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24.01.2022 Do your clients speak over the top of you? Do they prefer email rather than a phone call? When was the last time you recorded yourself whilst on a phone call? Sound familiar ... let's have a chat about that. #conversationalintelligence #prospecting #telemarketing
23.01.2022 I LOVE PHONE PROSPECTING - YOU? I have been on the phones in the property space for the past 10 years but holly guacamole it took some pain to master the skill - I can assure you. SO, HOW IS YOUR PHONE PROSPECTING GOING?... ARE YOU feeling a little uneasy - understatement perhaps? ARE YOU wondering how to regain your prospecting power? ARE YOU concerned about recapturing your edge over your competitors? For the past 10 years I have been conducting a study, analysing over 100,000 prospecting calls, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of customer phone engagments. THE RESULT! Scripts that have impact, tools and techniques that add muscle to a prospecting session plus, powerful techniques for robust discussion structure ensuring solid traction when nurturing vendor relationships. Your PHONE COMMUNICATION STYLE is your most powerful tool right now as you PROTECT YOUR PATCH! GET A MASSIVE HEAD START! Click the link for my 50+1 must-have questions (conversation starters) that will give you a solid head start with your vendors and it’s my gift to you YES, IT’S ABSOLUTLEY FREE #salesprospecting #propertyprospecting #salestraining
22.01.2022 This is a Zoom training session with real estate agent Todd Forrest. This video is the recap of a 1hour Zoom training session where I helped Todd work through some of the challenges many real estate agents experience during the early stages of their entering the real-estate industry. - During these session we focused on phone prospecting where we workshopped topics like mindset and overcoming call apprehension.... - Some fail safe introduction scripts for when following up open-home visits. - The power in asking double barreled questions and how they keep the listener engaged in the conversation. and so much more. If you’d like to discuss having a Zoom session with me please reach out through a message or if you’d like the latest Prospecting Resource you can find here
20.01.2022 BOTH SEND THE WRONG MESSAGE I up-skill teams in customer communications i.e. reception, sales, and support departments. Part of my practice is to ensure I am making customer calls on a regular basis because acceptable language and communication processes change they date.... In recent times one of the most significant but ever so subtle changes in my usual communications happened when advising customers that I’d have a salesperson follow them up - I started to notice the tone of the discussion deteriorate. After some consideration I began trialing other word options & it became obvious that it was the word SALE that appeared to stall the relationship. As a result, I recommend that you consider the SALE no-longer be viewed as the process but rather the outcome i.e. it is the result of skilled communications and the delivery of the perfect fit product & not the method by which you get there. That you also could consider calling your once referred to salesperson as a resource/resource team/advisor/advisory team/support team or maybe consultant. I'm certain you too will sense the difference once you trial it for yourself. If your customer communication-style has not been reviewed since the mullet-cut error this could be impacting your business. I'm happy to chat anytime.
20.01.2022 If there is one trait that sets apart high-performing consultants from the rest of the bunch it’s curiosity. It might sound like a no-brainer but curiosity is a crucial skill in the art of prospecting. Not only that it’s also a key way to continue to level-up your selling techniques.... But it’s not enough to simply be aware that curiosity can help. You need to understand why and how to use it. We’ve all encountered consultants who are stuck in their own bubble. They fixate on their own offering caring only about what they know but neglect to ask the customer questions about their specific needs. So how can we incorporate curiosity into our work practice? 1. Get comfortable with asking questions & in a logical order so the listener understands the direction in which the conversation is heading. 2. Refine your language so your questions don’t sound too interrogative e.g. when fishing for budget you could ask ‘is there a comfortable price point’ or ‘fee range that works well for you?’, rather than what’s your budget. 3. Understand your prospects goals, fears and desires i.e. what problem you could potentially solve e.g. you manage a holiday resort & immediately list all the facilities; tennis court, outdoor bowls or yoga classes etc. You’re then advised they are restricted to a wheelchair. It may have frequently said that curiosity killed the cat, but most fail to mention that satisfaction brought it back. Curiosity is an incredibly important trait for any consultant to have & will help you in countless ways on your journey to success. So, don’t be afraid to get out there and get curious! #propertyprospecting #conversationintelligence
