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Blackshaw Tuggeranong in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Estate agents

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Blackshaw Tuggeranong

Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory

Phone: +61 2 6296 5595

Address: 8/33 Gartside Street, Wanniassa 2905 Canberra, ACT, Australia


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25.01.2022 THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE We recently took over the advertising of a beautiful unit in Campbell as the owners were unhappy with their initial agent of choice. Our team have excelled once again in doing whatever it takes to secure a great tenant in place for the owners and the owners seem to think so too! Well done to our team and our leasing consultant Rachel on another fabulous result!!! "We are so pleased! Many thanks to the team for this outcome, and special thanks t...o Rachel for the big effort she made on our behalf". #TeamWork #Leasing #HardWork #Canberra #CBR #RealEstate #CanberraRealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #PropertyManagement #Property #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #peterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #PropertyManagementOfficeOfTheYear2019 #BackToBackWinners #Over90YearsExperience

25.01.2022 Our sister office is officially open for business! Head on over and like our new Facebook page Peter Blackshaw Woden!!!

25.01.2022 Lest We Forget. Thank you.

24.01.2022 #WOW Big shout out to our superstar Sophie for receiving these beautiful flowers and lovely card from one of her vacating tenants this morning. This wonder gesture has definitely made her week already! ... #SuperStar #BestPropertyManager #Blackshaw #GoodReview

23.01.2022 The good times just keep coming! #WOW Our Property Manager, Sophie, not only received beautiful flowers from a vacating tenant earlier this week. She has also received some nice words from a landlord. ... Well done Soph - we're lucky to have you. #Blackshaw

23.01.2022 It’s a hard day for us today. Always in our hearts, and we talk about you everyday in the office #Resplendent #RememberingRhys

23.01.2022 #WellDone Sophie! Not only is it great to receive nice words from our landlords - but also our tenants! ... Keep up the good work Soph #Blackshaw #Testimonial

23.01.2022 It’s okay, not to be okay and it’s okay to ask for help. Reach out and ask the question R U OK? #itsoknottobeok #suicideawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthweek #depression #anxiety #suicideprevention #ruokday #mentalhealthmatters #beyondblue #mentalhealthawareness #ruok #worldsuicidepreventionday #worldmentalhealthday2019 #WMHD2019

23.01.2022 WE LOVE WHAT WE DO Our leasing consultant Rachel Tynan has gone above and beyond again in trying to help some tenants she met at an open home find their new rental property and she received this wonderful feedback: "Good morning Rachel, Just letting you know that we have secured a property and we no longer require you to continue to look out for a suitable rental property for us. We sincerely appreciated your assistance, friendly disposition and professionalism, you are... a credit to your agency. Kind regards, Mark and Wendy" We are grateful for all that you do Rach and love hearing that clients and members of the general public also feel the same way! #LeasingConsultant #AlwaysHelping #AboveAndBeyond #Canberra #CBR #CanberraRealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #RealEstate #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #Over90YearsExperience #BackToBackWinners #PropertyManagementOfficeOfTheYear

22.01.2022 JUST LISTED 46 Corringle Close, AMAROO 3 | 2 | 2 - $550 Per Week ... & 16 Mules Place, MACARTHUR 3 | 1 | 4 - $650 Per Week Click on the below link to check out our leasing consultant's available properties! #Macarthur #Amaroo #RentMe #Canberra #CBR #Blackshaw #PropertyManagement #RealEstate #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

22.01.2022 Happy Work Anniversary Soph! Thanks for being such a super star and keeping us all laughing. #ThanksForBeingYou #Blackshaw #WorkAnniversary

21.01.2022 HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOME SHINE THIS SPRING There’s no better time than spring to spruce up your home before the warmer weather settles in. Spring is also the peak selling and renting season, so with a little time and tender loving care, you can make a big difference to the look of your home and improve your chances of a sale. Even, if you’re not planning to put your property on the market, remember that it’s never a bad time to make small improvements, declutter or tend to ov...erdue repairs to get your home looking its best. #SpringIsHere #MakeYourHomeShineThisSpring #Spring #DeClutter #FreshenUp #Improve #Canberra #CBR #RealEstateCanberra #CanberraRealEstate #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

21.01.2022 Our award winning team were treated to a delicious lunch at @wodenbellucis today to celebrate winning the Peter Blackshaw Property Management Office of the Year! We also had the lovely Chris join us to celebrate her win as Role Model of the Year! We were missing the smiling faces of Sophie and Mila who were unwell today. #TeamLunch #PropertyManagementOfficeOfTheYear #BackToBackWinners #TeamPBT #BellucisWoden #Delicious #Canberra #CBR #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

