Psychology for Health in Lavington, New South Wales | Psychologist
Psychology for Health
Locality: Lavington, New South Wales
Phone: +61 418 559 929
Address: 360 Cheyenne Drive 2641 Lavington, NSW, Australia
Likes: 264
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24.01.2022 This week the North East Eating Disorders Support Group (NEEDS) discussed with me the lack of service coordination and follow up post-residential care for peopl...e suffering from eating disorders in northeast Victoria. There is a large disparity between the services and care offered to patients in regional and urban areas. I raised some of these issues in Parliament last month when I spoke about mental health and suicide prevention. You can watch and read my speech here: NEEDS was established to provide support for families and carers of people with eating disorders. Eating disorders are a serious and potentially life threatening mental illness, and families, carers and friends play a crucial role in an individual's recovery. COVID-19 is presenting serious challenges for those with eating disorders and the people who care for them. #eatingdisorders #mentalhealth #community #support #indicares #NEEDS Eating Disorders Families Australia Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria Butterfly Foundation
20.01.2022 this. Thank you Ashlee at the The Body Image Therapist!
19.01.2022 Listen to your body
19.01.2022 Weight stigma needs to end. It’s inhumane.
18.01.2022 It’s about time this was on my feed again. Some of you have still never heard it quite like this and you most definitely should. Every couple of month...s I like to repost this. It’s important that this is reiterated. It matters. I get a lot of messages telling me long, mostly heartbreaking stories about how desperate you are to lose weight at any cost, even if it hurt you in the long run and actually worsened your health. My biggest wish is that more of you would truly come to believe that it is not your life’s purpose to do so. You are worth more than the number on the scales. Health is far more than just a number. I spent a while trying to write a more eloquent caption; trying to explain in depth that even if your health DID improve it still wouldn’t mean it’s your life’s purpose, as your health is not only incredibly multifactorial but you are not defined by your health status but it’s harder to express in an Instagram caption than you’d think, so that sentence will have to do for now. Save this post and remind yourself of it daily. Send it to a friend. Make it your wallpaper. Don’t let anyone dissuade you of its truth and importance. : image (without text) from Chris Madden Cartoons See more
18.01.2022 Posted @withregram @foodfreedom.nutritionist . . Does it sometimes feel as if your body and mind are against each other? .... This can happen when we are following external rules to guide our eating rather than our internal signals. But, following external rules is so common that often we don’t even realise we are doing it. . This disconnect between what your body is asking for and what the external rules tell you is needed, is what often triggers out-of-control eating experiences. You know when you try so hard to avoid the chocolate but when its there you eat the whole block even though you know it will make you feel unwell. . Ditching these rules and developing trust with your body is the best and most sustainable way to stop going overboard on those restricted foods . . . . . . #emotionaleating #emotionaleatingrecovery #emotionaleatingsupport #emotionaleatingexpert #emotionaleatingtips #bingeeating #bingeeatingdisorder #bingeeatingrecovery #bedrecovery #eatinghealthy #guiltfreeeating #guiltfree #allfoodsfit #healthyrelationshipwithfood #iweigh #haes #healthateverysize #intuitiveeating #nighteatingsyndrome #bodypositive #antidiet #stopdieting #eatsmart #dietitianeats #rdeats #foodfreedom #nofoodrules #intuitiveeatingjourney #dietsdontwork #ditchdietculture See more
16.01.2022 I often encourage my clients to sit with discomfort and push through anxiety. I feel strongly about this documentary, so when Helen Newman asked me to provide a message of support, saying no wasn't an option. Solstice - The Documentary is a film the world needs to see. Following the brave stories of families impacted by suicide. This is close to my heart and stems from the tragic loss of 15 year old Mary Baker. The Baker family and Survivors of Suicide & Friends \ Winter... Solstice have created such a beautiful annual event. If this documentary is funded, the message and the support will be shared beyond our Albury-Wodonga community. It's been a tough year in many ways for us locally. Starting with bushfires and now covid. Funds are scarce. If you can put your support in any way behind this documentary I highly recommend this as a worthwhile cause:
15.01.2022 I think we have enough to worry about without adding more weight stigma to this world.
14.01.2022 It was so good to see some of my clients lovely faces today! After almost 3 months of personal leave it was so nice to connect with my clients. I’m going to love supporting people in my new space #haes #health psychologist #new beginnings #connection #mentalhealth #alburywodonga #thisistheborder
13.01.2022 Girls empowerment and period workshops delivered by the fabulous Brenda Spilva. How fantastic for our area in Albury/Beechworth/Yarrawonga!
