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Project Self
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24.01.2022 My mind Neville had a LOT to say about feeling flat for a whole week last week. He was irritated by it. He was running a lot of analysis to determine the root cause of the flatness so we could fix it. Maybe I was getting sick? Maybe it was because I hadn’t slept enough (New Secret Man and I can’t seem to stop staying up too late talking - worse problems, I know!) Maybe it was because I had too much on my plate and was getting overwhelmed? Maybe it was because it’s been such...Continue reading
22.01.2022 A few weeks ago I decided to get a flatmate to help me through the Covid rollercoaster. I was excited right up until the moment that he turned out to be a tosser. 2 hours after he moved in. When we first met, I thought he seemed like a cool guy, and that we were gonna be #isomates and it was all going to be splendid. On his first night in the house we shared a glass of rosé to celebrate our new flatmate-friendship. At some point he mentioned that he finds his Mum annoying, de...Continue reading
22.01.2022 When Covid hit, I lost a tonne of money, melted down, wailed on the floor for a few days, and then was unexpectedly handed the most incredible work opportunity I’ve ever fathomed Then just as rapidly, the opportunity was whisked away, not before delivering a swift kick of crushing disappointment to the stomach. It’s now four months later and I’m (unexpectedly) insanely grateful that things turned out as they did....Continue reading
19.01.2022 Last week, I accidentally snapped at New Secret Man (and one of his friends on the phone) for the first time. And then I panicked. New Secret Man was on the phone supporting his friend through a bit of an ongoing pickle when our Uber Eats arrived. It was 10pm, and they’d been on the phone a long while already, so NSM told his friend he’d have to go and call him back later. But the friend ignored him and kept talking. ...Continue reading
18.01.2022 Woohoo, I've partnered with Medibank, Australia's biggest health insurer (and as it turns out, loveliest!) to create a free video series for #MentalHealthMonth to help you let go of overthinking and get some clarity despite the Covid rollercoaster! Check em out and let me know how you get on with the techniques!
18.01.2022 My new man and I () had a week booked to go away camping and Airbnb-ing in regional Victoria the day after Melbourne lockdown round 2 was announced. So we had a tantrum, beat our fists at the sky (and Dan Andrews), and sat on the couch moaning for a week instead. Just kidding, we went camping on my balcony....Continue reading
17.01.2022 Recently I went on a date with a guy who I described to my mates as out of my league. We had an amazing connection, and I was scared. We had so much fun, but the scared, not good enough part of me (you may know him as Neville) decided to subtly make sure that this guy was aware of all of the ways in which I am a catch. (And none of the bad stuff, obviously). Cheers, Nev....Continue reading
16.01.2022 A friend of a friend, Raymond*, mentioned that he is all for the #BlackLivesMatter movement, but that he doesn’t feel that we (white people) should have to feel guilty for something we didn’t do. This didn’t sit right with me, though I could understand what he was getting at, so I pondered it for a bit. This blog post is the result of that pondering (including resources), which I’m sharing with you in case you are white, and in case it helps you realise that it’s time to face...Continue reading
16.01.2022 Last week New Secret Man and I were in the kitchen cooking and dancing to Dreadlock Holiday (me dancing, NSM cooking) when we heard an unexpected knock at the door. It was past curfew, and we’re still in lockdown in Melbourne. We both looked at each other quizzically. I just wanted to use the word ‘quizzically’. It turned out to be an Uber Eats bloke. I sent him away to my neighbour who frequently seems to order pizzas to my house by accident.... A few minutes later, Uber Eats Bloke returned - It is for you, he said. It’s from your friends Em and Jen. < Read this post with snazzy formatting on the blog here: > I grinned. A present! Inside our paper bag we found two huge tubs of extravagantly flavoured Ben & Jerry’s ice cream! Marshmallow chocolate fish and potato chips (yes in ice cream!?) and all sorts of other weird and wonderful flavours mixed together. NSM grinned extra when we discovered that one had cookie dough in it, so he could have it all to himself (every now and then there are perks to dating a coeliac mostly not!) I could not wipe the grin off my face all night - such a simple act, yet it completely made our day. I’ve since heard quite a few people in Melbourne are getting we’re thinking of you in lockdown gifts from people around Australia and NZ who are taking a pause from their extreme levels of freedom to think of us Melbournians still stuck in a never ending 5km radius cage, and it’s SO BLOODY LOVELY! This is a wee reminder that random acts of kindness will brighten your day and the day of someone else, you can’t lose! Think of someone who you can send some love to and get on to it! Shoot them a quick text with something you love about them, or a card, or some flowers, or some unexpected Uber Eats! --- PS. If you’re struggling with a big decision in your life, a relationship, a career move - and you keep going in circles - I can help. Often the mind obscures your gut instinct with overthinking and confusion. It keeps you stuck, and the frustration builds while your vibrancy continues to dim. I would love to help you work out what will make you come alive again. I have a couple of spots opening up in my very limited 1:1 coaching schedule soon - book in a free chat with me here to see if we’re a good fit for working together. >