21.01.2022 WHATS ON IN CANBERRA Spring is here!!!! Are you looking for ideas of things to do here in Canberra during the most delightful time of the year? Click on the below link to help you out!! #WhatsOnInCanberra #Canberra #CBR #Spring #SwoopingSeason #Floriade #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

20.01.2022 Wise words from the team @inspiredgrowthtraining as always! . . #Believe #YouCanDoIt #Deserve #GoGetIt #WiseWords #IGT #InspiredGrowthTraining #CanberraRealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #RealEstate #CBR #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

20.01.2022 #FridayFunny Mums love to embarrass their kids and the look on this daughters face is priceless!!! a new use for a squeaky oven #Usher #MumsEmbarrassingKids

20.01.2022 Woohoo Happy Anniversary Rach!!

20.01.2022 An information evening has been set up for south Tuggeranong residents this evening. Details in the below post. #StaySafeCanberra #Tuggeranong #BushfireSeason #BePrepared

19.01.2022 Thank you DAWSON HEATING & COOLING We’re a big FANS of this COOL gift. #PunnyPosts #PunnyHeatingAndCooling #ThankYou

19.01.2022 SEVEN PROPERTIES LEASED IN SEVEN DAYS We have been busy in the last week securing 7 new tenancies for our landlords and new tenants! We can’t wait to see what the next 7 days brings!!! #7in7 #WhatATeam #TeamWorkMakesTheDreamWork #PropertyManagement #Canberra #CBR #RealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #CanberraRealEstate #Leased #PropertyManagementOfficeOfTheYear2YearsRunning #Over90YearsExperience #TeamPBT

18.01.2022 An update from ACT Emergency Services Agency for anyone living in Bonython and Greenway.

18.01.2022 JUST LISTED 14A PARSONS STREET, TORRENS $995PW 4 | 3 | 2 This architecturally designed 4-bedroom home has been built to the highest of standards offering a rare opportunity to live in a breath-taking property. For more information or to register a viewing of this stunning home, click on the below link.... #JustListed #RentMe #Rent #Lease #Torrens #StunningHome #BreathTaking #Canberra #CBR #CanberraRealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #Blackshaw #peterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #Over90YearsExperience

17.01.2022 Welcome to the team Ava Hazel Bickerton Our newest team member arrived 4.5 weeks early on 24/9/19 at a teeny tiny 5 pounds and 47cm long. Kylie will be on maternity leave until June 2020 enjoying spending time with both Ava and very proud big brother Brody. #ItsAGirl #NewToTheTeam #GirlGang #PropertyManagerInTraining #StartThemYoung #NewBaby #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

17.01.2022 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF #SundayNightQuote #Wisdom #DontDoubt #Believe #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #YouveGotThis

16.01.2022 JUST LISTED 34 Fihelly Street FADDEN. Looking for something unique? This is it. Fantastic four bedroom, two level home.... Commanding views, lovely combination of formal and informal living areas, manicured gardens. Private courtyard, balcony, fireplace, the features go on! #JustListed #ForRent #Fadden #Blackshaw

16.01.2022 HAPPY NATIONAL DOG DAY . Meet the dogs of our Peter Blackshaw Tuggeranong Property Management Team! How adorable are these cuties? Cooper, Koby, Brosch, Sada, Roman, Loki, Toby and Benson!!! And a special happy birthday to Loki who turns 2 today!!!... #NationalDogDay #Puppies #Dogs #OurFurBabies #Happiness #NotJustAMansBestFriend #FluffBalls

16.01.2022 BE PREPARED A severe thunderstorm warning has been put out for the ACT for this afternoon. Some great tips and contact numbers should you require any assistance! #FiresToFloods #Rain #Storm #Canberra #RealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #PropertyManagement #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

14.01.2022 What a great way to finish the week! A Google review for our team, 10/10 and a special mention to our amazing Tracy!! Rueben, thank you so much for your kind words, you have summed up perfectly everything we aim to achieve every day! #FiveStarReview #ThankYou #Grateful #WeLoveWhatWeDo #RealEstateCanberra #CanberraRealEstate #WeLoveOurTeam #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong

13.01.2022 Such an incredible team - and the results speak for themselves We are beyond proud #91yearsexperience #teampbt #propertymanagement #winnersaregrinners