12.01.2022 Posted @withregram @liberatednutrition Friendly reminder that the BMI (body mass index) chart is BS and here’s why: 1.) it was invented 200 years ago by a as...tronomer /mathematician, not a physician. 2.) it is scientifically and inherently flawed, and was never intended to be used to diagnose or assess individual health status 3.) it does not take into account body DIVERSITY, or proportions of bone, muscle, fat in the body 4.) Correlation = causation. The relationship between weight and health outcomes doesn’t take into account the social determinants of health 5.) we know that being overweight per the BMI scale is actually protective against chronic illness/ adverse health outcomes 6.) it has an air of authority because science- but is incredibly flawed and inappropriate for gauging health status 7.) it suggests distinct and defined categories of healthy/ unhealthy based on a singular ratio of weight to height. This is nonsense. 8.) in 1998, the cutoff between normal and overweight was arbitrarily shifted over night so that suddenly millions of Americans were converted to overweight. Many weight loss pharmaceutical companies profited greatly with this change. 9.) it perpetuates weight stigma/bias in the medical community and does a huge disservice to folks in having a sense of agency over their health . Weight stigma is shown to have deleterious affects on health. 10.) Drs/ HCPs continue to use this measure because it’s quick and simplistic- cue lazy medicine This is one Instagram caption that is only scratching the surface of why BMI is trash. The bottom line is- you can ask your Dr to take BMI out of your chart (I’ve had clients do this!). It says nothing about your value, health, worth, or how well you take care of yourself. Feel free to reach out if you have questions about this topic! IMAGE CRED: @whatdoieat.thepodcast #dietsdontwork #ditchdietculture
11.01.2022 The Australian Government will provide an additional $31.9 million to create 15 mental health clinics across Victoria and enhance essential support during the c...oronavirus pandemic. An additional $5 million will be provided for digital and phone services for specific groups experiencing significant challenges during the additional restrictions. An additional $2 million will help target emerging mental health needs. Read more:
11.01.2022 Check out more cute designs at The Perfect Ghost Project.
10.01.2022 Australia's national awareness week for eating disorders is just around the corner! This year at EDV, we're highlighting the diversity of eating disorder experi...ences through the campaign theme #NotWhatYouThink. As part of this campaign, we'd like to share as many voices of lived experience as possible. We're inviting YOU to share something from your experience that may surprise, challenge or enlighten people who are unfamiliar with eating disorders. Carer stories are welcome too! We know that everyone's experience is unique and challenging in its own way. By sharing these aspects of eating disorders we aim to remind people that who may be experiencing similar things that they are not alone, and to educate those who may be uninformed about the realities of eating disorders. How to submit: - Send an email to Bree at [email protected] with your #NotWhatYouThink message. - There isn't a word limit on what you share however if your submission is too long for social media we will continue it on the website. - We're wanting to share stories in a 'Humans of New York' way, so if you can also send a recent, natural photo of yourself that would be wonderful. If you'd rather not share an image that's fine too. - You are also welcome to remain anonymous - please just let us know. - We'd like to receive submissions by no later than this Saturday Sept 5th.
10.01.2022 Posted @withregram @drmorganfrancis Research shows that complimenting females on their looks does more harm than good. Dr. Renee Engeln asked college women i...f they could recall a time when they complained to their mother about how the women they saw on the television were thinner or more beautiful than they were. Dr. Engeln found that most said their mothers would respond to their distress by them telling them they are beautiful just the way they are. But that was not effective or truly what these women needed to hear. Instead, they wanted their mothers to emphasize how important things beyond beauty are. According to Dr. Engeln, Girls are helped not by compliments about their own appearance, but by a steady ongoing focus on things that matter more than appearance. **For more on this study and others, grab the book Beauty Sick by Dr. Renee Engeln #dietsdontwork #ditchdietculture
08.01.2022 We are often faced with messages that tell us our bodies must look a certain way in order to be healthy. This is simply untrue and we must continue to change narrative. Not one of us is the same, we are all unique. Lets celebrate the differences not only within our own bodies but in the bodies around us. All bodies are good bodies, so focus on treating your body and the bodies around you with kindness, respect and compassion. #BIEDAW
08.01.2022 Solstice - The Documentary needs our support. This film needs to be made for our community. Please consider making a donation, big or small. You could make a donation on behalf of another for a Xmas gift. FILM INFO: DONATE HERE: Please share x
04.01.2022 The BMI was created in the 19th century by a Belgian statistician who was trying to assess the collective weight of a population. It was never created for, nor ...intended to be used, on individuals. The BMI was also created from research on male populations. An entirely different formula was originally used for determining "o**sity" in female populations, and yet, doctors use the same equation for all genders. The simplicity of the BMI formula made it more convenient for doctors and insurance companies to use rather than more complex measures of health, so it became the norm. If you're interested in debunking the BMI further, check out the article "The Bizarre and Racist History of the BMI" over on YourFatFriend. com! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -Image Description- text reads: The BMI is bullshit #BodyTrust
03.01.2022 Dear me, you got this! Love me thanks to @therealfloristalbury for the beautiful creation to celebrate my new office space #thisistheborder #alburywodonga #haes #psychologist
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