PTSD Dogs Australia | Non-profit organisation
PTSD Dogs Australia
Phone: +61 488 101 026
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22.01.2022 Sunshine Coast Radiology, loves our fur babies. Our Buddy boy is also very popular with the team.
22.01.2022 Walk n Train again this morning. Community here in Tewantin is beautiful as is our walking spot along the River. We walk around 5klm of a morning with a focus on socialising to different stimulus. ... Building on council mowers & blowers Happy dogs,Crazy dogs, Puppies, Big and Small dogs Birds Bikes, Prams, wheelchairs People running Children playing If you are interested in walk n training one of our awesome dogs and have a spare 1.5 hrs in the morning 6.30am Or in the afternoon around 5pm and are near Tewantin Sunshine Coast please comment below. Regards Angie
21.01.2022 R U OK? We all face so many challenges sometimes they feel as though they never stop! I personally love this saying as it serves as a constant reminder to stop, rest and look back at all you have survived and learnt from. May you find great peace as I do in these wise words. Much love ... Angie. See more
20.01.2022 ARCHIE UPDATE: it's been three months & Archie is doing well on medication. A weight, feed, exercise plan still needs to refine but I think our little buddy will have a very happy healthy life under Hannah’s guidance from @maroochydistrictanimalhospital We thank each & every one of you for your love, support & ongoing funds to help Archie continuing his work with our #AnimalAssitedSmilesProgram
19.01.2022 Our Heart & Mission is to Rescue Dogs Who Rescue Humans This can only be achieved through #corporatesponsorship and #collaboration ... Every month #Nexgard #nexgardspectra is generously #donated to our program. The kindness of all the team and the directors #BoehringerIngelheim is very much appreciated. Thank you for keeping our precious babies safe from Heart worm, Ticks, Fleas and worms all in one easy to give tasty chew. All our dogs get excited when the NexGardSpectra comes out.
19.01.2022 Some of you will remember our big boy BJ. When we brought him into our Pack he was a very excitable full lab. He knew his own weight and strength. We nick named him bulldozer!!! BJ has come so far with his dad, they are the best of mates. He always is on the look out for his dad. BJ is a Rock star. At the football last weekend, and this fluffy black cat comes wandering over smooched bj and damo walked around them then realised bj was a dog.. bounces back and starts hissing.. this was BJs response.. he didn't even give it the time of day..
18.01.2022 My humans ran errands yesterday in Brisbane whilst there we thought that we would take the opportunity to pop into @hallpaynelawyers saying hello to Mark, Dale & the extended team. Thank you so much for having us & your pats rate very highly in my humble opinion. Archie. #ptsddogsaustralia #hallpaynelawyers #sharingthelove
17.01.2022 Our small pack did a great job today, educating the public about how rescue dogs help rescue humans. A couple of Vietnam veterans a Police officer and a paramedic came and said hello. Their stories all different yet the impact of their experiences all bearing similar scars. Little Miss Lexie hit the spot with one person a lady who experiences great anxiety from past trauma. ... Black Buddy did a great job with his mum giving cuddles to help calm her. Thank you to all who came and said hello, shared stories bought items or donated, we couldn't do what we do without your support. Thank you Angie. @as.above.stilts
16.01.2022 We are super excited to welcome Kate as our H.R. Manager All round dog lover as you can see with Miss Lexie getting cuddles. Kate is The manager and people change at The Madison Group Enterprises.
16.01.2022 Good morning all, Stunning morning for a walk and train, I just had to share a majestic fig tree we encounter on our daily walks.