13.01.2022 FOR RENT 17b Costello Circuit, CALWELL 3 | 1 | 2 ... Modern three bedroom home with a low maintenance rear courtyard. Click on the below link to register your interest in this fantastic property! #Calwell #RentMe #Canberra #CBR #Blackshaw #PropertyManagement #RealEstate #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #Over90YearsExperience

12.01.2022 The weekend life of every mum, everywhere #MumLife #WelcomeToTheWeekend #WashingWashingWashing

12.01.2022 WELCOME TO THE TEAM This year we welcome two new team members Helen McKenzie and Amber Lamont. Well known within the industry, we are so excited to welcome them both to our team. Helen joins us with 19 years experience and Amber with 5 years behind her, adding to our knowledgeable team! #WelcomeToTheTeam #WelcomeToTheFamily #PropertyManagement #PropertySpecialists #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

11.01.2022 Only in Australia!!! Check out this kangaroo who clearly wanted to go for a swim after yesterday’s beautiful weather!

10.01.2022 A huge month across our Peter Blackshaw brand for the month of October! Thinking of listing your home for rent or sale? Let us help you #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #OctoberReview #BlackshawFamily #Canberra #Rent #Sell #ChooseUs

10.01.2022 Brace yourselves... it’s Friday the 13th!!!!

10.01.2022 FOR RENT 2/35 Oakden Street, GREENWAY 2 | 2 | 2 ... Enjoy being centrally located within the Tuggeranong town centre, offering eateries, shops & recreational amenities just moments from your doorstep. As well as having 24/7 access to the complex pool, sauna and gym! Click on the below link to register your interest in this fantastic property! #Greenwat #Tuggeranong #RentMe #Canberra #CBR #Blackshaw #PropertyManagement #RealEstate #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #Over90YearsExperience

09.01.2022 Monday Motivation . . #Monday #Motivation #Past #Future #Canberra #CBR #Blackshaw #RealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #CanberraRealEstate #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #Over90YearsExperience

09.01.2022 Does anyone have any old hockey sticks they are no longer using?

09.01.2022 No sign of the market slowing down here! Well done to our Leasing Consultant RACHEL for keeping up the pace in these uncertain times. Her average days on market are the exact same as this time last year. ... We are learning to adapt to new ways of doing things but all the while still smashing goals!

09.01.2022 #ThankfulThursday

09.01.2022 Have you seen our ad on page 24 in the latest Allhomes magazine?! If you’re looking for a new agent or would like to chat about moving your investment property across to us, contact our Business Development Manager Kylie Bickerton today on 6296 5595. #AwardWinners #PropertyManagementOfficeOfTheYear #Over90YearsExperience #WeDidItAgain #WorkHard #TeamWork #RealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #CanberraRealEstate #Allhomes #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

08.01.2022 With only 4 hours till kick off on one of the biggest games of the year, who are you going for tonight? Canberra Raiders or Melbourne Storm #FinalsFooty #NRL #CanberraRaiders #MelbourneStorm #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #TeamRaiders #TeamStorm

08.01.2022 SPRING HAS SPRUNG . . For more information on our amazing SPRING promotion, contact our business development manager Kylie Bickerton - [email protected] or 6296 5595!!!... #SpringHasSprung #SpringIsHere #HayfeverSeason #Property #PropertyManagement #CBR #Canberra #CanberraRealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #RealEstate #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #Over90YearsExperience

07.01.2022 It’s time to GO FOR IT!!! #RealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #CanberraRealEstate #Canberra #CBR #Goals #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT #Over90YearsExperience

07.01.2022 Happy Anniversary Mila! We are so thankful for all you do for us

07.01.2022 RAIN RAIN COME OUR WAY We so desperately need this forecast of rain for our firefighters and our farmers but there are a few things you can do to prepare for a huge downpour: Lift any valuables off the ground in your garage to ensure it isn’t damaged by any flash flooding Clear any drains around your property free of debris to ensure free flow of water Clear gutters and down pipes free from debris... Dance in the rain #RainRain #OhhWeNeedIt #LetItRain #DownPour #Prepare #Clear #DanceInTheRain #HelpfulTips #BePrepared #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawPropertyManagement #TeamPBT

07.01.2022 OPEN HOMES #Openhomes #RealEstate #Blackshaw

05.01.2022 Happy Work Anniversary KB! We all hope you're enjoying maternity leave with your little ones and having a nice Easter with them #HappyWorkAnniversary

