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25.01.2022 **PARENTS! YOU >>WILL<< FACE THESE OBSTACLES!** It is NOT easy for parents to be healthy. There is NO SHORTAGE of obstacles that can stop even the most discipli...ned mother or father in their tracks! Low energy is just the compromise you have to make if you want to stay on top of work AND family life.. A little bit of weight gain is just what happens when life gets crazy.. But the thing is that as time passes, those obstacles only tend to get MORE in the way. Things begin to catch up with you. Maybe you already feel it. Do you?? Feeling like you're in a slump? Unhappy? My point is this: OBSTACLES MUST BE OVERCOME!! THE PRICE OF THE ALTERNATIVE IS JUST TOO GREAT. So how can you overcome your OBSTACLES when nothing has worked before?? The answer: Understand that what you have mistaken as an OBSTACLE is actually a PARAMETER. (Read that again...) A parameter is the boundary that defines the amount of space available for a process or activity. ****A parameter is the boundary that defines the amount of space available for a process or activity*** Once you see your obstacles as parameters everything INSTANTLY becomes categorized as "fits within your parameters" or "does NOT fit within your parameters." Which means you can look at all the health management and weight loss strategies and CHOOSE the ones that will FIT within your parameters. Within YOUR life! Instead of using a strategy that has you set up for failure from the start. The power of perception! This is such a powerful strategy that CHANGES THE GAME for families. If you see the value in this tool I encourage you to share this video. It is a fundamental principle all families must understand if they wish to normalize health in their home. If you want to download my FREE healthy household handbook click here: If you want some help normalizing health in your LIFE and in your HOME, use the link in the comments.
25.01.2022 Here's how to avoid the Christmas Kilos! It's almost December and the holiday season is here! And with 2020 finally coming to an end there is plenty of opportun...ity to celebrate with all of our favourite foods and drinks! And there's nothin' wrong with that! (Nanna has to literally cook extra crispy baked potatoes because ya boi doesn't hold back on Baby Jesus' birthday) The thing is that with all these festivities lasting all month long it can be easy to put on the Christmas kilos and end up paying for it through the waistline. And that is NOT a good way to start January 20201... But there is a way to indulge this season WITHOUT having to pay for it. And in today's video I show you how. Start making some room now so you can have a feast on December 25 and start the new year in balance. And if you want some tips, tricks, recipes and workouts you should join my FREE Christmas Challenge! Link in the comments!
24.01.2022 Chris’ 4 week transformation. About 4kg off the big fella!
24.01.2022 If you're someone who wants to indulge in the holiday season WITHOUT the extra kilos then this is for you! The truth is keeping fit at this time of year is no d...ifferent to keeping fit at any other time of the year. It's all about BALANCE. What tends to happen over December is that there are extra social functions and Christmas parties. And with that comes extra (delicious!) food and drink. And there's nothing wrong with indulging, especially after such a crazy year. But that doesn't change the fact that if we don't balance this extra INPUT with extra OUTPUT we will pay for it in our waistlines. And that is NOT a good way to start 2021. Thankfully time is on our side! If we start putting a little effort now we will easily make plenty of room for a FEAST on December 25. I've got plenty of ways to keep you restore the balance and I intend on showing you how all over December. For more tips, tricks, recipes and workouts check out my FREE Christmas Challenge and enjoy the season WITHOUT paying for it! Click the link in the comments to join!
24.01.2022 Go to Subway for marketing advice. Not health advice. Most people get their understanding of what is/isn’t healthy from commercials selling products. Can you see why that might be an issue?... They are not in the business of making you healthy. They are in the business of selling their products. Technicalities and half truths that make you think you’re making healthy choices that keep you sick and frustrated. Children learn from parents. So when you have no clue it’s the blind raising the blind. At what point does one take responsibility for learning the truth? Start asking questions. Or stay wilfully blind and deal with cancers, preventable disease and an early death. Don’t take my word for it. I encourage my clients to question EVERYTHING I teach them. Try it yourself and see if it works for you. And don’t go so far the other way either. Chicken teriyaki on Italian herbs? Tasty AF. But swapping your pie for a foot long Sub indicates the fundamental lack of nutritional understanding remains.
