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Psychic Innerconnections
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25.01.2022 Today’s card comes from the Energy Oracle deck. The Temple Path Spiritual purpose and support This card represents our own spiritual evolution and is a reminder that what ever we are going through now is all part of our souls process. We are on our karmic path and heading in the right direction and the choices we make now are important for our personal growth and life lessons. Following our higher intentions will help us move our lives forward in dramatic ways and with spirit and our higher selves will have a wonderful influence on all that we experience. Remember that our loving helpers in the spirit realm includes our past family members and friends, our guides and our higher selves and they are all surrounding and supporting us at this time. See more
25.01.2022 Animal Spirit Oracle Card Spider This card represents the pulse of creativity being strong and triggering a compelling desire to express ourselves through creative writing. Sit down each day and let the words pour out, dont ponder each word or sentence just write whatever comes through and dont hold anything back. This can be a great way to heal old wounds and gain wisdom.
25.01.2022 Today’s card comes from the Energy Oracle deck. Humpback Whale Make music as essential to our lifestyles as eating and breathing. As it helps us to heal and ensures our wellbeing, whether in the form of singing, playing an instrument or listening.
24.01.2022 Today’s card comes from the Animal Spirit Guides Oracle deck. Platypus Complaining isn’t healthy for us or anyone around us. To lift ourselves up no matter what our present life circumstances are, face the day head-on and notice which thoughts we tend to put most of our energy on. Whatever the nature of those thoughts, the consequences manifest not only in our feelings, but eventually in the world around us. When our attention is focused on negative thoughts, negative exper...iences result. So whenever we notice we are repeatedly attending to negative thoughts, practise shifting our attention to thoughts of gratitude. Consider the blessings in our life and what makes us happy. Start doing what makes us happy or change our thinking to enjoy whatever is happening in the moment. It’s up to us. See more
24.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Energy Oracle deck Goddess of the moon, This card is reminding us about our intuition or our ability to receive insights. We have the power to receive intuitive information which can help us in many ways. Now is the time to listen and tap into that ability.
24.01.2022 Todays card come from the Animal Spirit Guides deck. Unicorn Whatever the artistic vehicle through which we express our most creative self, whether drawing, poetry, painting, music, acting, or any other form of creative expression, make it a priority in life. This card reminds us to devote some time and energy towards our artistic pursuits. Let the longing of out hearts determine what form our imaginative expression is, let it elicit passion and purpose. The process is where the magic is not perfectionism about the end product. Bring out the magical child within and have fun.
23.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Angel Oracle deck. Freedom The Angels guide us to freely express our true thoughts and feelings with love. We may feel trapped right now by life conditions, but the Angels are asking us to realise that we are the only jail keeper that ever surfaces in our lives. When we realise that we have the power to be free, freedom follows.
23.01.2022 Todays card comes again from the Animal Spirt Oracle Deck People in our lives love to offer support to us and our only job is to receive it and sometimes ask for it. Those whom we feel closest to and trust the most are the individuals we can rely on to be there for us. We have often been burned or disappointed from trusting someone that let us down and this makes us wary of others around us. Look and listen to what our gut instinct tells us about a particular individual. When we recognise characteristics we find trustworthy, we need to let ourselves receive the love and support they offer.
23.01.2022 Todays card from the Animal Spirit Oracle Deck Blue Heron Trust in our deepest sense of knowing what the right action is and do it, dont rely on others to tell us what to do or how to act. Not everyone will approve of the decisions we make and will voice strong criticism and judgement. Stand still, look around and breathe, trust that signs will be revealed to confirm the right path to follow.
23.01.2022 Todays card from the Energy Oracle deck Broken Heart Grief and Loss This card represents a deep healing that is needed. Vent your feelings and release the person or situation. By doing this we reclaim our power and peace of mind. ... Open our hearts to Devine love and healing and have compassion for ourselves through this difficult process. Make self care a priority. See more
22.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Energy Oracle deck. Anxiety Worry or Distress We may be experiencing a time of increasing stress. This card is telling us to release the worry and let ourselves relax. Brooding and fretting will never solve our problems, so have trust with ourselves and our process. When we live a relaxed heart and mind, we are far more likely to receive the solutions that we seek. Affirmation - I let go of fear and worry. I assume the best and live in peace. All is well.
