The Psychic Hub in Wollongong, New South Wales | Astrologist & psychic
The Psychic Hub
Locality: Wollongong, New South Wales
Phone: +61 427 979 707
Address: 87 Wentworth Street Port Kembla 2505 Wollongong, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Message from the Magician Your connection and your desire is crucial right now. If you are feeling less than inspired it’s time to find your catalyst. Find your why. What tools do you have at your disposal that you are not fully utilising. How does magic appear in your life. Are you sharing your skills and talents with others and using your magic for the good of all.
25.01.2022 Our Spiritual Circle is open again tomorrow evening from 5.30pm. Please leave a message if you are intending to drop in.
25.01.2022 Card for today. You are now are able to step back and observe the results of what you have built through your dedication and hard work You claim ownership of the castles you built that have taken form in the material world You have achieved mastery and inherited treasures of knowledge and experience thanks to all you have been through You smile appreciatively at your run of good fortune From the Good Tarot deck by Colette Baron-Reid.
25.01.2022 The Psychic Hub is looking for experienced readers for our shop. We work in conjunction with Enigma Coffee Emprium and would Love to expand our reader bank. If you are interested and willing to commit to dedicated hours (min four per week) then please do not hesitate to contact Julie on 0427979707 or message The Psychic Hub on Facebook.
25.01.2022 Todays Message The after effects of the Lionsgate Portal may have left some of you tired and drained. But hope is at hand for some of you - situations or activities may be at an end and new circumstances and activities will take over those that have ended. A shift in energy will energise you to create that which you have manifested recently. Have a great week.
24.01.2022 To all who see this , I have pulled a card of the day on 27/08/20, with the intention that the channelled message of this card will render assistance!! I have ...aptly used the oh so lovely channeling deck stocked at Elester : Psychic / Medium and New Age Shop, if you have fallen in love with this deck (as I have) then check on in with Elester and her world! See if you can get your own copy, or just generally check out what she's been creating. Her shop is full of treasures!! Ok, now to get down to business..... Temperance is one of the pillar Cardinal virtues reflected in the tarot trumps. This virtue speaks of everything in moderation and the healing power of balance! ... with these core messages established, the energy in this card is here to remind you to keep grounded while you learn how to contain and coordinate your own emotional needs. The angel oversees you and helps you during this transition. Sometimes life can move so fast around us that we become clumsy at recognising and prioritising our needs, and for this we can tend to move towards developing habits of convenience. and just those conveniences we subscribe to , whatever they may be generally lead us to try to justify a trade off. Oftentimes we start this habit by trading in our time for indulging in self care practices. Putting ourself last on the ever lengthening list of things to do in our day. TEMPERANCE URGES YOU TO SLOW DOWN and to examine in great measure what you need to do to nourish your wellbeing. Make time for you ! Before you forget how important you are and before you create bad habits that spill out and over into parts of our life where they're not so suited to be. Here is what I mean ... Have you ever found yourself lashing out emotionally to your nearest and dearest when they place extra demands on your attention ?? Moments like this can often times lead to consequences of regret or shame especially if you consider what it means to treat those around you like punching bags ... This card indicates it's a time to take care of your self so you can take care of your community. The key take away of temperance : Nourishment for yourself begins when you recognise and accept all parts of yourself. The action begins when you are able to start a self care practice that bodes well with balance and moderation of all the parts of yourself you have recognised, and for this process you are rewarded with TIME to heal. Be assured The path in this card guides you towards a more conscientious future. Some ideas to get you started : A bath, journaling your feelings, talking to your dogs on a walk. Having that nap you planned on that stormy afternoon from 2 weeks ago ! Love and light xx Charlie
24.01.2022 Interesting half hour
24.01.2022 Always good viewing
23.01.2022 Great event for those able to make it to beautiful Bathurst.
23.01.2022 Tonight at 7.00 pm
23.01.2022 Danielle is great at what she does. - amazing
22.01.2022 We now sell a range of lovely Wild Scents white sage palo santo and hand dipped incense sticks. Come along in - stocking fillers for your favourite witch.
