Project Dignity 120 | Community
Project Dignity 120
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24.01.2022 "What if next year it all goes to hell in a handbasket and my arms and speech go? What is there for me? Where can I be that I still have dignity?" - Gail #mystorywithms Even though Gail has been in a wheelchair since 2001 and struggles daily with symptoms, Gail considers herself one of the lucky ones. A lot of Gail’s close friends are also living with MS. She worries what will happen to them. (Like the young people who feel like they are too much of a burden on their family, so they insist on moving into aged care.) Addressing the shortage in high care supported housing is an urgent priority for MS Queensland and Project Dignity 120 #projectdignity120 #suitablecarenotagedcare
24.01.2022 This time of year is all about family. For us, that means a huge shout out to our MS family. Everyone living with MS, our amazing team who support them, family and friends who give love and support every day. It’s a busy time and everyone is feeling it. We see you. You’re doing a great job!
24.01.2022 The cruel irony of it is, I wanted to get everyone (my family) houses. But now I can’t even think of having a house of my own. Robbie #mylifewithMS When Robbie’s MS rapidly progressed, he had the joy of providing for others cruelly taken away. He could hardly predict his own future, let alone anyone else’s. Project Dignity 120 removes that uncertainty - a project for people who have high care needs to feel in control of their lives and futures. ... Addressing that need is an urgent priority for MS Queensland and Project Dignity 120. #projectdignity120 #buildingfuturesnotjustbuildings
24.01.2022 The MS Moonlight Walk community is coming together and getting behind those living with MS, to raise vital funds that will help change lives. Project Dignity 120 is one of many initiatives by MS Queensland as we strive to achieve our bold commitment of no Queenslander facing MS alone. We are here to support you where you need us - We have recently opened offices in North Lakes and Cairns and are currently exploring locations in Ipswich, Capalaba, and Lutwyche. These new site...s are in addition to our existing offices and Wellbeing Centres in Townsville, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba and Gold Coast. Join us on Saturday 6th October at the walk to fight MS.
22.01.2022 Gripfast Consulting and Project Dignity 120 are the proud recipients of the Community Service and/or Development (Queensland) category award at the 2018 Project Management Achievement Awards (PMAA) hosted by the Australian Institute of Project Management. The awards celebrate, honour and promote outstanding achievements in program and project management.
21.01.2022 Kids need their mums and dads. But I could be separated from my family at any time. Cindy #mylifewithms As a parent, the hardest thing about living with MS is that there isn’t much you can do to stop the progression. Project Dignity 120 high need, independent living apartments are designed so family and friends can still visit and stay over as circumstances change. Because kids need their parents. And parents need their kids. #projectdignity120 #familytime
21.01.2022 Our family is different to others, but I wouldn’t change a thing for the world. If we didn’t have what we do, we wouldn’t understand the challenges other people face. Cindy #mylifewithms A little bit of Cindy’s positivity goes a long way! If someone in your life has MS, you can help make a difference. Learn more. Ask questions. Help us raise awareness and funds to bridge the critical gap in the availability of high need housing. Together we can give people living with MS the opportunity to stay in control, confident, connected, contributing and positive through quality support services. #projectdignity120
20.01.2022 With nearly all of the residents moved into our new, fully accessible Gold Coast Wellbridge Apartments, 6 more young people with high needs, now have the age appropriate care they need and deserve to live their lives with pride and dignity. Thank you to all of our amazing MS Queensland supporters who have helped to make this possible, along with you, our supportive community for continuing to spread the word about #suitablecarenotagedcare
20.01.2022 One day the paramedic asked, do you want to see your file? She said you’re living in a situation where you’re a risk to yourself. So that’s when I called MS Queensland. #mystorywithms Thousands of Queenslanders with MS or other progressive neurological diseases find themselves in a situation where it’s too risky to live at home. Currently, the only other option for the vast majority is aged care. And yet some of these people are in their forties! We’re changing what the future looks like for these people by providing homes with appropriate care and support, when it’s needed, so they can live safely and independently for longer.
19.01.2022 "One thing about Robbie, even when was a little boy all he wanted to do was grow up, get married and have children- Robbie's Mother, Heather. Many young people with high care needs have to deal with the reality that once laid plans and dreams may not come true. The dreams of many to live life with pride and dignity is cruelly taken away when aged care becomes the only option. Sadly some dreams won't be possible for Robbie, but through Project Dignity 120, young people, like Robbie can have the basic care that he needs to feel safe.