22.01.2022 Today two cards from the Energy Oracle deck. Walking away Representing Letting go and Moving on. An important new beginning is at hand. Now would be a good time to let go of an old habit, emotional pattern or false belief. No matter how deeply engrained a negative pattern may be, we now have the power to release it and move on to a freer, healthier way of thinking and relating to others and ourselves. Whether in the inner or outer world, this card is telling us that we have ...the readiness and resources to walk away from the old and move forward now. Goddess of the Moon Representing Intuition and Going within We always have the ability to receive insights through our intuitive power and now is the time to use it. Open up to this ability to connect as we are all blessed with psychic ability and get ready for the amazing inspiration this brings. See more
22.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Angel Oracle deck Ideas & Inspiration Pay attention to new thoughts and ideas that come to us. They are seeds of magnificent co-creations with our Higher selves and Spirit guides. Take notice and follow this guidance as they are often answers to those questions we constantly ask for help with and not just mere imagination.
21.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Energy Oracle deck Man holding a coin This card indicates assistance of a financial advisor or healer you may already know or are about to meet. This male energy is helpful and will bring advice concerning the action you need to take next. Be open to this person but always use intuition to weigh the information we receive.
21.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck Mountain Goat When feeling unsteady, shaky it out of sorts its because there is an imbalance in our life. To bring balance back start with appraisal of physical health, exercise routine and nutritional intake. Also assess other areas like work/play, social/solitude, giving/receiving. It is hard to stay balanced at all times, take notice how we are feeling when something is out of balance and then take the necessary steps to adjust in ways that provide greater equilibrium.
20.01.2022 Today’s card comes from the Animal Spirit Guides Oracle deck Zebra When feeling fear, stay relaxed yet vigilant, trusting that nobody can truely hurt us and that our body will provide sensory information if there is any actual danger. Trust that our Spirit guides and instincts will always tell us what to do.
20.01.2022 Todays card from the Energy Oracle deck The Sun New Beginnings and Great Creativity This card marks a time of great Creativity, bringing the culmination of an important new project. The birth of a baby, or the writing or publication of a book or even the birth of a new you! This is a time to put our energy into expressing our truth and vision. Visualise divine love pouring into our heart and mind like rays of the sun this brings inspiration, growth and abundant blessings. See the future we want to create and know the sun is shinning on our intentions now!
19.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Animal Spirit Guides Oracle deck. Camel All the experiences we have had in our lifetime, all the challenges weve successfully faced and the wealth of knowledge weve accumulated can be called on to not only cope with adversity that presents itself, but to help us move forward with courage and determination. Trust that the resources to get through any challenges are within us.
17.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Animal Spirit Guide Oracle deck Zebra When feeling fear, stay relaxed yet vigilant, trusting that nobody can truely hurt us and that our body will provide sensory information if there is any actual danger. Trust that our Spirit Guides and instincts will always tell us what to do.
16.01.2022 Todays card from the Energy Oracle deck Community Connection with kindred Spirits This indicates an association or connection with like-minded people. Now is the time to make new connections and to share intentions whether they are personal or professional. Networking and community are important parts of the human experience and the security and sense of connection can be beneficial to all. When serval people join their intentions, it accelerates their power in the energetic realm.
15.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Angel Oracle deck. Freedom We may be feeling trapped right now by life conditions. This card is to help us realise that we are the only gaol keeper in our own lives. Whenever we realise that we have the power to be free, freedom follows. Everything we do in our lives is our choice and we are free to choose again. Even prisoners are free to choose their own thoughts so that they feel peace and happiness under any conditions. Use a loving mindset to turn those feelings of being trapped into freedom.
15.01.2022 Todays message comes from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck Falcon The opportunities being offered to us are congruent with our Souls purpose. Even when we feel unprepared or doubtful in our ability, it is inherent that we dive in anyway as we will be pleasantly surprised by the support that will come in unexpected ways. All it takes is a willingness on our part to continue on a steady course, staying focused of the goal ahead and being open to adjust the course of action as the need dictates. This isnt a time for analysis, introspection or retreat, this is a time for action.
15.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Animal Spirit Guide deck Weasel Be aware of how our bodies respond to what we see, hear and feel around us and never judge the experience as right or wrong. Breathe deep and release any judgement we hold on to as we exhale and return to observing our experience inside and out. When we practise this way of observing we are operating from pure awareness or the witness Self - the Self that radiates through and fills our being. This gives us a deep connection with the world as a participate and at the same time keeps us centred in the Observer and stimulates our realisation of the unity of all life.
15.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Energy Oracle deck. Broken Heart Grief and Loss Make self-care a priority and vent feelings of hurt and pain and release the person or situation involved, as a deep healing is called for now. Affirm that we are reclaiming our power and peace of mind. Open our hearts to the light of love and healing and let go of old experiences. Have compassion for ourselves through this difficult process knowing that true and abiding love is what we do rightly... deserve. Affirmation I release the pain of the past and live with compassion for myself, Love heals and renews me now. See more
13.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Animal Spirit Guide deck Seagull This card signifies an emotional sea that is hovering just below our consciousness that needs to be acknowledged and expressed. Expressing emotions doesnt mean indulging in them or creating drama. If there are tears just simply let them flow. Cry or laugh as much as is needed. When expressing these feelings pay attention to the sensations felt through the body, as the are clues to the layers of emotion that are just below the surface of awareness. By expressing or talking them out or writing them down we bring them to our awareness, find relief and create an opportunity to release them.