23.01.2022 Is type 2 diabetes on your radar? It popped up on my dad's last year when he was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. It was a massive scare. There are 1.2 million diabetics in Australia (plus an estimated 500k more who don't even know they have it!)... That number is expected to increase to 3 million by 2025. Thankfully, we were able to reverse his diagnosis in six months WITHOUT medication. All lifestyle intervention. Dad won't be one of those 3 million. How about you? The biggest challenge wasn't the lifestyle changes. It was sifting through all the overwhelming information in order to make the *correct* lifestyle changes. Luckily with my background it was easy to separate the wheat from the chaff. I made this video to give people clear and accurate information to reduce confusion. Education > Information. My goal is to help you make informed decisions instead of following rules set by others. Type 2 diabetes is totally preventable and reversible. Peace and love! -Gene
22.01.2022 What do you say when you look yourself in the mirror? I hope it's something kind! I hope you focus on all the wonderful and amazing things about your body. I hope you celebrate the fact that your body can hug your kids. Or walk! That's a whole lot more than what a lot of other people's bodies can do.... In fact, there are countless people all over the world that would give anything to have YOUR body. Unfortunately, most people look in the mirror and only see the things they DON'T like about their body. They call their body FAT, UGLY, USELESS. They resent their body for being achy and pain riddled or otherwise imperfect. When you have a hater living inside you, it does NOT help your physical or psychological health. In fact it's entirely UNHELPFUL. And without any judgement on anyone personally, I think we can all agree this is not setting a good example for how you should treat yourself. Imagine if your son or daughter were doing that to themselves... Here's what you need to understand about being healthy: IT IS A FORM OF SELF CARE. We don't exercise and eat well to punish the body for being imperfect. It's a celebration of what the body is capable of! It's a form of nurturing ourselves. It is an expression of self LOVE! But if you're talking smack and being unkind to yourself you have a pretty good reason to not like yourself. If you don't like yourself, you have a pretty good reason not to show yourself any love. If you don't love yourself, why would you bother self-caring and looking after yourself? You might be in lousy shape. But reminding yourself of that with hurtful words will only serve to keep you in a negative feedback loop and change nothing. Try love. Be kind to yourself. And then start expressing that through your thoughts and your words and your actions. EMBODY LOVE. A labor of love can last forever. But labor without love won't last long at all. So learn to love looking after yourself and being healthy and happy will be easy. Imagine THAT example for the kids. Enjoy the weekend. Love ya'll! Gene. PS-Healthy Household Handbook (free guide):
22.01.2022 Here's how I came to my HOLISTIC approach to health... Over ten years ago I began working as a personal trainer but the truth is... Not everyone I worked with saw the results they hoped to see..... So that led me to ask myself "am I training this person the most effective way?" I did my research and refined my sessions to be the absolute best! But still.. Some people could NOT get where they wanted to go. Once again I looked to myself to figure out what it was that I could do better. So I went digging again... And I found diet and lifestyle factors that influence health! But STILL, even with all those bases covered, some people struggle... So what did I do? Go digging. And I believe I have hit the bottom. What's at the bottom? THE MIND. There may be no more interesting topic than the mind. Did you know that your THOUGHTS create the biological infrastructure of your brain? ..And that how you think influence your decisions..? ..And that your cognitive decisions manifest as your physical behavior? Think of it this way; you're lifestyle matches your body and you've got a brain that matches to boot. So unless you have created an entirely new outfit from the inside out, any changes in behavior will be temporary. This is where we get into creating a brand NEW brain! It starts with your thoughts; you need to watch what you tell yourself. It's probably the same stuff you've told yourself for years (the more you think something the easier it is to think that thing, that's why some people won't change their opinion even when presented with new facts). By OBSERVING your thoughts WITHOUT JUDGEMENT and then consciously choosing to think something else that's in line with the NEW YOU that you hope to become, you can change your life, your health, your body. You slowly build new neurological pathways. And the more you practice the easier it is. Then you start making new decisions and embodying new actions. When you face challenges, consciously choose to look for opportunities. Instead of saying "you have to do this" say "I am choosing to do this..." Observe yourself but still can't pull yourself in a different direction? Simply say "I am choosing not to act differently.." Reclaim your personal power first. Baby steps. I do believe there is something BEYOND the mind... But that's a topic for a different video! Peace! Gene.