18.01.2022 What do you see when you look at me? We see a CEO, local hero, wife, mother, daughter, friend. Once it is out there (that you have MS), you can’t take it back. Cindy #mylifewithms #seemenotmydisease People’s reactions are often the hardest thing to deal with. At MS Queensland, we see you, not your disease. We know every person is unique. We help people living with MS and other progressive neurological diseases to get the best out of life. Which means tackling the high need housing crisis ripping families apart. Find out more about how we are building futures, not just buildings, and how you can help. #projectdignity120 #homesforrealliving #sdahousing #suitablecarenotagedcare
18.01.2022 Feeling a bit hot and sticky? When we asked Terran how he finds the summer heat, his answer chilled us. It’s terrifying. Some days, I just can’t take it, it’s too much. I have to call for help.- Terran #mystorywithms People living with MS often find that heat or cold makes their MS symptoms worse making summer in Queensland terrifying. However, every person with MS is different. No two people’s symptoms or needs are the same. We don’t think any Queenslander with MS shoul...d have to suffer terrifying or unsafe living conditions at home or in group facilities not suited to high care needs. Terran’s new home at our Project Dignity 120 apartments at Springfield has fully adjustable air conditioning so he can be more comfortable this summer. Find out how you can support us end the high need housing crisis. #projectdignity120 #highneedhousing See more
18.01.2022 After I was diagnosed, I carried on doing my art. Carers would come in often during the day and night, which made it hard. I was always interrupted and couldn’t concentrate or get inspired. #mystorywithms While people with high needs require additional support to live safely, they need their privacy and independence too; something that’s almost impossible in aged care. High need housing needs specialised fittings and automated accessible technology so young people can have access to support, but live mainly independently
18.01.2022 It may be winter in Queensland, but we all know this cold will be short-lived. Like many people living with MS, Zac’s sensitive to the summer heat. While he suffers debilitating fatigue in any weather, in the sweltering heat of December, he’s so dramatically affected that by late morning he can barely speak. That’s why we’ve built our Project Dignity 120 apartments with the essential tools for living in any weather. Our homes have reverse cycle air conditioning to control the inside temperature and lessen MS symptoms.
17.01.2022 2019 is here! That means big things for Project Dignity 120. We are as committed as ever to help giving Queenslanders a home. #projectdignity120 #2019 #priorities #highneedhousing #buildingfuturesnotbuildings
15.01.2022 It was hard for them to understand their child was ill. They were beside themselves, they tried to hide it, but I knew. #mystorywithms It’s pretty hard to believe your child might move into a nursing home before you do. But, for parents whose children are diagnosed with progressive neurological disease, this can be the first glimpse into a new and unwelcome future. Project Dignity 120 exists to ensure that someone’s son or daughter gets the best care and quality of life they deserve.
15.01.2022 An MS Queensland customer went into aged care five years ago. She could walk then. With no physio to support her, she was bedridden. She never went outside. It was an absolute tragedy. At 56 years old this year, she sadly passed away. It’s not about how old you are. It’s about doing what’s right. Project Dignity 120 apartments are designed specifically for high care needs and changing disease symptoms getting younger people requiring high levels of support out of aged care... or unsuitable living situations at home. Our care model and service focus puts wellbeing at the centre of everything we do. We want people with MS to get the best of out life. #projectdignity120 #suitablecarenotagedcare #buildingfuturesnotbuildings
13.01.2022 I don’t ask for anything different. I don’t want anything extra because I have a disability. I just want to be able to live comfortably and have access to everything like everyone else. Gail #mystorywithms How many Queenslanders are missing out on what most people take for granted? To live their life just like everybody else? In Queensland, 1,340 people with a disability under the age of 65 are living in residential aged care. Of those people, 119 are under the age of 50. Find out how Project Dignity 120 is bridging the gap in the availability of high need housing with quality support services. #projectdignity120 #homesforrealliving
12.01.2022 Even with all the love in the world, sometimes all it takes to impact lives is a change in circumstances. #realliving I feel trapped here. I know I’m loved, truly loved yes, truly loved here, but it’s not safe for me. Robbie Robbie lived in small, cramped conditions. He would sleep with a portable camper toilet at the end of his bed. Project Dignity 120 aims to provide appropriate care for changing needs without putting the onus on families who aren’t always equipped to care long term. #projectdignity120
12.01.2022 Appropriate housing is something I talk to my husband about a lot. What if I couldn’t see, couldn’t walk and wasn’t getting better? I’d have to live like my grandma. What kind of life is that? Cindy #mylifewithms Cindy is 36 and lives in Wellington Point with her husband Sam and young son. She wants you to know that there aren’t available or appropriate housing options for her and other Queenslanders living with MS. If we knew that there was somewhere to help us when t...hings were at their worst, it wouldn’t be so scary. It wouldn’t be this big dark cloud that hangs over your head. Fact: Queensland has a high need housing crisis. We urgently need more suitable care not aged care for people living with MS and other progressive neurological diseases. MS Queensland and Project Dignity 120 have a vision to put an end to the high need housing crisis. #projectdignity120 #exceptionalfutures
11.01.2022 The primary focus for Project Dignity 120 is MS and other progressive neurological diseases, however, accommodation at Project Dignity 120 apartments is not defined by a particular disease but rather the individual’s needs and the ability we have to provide quality care for each person.