13.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Animal Spirit Oracle deck. Shark Our instinctual self is responsible for our survival particularly when we are faced with a life threatening situation and must avoid danger by fighting, fleeing or remaining still and quiet, our instincts dictates our choice. Take the time to tune into gut feelings, listen with all senses and use your intellect to interpret a conditioned reaction or a instinctual response. With practise we will refine our perceptual capabilities and completely trust what we feel.
12.01.2022 Todays Animal Spirit Oracle card, Boar In all aspects of our lives whatever the difficulties we experience, do not panic as all experiences good and bad teach us life lessons. Use courage to confront perceived difficulties and when we discover how to solve the problem take immediate action to remedy it. When over coming a problem or changing our perception around a situation we experience a surge of power and confidence.
12.01.2022 Our card today is from the Angel Oracle deck Music This card is reminding us to add more music into our life. By immersing ourselves in beautiful music we increase our vibrational frequency, even when it is softly playing in the background while we do mandate tasks. If you have musical gifts then this card is asking you to sing, compose a song, join a musical, band or singing group. Know that by expressing our talents we can help others to increase their vibration.
11.01.2022 Todays Animal Spirit Oracle card Elk When struggling to avoid feelings of defeat and despair we need to lift ourselves up with shoulders back, eyes looking forward, breathe deeply and comfortably and plant our feet firmly on the ground. This will help us to maintain our self respect and dignity. By making these physical adjustments our thinking and mood changes and this will impact on our environment and others around us.
11.01.2022 Todays Oracle card comes from the Animal Spirit Guides Deck Walrus When you have a question youre pondering ask spirit to give you clear and specific signs. Then watch, listen, feel and allow thoughts to flow. Answers will come as signs or clues through your eyes, ears, sensations, thoughts or dreams that seem to come out of the blue. Look for the unusual and repetitious as these are all signs and clues. Trust the signs and your discernment of them, as this is how Spirit Guides us along our path.
11.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Energy Oracle deck Second Charka, Archangel Ariel Intimacy & Creativity When this card appears its urging us to get creative. Reach out into unexplored areas of self-expression and new projects that may have a more creative approach. It is also a time when energies of closeness with others and nurturing of oneself can flow more freely. Be ready to receive the affection and camaraderie of the resonant Souls around us.
10.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Energy Oracle deck Attachment Perceived need and the choice to let go. This card reveals that a passage forward is being stopped due to strong attachments to old patterns or people from the past. The chains of fear we can feel is often from the past or desperation about the future making us unhappy at this moment. Stop living in fear, its time to take action, break those chains and move forward to an open, free, healthy and authentically happy life. Staying in the fear will mean that the energy will keep repeating itself keeping us stuck. Use courage and effort to remove the barrier.
09.01.2022 Today’s card comes from the Energy Oracle deck. Hostilities Defenses Up, Aggressive Energy. This cards is revealing a situation where hostilities towards us are about to be or have already been engaged. This aggressive energy may be verbal or emotional, with someone in our environment being excessively critical, demanding or hurtful. There maybe backstabbing or out and out slander going on. ... Whether this is new or old energy, now is the time to gain control. It may feel risky but we need to have courage to stand up for ourselves now and always. Affirmation: I am receiving the peaceful, harmonious treatment I deserve in my life. I set boundaries, make reasonable requests and make my expectations clear. See more
08.01.2022 I would like to offer a free Psychic/Channelling Reading for any Victorians that are currently in lock down and are feeling isolated, fearful or a bit lost. During this Spiritual war let me connect to your Higher selves and Spirit guides who are surrounding you with love especially at this time and are waiting to answer your questions. Go to my page and message me or email at [email protected] and we can arrange a phone, email or Skype Reading. to all my fellow Australians, Jenifer
08.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Angel Oracle deck. Serenity We are moving into a time of greater inner peace and tranquility. Be reassured that peace of mind is within all of us. We can feel serene even in the midst of great turmoil. Dont wait until life is problem free before realising we can be happy and peaceful. Work towards serenity and then our life challenges lessen and disappear as serenity is our natural state of mind now is the time we need to be working towards actualising this.