22.01.2022 **WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU FALL OFF TRACK** Instead of running the day, does the day run you? And has that lead to some unhealthy coping mechanisms like frequent snacking, extra coffees & regular drive-thrus?... If that sounds like it's become your new normal, you may have noticed a parallel drop in your positivity and confidence. It may feel like life is getting ahead of you and you're struggling to keep up. And the result is as if you haven't felt like yourself for a while... It's not working for you so you decide to do something about it! But change is hard and falling off track is a rite of passage in this game (but they don't tell you that). So it's important to know how to bounce back, get that dirt of your shoulder and keep moving forward. First of all, you can forgive yourself. Here's why: When you think a thought a neurological carving is made in your mind. Every time you think that thought it gets carved deeper and deeper. Soon that thought is able to effortlessly trickle down that carving like water in a creek. It's becomes easy and automatic. When you try to change, whether you realize it or not, you're attempting to make a new carving in your brain. That means you need to begin thinking differently. Thinking differently is the equivalent of looking at a clear trail in a dense bush land but then choosing to hack at trees to create a new path. It's comparatively a lot harder. It takes work. That's why it is so easy to slip up. When you do slip, you metaphorically fall back on the old path. And it can be temping to just stay there because it's easy and familiar. But understand: You brain has been literally built by doing what you've always done, so for change that lasts you have to literally rewire your brain. That's what we're doing here. This means constant practice! So here's what you do when you find yourself wanting to slip into older behavior. 1st: OBSERVE. You'll be in the thick of it. Emotions and all. But remember that this is just your brain trickling the same thoughts down the same path because it's become automatic. Don't become identified with what's happening. It's not you, it's just your brain. 2nd: DO NOT JUDGE If you start thinking negative self thoughts because you're having such a hard time staying on track, you're keeping yourself on the same level. It serves no other reason than to keep you where you are. In other words, that's just your brain, again, reacting how it typically reacts in this situation. See step one. 3rd: Align your VERY NEXT DECISION with your goal. You don't need to write the day off. You don't need to wait until Monday. Whatever you very next decision is, make sure it comes from your NEW brain. It may mean forgiving yourself quickly, getting over it and moving onward with your day. Everything else will flow. Hope you enjoyed and please share if you think others could benefit from knowing this stuff. Lots of love, Gene.
21.01.2022 **DON'T MAKE THIS ONE MISTAKE** Why do you work so hard for your kids? Why do you send them to school? So they can have a bright future, of course!... So we can all agree that it's important to consider the future. Therefore, it makes perfect sense to make choices now that will pay off in the future. You plant a seed so one day you can sit in the shade. When it comes to maintaining a high quality of life when you're older there is no better investment than developing your muscle and strength. Why? Because we lose our muscle and strength as we get older. Which means, unless you're making the effort to develop and maintain your strength, you WILL find it harder to walk up the stairs. You WILL find it harder to pick up the kids (and grandkids). You may even find it hard to get off the ground OR even.. The toilet. We live in a 3-dimensional, unsupported environment and every day we fight against gravity, so it's ESSENTIAL to maintain the strength to live life to the fullest. If you don't, you become restricted by your body. Instead of a vehicle for life it becomes a cage. But when you're STRONG you just don't have to worry about it! And with more muscle, you experience a STUPID amount of health benefits! Muscle is active tissue which means it burns energy at rest. So if you add more muscle you'll burn more energy (even while you sleep!!) Not only that, when you train for strength it can take up to 2 days to recover from that session. Meaning your metabolism is boosted the entire time! So you'll be burning energy during your workout... You'll be burning energy for two days AFTER your workout... And with the lean muscle that session builds, you'll be burning more calories at rest! This has a really positive snowball effect on your metabolism that helps keep body fat levels healthy! And between feeling physically free, getting psychically stronger and developing a lean, toned body... Strength training yields many psychological benefits too! Interested in learning how to do it in the most effective and safest way possible? With my online coaching program I give you the rod, not the cod! Become empowered to do it yourself by understanding my 5 principles of strength training, the best exercises for gaining muscle and how to do it WITHOUT INJURY or PAIN! Click the link in the comments to book a call and thank me when you're 90! Lots of love, Gene.
21.01.2022 **WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU FALL OFF TRACK** You probably don't hear this enough so let me tell you: Be kind to yourself. It's so important to remember that we are all human and no one is perfect. Expecting yourself to be is setting yourself up for failure.... That's where a lot of the mothers I help are at when we first meet. There's only one thing that matters at the end of the day: that you try your best. That's all you can ever give and that's all you should ask of yourself. And you must remember that your best one day will be different from the next. Sometimes you're sick, sometimes you're tired. That will change what your best is on any given day. But you can always try your best. Being perfectly flawed means that even when you try your best you're bound to fall off track. It's inevitable. It's bound to happen. It's part of the game. The key is having the tools to weather the storm, minimize damage and get back on track. You just need to remember that... "This too shall pass." Accept that you're imperfect, love yourself anyway, keep trying your best and you will achieve your goals. Have a great weekend! Love, Gene. PS - if you want to chat about how I may be able to help you, use the link in the comments.