05.01.2022 Our SUPERSTAR Tracy is at it again Tracy received a beautiful bottle of wine from her landlords to thank her for the great work she is doing in managing their property! Thank you Clay and Jess

05.01.2022 Say WATT!? Thank you to the team at EPL Electrical for LIGHTING up our day. Those snacks didn’t last long that’s for sure ... #ElectricalPuns #PunnyPosts #SupperSpoiled

04.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MILA Wishing our super Mila Bartholomew the happiest of birthdays today! Thank you for all the support you give us *Sorry you have to do End Of Month on your birthday ... #HappyBirthday #SuperStar #21again #Celebrate #Cake #FamilyTime #Birthday #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT celebrating a birthday.

04.01.2022 Thank you to all our employees - all are very much appreciated, today & everyday

04.01.2022 Whilst we understand there is a lot of panic from people in the southern suburbs of Canberra at the moment, the ACT Emergency Services Agency has advised there is not currently any threats to property in any Canberra suburbs. Now is the time to prepare your bushfire survival plan. The ACTESA will commence door knocking this evening to Banks, Gordon and Conder residents to assist you with these plans. The most reliable source to keep yourself up to date is the ACT Emergency S...ervices Agency website or Facebook page. #StaySafeCanberra #BushFireSeason #TakeCare

03.01.2022 Happy Friday!!! #FridayWisdom #WiseWords

03.01.2022 Thank you to the team at Re-seal Bathrooms !! You really SHOWERED us with yummy food today. There was no RE-SEALing this delicious box platter. ... #ShowerPuns #PunnyPosts #ThankYou

03.01.2022 Today is world suicide prevention day It’s okay, not to be okay #itsoknottobeok #suicideawareness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthweek #depression #anxiety #suicideprevention #ruokday #mentalhealthmatters #beyondblue #mentalhealthawareness #ruok #worldsuicidepreventionday #worldmentalhealthday2019... #WMHD2019 See more

02.01.2022 STATE OF EMERGENCY A State of Emergency has been declared for all areas of the ACT. This is to protect to the community from worsening fire and weather conditions. ACT Emergency Services Commissioner Georgeina Whelan has been appointed as the Emergency Controller.... In a State of Emergency, it is imperative that everyone is prepared, even if you are not in an area of immediate danger. As a community we must all be prepared ahead of more extreme weather conditions that are forecast for the ACT and our surrounding region in the coming days. For all updates in relation to the State of Emergency visit the following channels; o ESA website at o Follow ACT ESA on Facebook and Twitter o Fires Near Me mobile app o Emergency text alerts o Local media outlets o Access Canberra services call 13 22 81 or visit:

02.01.2022 With the mass toilet paper shortage in Canberra at the moment, a friendly reminder to only flush toilet paper. Paper towel, tissues etc will clog your toilet and you might be up for a hefty bill! Thanks for the reminder Spencer & Sons Plumbing

02.01.2022 Wishing all the special dads, step dads, soon to be dads, not yet dads, dads that are no longer with us, grandfathers, and carers a fabulous Fathers Day! We hope you have been spoilt with gifts, love, special time with your family and enjoy those new socks and undies! Thank you for all that you do, this day is for you!!!

02.01.2022 What a way to end a Fri-YAY Our Leasing Consultant Rachel has rented 11 properties over the last two weeks! Hope everyone has a fun & happy weekend ... #Rented #SmashingGoals #PeterBlackshaw #RealEstate #PropertyManagement

02.01.2022 Tuesday inspo #Rainbows #Stars #Inspire #Quote #RealEstate #PropertyManagement #Canberra #CBR #CanberraRealEstate #RealEstateCanberra #Blackshaw #PeterBlackshawRealEstate #PeterBlackshawTuggeranong #TeamPBT

02.01.2022 Happy Birthday to the newly-wed Sophie Smith! We hope you have a lovely birthday & enjoy your gluten free donuts Happy Birthday :)

01.01.2022 The upcoming amendment changes to the Residential Tenancies Act have been brought forward with changes to commence from November 1 2019. Let us know your thoughts on the changes, we’d love to hear the perspective of both landlords and tenants as both will be affected by these changes. #Amendments #ResidentialTenanciesAct #UpcomingChanges

01.01.2022 Ohh Miki you're so fine - you're so fine you blow our minds, HEY MIKI! Happy Work Anniversary Miki - thanks for being such a superstar!

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