21.01.2022 LIVE Psychic Readings with Robyn Collins & Keira Edwards. Please LIKE and SHARE this LIVE FEED. Post your questions in the comments section. You can connect with Robyn & Keira after the show by calling 0488 809 966. For USA viewers (650) 822 6229 -
21.01.2022 I'm walking into 2021 with a clear heart and mind. The shift in energies has me reflecting on things and circumstances which have held me back so here it is. No... offence meant but my priorities have changed....... If you owe me, don't worry about it - you're welcome. If you've wronged me, it's all good - lesson learned. If you're angry with me, you've won - congratulations. If we aren't speaking, it’s cool - life goes on and I wish you well. If you feel I've wronged you, I apologize. If you're waiting on me to fail, don’t hold your’ll have a long wait! I've already overcome more than you can imagine. Focus on making your life better for you and watch how doors open. Life is too short for all the pent up anger, holding grudges and extra pain. Here's to 2021 and love and light to you all.
20.01.2022 Ace of Swords - from the Familars Deck Lisa Parker You have great determination and initiative. But use your force wisely and beware of excessiveness. Your power brings prosperity love and deep emotional feelings. You are a champion. You can be the one who has conquest at your hands.
19.01.2022 LIVE psychic readings with Donna Young. Please LIKE and SHARE this LIVE FEED. You can connect with Donna on 0488 809 966 PIN 9102. For USA viewers (650) 822 6229 -
18.01.2022 For Friday 11 September. From The Good Tarot Deck.
18.01.2022 Card for the weekend - from the Light Seers Deck
18.01.2022 Card for Today. From the Light Seers Deck.
17.01.2022 Now is the time for you to live life on your own terms, so you must find the courage to retract conformity - listening to your yearning for independence is key to breaking free of group thinking and attending to your own needs -diplomacy with others can help you to be true to your calling and to do what you know you must do for yourself From the Good Tarot deck
17.01.2022 More from the witches den
16.01.2022 We have appointments available with Julie each day from now on with the exception of Sunday/Monday Appointments necessary as coffee shop will be closed 0427979707 - leave a message in unanswered.
16.01.2022 Reading tomorrow: 9-12.00 Julie Charlie Erina
15.01.2022 Reading this weekend. 10-2.00 today. Tribal Heavens, Nunkeri , Julie (Manny)and Charlie Anne. Come on over or ring to make a booking. 0427979707
15.01.2022 The Moon from the Light Seers Tarot Deck
15.01.2022 What a great day at the witches den
15.01.2022 Folks we have another spiritual Circle tonight at 5.30. Please message if you are coming.Folks we have another spiritual Circle tonight at 5.30. Please message if you are coming.
15.01.2022 Hi folks. We will have to cancel Our Spiritual Circle for this evening as Julie is unwell. Same time same bat cave next week 5.30 to 7.00 pm.Hi folks. We will have to cancel Our Spiritual Circle for this evening as Julie is unwell. Same time same bat cave next week 5.30 to 7.00 pm.
15.01.2022 The Witches of Wentworth would like to thank all our Clients who helped kick our little hub off this year. We have had a ball and have found pleasure in meeting and reading for you. We are taking a break from today and will return on 9 January. Hope you all have a peaceful family Xmas and keep well at this time.
13.01.2022 The New Moon in Virgo The moon has different phases, and a new moon happens when Earth lines up with the sun. That makes the moon look pretty much invisible from the earth. There are usually 12 new moons a year, and each new moon is synched up with a different astrological sign. This particular new moon is in the sign of Virgo, and it’s all about sorting out how to make stuff flow in your life right now . You’ll start making to-do lists and figuring out your schedule to try to create the most efficient everyday life for yourself. You’ll also feel more disciplined about exercise again, plugging at-home workouts into your schedule (see a theme here?) so you ~actually~ do them.