19.01.2022 ATTENTION: BUSY MUMS If there's one thing that we all know it's that mothers always put the needs of others before their own. In fact they are so used to sacrificing for the ones they love that often their their own health and well-being begins to suffer.... And when that happens poor health begins to snowball quickly.. The mothers I've worked closely with over the years report to me that when they sacrifice their health, with it they often sacrifice their sense of confidence. They can even grow to feel depressed or embarrassed about their level of health. And so often I see mums turn to weight loss solutions that are NOT designed to empower them to live healthier lives. Instead they're designed to drop weight by any means necessary. And the truth is that does nothing for improving quality of life and nothing for preventing conditions like heart disease, diabetes and sleep apnea. What concerns me is "the cycle"... Monkey See, Monkey Do... In other words, a mother's sacrifice means her children miss out on vital lessons in health management and essential self care. >>>THAT'S WHY I NEED YOUR HELP<<< I am on a mission to create empowered family leaders to normalize healthy living in the household! By empowering mothers to BE HEALTHY in a way that is convenient and sustainable for their busy lives they will simultaneously model healthy behavior for their children! And it doesn't have to be hard. In fact, it can be super easy! I've been empowering mothers for over 10 years to lose weight the healthy way so they can regain their lives and lead healthy families. And I've put together a 5 step process for making it a reality! Everything you need to know is in a handbook that I want you to have for free so mothers can start saying NO to diet culture and YES to health! Just click the link to claim yours. Enjoy!
19.01.2022 **CONTENT WARNING** When I was a child there was ONE condition my parents put on the family getting a dog. Clean. Up. The. Poo!... If you've got a pet, you've got a responsibility. Everyone knows that. It needs to be walked, fed, loved, cleaned, disciplined. "But Gene.. What does this have to do with anything?" Because your physical body is just like a pet. Your health needs to be cared for. YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY. The consequences are too large to ignore. If you don't take care of your responsibility eventually you will have a doctor tell you that you have a yard full of crap. And then you'll get a prescription for medication for a preventable disease. So what is the most effective way to manage your responsibility? A) Wait until the yard is so full of crap that you HAVE to do something resulting in way more time and effort to solve an easily managed problem and seldom actually enjoy a clean yard AKA the 30 day fitness challenge approach. B) Do 1 lap of the yard per day and pick up what you see; takes 30 seconds and you get to enjoy a clean yard. AKA the healthy habits approach. Enough with the yo-yo diets, enough with the constant weight loss and weight gain. Are you ready to find a solution that will work for you and your life? Let's keep the yard clean. Use the link in the comments to take the next step. Gene.
19.01.2022 **WHAT THE FITNESS INDUSTRY WON'T TELL YOU** It's so easy to get excited about pursuing a new fitness journey. Bright colours, shiny new products, active wear. There's so much to look forward to! "Everything will be perfectly in it's place!"... You've got your exercise program lined up, you have your diet written out, you know which supplements to take and when. Did I mention the active wear? It's like a massive wave charging towards the brand new you! But the thing about waves is that they crash... D'oh It's happened AGAIN. You've over-committed. You forgot to make a contingency plan for when the little ones are sick. Or when your partner is sick. Or when you're sick! Or if something else pops up! Now you miss your session. You grab takeout because you don't have time to cook.. "This isn't going to plan.." It must feel as if health and fitness is impossible! But the truth is you're trying WAY too hard. Don't pursue a 180 degree life turnaround. It's too much to expect of yourself. After all, you're a busy parent and you have a lot of responsibilities. It's amazing that you're putting yourself first! But you need some guidance in order to finally get it right. Your health is found in the little things. The things you do every day. A stream cuts through rock not by it's power but by it's persistence. Aim for one degree. One degree in a more positive direction. Then be consistent with that change. Do that and you'll begin to see something amazing happen for you. Health is a long term game. There's no rush. There's no deadline. It's a forever thing. So remember. If you cannot sustain the strategy you will not maintain the result. Again. If you cannot sustain the strategy you will not maintain the result. One last time. If you cannot sustain the strategy you will not maintain the result. I go into this more in the video, so check it out and let me know what you think. Love, Gene. PS--Link in the comments.