08.01.2022 Todays Animal Spirit Oracle card Wolverine You are tougher than you think! Deal with situations head on by paying attention to our intuition, this inner wisdom will dictate when to move ahead or when to retreat. Be assertive with others saying no when necessary, asking for what we want and sustaining our physical and emotional boundaries.
08.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Energy Oracle deck Door to Spirit New beginnings in our personal life This card is a harbinger of positive change. The changes weve been working on are ready to blossom with wonderful results, so make sure that we see our personal intentions through with continued action and optimistic expectations.
06.01.2022 How to pay, either use PayPal, Bank transfer or In person for one on one Readings
05.01.2022 Todays card come from the Energy Oracle deck. Goddess of the moon This card represents Intuition and Going within. This card come up 3 days ago and is appearing again because some arent hearing the message. We must use this time to connect with our own Psychic abilities as we all have them. Listen to the intuitive thoughts, feelings and insights that are being received and dont counteract their importance by over thinking and then dismissing them. Trust in our own power.
05.01.2022 Todays card from the Animal Spirit Guides Oracle deck Tortoise Most things that we treat as emergencies are merely inconveniences. When we are out of balance and in a state of tension or reaction, we need to slow down and practise breathing slower and deeper as this will help align us with our internal rhythms. Spend time in nature with bare feet on the ground as this allows us to reconnect to the earth.
05.01.2022 Todays message comes from the Energy Oracle deck Door to Spirit This door opens onto the expansive energetic realm where all new beginnings originate. The orbs of light are guiding you through the clouds of the earthly world, leading you to a deeper understanding of your eternal identity- the source of all true value and power. This door opens onto truly unlimited potential, for the changes that happen here reach deep into the core of your being. This card heralds our inc...reasing powers in the spiritual arts and deepening connection with the Spirit world. Our abilities of intuition, awareness of Spirits presence and power in our own healing are becoming stronger, now is the time to open up to the unexpected guidance and inspiration of Spirit and to the magic and power of our true identity. See more
05.01.2022 Todays card is from the Animal Spirit Guides deck. Snow Leopard This Snow Leopard is reminding us how important it is to spend time in solitude, to unplug from the electronic grid and find a quiet place in or around nature. Use this time for comtemplation and meditation. Solitude is a conscious and loving choice to be alone enjoy the feeling and let your tensions and anxiety dissipate.
04.01.2022 Todays card from the Animal Spirit guides oracle deck Panda Creating a sacred place for ourselves is where we go to contemplate, meditate, or just have quiet time alone. Make this space just for ourselves, make it cosy and relaxing with things that are personal and precious. Burn a candle or some relaxing essential oils and just sit with no other agenda other than to relax. ... This is important for our emotional and mental health and balance and a time to connect to our life force and inner voice. See more
04.01.2022 Todays card comes from the Energy Oracle deck. Adjacent Possibilities This card represents many unconsidered options. Sometimes the force of habit keeps us stuck and unaware of potential healthier and happier choices. Yet every moment gives us the option to open a different door and take a different course, whether in our thoughts, behaviours or major life decisions. This card is here to tell us that we have many options and its time to take a wider look at things. ... As we consider the many life choices available we will feel more empowered and motivated to make the decisions that bring happiness, strength and forward motion. See more
04.01.2022 Todays card from the Animal Spirit Guides deck Cat Dependencies that we are most familiar with are likely born out of habit rather than conscious choice. Truely autonomous decisions, come from choices made where we maintain our own authority and power and accept 100% responsibility for those choices and their consequences. Review the people and things we are dependent on and identify areas where we need to make adjustments and set boundaries, making decisions based on our own internal authority and autonomy.
03.01.2022 Todays card from the Energy Oracle Deck The Thinking Man This card represents a thoughtful and reflective Teacher with male energy that is either in our life now or about to arrive soon. This person will educate us in our chosen direction, or assist us in some specific spiritual, mental or emotional pursuits. So pay attention for this could lead to great strides in personal or professional growth.
01.01.2022 Todays cards comes from the Energy Oracle deck. Envy Lack, Dissatisfaction This card is tell us to let go of jealousy and acknowledge the blessings we already have in our lives. Now is the time to shift our focus, after all when we envy others, it only attracts more to them not us. Move from a consciousness of lack, to one of value, with this shift all things change.
01.01.2022 Today’s card comes from the Energy Oracle deck. All tied up. This card represents a situation in our life where things seem to be severely stuck. A major drama may be going on around us, stopping us from moving forward. Maybe some technicalities are blocking our way or it could be our own personal stuff. Whatever is holding things up, the restrictions may be feeling quite oppressive at this time. It’s time to make some serious changes and create the existence we want. ... Affirmation: I release stuck energy, old habits and restrictions. My life is opening up. I am free to choose my reality. See more
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