Pure Elemental | Medical service
Pure Elemental
Phone: +61 450 512 907
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25.01.2022 Do you know what you’re putting on your skin? . . The market is saturated with all sorts of products promising to clean, moisturise, rejuvenate, reduce ageing, improve texture, eliminate wrinkles, sunspots etc etc etc....... . The irony is however, that most of these are a cocktail of chemicals which ultimately damage and age the skin. On top of that they add to the chemical load that they body has to deal with.... . We say ditch the over priced chemical creams and lotions. There are so many alternatives available to truly nourish your skin. . Oils, plant extracts, essential oils and more will do more for your skin and will not add to the toxic load.. . We will be chatting about this in tomorrow’s Introduction to Essential Oils webinar. If you’d like to join us send a message for the details . . . #toxinfreeskincare #womenshealthmatters #essentialoilrecipes #wellnesswebinar #brisbanenaturopath #womenshealthcoach #innerbrisbaneliving #chelmer #graceville #naturalhealthcourse #healthywomen #healthyskintips See more
23.01.2022 Our environment is a potent source of chemicals - all of which place a large burden on the liver and other detoxification and elimination channels of the body.. . Some of the sources of these external chemicals include :: Public water supply - drinking & showers. Beauty products.... Pesticides on food. Household cleaning products. Air & vehicle pollution. To name a few! . Eliminating these sources of chemicals and improving the function of your body’s innate clearance pathways is vital to your overall wellbeing, and especially your hormonal cycles. . Not sure where to start? . We can help! Get in touch and let’s chat about what you can do today . . . #toxinfreeliving #hormonehealth #womenshealth #brisbanenaturopath #healthywoman #healthyhormones #womenshealthcoach #nutritionistbrisbane #wholistichealthsupport #improveyourlife See more
23.01.2022 Gynostemma is used as a general tonic to support overall health, and as an adaptogen it supports the nervous and immune systems. Its antioxidant properties are enhanced when used in combination with other high-antioxidant herbs or nutrients. Read more below
20.01.2022 During the transitional phase of peri and menopause lymphatic drainage massage will help to reduce fluid retention, improve digestion and support improved energy. Menopause & perimenopause is the phase of a woman's life when she stop having periods and her reproductive cycle ends. This can be a challenging phase for some women but not all. The hormonal changes can result in symptoms such as, hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, joint pain, fatigue, bloating, irritability..., tiredness, decreased libido, depression, anxiety and emotional fluctuation. The variation in women’s hormones (oestrogen, progesterone, TH & FSH) through this transistion can lead to an increase in fat accumulation and fluid retention. Stress can also be a factor as imbalanced cortisol levels can lead to weight maintenance, even weight gain. If we are feeling out of balance during this time it is important to take time to look after and invest in our health. Marianne is available for lymphatic drainage massage at New Farm and Seventeen Mile Rocks. . Get in touch via the website or message us if you would like to book a lymphatic massage. . . #lymphaticdrainagemassage #brisbanemassagetherapist #womenshealthaus #hormonebalance #menopauserelief #brisbanenaturopath #innerbrisbane #chelmer #mtommaney #innerbrisbane #womenshealthspecialist #healthcoach #energyhealing #digestivehealth
19.01.2022 Did you know that our lovely Marianne is an amazing creator of healthy, delicious foods? Here’s another of her creations for your enjoyment
18.01.2022 An easy and quick meal to nourish your body and soul. https://www.pureelemental.net/blog/kitchari
18.01.2022 We’ve received so many enquires about essential oils so have decided to run an introductory workshop. In the session we will discuss:: using essential oils safely including with children and pets.. how oils may affect the nervous system and emotional body..... how to apply some of the more commonly used oils to your health and home.. why low tox living is essential for abundant health.. a variety of tried and tested blends for healthy home and body.. .. The session will be interactive so you can ask questions as we go, and share your experiences with oils. We will also send you a PDF with the session notes plus more information to help you on your wellness journey. Investment is $25.. We’d love you to join us. . . Just send us a message for or leave a comment below and we will send you the zoom link and payment details. . . . . #lowtoxliving #essentialoilintroduction #stresssupport #holisticliving #womenshealth #naturalliving #cleanliving #cleanliving #essentialoils #cleanliving #lowtoxlife #childrenshealth #healthyhomes #toxicfree #healthychildren #moodsupport #plasticfree See more