16.01.2022 **IMPROVE YOUR BEDROOM GAME INSTANTLY** We're adults here so let's be honest. Who wouldn't want more time in bed? It's totally unsurprising when survey after survey from all across the globe demonstrate that the average person is left totally unsatisfied when it comes to the "boudoir"...... This is a MAJOR problem because if your needs are not being met in this area it negatively impacts (literally) ALL other areas of your life! Foggy brain, memory issues and an inability to regulate your mood are just the beginning. THINK about how that is going to affect the way you FEEL on a day to day basis. IMAGINE how that will IMPACT your interactions with others! You won't feel as sharp, you won't be as cheerful, you'll have a shorter fuse... It's just a matter of time before you crack and take it out on those closest to you.. And then guess what follows? Guilt. You'll feel guilty that you lost your cool and begin to beat yourself up over it. And on and on it goes... But you need to understand that you're HUMAN. You have biological NEEDS. And I'm sorry to say that the truth is if you keep putting yourself last this will only continue to happen.. That's why it's important to take care of yourself. By taking care of yourself you'll feel happier, more relaxed, refreshed and rejuvenated! You DESERVE to feel good. And that will positively impact EVERY area of your life! But how exactly do you go about getting better sleep? ANSWER: a night time routine. In this video you have the opportunity to follow along and create your very own personalized night time routine! I'll show you how! Just grab a pen and paper and follow along. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed! Love, Gene. PS--If you struggle to stick to your routine, book in for a Discovery call using the link in the comments and we'll figure out why.
15.01.2022 Just because you’re losing weight doesn’t mean you’re getting healthier. If you're a parent that means you have: A house to run.... A family to look after. Many of you are in the workforce as well. CHALLENGES FINDING THE TIME TO MANAGE YOUR HEALTH So it comes as no surprise that most of you have sorted to a diet or weight loss strategy that seems convinient for your busy life. But mum and dad, what you need to understand is that these products and approaches: Are NOT designed to make you healthier. They ARE designed to have you lose weight by any means necessary. Mum and dad, that’s like treating the symptom of the problem rather than the cause. You lose weight but you’re robbed of the experience of actually BEING healthy. So you still lack energy, you’re no less stressed and you miss out on your favourite foods. If you have tried these approaches you know what's next. It’s not too long before you realise that’s a bad deal. You begin to slip and before you know it you’re back where you started except MORE frustrated than ever.. I have heard this story time and time again. But you don’t have to become a health and fitness expert to navigate this territory! Because I'm going to share with you a trick that’s going to allow you to instantly determine whether the weight loss solution you’re considering is HEALTHY or not. All you have to do is ask yourself ONE question, and then pay attention to how your BODY responds. Listen to your GUT instinct. Use your MOTHER’S intuition! Now the question is this: How would you FEEL if your son or daughter were using that same strategy? If your child said they were going to replace one or more of their daily meals with a powdered drink, would you feel okay about that? Or does you deeper knowing say "umm.. I don't think that's a good idea"? If your child said they were never going to eat carbs again, would you encourage that? Or suggest that’s absolutely crazy? Mum and dad, you don’t need to be a health expert to know what’s good for your kids. And the same applies to you. Try it! There is no one more qualified to make decisions about the health of your body than you. You just need to learn how to listen. This is what it means to be empowered! Now, if you’ve made it to this part of the post I’ve got something else for you. I’d like to invite you to have a free strategy call with me! On this call I’ll have the opportunity to learn about you and your challenges and make some recommendations. I’ll also share with you the unique approach to health that I’ve developed over 10 years to empower real parents to lose weight, regain their life and lead a healthy family. Just click the link in the comments to reserve your time. Looking forward to speaking with you! Gene.