15.01.2022 Hello all, just a quick update from our Blaze and all our Pack. We will not be at Eumundi Markets tomorrow. Instead exploring our region and having some RNR. Being a small pack we are finding we need to conserve energy.... May your weekend help re-energise you too. Wet nose kisses from all our furry Pack hmm, elbow hugs from the non furry ones. Warm Regards Angie
14.01.2022 We are super excited to share our good news from Volunteering Queensland Dear PTSD Dogs Australia Congratulations on your success in the 2020 Supplementary Volunteer Grants round.... The 2020 Supplementary Volunteer Grants are funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. We are pleased to award this grant to help your organisation support your volunteers to carry out their important work. Congratulations again. We look forward to hearing how this funding has helped your organisation to support your volunteers and volunteering. Our Grant money is allowing us to purchase a very much need video recorder, which will enable us to video how to train and work with our Assistance dogs. Every volunteer in the organisation will benefit as will our Dog Handlers. We are feeling very blessed and grateful.
14.01.2022 Our favourite pet store is Best Friends. The delightful staff have always supported our dogs. To all the staff who we call Best Friends thank you we love you guys. #bestfriendspetstore #allweneed #ptsdassistancedog #ptsddogs
14.01.2022 See you tomorrow Eumundi Markets We are all ready for a wagging good day.
13.01.2022 Training today @ Maroochy Big Top. Training started with a coffee and walk through the centre sitting in a high traffic high distraction area. People were wanting to know about our dogs and wh ast we were training for. Correct and safe Dog placement is critical, our dogs safety and that of the public is essential. Respect for the public's access and respect for our dogs and human's is a two way game. ... Commands focused on today Look, middle, with me, let's go, leave and toileting on command. We also came across another Assistance Dog in training, always a good distraction for both ours and the other organisation. See more
12.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Our beautiful Master Archie turned 2 years old today. He is so loved by all our Pack and by all his senior friends Estia Health
12.01.2022 UPDATE 15/09/2020 Hello all Sadly and frustratingly we arse still none the wiser. Bloods showed some abnormalities so today more blood tests, which showed nothing abnormal. We are still concerned as our Arlo son is lethargic and tires easily. ... Our next step is to bring in our Animal Chiropractor @Torkcowan to see if he can help. The next step is bringing in a sonographer to do an ultra sound of his abdomen at a cost of $450 approx. And from there liver function. As you know Arlo has been unwell since August so it really is important we find out what's happening. Back on the 13th August it was a suspected blockage nothing was found via x-ray he was dehydrated. Dear Mr Arlo our gentle young man still not got his mojo Although he is back to normal toileting and no more vomiting he just has no get up and go. He is very willing to work loves his jacket on so much so he pushes in to ensure its his turn!!! He prances along for a while such a good boy then just says nup I'm done, batteries need recharging. Hoping the blood tests will give us some information in a day or two.
11.01.2022 Socialisation in dog training - Socialisation isn't just about being social with other dogs, it is for an Assistance dog being socialized to all kinds of stimulus INCLUDING FARM ANIMALS. From this very basic socialisation training our dogs are taught the skill of Impulse control, a difficult behaviour even for some humans to master!! Marvellous Monday to you Angie #ptsddogsaustralia #rescuingdogswhorescuehumans #dogtraining #puppylove #assistancedog #ptsddogsau
09.01.2022 We are grateful to have people like Tork Cowan on our support team. Tork is a certified Chiropractor for Equine Canine Realignment. He utilises gentle realignment incorporates massage and acupressure. As many of you know we have been puzzled with Arlo's lack of stamina since his illness in August. Working with the vets and Tork we are slowly working our way through possibilities. Torks 2nd session with Arlo has helped a little, next week if no further improvement we will go ahead and organise an ultrasound.
06.01.2022 On this R U OK DAY reach out in any way you can. Make a call, knock on a friends door, smile at someone passing you by. Your simple act of kindness could save a life. If you are in an emergency, or immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services 000.
