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24.01.2022 June 814 GOING LIVE: The Wisdom of Trauma Movie Premiere with Dr. Gabor Maté, with guest appearances by Russell Brand and Tim Ferriss. The movie premiere inc...ludes 7 days of conversation between Dr. Gabor Maté and leading experts in the field of trauma and relationship, such as Peter Levine, Esther Perel, Stephen Porges, and Resmaa Menakem. For a limited time you can watch the premiere, and enjoy all 7 days of talks on a donation basis. Humanity and the planet are suffering as a result of a culture that lacks understanding about trauma and its root causes. This film offers a powerful vision for hope, compassion and the healing of our world. Would you like to watch The Wisdom of Trauma movie premiere? Please click the link below.
23.01.2022 https://www.theaustralian.com.au//2a366e196f961e8eeae58385
22.01.2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch
21.01.2022 https://www.good.is//forgive-to-live-new-research-shows-fo
20.01.2022 https://www.forbes.com//meet-the-50-doctors-scientists-a/
20.01.2022 https://nypost.com//subway-sandwiches-dont-meet-legal-def/
19.01.2022 Prior to the era of Big Food and Big Pharma ... ...look familiar?
18.01.2022 Belinda Fettke on Cornflakes, Masturbation and Diabetes- Getting Religion Off the Dinner Plate. On Today's show, Damian sits down with Belinda Fettke and talks ...about her key discoveries on the invention of modern vegetarianism, how the food industry has funded and prostituted the modern nutrition and medicine textbooks, and saving her husband's surgical career by clearing his name throughout the world. We spoke about: - Creating an INCLUSIVE diet for health, rather than an EXCLUSIVE diet for profits - The Dietitians Association of Australia's crusade against Dr Fettke, being funded by BigFood $$ - The total vindication of Dr Fettke and retraction of the AHPRA Medical Board's charges against his nutrition advice for patients with the complications of diabetes - The true origins of 20th and 21st century nutrition science- being based on a person's religious apparition in 1863 - How the Seventh-day Adventist Church invented commercial 'health food' and influenced modern nutrition, food guidelines, and helped shape dietetic textbooks and continuing education. - Where this all leaves us as individuals to create our own health through nutrition Find Belinda at www.isupportgary.com I am a Sleep, Stress and Human Nutrition Coach - if I can ever help- Let me know.LINK. www.eatwellmovewell.net Watch the video at https://www.facebook.com/DRN1Life/videos/257531379394941 Listen to the podcast at- Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/1rlAGRXCwLIJfQCQ5B3PYB iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com//straight-talk-mi/id1315986446 Libsyn- https://straighttalkmindandmuscle.libsyn.com/cornflakes-mas
17.01.2022 The CDC last week updated the survival rates (i.e., IF infected) for Covid19: 0-19 99.997% 20-49 99.98% 50-69 99.5%... 70+ 94.6% https://www.cdc.gov/coronavir//hcp/planning-scenarios.html
16.01.2022 https://www.usasupre.me/thousands.html
16.01.2022 Migraines are a big problem. In fact, they’re one of the most common reasons people end up in the emergency room. And here’s the truth about this painful issue... the root cause of your migraine may not be in your head at all; in fact, it may be caused by many other factors. *I had a patient who had migraines for 40 years, and we discovered that they were caused by the eggs she was eating. When she stopped eating eggs, the migraines went away; when she started eating them again, the migraines came back. Another common cause is gluten the protein found in wheat, barley, rye, oats, and spelt. This special kind of food allergy creates a lot of inflammation. For those who are sensitive to gluten, I definitely recommend an elimination diet. Get rid of gluten, dairy, eggs and yeast for 3 weeks and then introduce each on individually for 3 days, then stop and take note of any symptoms. *Many women get premenstrual migraines, which are often caused by imbalances in estrogen and progesterone too much estrogen, not enough progesterone. This can be caused by stress; by consuming too much alcohol, sugar, flour and starches; and by not getting enough exercise or sleep. *Magnesium is the relaxation mineral. If you’re deficient in it, you can often get headaches and migraines. Take magnesium glycinate, citrate or aspartate in doses that relieve symptoms. If you have kidney disease of any kind, do this only with a doctor’s supervision. *Identifying and treating bacterial imbalances or yeast in the gut can also be helpful. Getting the gut healthy with enzymes, probiotics and omega-3 fats is important. See more