11.01.2022 I’m a carpenter I used to be a carpenter and then I got diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And then my whole life changed then. Completely changed. Robbie, living with MS Being young, the world is seemingly full of opportunity. Robbie had plans he wanted to get his whole family houses and to see everyone happy and content. There was nothing more heartbreaking than having those dreams stolen away. Project Dignity 120 is helping to restore that feeling of pride and opportunity that can so easily be stripped away from people with high care needs. #projectdignity120 #buildingfuturesnotjustbuildings
10.01.2022 What’s your most valued possession? Something you got for Christmas? Your latest gadget? Or something you can’t see? When you live with MS, or another unexpected disability, you tend to value things differently. Things like independence, privacy, freedom, fun, friendship and safety become more important than possessions. We know most people want to be in control, confident, connected, contributing and positive. These opportunities are built in to every MS Queensland Project Dignity 120 apartment along with automated technology, accessible kitchens and bathrooms, durable finishes and specialised care. #projectdignity120 #2019 #priorities #highneedhousing #buildingfuturesnotbuildings
10.01.2022 That feeling when you’ve got into bed and the light is still on. #mylifewithms When you have MS, it’s a major thing to have to transfer and move any time of the day or night. (Actually major. Not just a bit annoying.) Project Dignity 120 apartments are modern and innovative; with technology that allows people to live safely and remain independent. Specialised fittings and automated accessible technology essential tools for living with a progressive neurological disease are standard in every apartment. Our apartments meet Livable Housing Australia Platinum Standard the highest standard of SDA rating that is easier to access, navigate and live in, and more cost effective to adapt when circumstances change. #projectdignity120
10.01.2022 Ingrid calls her support workers her ‘MS family’. At MS Queensland, we feel the same about all the people who put their trust in us. Project Dignity 120 is more than just a building project. It’s a labour of love. We’re not just building buildings; our care model and service focus make this a family project.
09.01.2022 Who’s got the best coffee in your hood? #mylifewithms Michael loves living on the Gold Coast. He’s got his favourite coffee spots, loves the beach and spending time with his wife and daughter. He’s also got MS and doesn’t know how long he can stay living at home as part of his community. Life doesn’t stop with MS; but it certainly looks different. ... As his MS has progressed, Michael started talking about going into full time care. But aged care should not be the only alternative for people with high needs. Project Dignity 120 apartments are designed so people can enjoy living as part of the community. Near to family, friends and quality support services. #projectdignity120
09.01.2022 "I have lost my husband. It's not easy losing someone who's still there." "He's been in care for about 2 years now. I spent the better half of 18 months crying myself to sleep over things I couldn't change."- Rod's wife, Suzanne Because of the progression of his MS, Rod now lives in aged care. Rod and his family have tried over 3 different residential aged care facilities none of which have been appropriate for his needs. ... We need housing which returns pride and dignity to people like Rod. Help us spread the word and support MS Queensland and Project Dignity 120 for that meaningful change. #homesforrealliving #suitablecarenotagedcare
08.01.2022 The average age for an MS diagnosis is 30 years old. Which makes it so frustrating when you feel like your life is defined and dictated by an unpredictable disease that not only affects you, but your family too. You can’t paint a picture of what your future looks like. Because you don’t know how that picture will impact your young family. Cindy, aged 36. #mylifewithms Project Dignity 120 is changing what the future looks like for people with progressive neurological diseases and their families. Are you in? #projectdignity120 #buildingfuturesnotbuildings #exceptionalfutures
08.01.2022 We recently heard of the tragic passing of a friend to MS Queensland who had been living with MS for 20 years. Until recently this brave MS Queensland friend had hopes for the future. "Project Dignity 120 has given me hope that there is a chance for a better life outside the nursing home. #mylifewithms Sadly, her hope for a better life was unexpectedly cut short at just 56 years of age.... She was heartbroken to be trapped in aged care before her time, separated from her friends and interests. In 2018, you’d expect better, right? Project Dignity 120 apartments aim to restore the dignity, independence privacy and choice that Queenslanders expect and deserve. We’re working hard to make it better. Are you in? #projectdignity120 #suitablecarenotagedcare