18.01.2022 CALL REJECTION - WHO REJECTS WHO? Well you might find this a little hard to swallow but the answer is ‘YOU’. Rejection is an emotion we buy into i.e. we take their words, package them up with a self-selected emotion and download them. Yes, we've become quite practiced in believing REJECTION is an external infliction.... Every emotional reaction we have to someone else’s words is our choice. It is not an infliction but rather a learned & practiced behavior. BRAIN HACK you need to have a ready response before the sabotage kicks in and in the case of phone prospecting here are 2 examples. 1 - Customer declines property listing services ‘Is that because you have now decided to not proceed with a sale or, have you simply deferred plans all together?’ 2 - Customer decides not to proceed with a property purchase ‘Is that because your property needs have now been met or, have your circumstances now changed?’ These types of double-barrel questions will sweep you straight passed the usual self-sabotage & keep you both in the discussion. Before you start your next call session prepare a list of double-barrel questions for the most frequent responses that usually throw you off your perch. #propertyprospecting #propertylistings #phoneskills
18.01.2022 Ever wondered why voices such as David Attenborough and Morgan Freeman are such a pleasure to listen to? Well, it is a learned skill and with practice you'll have your customers saying YES. #conversationhypnosis #saleseffectiveness #prospecting
18.01.2022 Call reluctance is a mental condition that prevents salespeople from picking up the phone. All call reluctance is based on fear: Fear of rejection, fear of the unknown. No one who sells escapes rejection. But the fear of rejection causes far too many sales professionals to fall victim to call reluctance.... Minimising call rejection to an almost non existent level is simply about learning some basic phone skills - yes it's a learned skill and has absolutley nothing to do with personality. #prospecting #conversationalintelligence
17.01.2022 This is how we roll on COVID Fridays. Putting my mad kitchen skills to good use as a volunteer at the Nambour Hospital feeding the hungry frontliners. Cooking, food prep, loads of laughs and of course the end of day kitchen cleanup. A relentless 7 hours but so enjoyable with this lot.... Wishlist do an amazing job here on the Sunshine Coast and so grateful for the opportuntity to be part of their team. #wishlist #givingback #happyfriday
15.01.2022 1. When calling a customer for the first time NEVER ask, ‘How are you today’ (this is often referred to as the kiss of death). WHY? To put it plainly it really is none of your business how they are, at least that is what they’re most likely thinking considering you’re a complete stranger to them. Often telemarketers make this mistake, and do you really want to sound like one? Save your questions for the critical information you need to pre-qualify the relationship. 2. Pace yo...ur speech. WHY? Fast paced speech can escalate a person’s stress level if they are needing to fathom what you are saying because you're speaking too fast. 3. Maintain a calmness about your tone. WHY? If you are anxious about making the call take conscious breaths before you dial to calm yourself otherwise the pitch of your tone will likely raise which typically conveys an awkwardness/uncertainty making you sound inauthentic. #customerretention #propertyprospecting #phoneskills
13.01.2022 - Launch date is 6th October for the first intake. - Early registrations accepted at - This course will be life-changing for any agent struggling with cold calling - Registrations are obligation free - Last intake before Christmas... #phoneskills #prospecting #realestate #success #sales See more
12.01.2022 What is on your mind as you prepare for the week? If you're planning to do new-customers calls tomorrow, then it's quite natural to anticipate their response, and for many these can be negative. Our brains are naturally wired to anticipate negative outcomes in these situations but as many before me have pointed out, ‘what you focus is the result you’ll get’.... So, slap your monkey-brain across the head with a big Red Band gumboot and predict more positive outcomes. #propertyprospecting #salesprospecting #phoneskills
11.01.2022 We can often find ourselves waylaid by pre-conceived ideas of success or productivity. Have you ever gone to make prospecting calls and found yourself being held back by the idea that now isn’t a good day/time? This may appear as a rational thought but, if you question it a little further, it could just be a sub-conscious excuse. By learning how to challenge these thoughts, you’ll gain the skills to keep yourself productive with calls any day of the week. ... No matter how determined you are to make prospecting calls there is one thing that will always hold you back: that little voice in your head that keeps you in your comfort zone. As human beings we are wired for comfort and as soon as you become challenged or have thoughts of self-doubt you will feel a desire to gravitate towards the familiar, often doing less or no calls at all.