14.01.2022 "AARGH! I've hit another weight loss plateau!" "It's the same plateau every single time I try to do something about my weight!" Sound familiar?... Have you even come to EXPECT this to happen? If so, then this video is essential watching just for you. First of all, you need to know you're not alone. Hitting a weight loss plateau (and even more than just one!) is part of the process of achieving permanent weight loss. And that's because, as individuals, we all have different factors unique to our lives that have contributed to unwanted weight gain in the first place. You simply CANNOT use the same approach that worked for Jenny from the office who's on ANOTHER diet (this time it's "The Cookie Diet"). THE SAD TRUTH is most people let this same old plateau create the same old thought patterns like.. "This doesn't work" or "I can't do it". And once someone begins thinking that same old way it, sadly, inevitably, leads to the same old outcome: Quitting. Failure. No change. Still unhealthy. Still unhappy. But what if you were to THINK DIFFERENTLY? What if, instead of the same old pattern of thoughts and behaviors... THIS TIME the plateau is actually an OPPORTUNITY? What if it became a chance to dive into YOUR uniqueness and find out EXACTLY what it is that YOUR body needs to be healthy?? THAT is different! THAT is not the same! THAT is the difference between those who BREAK FREE from the bondage of poor health, diets and low confidence to achieve FREEDOM in their body, mind and on their plate.. And those who don't. Just like any of your favourite characters from any book or movie... Just like anything else you have ALREADY achieved in your life... Just like anyone you admire... It is time to see this as simply another obstacle to overcome; A GROWTH OPPORTUNITY. A chance to CHANGE. Here is my 3 Step Process: 1) THINK DIFFERENTLY. Thoughts are seeds. The moment you start telling yourself it won't work... Guess what happens? 2) TAKE RESPONSIBILITY 95% of human action is taken from the subconscious part of our brain. Meaning we don't even realize we're making the automatic decisions we are making. Pay attention and watch yourself. Have you been showing up? Have you been managing stress? Have you been thinking in alignment with your goals? 3) SEEK GUIDANCE Find someone you trust, who knows their stuff and actually cares about your results. A surefire way to get what you've always got is to do what you have always done. THIS MOMENT is the exact moment where you need to THINK DIFFERENTLY. Lots of love, Gene. PS--Want to work with me? Book you FREE call using the link in the comments.
11.01.2022 **EXCLUSIVE BEHIND THE SCENES** UPDATE: Building my online coaching program. Hey everyone, my content has slowed down a little but there's a good reason why.... I've only been creating one or two videos per week because I've been doing some work behind the curtain for my online clients. But today I wanted to share it with you! First; with the online program you DON'T just get a cookie cutter exercise and nutritional program the same as everyone else. Your programs are tailored to your specific body, training experience and needs. And you DON'T do it alone. I speak to my clients about 3 - 4 times every week to make sure they're looked after and supported. But I'm always striving to do more. What's one of the biggest challenges for families wanting to get healthy? Finding healthy recipes that the whole family can enjoy. Until now! I've just released 90 different healthy recipes on the members website. So now stressing over food is a thing of the past. Maybe you're someone who gets injured whenever they start a training program.. I've got you covered there too with my Strength Training Fundamentals education series. This is just the beginning. I'm so excited to be funneling my 10+ years experience into an easily digestible and practical service. Interested in jumping on the rocket ship? Click the link in the comments. Lots of love, Gene.
10.01.2022 Do You Struggle With Belly Fat? Have you tried diets and programs that work in the short term but leave you where you started in the long-term? This is a story I hear all the time from people who eventually come to me for help.... They feel their clothes getting tighter, they uncomfortable and they're losing their confidence. But when they come on to my program we COMPLETELY re-think their approach to losing weight and being healthy. First of all; I put together a clear plan that suits their individual needs and their day-to-day life. This eliminates any paralysis by analysis that stops them from taking action! It also prevents setting ourselves up for failure form the start by not taking a realistic approach for their busy lives. Next: we get EFFICIENT with strength training. Strength training burns more calories AFTER the workout than cardio meaning you burn energy for days! This makes keeping body fat levels down way more efficient! We stick to exercises that work more muscles because more muscles means more energy being burnt (crunches and sit ups don't work as many muscles as squats, lunges and push-ups). So now all that's left to do is take action! If you would like to completely re-think your approach to weight loss and being healthy, then I would love to teach you how so you can feel energetic, comfortable and confident! Click the link in the comments and we'll see if you're the right fit. Lots of love, Gene.