14.01.2022 9 years ago I just felt lost, like a complete failure other people seemed to know what they wanted from life, so why didn’t I? If you’d asked me what my passion was back then, I would have made up some rubbish about blending the mathematical, practical side of architecture with the conceptual, creative side. Which was really just my convoluted way of disguising that I had no bloody idea who I was nor what my passions were....Continue reading
14.01.2022 I had the bright idea to learn to make my own gluten free tagliatelle last weekend, which of course involved skipping straight to the good bit, and ordering a stainless steel pasta cutting contraption online. It arrived, I got my newly Googled Italian skills all ready to go and then. Realised the supermarkets have also run out of gluten free flour. ...Continue reading
10.01.2022 I have a friend, Roger*, who I have a fascinating intellectual connection with. It seems impossible for our catch ups to last any less than 3 hours. It feels like neither of us wants to leave because there’s always still so much left to discuss. Eventually we get hungry or tired of walking laps around the Tan and head our separate ways, but the conversation continues to run in my head. My brain ends up buzzing with concepts and perspectives. On the way home, I always have at ...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Last week I was flat. Flat as a crêpe, but much less delicious. Definitely less satisfying. I had no energy. Also, no lemon and sugar. All the enthusiasm and inspiration I’d been feeling recently had dried up, like my pot plant Pat when he forgets to tell me he’s thirsty. Usually when I’m feeling flat, going for a run or some vigorous yoga peps me back up. But my energy was so low I couldn’t be arsed....Continue reading
07.01.2022 In the past few months I’ve made the challenging decision (again) to break up with a friend or two. At the start of Covid I became really overwhelmed by all the workshops, phone calls, Zoom calls, and voice messages. At first it was exciting. As an introvert, I was stoked to be able to socialise with so many people without the pressure to actually have to go out and socialise!...Continue reading
07.01.2022 Today I have to tell you about a bloody excellent podcast I was interviewed on recently, The Map and the Territory! I got so excited for how fun my conversation with Phil was that I talked at a rate of 2.6x my normal speed! (Just kidding, I always talk too fast when excited )... In the podcast we talk about: < Read this post with snazzy formatting on the blog here: > - My life changing experience on board the superyacht of a Russian Billionaire - How to get OTHERS to practice mindfulness - How we can be more productive without slave driving ourselves harder - How to become more calm and content WITHOUT losing our edge Phil also threw in ALL sorts of interesting theories and resources that I'd never heard of - this man is a wealth of fascinating information - listen to The Map and the Territory podcast and thank me later! < > Here's a 5 minute video snippet of our chat: And yes, this was the best possible screenshot that I could get of us Check out the full podcast here - Mindfulness for Cynics and Sceptics, or in the place where all podcasts live (i.e. your favourite podcast app). < > I’d love to know your takeaways from the podcast - let me know once you’ve given it a listen! --- Ps - want some nifty free tips on how to get clarity on your direction if you're feeling a bit lost? And first dips on a sneaky newletter-list only sale on my most well-loved short course for indecisive overachievers to get unstuck and work out what your next steps are (AKA Nail Your Values & Find Your (Bloody Elusive) Passion)? If you want to get in on the free clarity-finding tips, or the sale, (or both!) click here >
06.01.2022 When Covid hit the bigtime, I lost $22,000 worth of corporate contracts and Airbnb bookings within the space of 3 days. Suffice to say, my nervous system (and Neville) were NOT STOKED. There were tears. There was meltdown. There was panic....Continue reading
01.01.2022 G’day, I have a few cool things to share with you this week instead of the usual blog post! THING ONE: Free workshop!... Are you a frontline worker or know one (or many!)? (I’m looking at you - nurses, doctors, teachers, police, firies, ambos, supermarket workers, parents who are homeschooling, essential service workers etc)? OR - would you just love some respite despite a hectic work/ home-schooling/ life schedule? I’m donating my time to be part of an epic online event giving back to the frontline workers that have been keeping things running during the pandemic. The festival is free and anyone can join from anywhere in the world (even if you’re not a frontline worker!) after a hectic workday or during your day off to learn new techniques and insights on managing your mental and physical health (including yoga, exercise classes, and comedy!) There will be classes morning, arvo and evening every day from Saturday 31st Oct - 8th Nov. < Read this post with snazzy formatting on the blog here: > I’m running a workshop on How to reduce unhelpful overthinking and get your clarity back (Tues 3rd Oct) - you can register for my workshop and any of the other brilliant workshops for free by clicking here> THING TWO: My legend mate Em has teamed up with some epic Australian singer-songwriters to co-produce a carbon neutral song (whatttt?) - all the proceeds go to Wild Ark to re-wild the planet - how nifty is that! Check out this clip from their beautiful mini doco on the the Tambah Project’s Instagram here> Then head to Spotify < > or wherever other magical places you stream music < >and give Our Song by the Tambah Project a stream or 500 - help them get to 100,000 streams! The koalas and the elephants say please and thank you.