Prosperity Planning Partners in Burleigh Heads, Queensland | Business service
Prosperity Planning Partners
Locality: Burleigh Heads, Queensland
Phone: +61 407 159 298
Address: 3 / 93 West Burleigh Rd 4220 Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia
Likes: 408
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25.01.2022 After my usual Saturday EMS workout it's a few hours catching up in the office. Shorts, bare feet and my productivity playlist is on!
25.01.2022 I received this email late Friday night from a family Ive been helping with aged care advice. You could say it made my day! "Hi Gayle, nervous breakdown averted, I was at my wits end, the past few days have been among the worst of my life! And thank you, you are a god sent, everyone needs a Gayle xx... Michael & Belinda"
24.01.2022 Life is never boring when you deal with external providers... I started the day help a client unravel a problem not caused by us, it was caused because an company posted a physical document and demanded a response. The client wont be home to receive said mail for around two weeks and the response is required by the middle of next week. Having discovered this, I ended up requesting that the company email a copy of the contract to the client to save stress and hopefully get t...hings done! And now, as we head towards the end of the day, Ive been working to solve yet another challenge for a client. Weve done everything we can to expedite the outcome, but its out of our control. Often what we do is time consuming and frustrating, yet to help our clients, sorting out administrative challenges is a major part of what we do.
23.01.2022 A conversation with a new client made me realise how we all have our areas of ease and expertise. And its those areas of ease we undervalue and those skills we take for granted. I explained I was struggling with a concept shes an absolute whizz at BTW. Her genius is online course creation. Meanwhile I kept second guessing myself. See more
22.01.2022 This is interesting...caring for the carers. It stands to reason that if you care for the carers it has potential to increase the quality of care provided
21.01.2022 Finally, a senior academic has acknowledged what advisers have known for years...theres a massive fault in the superannuation system when it comes to women and their super! As women and caregivers its very common for our super balances to suffer because of our varying working practices. Things like changing work habits to:... - take time out of the workforce to have families - work part time to care for children - care for seniors all hit the bottom lines of our super balances! If you ask any single woman over 50, because theyve spent very little time in the workforce, what their super balance is youll almost be guaranteed to hear that its less than half of the super males of similar ages own. Its time to start planning ladies, a man and his super should not be your retirement plan! #prosperityplanning #super #financialplanning #goodadvice
21.01.2022 When this little gem turns up with documents a client is returning it makes me feel Im doing something right... #happyclients #happyplace
21.01.2022 Recently I met new clients, they were openly critical of their previous planner not telling them about all the ongoing fees theyll be charged. Hearing this sort of feedback, about unscrupulous people still operating in my industry, made me feel physically ill! As we talked, I realised the biggest hurdle would be to work to rebuild this couples hopes and dreams. Id also have to work on building credibility and a trust relationship at the same time.... Read more...
21.01.2022 Theres nothing quite as satisfying as being asked to contribute to an "Ask an Adviser" program run by an industry body. This is my second contribution to the program being run by Adviser Ratings. Check out the full article here
20.01.2022 When you're blessed to receive a token of appreciation from another business' client. They simply couldn't believe I encouraged a team member to help them when they were looking for the business next door. #becausewecare #clientcentric (even when they're not ours )
20.01.2022 It seems everyone is under varying degrees of stress at the moment, caused mainly due to the fear and uncertainty arising from the impacts of the new "C" word, the virus thats turned everyones worlds upside down. And that stress is causing the world, and us as individuals, to act in ways weve never done before. Its okay to be afraid and uncertain, weve never experienced anything like this before from a health or economic perspective.... If youre finding yourself stressed, and you arent able to get access to your planner reach out to Gayle shes available to help you. Her best number is 0407159298.
19.01.2022 When youre blessed to receive a token of appreciation from another business client. They simply couldnt believe I encouraged a team member to help them when they were looking for the business next door. #becausewecare #clientcentric (even when theyre not ours )
18.01.2022 Super excited to be able to report I passed the FASEA Ethics exam first try! Theres only a bridging subject on Ethics to be done, and it starts next week and will be finished before the end of the year. Which means I will have met the FASEA Education requirements six years ahead of schedule. I can feel another happy dance coming on!