11.01.2022 I WAS FIRED AT 50!! and the turn of events that resulted, dramatically altered the trajectory of my life. I thought I was in my dream job - top performer, my income was exceptional. I was well liked and ultimately content (gosh I now have disdain for that word content).... After that traumatic day I spent the next 3 curled up on the couch, thumb in mouth & sobbing like a stubborn 5-year-old, who’d been refused ice-cream. To my surprise, on the 4th day I received a call from Stockland Land Developers (thanks Stockland you saved me) requesting I meetup to discuss assisting them to reengage with aged land-buyer inquiries (my great phone skills reputation having preceded me). Within 2 years, I’d established a reputable team of phone concierge to handle the increasing demand of residential land developers requiring similar service. This was when I discovered my passion for teaching others the art of phone communications. MY QUESTION TO YOU IS Is this what COVID is saying to you? - To get off your comfort perch and find your passion. - Leave that boring no end job. - Escape the role that doesn’t light you up. - Be true to yourself. - Don't die with your song still in you. Percolate on that for a moment and see what comes up for you. #propertyprospecting #personaldevelopment
10.01.2022 Even the most seasoned salesperson can fall victim to the guise of ‘low hanging fruit’. You ask the right question and BAM, the prospect is interested in your service/product. Suddenly, your target for the month looks achievable - Jackpot! Studies suggest that when a person makes an inquiry, they've already worked through 70% of the buying process ... ... SO HERE'S THE TRAP!... They've already done some serious research & are now well educated regarding their options. Plus, they have carried out some stealth haggling to understand where the price lines are drawn. Finally, they'll have practiced some clever resistant responses for when you show up keen & unsuspecting. Here are 3 scripted questions you can ask to discover just how low-hanging they really are. Adapt them where needed. 1 - May I just quickly ask, have you spotted other options with features that are of particular interest? 2 - May I just quickly ask, how far along are you in your research journey i.e. have you had a good shop around and gotten some clarity in relation to or just starting out? 3 - So that I can better serve you, please describe what has topped your interest in what you have seen/researched so far? #sales #prospecting #phoneskills
10.01.2022 Property Prospecting Australasia is a learning platform that provides courses and FREE content to assist agents with developing exemplary phone skills so that they and their customers can mutually enjoy phone prospecting conversations. Plus, help agents to achieve the coveted outcome 'MORE PROPERTY LISTINGS'. For some time now I have been encouraged by industry leaders both here and in NZ to develop an online course that enables all real estate agents to access the of cold call phone prospecting. It has taken a great deal of trialing and testing with willing candidates to ensure the content and construction of this course provides the exact learning and activities to power up property listing opportunities.
07.01.2022 Happy Tuesday to Y'all. #propertyprospecting #realestate #salestraining
06.01.2022 This week I’ve spent time at a luxury vehicle dealership. They already did customer retention well but acknowledged the opportunity for greater business growth with their existing customer base was there but reasonably untapped due to erratic communication styles. This is how we are working together to POWERUP performance & revenue!... Reception: Identified lead-leakage, composed scripts to strengthen relationships & elevate customer feels, expanded awareness of buyer opportunities, conflict resolution tips to preserve relationships, scripts to safely ask critical questions before call transfers, plus ways to become a more valuable team member. SALES - Scripts for existing customers whereby up-sells & sales opportunities are in abundance, identified swift pre-qualification points to detect elusive buyers, language and strategies to smooth-over resistant behavior, clever hacks to convert stalled buyers. There is gold within so analyse your own client or customer base & uncover previously undetected revenue potential & STOP spending unnecessary dollars on external marketing drives. Next,devise a plan to re-engage with your customers & open the lid on these untapped revenue sources. If this is where you stall then reach out to me. It costs nothing to have a chat after-all.
06.01.2022 YOUR VENDORS DO NOT LIVE IN TENTS According to RPData Across Australia, the average length of time we stay in each property we own is 7.5 years for houses and 6.5 years for apartments. When you call a vendor with the soul purpose of booking an in-home, you’re likely to burn a very high number of them. As RPData have pointed out they’re going to be around on average 7.5 years so, you’re not dealing with campers who after a couple of days pack up their site and move on.... For many, you know your current prospecting approach has a high chance of charring the vendor relationship like an overcooked sausage on the barbie. WHY ISN'T IT WORKING YOU ASK? Because you missed the most important element and that was to warm up the relationship first. But you knew that didn’t you and yet for some reason you just keep trying to leap that bridge like superman. SO, WHAT CAN YOU DO DIFFERENTLY? Aim to become their property resource and preferably for their entire life’s property buying cycle & stop treating your vendors like they’re campers. Think of the long game & make friends first, then go for the appraisal. If you do a great job, they’ll invite you in. Be patient, this may take 4 or more contacts. #propertyprospecting #findyourbrilliance
03.01.2022 DO YOU MAKE THE MISTAKE OF ASKING THIS QUESTION? Is now a good time to call? WARNING!... If you don't take advantage of the call right there and then, particularly a new relationship/prospect call, it is my findings that the likely hood of getting to speak with that person again reduces to around 10%. When making sales-prospecting calls, during the first few seconds the receiving party is undecided as to how they are going to react do I disconnect, reject, resist or warm to this person?. If you give them an out there is a very high chance they’ll take it plus, make a mental note of the first couple of digits of your number and avoid your returning call, even if they’ve agreed to take it at another time. Instead, trust that if they decide your call is not timely or of interest, they will surely let you know. #prospecting #phoneskills #success
02.01.2022 PHONE PROSPECTING - It's a love hate relationship for most. C'mon we'll romance you with our clever little tips and tricks. #propertyprospecting #phoneskills #salesprospecting
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