07.01.2022 Michael has always looked after everyone. He is the rock. Isabelle #mylifewithms Isabelle’s husband Michael was 44 when he moved himself into aged care last year because he didn’t want to be a burden on his family. But he didn’t anticipate how being separated would tear his young family apart. Aged care isn’t for young people. Project Dignity 120 apartments are designed specifically for people who need high levels of support to live as part of the community, with family and friends by their side. Suitable care, not aged care, for changing disease symptoms. Let’s change what the future looks like for Michael, Isabelle and other families across Queensland.. #projectdignity120 #buildingfuturesnotbuildings #exceptionalfutures
04.01.2022 What I would give to get my husband back again. [He] was so exuberant, so enthusiastic a daredevil. Rod’s wife, Suzanne Rod has had MS for over 20 years. Recently, its impact has meant moving in and out of aged care facilities that were not appropriate for his needs. With no one to talk to his own age, Rod was trapped. For someone who was once so free and enthusiastic, aged care is completely inadequate. ... Project Dignity 120’s goal is to put power back in the corner of families like Rod and Suzanne’s. Let’s spread the word about #suitablecarenotagedcare
04.01.2022 I want a stationary bike, some music and a map of Australia on the wall while I cycle around Australia raising money for MS. Zac, aged 36. #mylifewithms We think that’s a great idea Zac! Just because you have MS, it doesn’t stop you having dreams. Zac was diagnosed with MS aged 22. He can no longer ride or drive, but he still loves bikes. (Motorbikes mainly, but any bike will do.) His more modest dreams are for a space to call his own, with access to the equipment, accessible technology and services he needs to live comfortably and safely. But like many people living with MS, his housing future is uncertain. That’s why we are building our Project Dignity 120 apartments. To provide homes with appropriate care and support for Queenslanders who need it most. #projectdignity120 #buildingfuturesnotbuildings
03.01.2022 It’s encouraging to think that people living with high care needs can have a chance at being in more control of their lives. We’re incredibly proud of the developments in research and would like to thank our philanthropists, grant-makers, donors and exceptional community for making this possible.
03.01.2022 An MS Queensland friend went into aged care five years ago. She could walk then. With no physio to support her, she was bedridden. She never went outside. It was an absolute tragedy. At 56 years old this year, she sadly passed away. It’s not about how old you are. It’s about doing what’s right. Project Dignity 120 apartments are designed specifically for high care needs and changing disease symptoms getting younger people requiring high levels of support out of aged care o...r unsuitable living situations at home. Our care model and service focus puts wellbeing at the centre of everything we do. We want people with MS to get the best out of life. #projectdignity120 #suitablecarenotagedcare #buildingfuturesnotbuildings
03.01.2022 We have found so much positivity through connecting with MS Queensland and other like-minded people with MS. Michael and Isabelle, Gold Coast #mylifewithms MS will touch 1 in 20 Australians through a family member, colleague or friend, challenging people we love every day. It’s up to all of us to change what the future looks like. Project Dignity 120 is about building connection. Restoring some of the independence, dignity, and control over lives torn apart by MS, starting with the critical gap in the availability of high need housing. #projectdignity120 #exceptionalfutures
01.01.2022 Land donation to solve, silent housing crisis.
01.01.2022 What’s waiting around the corner for you? What about your partner, child or parent? Not one of us knows what’s around the corner. People can be quite blasé about life. But you could go to bed one day and wake up the next and you may have lost your vision, lost your mobility, have an incurable disease. None of us know. Gail #mystorywithms If something was to happen to you, or someone you love, it’s important to know there are places we can live when circumstances change. Homes with appropriate care and support. Where we can be in control of our own lives. This is what Project Dignity 120 stands for. #projectdignity120 #buildingfuturesnotbuildings
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