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Project Street 7:30 | Businesses

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Project Street 7:30


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25.01.2022 Project Street Canberra is locked and loaded on the 25th Jan 2020. It's coming closer and there are still spots available to participate. Feel free to share and let anyone that might be interested in this fantastic event for a great cause!

25.01.2022 Hey Canberra photographers Do you want to come out and play photography for a day all for fun and for charity. Our charity for Canberra is the YWCA Canberra Youth Programs. Invitations are now going out for Project Street Canberra. 25 January 2020. Yes it is the day before Australia day but can't think of a better day to host Project Street Canberra 2020 at Photo Access.... Looking forward to seeing you there and please email either myself [email protected] or Steve [email protected] and we will send you the official invitation. Thanks to our AMAZING sponsors. #projectstreet730 #projectstreet #olympusaus Olympus AU & NZ PhotoAccess #epson #cansoninfinity Canson Australia #ilford Kayell Australia Epson Ilford Imaging

24.01.2022 Australian Photography Magazine article about Saturday 18 May 2019

23.01.2022 Shoot, edit, print, exhibit 1 image shot on the same day. All for fun and all for a local charity. Ok Brisbane folks it’s your turn. The long wait is over Project Street 730 registrations are now open. Register quickly as spaces are surely to be snapped up before you can click the submit button. Goto our website and register under Brisbane. Mark your calendars 3rd of April 2020 at The Maud Street Photo Gallery who is also one of our major sponsors and we are super excited to... be exhibiting here. So a special thank you goes out to Irena Prikryl Charity is yet to be determined but we are thinking of a really cool idea for the recipient so watch this space. Looking forward to seeing you there and please email either myself [email protected] or Steve [email protected] and we will send you the official invitation and all the other relevant info. Click this link here to register your spot Thanks to our AMAZING sponsors. Olympus AU & NZ Ilford Imaging Kayell Australia Canson Australia Epson @TheMaudStreetPhotoGallery #TheMaudStreetPhotoGallery #projectstreet730 #projectstreet #olympusaus #kayellaustralia #themaudstreetphotogallery #epson #cansoninfinity #ilford

22.01.2022 Our Canberra 2020 invitation of Project Street can viewed below. This will give you more info of the event and what to expect if wanting to be a part of the big day! See you there!

22.01.2022 Project Street Sydney is now done and dusted! What a day! The Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation is the worthy recipient of our charity, and yesterdays shoot, edit, print and auction challenge raised $3,410. Steve and I really enjoyed the buzz of watching all the excited photographers work together, To our sponsors - Luke McCormac from Kayell - BIG kudos to you! Not only were your printing skills tip top, you also managed to participate and you even produced an image for ...exhibiting. You rock! Ilford Imaging Australia - the T-shirts you supplied us with were a HUGE success! They really brought us together as a cool team doing cool stuff! We are grateful to you for supplying us with paper for our exhibition as well. THANK YOU! Aaron Harivel from Olympus - thanks once again for videoing the event. What a talent! Sep from Cement Fondu - you’ve been great to deal with and your awesome exhibition space (the old Stills gallery in Paddington). We appreciate your assistance. And Olympus AU & NZ - Project Street wouldn’t be what it is, without your continued support. Your sponsorship and belief in our charity fund raising idea for creative photographers is AWESOME. Here is the gallery of images from Sydney.

20.01.2022 So excited that invitations are starting to go out and people are already booking in. Project Street Canberra is well underway to be our first city for 2020 with more to come. If you know anyone that might be suitable for this great event and cause, please pass on the details and we'd be happy to send them an invite. To all our Melbourne and Sydney photographer friends... did someone say road trip?!? ... More info and past cities can be found at

19.01.2022 Hi Brisbane. We are finally coming your way! Thanks to The Maud Street Photo Gallery we have locked in the 3rd April 2020. Still need to sort out the finer logistics but we are determined Love to see you all there; who's in?!...

15.01.2022 Hey Canberra photographers and friends. Do you want to come out and play photography for a day. We are starting the formal planning for Project Street 7:30 in Canberra. We have booked in for the venue PhotoAccess for 25 January 2020. Yes it is the day before Australia day but cant think of a better day to host Project Street Canberra 2020.... Sydney siders also welcome to pop on down to Canberra. Sounds like a good road trip too. Let us know if you are interested in participating and we will send out a formal invitation. Looking forward to seeing you there. #projectstreet730 #projectstreet #olympusaus Olympus AU & NZ #epson #cansoninfinity Canson Australia #ilford Kayell Australia Epson Ilford Imaging

15.01.2022 Project Street Sydney HeadOn Edition happening right now! Great turnout!! #projectstreet

08.01.2022 Ok Brisbane the time has come and the countdown is on. WHAT IS PROJECT STREET 7:30? Melbourne photographers Craig Wetjen and Steve Scalone have teamed up to create a unique opportunity for other photographers to become part of a special photographic collaboration. A fun and challenging day that starts with shooting the streets of Brisbane, editing and printing your image to then having it exhibited and auctioned for charity which is yet to be... determined Yup that is right, All in one day! And all for charity! The plan is to have thirty photographers to start the day in Brisbane CBD to spend a few hours concentrating on what they love to photograph within the city of Brisbane. We would love you to be one of those thirty photographers. So far we have 20 photographers signed up. Come on Brisbane you can do it. After the photography, photographers will make your way to The Maud Street Photo Gallery which is where there will be printers which will be ready to print your image to be hung in the gallery for the exhibition opening at 7:30pm the same night. And all for charity. Proceeds on the evening will go to a Brisbane local charity Youngcare Australia. So Brisbane invite your friends contact a fellow photographer you think would love to be involved. Gary Cranitch David Syme Jannick Clausen Kris Anderson Wanda Anderson Frances Suter Alison Hockings Tristam Evison Melinda Comerford Marcus Bell Richard Muldoon

07.01.2022 Just about to go on 2SER Fm to have a chat about the project.

05.01.2022 Hello Brisbane we are coming to the Maud Street Gallery near you. April 3 register at Ilford Imaging Australia Kayell Australia Olympus AU & NZ... Canson Australia @themaudstreetgallery Epson Australia See more

01.01.2022 Craig and Steve would like to welcome Youngcare Australia as the charity for Project Street Brisbane on April 3. Let's get the word out and get as many people to the event and see how much money we can raise for Youngcare. Youngcare Australia is a not-for-profit organisation creating choice, independence and dignity for young adults living with high physical disabilities. Right now, there are more than 12,000 young Australians with disabilities being left behind in institutio...nalised housing, like aged care and hospital rooms. Youngcare builds full accessible age-appropriate homes for these young people and provides them with grants for equipment, respite, care and home modifications so they can fully integrate into their communities and live the authentic life that they choose. Youngcare Australia Ilford Imaging Australia Kayell Australia Canson Australia Epson Olympus AU & NZ #youngcareAustralia #IlfordImagingAustralia #KayellAustralia #CansonAustralia #Epson #OlympusAustralia

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