16.01.2022 World Environment Day. . The health of the environment is essential to our overall health and emotional wellbeing. The more toxic the environment the more impact is has on our health.... Our world is filled with plastics, pesticides, and phthalates, and so much more. This places a huge burden on human health and of course ecosystems around the world. If we can start to remove these from our environment we can have profound improvements in the health of our species and Mother Earth. Both Marianne and myself always work with clients to remove environmental toxins from their life. An important part of health prescriptions for clients is empowering them and making their journey to better health truly holistic. When we commit to a low tox life we are putting our health and the health of the planet first and living more sustainably. Some simple changes you can make today include: * Eliminating or at least reducing our use of plastics. * Using natural based personal care and home cleaning products - most products contain toxic chemicals including synthetic perfumes. * Growing some of our own food at home. * Buying organic food when possible. * Buy minimally packaged goods. * Use a reusable water bottle and coffee cup. If you have health issues or are confused as to how to remove toxins from your daily living please get in touch. . . #worldenvironmentday #holistichealth #conservation #earthmedicine #nomoreplastic #recycle #reducereuserecycle #brisbanenaturopath #lowtoxlifestyle #natureheals #loveearth
16.01.2022 Do you have irregular motions? And do you want to know if your gut microbiome is part of the problem? Be part of a 3 week clinical trial by Evidence Sciences that will give you a unique picture of your gut microbiome and how it is affecting your health with DNA gut testing through Microba. Contact Evidence Sciences. See Link
15.01.2022 Lovely Chamomile . Helping soothe and nourish the nervous system, promoting calmness and relieving anxiety. We add this beautiful herb to our Soothe blend herbal tea and it’s also available individually . . . .... . . #herbalmedicinecabinet #organicherbaltea #brisbanenaturopath #naturalstressmanagement #chamomiletea #herbalmedicinemagic #traditionalhealingmethods #ancientwisdom #earthmedicine #naturalstressrelief #herbalstressrelief #innerbrisbane #graceville #mtommaney #brisbaneherbalist #womenshealthexpert #nutritionistbrisbane See more
15.01.2022 It’s a strange thing - the market for women’s beauty and skin products is saturated with highly toxic and harmful items. . We are bombarded with ads claiming these creams and lotions will reverse ageing and make us beautiful! . The sad truth however, is that most of these things are heavily laden with artificial, hormone disrupting chemicals which actually place a heavy burden on your detox organs - the liver and skin! (And hence can can damage and age the skin quickly!)... . For truly healing and nourishing skin care we must get back to basics. . Oils great for the skin include jojoba, castor, sweet almond, apricot, argan, hemp and rose hip. . Essential oils will help to cleanse, restore and rejuvenate the skin cells. . For some body care add in epsom salts, organic coffee grounds, dried herbals and more. . Whatever age or season we are in, there is a beautiful natural skin regime available to us. . This, and more, will be covered in our chemical free natural living course we are developing. . If you would like to know more send us a message . . #naturalskincare #naturalbeauty #naturalhealthtips #brisbanenaturopath #womenshealthcoach #healthyhormones #younglivingaustralia #innerbrisbane #brisbanemums #chelmer #mtommaney #toxinfreeliving #chemicalfreehome #healthylifestyle See more
14.01.2022 What’s on your plate this weekend? The food we eat can either nourish us or make us sick!. Do you know that large mass farming relies on huge amounts of pesticides to produce large pretty looking crops. . Choosing organic or spray free, locally sourced foods can greatly reduce the toxic load on your body and therefore have huge positive impact on your health. .... Farmers markets are quite easily accessed and are a great way to source your foods. . Have you found a local market yet?. . . #lowtoxliving #farmersmarkets #organicfood #cleaneating #naturalhealthcare #healthywomen #healthtipsoftheday #brisbanenaturopath #nutritionistbrisbane #lookafteryourself #womenshealthcoach #naturopath #nutritionist #wellnesscoach #eatlocal #eatseasonal #womenshormones #vitality #westendmarkets #mtommaney #anxietysupport #depressionhelp See more