18.01.2022 "What do you charge" for aged care advice were the words of the caller. I explained the price of advice depends on what you "need us to do" and what youre willing to do to help to keep costs down. Effectively, its possible to determine our fee! The next question was "what if we did X"? I explained "X" had potential to cause major problems from a fee perspective. The outcome would be worse if they did "X" than if we were allowed to...Read more
17.01.2022 When you decide to rearrange the office, it feels like a workout
17.01.2022 Yet another phone call from a tele-marketing agency has caused me to ponder why...? Why is it, providers are willing to spend time and money to make outbound, cold calls in an effort to sell their product... Read more
14.01.2022 Happy New Year one and all!!! We hope you had a great 2019 and have rolled into a joyous and prosperous 2020. The years already been a blur thanks to all the public holidays that had us wondering what day it was.... Were back in the office tomorrow to continue to serve you. Were on deck from 9am on 7th January 2020. Talk soon Gayle
14.01.2022 Sooooo it's finally official! It's only taken around a year for the certificate to be issued. #graduationbypost #finally
14.01.2022 For many years I used to think education, skills and experience were the most important parts of being a really good financial planner. Lately that opinion has changed... Now I realise one of the most valuable skills a financial planners can have is the ability to listen. To TRULY LISTEN and to ask leading questions. By taking time to tease out of of people what's really important to them can make all the difference to their peace of mind. I recently met a couple to discuss t...heir retirement needs... Read more
14.01.2022 Recently I got a frantic call from a man, his Mums health had taken a turn for the worst. Mum now needs permanent residential care...urgently of course! The son asked if it would be possible for the care facility to put a caveat on the family home to pay for Mums care fees? As often happens, there are lots of property assets and not a lot of cash available, which meant he was stressed and grasping at straws to avoid selling a property. I explained Government policy focuses ...on user-pays contributions, meaning cost of care is... Read more
13.01.2022 On the way home tonight I took the opportunity to call a client in response to their email. Theyre cautious investors, so at the moment are needing a little bit of extra TLC... especially because one of them suffers with anxiety. Id been asked for an email response but felt a conversation was warranted rather than an email. As we spoke it gave me a chance to listen to the tone of the anxious one, what I heard had me smiling broadly. They were calm, and reasoned, even there had been a smallish drop in their portfolio values they hadnt been expecting. We spoke at length about whats going on in the markets and the panic buying thats widely evident in the community. To hear them say they were fairly relaxed about what theyre seeing was a bonus, especially given their usual anxiety levels. They commented they hadnt expected a call, and were pleasantly surprised to have received my call. As we parted I was cooking dinner and was caringly admonished for having worked too many hours today. Some of the best parts of what I do are the long-term relationships created with clients, theyre wonderful.
12.01.2022 Ive had a few clients ask about accessing their super as part of the Australian Governments COVID-19 response. For many it wont be the best idea...simply because right now investment markets are down significantly when compared to earlier in the year. In simple terms this means to get $10,000 out of your super account could end up costing you much more than youd anticipated. Hows that even possible Gayle?... So lets imagine prior to the current market drop, a single investment unit in your super fund was worth $1; that would mean to withdraw $10,000 youd be withdrawing 10,000 units. BUT...what if each unit was now worth 30% less and is now worth only $0.70 per unit? To access $10,000 from your super youd end up taking 14285.71 units out of your super. And the impact would be that as an investor, and you are through your super, youd have a lot less units available to participate in potential future market recoveries. This article explains it way better than I can, please feel free to have a read.
11.01.2022 Yesterday I met a couple who said their accountant had told them to make specific contributions to super to manage their tax liabilities after the sale of an investment property. Theyd made the contributions at the bank. The contribution confirmation showed the wrong right type of contribution had been made, it wasnt going to help manage their tax position. When I showed them the difference between a concessional and a non-concessional super contribution they were horrified.... Theyve been sent back to their accountant to clarify the instructions. Once shes confirmed the advice theyre going to have to speak with the bank to try to get things put right. It never ceases to amaze me how many times people get caught doing "what the bank says". Branch and call centre staff arent necessarily qualified to help you, their jobs are generally to take instructions. Next time your accountant gives you instructions to make contributions to super to help manage your tax liabilities, please get the instructions in writing in the form of a Statement of Advice (SoA). A SoA is the only way licensed advisers are meant to provide advice. It also helps avoid mistakes because the SoA should provide clear written instructions.
11.01.2022 A client text me this morning at 8.15 am wondering if I was going to be in the office today,Im meant to be on holiday... They needed help with an aged care matter that was meant to be sorted before Christmas day. Wed last worked on it on 20th of December, our last official day in the office, and left it to the client to arrange payment details...and here it is the 30th of December and its still not done!... Because the text said the matter was urgent, I find myself in the office waiting for them to put their grandson to sleep before they can call me back to sort out the "problem". Sigh! I reeeeally need to get myself some boundaries!
11.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all of our client family and supporters. May you have a wonderful time with friends and family. For those who are missing Loved Ones, we know its a bittersweet time of year. Our thoughts will be with you xo. ... Ellie & I wish you the Best for the Season and remind you the office reopens on 7th January 2020.