09.01.2022 **IT'S TIME TO TAKE YOUR HEALTH SERIOUSLY (CORONAVIRUS)** With Melbourne going into stage 4 lock down it has become obvious to me that the coronovirus isn't just going to fade away like we all hoped. Health is life or death as it is. Why do you think I'm so passionate about what I do?... It's because I KNOW that preventable lifestyle disease is one of the biggest killers in the West. Which means some of us will be on our death bed just wishing we had made the decision TODAY to start looking after ourselves. This is serious. One day health WILL become your biggest priority. How sure are you that you would survive a bout with the coronavirus? What about in 10 years time? Bottom line: It's time to make sure you are healthy enough to fend off disease. I know some of you have tried to get healthy before and it hasn't worked. But now is the time to figure it out for good. That's where I come in. Don't make the mistake of focusing exclusively on diet and nutrition. That's where most people go wrong. Sure, that approach will get weight off. But you can be skinny and unhealthy too. There are so many other factors that influence your health. And a holistic approach is what's required to see sustainable change. The beauty is that all your health lifestyle factors can be managed with proper habits. No different to brushing your teeth. It's like putting your health on autopilot. That's how you normalize health living. Water, stress, nutritious food, movement, sleep. Find your balance in these areas and you won't have to worry about the coronavirus. To learn more download my healthy household handbook (free): Learn more about my online coaching program by using the link in the comments.
06.01.2022 Accept that you're imperfect, love yourself anyway and always try your best.
06.01.2022 NOTHING is more important than having a sexy body... ..are the exact words you hear from those who might LOOK the part but don't actually have a positive relationship with their health. These are the same people who fly the fitness flag while chugging a MOTHER energy drink before their workout and jabbing their butt cheeks with horse hormones.... Are those coaches and trainers bad people? Of course not! But should you really tackle your body image insecurities with ANOTHER diet, 30 day boot camp or body transformation challenge? Do you really expect to find the answers in a concoction of supplements (that you don't even know anything about)? The truth is that there are plenty of UNHEALTHY ways to get that beach body you want. So you might look good in the short term, but are you willing to sacrifice you energy, mood and peace? Is it even worth it? How long until the weight comes back (again)? The TRUTH is that you CAN have it all when you have the right approach and develop the right skills. It must be understood that every part of you affects every other part. Focusing on the physical ONLY let's too much fall through the cracks. But being HEALTHY? Imagine what that will do for your mind, your relationships, your confidence and, yes, your body too! When you have the right approach nothing is overwhelming, nothing is too complex. When you get it right it becomes enjoyable, it becomes rewarding and it all makes sense. In today's video I invite you to take the first steps to developing an understanding of your body. Learn how to plant the right seeds so you can start to feel stronger, healthier and more confident in a way that won't cause stress or injury. Hope you enjoy! Lots of love, Gene. PS--I'm a coach and I f'n love helping people! Hit the link in the comments to book a strategy call and let's see if we would make a good team.
06.01.2022 Want to TONE your BUTT and THIGHS?? But every time you begin an exercise program it results in an injury or back pain? This NO DOUBT causes a whole lot of pain and frustration..... And WORST OF ALL it prevents you from seeing the results that you are DYING to see... Being on the injured list means no progress and no change to your body OR sense of confidence. I've helped MANY women overcome this exact issue with my two-step process for success! Step 1: ISOLATE If you want your butt to get FIRM & TONED you need to make sure it's working! Perform the bridge exercise you see in the video until you butt starts to burn... (AND THEN KEEP GOING!) Once you can really FEEL those muscles getting toned move on to the next step... Step 2: INTEGRATE Having a bum that looks the part but doesn't actually feel STRONG is like having a fake Gucci purse (trust me, I've been there!) That's why it's important that you INTEGRATE your new toned bum into the rest of your thigh muscles. Having all the muscles work as a team means you can CONFIDENTLY get up and down off the floor without any drama. IMAGINE what they would do for your sense of freedom! Moving WITHOUT limitations! GO MUM! Now that you have exercise covered, it's time to tackle all the other areas of life that influence your health.. So, if you're interested in DITCHING THE DIETS, experiencing PERMANENT weight loss and gaining life-changing CONFIDENCE... Click the link in the comments to book a call with me and let's find out if we would make a good team to make that a reality! Lots of love, Gene.
05.01.2022 How Parents Can Use Sunday to Grow More TIME and ENERGY All Week! If you're a busy parent there are TWO commodities that you can never get enough of! That's TIME and ENERGY!... But if you're like most mums and dad who have: Others to look after.. A home to run.. and/or Work responsibilities.. ..extra TIME and ENERGY is something you DON'T have! As a result you feel rushed, stressed, out of balance... And inevitably your vital needs get bumped down the priority list. That's when you find yourself on the back foot! Feeling tired and eating baby's leftovers as a snack become shockingly normal! UNTIL NOW!! It's time to plant some seeds so we can enjoy the shade tomorrow! And you can start planting tonight! I STRONGLY recommend you, at the very least, get to bed on time. That way you will wake up tomorrow feeling rested! That means set a bedtime 8 hours from when you're due to wake up (and give yourself plenty of time in the morning so you don't have to rush!). Have you got healthy and nutritious groceries ready to go? Or have you at least picked a day next week to get them bought? Remember: things WON'T fall into place. Plant seeds! Exercise if you have the time but only if food is ready to go and it doesn't compromise your sleep. If you spend tonight rushing around preparing for the week (a little stress) you'll have a smoother week ahead with LOWER stress. Future you will thank you! If you want some help working out which seeds to plant.. (And if you want extra support!) Then let's have a chat about how I can help you! (link in the comments).