14.01.2022 Heading into the weekend with a commitment to resting the body and nurturing the spirit. . . What are your plans for the next few days? . .... #nurtureyourself #restandrelax #innerhealth #mentalhealthmatters #brisbanenaturopath #womenshealthcoach #naturalhealthcare #innerbrisbane #graceville #mtommaney #healthymums #healthywomen #nutritionistbrisbane #womenshealthexpert #soulmedicine #natureheals #spiritualgrowth See more
12.01.2022 We talk a lot about eating clean, using toxin free products on and within our body. Another area we must look at when eliminating harmful chemicals is our environment - and this starts with your home. Over the recent generations we have become almost obsessive about germs and this has led to a high use of man made chemical cleaning agents.... These products are a volatile cocktail of hormone disrupting agents which put an enormous load on the body. The cumulative effects these environmental toxins are having on human health is massive - in fact it’s such a big topic that we will be holding a webinar about it in the near future. So .... the solution? Well, as always it is to replace them with something less harmful. There are alternatives for everything from kitchen benches to the laundry. Why not have a look around your home and take an inventory of all the chemical cleaners. Perhaps start with just one product to replace ( although honestly we recommend getting rid of all of them ASAP!).. . #toxinfreeliving #womenshealthmatters #naturalhomes #healthyhome #healthyfamily #brisbanenaturopath #livecleanly #healthtipsoftheday #innerbrisbane #chelmer #graceville #naturalliving #healthyenvironment #cleanliving See more
11.01.2022 Is your body feeling sluggish? Do you feel run down? Are you experiencing brain fog? Maybe your Lymphatic System needs some support?... Contact Marianne or Yvette
11.01.2022 Organic herbs to strengthening and support your body, particularly your immune response. Our FORTIFY blend is a smooth, enjoyable mix of traditional healing herbs. . . . #organicherbaltea #herbalmedicine #traditionalmedicine #brisbanenaturopath #womenshealth #naturalimmunesupport #innerbrisbanehealth #graceville #mtommaney #naturalhealthexpert #womenshealthcoach
10.01.2022 Tired, overwhelmed, not sleeping deeply, waking even more exhausted, physical aches and pains. Just some of the many and varied symptoms of nervous exhaustion. It’s no surprise so many are experiencing this. Our world is turned upside down, on all levels, and our mind and body is scrambling to adapt and understand.... Add this to the regular juggle of life/family/ commitments/ and here we find ourselves. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to alleviate these symptoms and feel better! Magnesium, B vitamins, various minerals, herbs, gut health, inflammation, diet, hereditary predisposition and more are all factors that will influence your nervous system response and adaptability. #stressmanagement #naturalstresssolutions #nervoussystemregulation #brisbanenaturopath #herbalistbrisbane #womenshealthcoach #innerbrisbanehealth #sherwood #graceville #mtommaney #naturalhealthtips See more
10.01.2022 Most of us love chocolate. In its true form cacao and clean chocolate is actually a wonderful food - rich in antioxidants and flavonoids and providing benefits to the cardiovascular system, brain and even blood sugar responses! Sadly, like many other foods chocolate has become adulterated with an array of very unhealthy ingredients - saturated & oxidised fats, refined sugars,artificial colours and preservatives. The vast majority of chocolate in supermarkets and at Easte...r is laden with these creating a whole range of problems. Inflammation, excited nervous system leading to hormone disruption, energy & nutrient depletion, moodiness, reactive eating due to fluctuating blood sugar levels, weight gain, poor sleep and more! Fortunately there is an increasing variety of healthier, better quality chocolate available, or you could try making your own! In the meantime here’s a few tips for recovering from chocolate overload. . . #healthyliving #healthyfoodie #brisbanenaturopath #womenshealth #happyhormones #holisticnutritionist #innerbrisbane #chelmer #mtommaney #liveyourbestlife #womenshealthcoach #lymphatichealth #hormonesupportnaturally See more