05.01.2022 Fog We can all fall into a fog once in a while, but know it will soon lift and the sun will shine upon you again. When we feel muddled and unfocused, unsure of which way to turn, we say we are in a fog. Similar to when we are in a fog in nature, we may feel like we can't see where we're going or where we've come from, and we're afraid if we move too quickly we might run into something hidden in the mists that seem to surround us. Being in a fog necessarily slows us down by l...imiting our visibility. The best choice may be to pull over and wait for the murkiness to clear. If we move at all, we must go slowly, feeling our way and keeping our eyes open for shapes emerging from the haze, perhaps relying on the taillights of someone in front of us as we make our way along the road. By and large, most of us prefer to be able to see where we are going and move steadfastly in that direction, but there are gifts that come from being in a fog. Sometimes it takes an obstacle like fog to get us to stop and be still in the moment, doing nothing. In this moment of involuntary inactivity, we may look within and find that the source of our fogginess is inside us; it could be some emotional issue that needs tending before we can safely go full steam ahead. Being in a fog reminds us that when we cannot see outside ourselves, we can always make progress by looking within. Then again, the fog may simply be teaching us important lessons about how to continue moving forward with extreme caution, harnessing our attention, watching closely for new information, and being ready to stop on a dime. We cannot predict when a fog will come, nor can we know for certain when it will lift, but we can center ourselves in the haze and wait for guidance. We may find it inside ourselves or in a pair of barely visible taillights just ahead. Whether we follow the lights out of the fog, wait for a gentle breeze to lift it, or allow the sun to burn it away, we can rest certain that one way or another, we will move forward with clarity once again. BY MADISYN TAYLOR
04.01.2022 Our beautiful Patron Kevin
04.01.2022 On the 29th of September each year we pause in honour of the police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Please join us in remembering them and thanking all the hard working men and women for their service and sacrifice in keeping us safe. . . #policeremembranceday #thinblueline #ptsddogsau #ptsddogsaustralia #rescuingdogswhorescuehumans #ptsd #ptsdawareness #dogsofinstagram #rescuedogsofinstagram #assistancedogsofinstagram
03.01.2022 Having a wonderful day here at @eumundimarkets please come and say hi and support our charity! We rescue dogs and train them as assistance dogs for our veterans and first responders with PTSD . . #ptsddogsaustralia #ptsd #rescuingdogswhorescuehumans #shelterdogsofinstagram #rescuedogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #veterans #ausveteran #firstresponders
03.01.2022 I am a veterinarian. I work long hours. I work hard hours. My hair is often pulled back. My clothes are often dirty. I am on the floor to take my time and my patient feel comfortable. I am standing tall and looking you in the eyes to ensure I will take the very best care of your best friend. I am up early mornings giving 100% of my effort to stand by my oath and do what is right in some of the most difficult decisions. I am up late nights eating dinner on the surgery table giving 100% to come up with a treatment plan when I just want to go home and lay down. I get praised. I get yelled at. I know what it’s like to lose your furry friend so I open my heart and pour it out to treat you how I would want to be treated. Then I put on my best smile and rinse, wash and repeat for the next room. Day in and day out I see suffering animals. Day in and day out I stand witness to the love and bond between people and their pets. Sometimes I have to deliver good news. Sometimes I have to deliver bad news. Sometimes I have to convince you to do diagnostics that you don’t think are necessary just so I can do my job. Sometimes you don’t want to pay and I have to use my detective skills and still try and do the best medicine. Sometimes you give me the reins and ask me to do anything in my power to save your pet when there is nothing left for me to do but pray. Sometimes I have to take a deep breath at the surgery table and tell myself that I am capable. Sometimes I walk out of the clinic feeling like a hero. I am putting my feelings aside on a daily basis to put my oath for animals first. I am a veterinarian. I am a community of veterinarians. I am a community of humans doing our best for animals and their humans. I am standing up to say not one more vet. Be kind to your veterinarian. We worked our whole lives to be doctor but before that we were human and continue to want to be. There is a crisis in veterinary medicine. The CDC reports that male and female veterinarians commit suicide 2.1 and 3.5 times more often than the national average, respectively. The above was copied and shared from a veterinary support group by a friend and I invite you to read it. I also ask that next time you visit the vet, to be kind and maybe tell them thank you. You may end up being be the bright light on a dark day. #notonemorevet #spreadlovenothate #appreciateyourveterinarian