04.01.2022 **BEING HEALTHY DOESN'T NEED TO BE SO COMPLICATED** Tell me if you can relate to this scenario. You have two children, the older one is a wiz on the Xbox. The younger one wants to play too but they're just too young to be able to really get the hang of the game.... What happens when the older child finally agrees to let the younger one play? Well. Depending on how cheeky the elder is (and I'm guilty of this) it ends in tears when the younger just can't get one over their sibling. Frustration and anger rear their nasty heads because the older child is just on a higher levels and the younger cannot compete. Well.. That's what mums and dads do to themselves when they try to improve their health and fitness! They go straight to a high level before they've spent time developing their skills. In fact, most people are guilty of this. It isn't unique to parents. It's no wonder frustration and anger show up when you can't stick to that complex diet, or follow that advanced program... But the truth is being healthy is EASY if you have the right approach. You're trying to hard, my friend! Get back to the basics: water, stress, nutritious food, move and sleep. Those 5 areas can be easily managed with the right habits. No different than brushing your teeth. And it'll be more than enough to keep you lean, fit and healthy for life. Best of all; your kids will see you embody a healthy lifestyle and absorb your tools too! It's good for the whole family. You just need to start implementing. If you want to know more download my health household handbook by clicking here: Or click the link in the comments to book a call with me to discuss how I can help normalize being healthy in your home.
02.01.2022 There are two modes for your brain; responsive and reactive. But to keep things simple, let’s refer to these two modes as GREEN and RED. When your brain is in green mode you experience higher levels of health. This is because when we’re in that state the brain releases natural opioids that kill bacteria, relieve pain and reduce inflammation. This leads to a dulling of feelings of thirst and hunger, a lowering of heart rate and blood pressure, promotion of digestion and replen...Continue reading
01.01.2022 **MISSION STATEMENT** Preventable heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the Western world for the last 15 years and accounted for 15.2 million deaths in 2016 alone. Despite modern medical advances life expectancy is predicted to drop due to the obesity epidemic. It would be the first time a generation experiences a shorter life span than the previous generation....Continue reading
01.01.2022 **FIX ACHES, PAINS & REOCCURRING INJURIES IN 3 EASY STEPS** So many parents (particularly mothers) have a weak core--They can feel it! Having a weak core feels like an accident waiting to happen.... Wouldn't it be nice to feel strong and confident in your body? That's certainly what my clients report to me! But it's just not that. Did you know that a weak core can lead to posture imbalances in YOUR body? That's like having a crooked foundation for your home! Not good! A weak core + poor posture = a recipe for aches, pains and reoccurring injuries from things that you SHOULD be able to do without a problem. And when that happens it becomes difficult to keep up with the kids (and future grand kids!), your body becomes restricted and then you start to FEEL your age. But it doesn't have to be that way! In fact, it's possible to feel great forever if you know how to effectively address this issue! That's why in today's video I present to you... My 3 Step Process for Correcting Back Pain, Aches & Reoccurring Injuries. The SECRET strategy is (and tell everyone this) that we restore optimal structure to your body. Translation: correct posture and core function! Step 1: Stretch tight muscles. Step 2: Strengthen weak muscles. Step 3: Correct abdominal function. Pay special attention to the test you can do at home that will help determine YOUR postural condition. And then you will learn which muscles you need to stretch, followed by which ones you need to strengthen. Finally, I wrap things up with an exercise that you can start NOW that will begin to build your core muscles THE RIGHT WAY. But please remember: this is just a guide. If you would like an analysis of YOUR posture please get in touch. If you would like the link and instructions to these corrective exercises, reach out and ask! If you found this video useful, please share (it's a great compliment!). And finally, if you would like to learn about how I can help you, book a call using the link in the comments. Lots of love. Gene.
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