09.01.2022 Trust the inherent flow toward robust wellbeing.
07.01.2022 The foundations of how we practice as Naturopaths.
07.01.2022 Today is World Maternal Mental Health Day. It’s so important to raise awareness of the mental health conditions experienced by mums and therefore families. . No matter the age, income or cultural background women from all walks of life can and do experience a wide range of mood disorders associated with maternity. . Some of the latest statistics quote as many as 1 in 5 women will experience symptoms, which can appear from any time during the pregnancy to after the birth.... . In an age where we are raising families without the support of a wider community, many women are struggling in silence, carrying the lonely burden of feeling they need to be able to do it all - at the same time as managing their own physiological and emotional evolution into Motherhood. . We are very passionate about supporting women through this time. . From Naturopathic and nutritional treatment protocols, to stress management techniques, to body and breath work. And of course, through our own vast experiences of raising children and working through pre and post natal experiences. . If you are struggling with mental health or if you are planning to have a baby, please reach out and have a chat so we can help you with the challenges of new parenthood. . . #maternalmentalhealth #motherhoodsupport #brisbanenaturopath #supportformothers #holistichealthcareforwomen #postnataldepressionsupport #prenatalhealth #naturalsupportfordepression #anxietysupport #chelmer #graceville #Sherwood #innerbrisbane #mtommaney b #womenshealthexpert #worldmaternalmentalhealthday See more
06.01.2022 In our happy place today making some gorgeous herbal and energetic remedies for a beautiful new Mama. Our hearts a filled when we get to support women and share the amazing healing properties herbs, oils, flower essences and more. Especially during the most precious time of early Motherhood.. . . #herbalmedicine #traditonalmedicine #ancienthealingsecrets #brisbanenaturopath #essentialoilsaustralia #motherhoodsupport #4thtrimester #brisbaneherbalist #naturopathicmedicine #wisdomoftheearth #womenshealing #sacredfeminine #newmotherhood
05.01.2022 We took some time out today to practice self care and slowing down - something we talk a LOT about with clients. As Mothers, practitioners and business owners we understand the pressure of wearing a lot of hats and the toll it can take on wellbeing. So one really impactful thing that we can all do is take pre-emptive action.... Don’t wait until you are completely burnt out and have nothing in reserve. Take small steps now to ensure you are feeling good and looking after yourself. For us today this included eating a gorgeous, nourishing lunch from @botanicarealfood and enjoying it in the beautiful New Farm park. Simple and yet hugely relaxing and RE-energising. And yes.... we did talk business today but it was a complete joy and has sparked some exciting new ideas. . . . #selfcaretips #womenshealthmatters #relax #stressmanagement #brisbanenaturopath #healthywoman #stressrelieftherapy #innerbrisbane #womenshealthcoach #naturopathbrisbane #brisbanemums #womeninbusiness #healthymums See more
05.01.2022 Castor seed plant is native to India. It is an important part of our home medicine cabinets, as it has a large number of healing benefits due to its unique chemical composition. This pale oil is comprised of fatty acids, 90% ricinoleic acid (an unsaturated Omega-9 found only in trace amounts in other seeds), as well as oleate & linoleates. It can taken internally or applied topically. ... Applying castor oil packs to your abdominal area increases the body’s absorption of the oil. If you’ve never tried using a castor oil pack we recommend taking the time to do so. Instructions for castor oil acts are at the link below. Used traditionally for centuries as a remedy for treating skin conditions, supporting hair health, infections & constipation, more recent studies have shown it is has antimicrobial & anti-inflammatory properties, is a lymphatic stimulant and supports immunity. Its key uses are for: 1. Skin Conditions stimulates collagen & elastin, reduces acne & psoriasis. 2. Hair Growth strengthens & thickens hair as well as encouraging hair growth. 3. Infections promotes wound healing. 4. Constipation Relief acts as a powerful laxative. 5. Immune System Support it supports lymphocyte production. 6. Lymphocytes are a white blood cell found in the body’s immune system which attack perceived threats to the body and outside invaders like bacteria and toxins. 7. Anti-Inflammatory Agent helps to reduce pain due to menstrual cramps, fibroids, cysts & endometriosis, as well as pain in joints & muscles. 8. Antimicrobial & Antifungal support helps with conditions such as ringworms, candida, skin infections, cuts & scratches. 9. Lymphatic Stimulant supports lymphatic drainage, increased blood flow and removal of toxins & other waste from the body.
04.01.2022 When things don’t function the way they should, various conditions can present: *Hypothyroidism (or underactive) thyroid: conditions include Subclinical & Secondary Hypothyroidism, Euthyroid Syndrome, Wilsons Thyroid Syndrome. *Hyperthyroidism (or overactive) thyroid & Graves Disease... Read more on the blog .....
03.01.2022 A little reminder . . . #womenshealthmatters #innerhealing #ancientwisdom #teaditionalmedicine #brisbanenaturopath #womenshealthcoach #brisbanemums #healthywomenlifestyle #innerbrisbaneliving #holistichealthpractitioner #healthtipsforwomen
03.01.2022 For the sake of your health please read this and make your submission to Food Standards ANZ. All details in the post below.
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