a post from last year. Please have a look at the video link here; It simply shows how many people have no idea of what is going on. What is homelessness? In a recent post we showed a picture of a homeless person with a sign saying he wanted change not coins. That change has to come from us, the public. It must start with our impression of who is homeless. The 2016 census showed 8200 people as sleeping rough BUT 116,000 people as homeless. This really means only 7% of homeless people are visible to the public. This equation is related to the definition of homeless in the census which is living in a dwelling that is inadequate. Here is the real point. A large number of those defined as homeless are working poor. They have a job. They may sit next to you on the bus or train. They may serve you at your café. They may work with you. Their kids maybe friends with your kids at school. WE ALL NEED TO LOOK DEEPER! We are only seeing 7% of those who need a safe affordable home. Something the bulk of us have, so we have to make the change here. Not the government, the community! We need to CHANGE our thinking on this issue and those involved. It could be you. I was one week away from this some years ago. Simply, a perfect storm of events can do it to you. Project 4 Change is is making the change for those who need help with safe affordable housing. What about you- Do you want change? Visit our website

10.01.2022 We would like to sincerely thank those of you who have donated to our Bushfire Reconstruction Fund on our website. These donated monies, along with the funds from people who are investing in our two impact Investment funds, will make a very real difference. The Women’s Fund and the Bushfire Reconstruction Fund will allow us to commence the long task of rebuilding. You won’t see much in the press about this because they believe the ‘crisis’ is over as all the fires are out now.... We know that this crisis is continuing and will for some years. We were in Tassy early this week to begin setting up our first prefabricated building operation to handle this work. This is the first of several building operations planned throughout the nation. Prefabrication is a faster and cheaper method than traditional House Land package construction, particularly in regional areas. This means we can meet the demand for housing for people who have been displaced by the bushfires and the associated consequences of the fires, earlier. Whilst we are forging ahead with supporting the bushfire recovery process, we are not forgetting our traditional cohort of people who have been disadvantaged by circumstance. These people will not be pushed aside while all the exposure is on the fire crisis. The above plan, along with the launch this month of our Coffee4Change initiative, will see significant results. If you would like to donate our bank details are. BSB 633000 A/c 158120295 Project 4 Change Gift Fund If you are interested in investing in either of our funds have a look on the website or send an email to. [email protected] See more

10.01.2022 Nine Years! This weekend marks the ninth anniversary of our starting our warehouse for the Brisbane floods. This turned out to be the start of Project 4 Change. What a ride it has been. It seems like yesterday one minute and forever the next. However, we have now reached a significant time in our growth and have some beautiful people coming on board this new year. Lea and I feel blessed that there are others with a whole range of skills who can take our work to a new level and we are SO excited. The support we are gathering is beautiful and inspiring. Thank you to all who support P4C.

08.01.2022 Wake up again! Lea and I were on our morning walk earlier along one of the bush paths in suburban Brisbane. We had just left the comfort of our home after the rain yesterday and were rejoicing in the delight of the bush looking wet and fresh.... Then I looked across the creek and was met with the vision in the attached photo. While we were enjoying the rain obviously the person in the tent had a different feeling. Rough sleepers such as this person represent only 7% of the homeless in Australia! It is a constant and timely reminder of how much work we have in front of us to resolve the various issues which create homelessness. I am not just talking about Project 4 Change and other charities I am talking about the community. We created it and we need to fix it!

08.01.2022 There has been extensive press into the non-release of donations given toward Bush Fire relief. At Project 4 Change, we have no wish to enter this discussion or criticise others. Project 4 Change is one of the registered charities listed on the government website where donations for rebuilding of lost homes and infrastructures can be made. We do, however, have alternate methods of raising funds to provide housing fo...r the fire victims and our traditional clientele. We have launched two (2) Impact Investment Funds. The first is the Bushfire Reconstruction Impact Fund and the second our Women’s Community Impact Fund. Our Women’s fund is about women empowering women. Given that most of our clientele are women and that women are by nature, are very supporting of each other, we believe this will help deliver to our existing work, and not see their needs pushed back in waiting times due to the fires. Whilst most people build houses, we build homes! We have been given access to new IP around off-site house construction. This is not modular rather prefabrication of the various units in a home i.e. individual walls, roof trusses etc. This works particularly well in regional areas. We are commencing in Northern Tasmania which will allow us not only to work locally but also to ship to Kangaroo Island, Melbourne and Adelaide. Other sites will be developed on the mainland Please see the attached Product Disclosure Statements and application forms. This is about Doing Well while Doing Good Each fund is seeking to raise $5m and the spending of the funds must be strictly as stated in the PDS and is overseen by ASIC. This governance process should give people a level of comfort regarding the issue of allocation of funds. Many thanks from all of us at the management teams at Project 4 Change and our associated groups and we cannot wait to move forward on this and see some smiling faces, as people find they have new homes. We look forward to sharing this glee. Please see our Website for details;

06.01.2022 Have a look at this article and add the issues of increased DV and lack of housing and we (P4C) have one very large job ahead! Not just in Brisbane but nationally.

04.01.2022 Invest with Heart As part of our ‘Invest with Heart’ program and our work with the HOW Movement (Housing Older Women), we have developed our Co-Housing model three-bedroom house plan. As per the plan, each of the three women residing in this house has their own ensuite and personal space in their bedroom. Each bedroom has a private courtyard and separate entry.... Common areas in the homes includes kitchen, living, dining, media, and yard space. The ladies will pay no more than 30% of their pension plus rental allowance whilst a resident here. Under the ‘Invest with Heart’ model, the property is be sold to an investor at commercial rates with Invest with Heart taking a five-year head lease with an option for a further five years. This is to guarantee continuity of tenure for the women. This model has the investment sector of the property market supporting the community sector without government grants. This is our tribe approach to community. We ask you for your constructive comments on the layout which will be a Gold standard design under Liveable Housing Australia (LHA) which will encourage ageing in place. The entrances shown involving stairs, will be amended to accommodate this LHA design standard and ensure ease of entry. Please feel free to contribute to community with your thoughts. Thanks on behalf of our team, Greg

02.01.2022 Members of the HOW Movement (Housing Older Women) at the Micah Projects 25th Anniversary dinner. Supporting community and collaboration.

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