13.01.2022 Limited tickets stil available but selling fast. Message The Psychic Hub for enquiries
12.01.2022 The week to come. Part One Tuesday - warning lots of energy and much movement two persons being guided but harm could be a possibility justice will be served if the right path is taken Wednesday five of pentacles some may feel alone and without hope. But never fear another day dawns to bring completion to a cycle... Thursday three of cups the card of completion mind body and soul faith hope and charity the completion of happiness whatever you choose connect and the ability to move on - being in tune is a blessing
12.01.2022 Spiritual Circle open tonight @ 5.30 pmSpiritual Circle open tonight @ 5.30 pm
12.01.2022 From the Light Seers Tarot Deck
11.01.2022 Hey guys just a heads up. If you were thinking of coming for a reading on Saturday it would be advisable to book. Pm me on 0427979707Hey guys just a heads up. If you were thinking of coming for a reading on Saturday it would be advisable to book. Pm me on 0427979707
11.01.2022 You are entering a time of profound healing and blessings and if you’re feeling any lack of inspiration or possibilities seek to heal your physical temple and to nourish yourself by embodying the Empress’ shining creative essence. Continue to move calmly and gracefully in the direction of that which whispers to you. This card often affirms that you are on the right track so keep growing and work with the nature of your situation instead of against it I am ready to give birth to my abundantly rich future.
11.01.2022 So Halloween is fast approaching. The Psychic Hub will be offering Tarot readings @ 30 for 15 minutes. Message this page for bookings with either Julie, Erina,Charlie or Nunkeri to ensure you get your readings on the day. Readings will be available from 9.00 am until 2.00pm.
11.01.2022 This event is sold out. However we will have readers available for appointments between 9-12 this Saturday. You may also drop in for a cuppa and reading. All readings $50.00 for a thirty minute session.
09.01.2022 Come along and join in on a discussion about earthbound spirits. Tonight we will look at the reasons why they miss the opportunity to pass over and how their energies remain here. I will also share a spirit rescue/release story or two. *Discussion and questions are encouraged
09.01.2022 Sorry for the inconvenience but there will be no Psychic Circle this evening. Should be back to normal next week.Sorry for the inconvenience but there will be no Psychic Circle this evening. Should be back to normal next week.
09.01.2022 Yes boundaries are important
08.01.2022 Card for Today. The primal impulse is to move beyond old boundaries and personal thought processes and deploy new methods of reasoning to resolve important issues. Some obstacle may challenge older methods, and new, more dynamic responses are required to adapt to a new set of paradigms. This can be an exciting process. The journey may be scary, since letting go of old and previously effective processes can be unsettling, but the unseen tides that drive the need to evolve are already pulling you to new experiences and places. Trust in your own instincts and skills to absorb change is essential to overcome new situations.
06.01.2022 Message for the day: stability and hard work are the ingredients that will help you find success in a matter. It’s important to remember how far you have come - don’t see a minor setback as a symbol of failure and don’t give up now you’re almost there. Take this final step
06.01.2022 Photobombing ghost.........
06.01.2022 Card for this week.
05.01.2022 Reading this weekend - Saturday 21 November Charlie Erina and Nakira 10.00 to 2.00 Bookings available.
05.01.2022 This week in focus. General combined reading Thursday - completion mind body and soul faith hope and charity. Completion of happiness. Whatever you choose. Connect and be able to move on. Being in tune is a blessing. Friday - A little sore point will be revealed Be aware during this COVID period.... Sat-Sunday - The high priestess - something is hidden and your knowledge and intuition will solve the problem. Trust yourself. The new moon brings opportunity you will need to follow Monday - 7 Pentacles in reverse. No rest for the wicked. Focus on yourself. Some of you will find you will not be focussing o the bigger picture. Sort yourself out first and add to your understanding of this time.
02.01.2022 Hey guys have been told to rest so am off until Saturday. Will be back that day. So sorry but there will be no Spiritual Circle this weekHey guys have been told to rest so am off until Saturday. Will be back that day. So sorry but there will be no Spiritual Circle this week
01.01.2022 Message for today .........
01.01.2022 Welcome to a brave new world. A New Year where we have said goodbye to all that does not serve us and take on every opportunity which the universe presents. A journey I am looking forward to with you all
01.01.2022 1872 - the year Lewis Carroll published the Walrus & The Carpenter and my favourite piece of writing since a very young age. Some of you may get a chuckle out of this but what do these numbers mean to you 1-8-7-2 all add up to 9 whichever way you add them. A lesson to us all and a sign of the times The energy of the number 9 represents completion, but not finality. Think of it more in a cyclical sense; it's about the ending of one cycle and the potential it creates for ano...Continue reading
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