11.01.2022 Things that make you go Mmm... Friday I spoke with a client about aged care, she hadnt liked what shed been told by the home so I tried explaining it a different way. She got my explanation, but didnt like the reality of the situation...Mum would not be staying permantly in care at the daughters preferred home. Yesterday she called, complete with a list of supposed faults from the home, wanting to use it as leverage to keep Mum in the home! I explained it wouldnt wo...rk because the home doesnt have a permanent bed available. Add to that the facility assessed Mum as more independent, needing less assistance with daily living than the daughter thinks! Its now my job to explain that while Mum needs to be safe, and she is in the daughters care, there are other people more in need of urgent care in the view of the care facility. The daughter is desperate, her thing was to propose to move Mum to a care facility Mum simply cant afford unless the facility can offer a contract for the right type of aged care bed. The home may not have one available, simply because there are agreed government quotas of bed types available and the facility cant magically create a place. Hot tip - do not simply expect to find an aged care bed when you think one should be available, theyre frequently not going to be. As the daughter was on a plane when she called, the saga of finding the right bed will continue on Monday. #agedcare #financialplanning #goodadvice
10.01.2022 Today Ive helped a family restructure assets to help minimise the ongoing costs of aged care. Last year the wife inherited a relocatable home in a retirement village. Those properties never sell quickly and cant be lived in by anyone other than the owner; so renting the property to offset costs was out of the question. Because the asset hadnt been their family home it was included in means testing for aged care purposes and the cost of the husbands aged care went through ...the roof. Read more
10.01.2022 Its always nice to have the value of your work acknowledged. This was a comment left by a satisfied client on a recent LinkedIn post.
08.01.2022 Hanging out in Palm Beach Florida at #BusinessMastery learning how to better serve our client family
08.01.2022 Great advice...
08.01.2022 Helping families secure their retirement always makes me happy. It's about giving clients peace of mind, while using the right strategies to maximise outcomes and to minimise tax implications. Recently one family sold a large family home, finding themselves with around $1M of surplus funds... Read more
06.01.2022 The bonus of using the photocopier, positive messages...
04.01.2022 At Prosperity Planning we aim to Partner With You For Life! We understand there are times where youre afraid, and that things arent going the way youd like. This is where we can help with reassurance and practical experience. Unlike many advisers, Gayle has been around money her whole working life, which means there are decades of experience available to help identify and solve whats worrying you financially; plus guidance and recommendations on how to improve your sit...uation. The best part is, Gayle uses language thats easy to understand so you wont be confused by jargon. Call 0407159298 to arrange your obligation free consultation.
03.01.2022 Id been out of the office with clients all morning and had been in office long enough to make a coffee and a new client was on the phone...ready and raring to talk aged care. The poor guy was so confused! His Mum has been in respite since 25/11/19 & hes only just been told how much of a RAD (refundable accommodation deposit) theyd have to pay for his Mum to permanently enter care. To say hes in a panic is putting it mildly! Read more
02.01.2022 It was a pleasure to be part of the Raine & Horne Murwillumbah Property Information Evening on 27 February 2020. Thank you for the opportunity Julie-Ann Manahan & Elizabeth Hickey
01.01.2022 Recently weve been helping a family with their Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) administration needs. We were asked us to help administer the SMSF after they found the Funds old accountant was less than helpful. Add that to the fact hed given them information that could have made the Fund non-compliant if theyd followed it, they werent happy. Read more
01.01.2022 Today I was speaking with a client whos going through an emotionally trying time as her marriage falls apart. She explained a conversation we had last year had a major impact on her. Actually it had an impact on both of us...she can remember where she was parked on the side of the road and I know I was making my bed for my first night in my new home (2/4/2019 to be exact) as we spoke. Apparently last years conversation gave her hope, even though I hadnt realised it she told me today. That comment made me reflect on just how closely entwined my life is with those of my clients. . While it might sound trite, when people decide to become clients our lives become irrevocably intertwined, they become family. We celebrate each others joys and mourn losses together. My assistant, Ellie, has been known to deliver boxes of tissues to meetings to dry tears as emotions spill over. Other times youll find me celebrating successes and joys with clients. A day in the office can be an emotional rollercoaster! Nobody ever explained to me that by becoming a financial planner Id be creating emotional connections with clients at the same time as providing guidance and advice. And yet, despite it not technically being part of what I do, becoming a trusted confidant is one of the most rewarding and fulfilling parts of doing what I do. #financialplanning #financialadvice #clientcentric #emotions #connections #longterm
01.01.2022 Its always enlightening when clients tell you "I dont understand how you can be patient enough to deal with Centrelink on behalf of clients". Ill leave her opinion on them out of the post for political correctness! Some days I tend to agree with her... Dealing with Centrelink pension and aged care related enquiries can try my patience. Lost documents and requests to resubmit documents is frustrating, but we act as the buffer for our clients; its part of the service.... When were faced with a request, either for additional information or to resubmit documents, I remind myself of how overwhelming dealing with administrative stuff can be when youre not used to it. To reduce the impact on clients we do what it takes to sort "stuff", even if it means hours on the phone or that we have to resubmit lost documents. Funnily enough, until I had to deal with government departments for clients, I hadnt realised how much patience and tenacity was required to achieve outcomes. For us, its all part of the services provided so our clients can get the outcomes they deserve. #financialadvice #agedpensioners #simplethings #service #goodadvice #agedcare
01.01.2022 Last week I got a frantic call from a prospective client, hed just been told by a care facility the family needed to pay as a RAD (refundable accommodation deposit) for their Mum to enter care. They didnt have it and were worried about what to do! As there was considerable confusion about their Mums financial assets, I sent them to Centrelink to find out what was on record. Read more
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