14.01.2022 Exhale. Inhale. 2020 was quite a year and it’s time to go from holding your breath to breathing fully again.... Are you ready to release the over-worry and shock you’ve been holding for so long and revitalize your body and mind? As 2021 begins, you have a new opportunity to support your nervous system, unwind, reset, and settle into a calmer baseline. It may be reassuring to know that even when you’re not trying your body is breathing. No matter how exhausted, bereaved, or stressed you are, the breath is still there. That’s a big part of what makes breathwork so magical and essential it’s always only a millisecond away. Like a beloved friend, the allyship of your own breath is always available to you and it doesn’t require a nearby gym, fancy equipment, or advanced physical prowess. After a year of upheaval, uncertainty, and collective fear around our respiratory health, this summit provides a safe space to unwind, unplug from anxiety, and tap into the miraculous healing power of your own breath. During this 4-day online gathering of soulful breathwork professionals and dedicated practitioners, we’ll move from collective gasp to deep diaphragmatic breathing again. Together we can lay the groundwork to heal and to thrive. Free Online Event Breathwork Summit January 11-14, 2021 Prepare to be transformed! RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit at no charge: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/bws21/a21353
14.01.2022 It’s ok to have a sad!! We’ve become a society of suppressors and suck it up-pers havent we? When you stuff it all down ..it’s still in there and will eventually come to the surface - in our relationships and in our health ... It’s important to work through emotion but to also let it flow through and out again If you are looking for gentle support for both Mind and Body we have a whole team ready to help Check out our services at https://www.purecorenourishment.com.au
14.01.2022 https://hubpages.com//Pfizer-Chief-Science-Officer-Second-
13.01.2022 And..just gonna share this right here
11.01.2022 https://www.wakingtimes.com/terence-mckenna-explains-why-/
11.01.2022 For all our expats and those across the pond
10.01.2022 We have almost forgotten the wisdom of our ancestral traditions We have allowed ourselves to become sick and diseased and the wisdom of our elders has been all but lost But not quite..... Now is the time of the Great Remembering Time of the Sixth Sun Free for next 24 hours https://timeofthesixthsunlaunch.com/movie_egf?dfs=lLvmBY65N2
10.01.2022 It’s time to revisit what we’ve been taught about viruses. Colleagues this is must watch viewing from Sayer Ji, Founder of GreenMed Info https://youtu.be/x6L44Iniw8M
09.01.2022 Make no mistake..this is an industry ruled over by fear and duress. For these men and women to come forward and speak there truth took incredible courage and humanity. https://truthandfreedomreport.com/covid-doctors-network-w/
09.01.2022 An Evidence-Based Look at the Moderna COVID Vaccine Study Let me begin by saying that a safe and effective vaccine is a wonderful goal and something I think ev...eryone should welcome with open arms. I am fully aware of the risk of even mentioning the word vaccine. However, as an ethical scientist it would be immoral to blindly accept any results from any study that would be the definition of pseudoscience and quackery. The entire purpose of publishing studies in peer-reviewed journals is to invite and encourage scientific critique and debate. The purpose is NOT to stifle debate or to encourage blind acceptance both of these are antithetical to ethical science and to ethical healthcare policy. What I offer here is a critique of a published study, the validity of its methodology and thus conclusions, and the public health communications and policy recommendations being put forward based upon these conclusions. The purpose of this is to evaluate the data with respect to this specific study regarding this specific vaccine this is NOT a commentary on vaccination so please don’t interpret it as such, or falsely assign any such motivation to it. This is a stand-alone commentary on a stand-alone published study regarding the effectiveness of a stand-alone healthcare intervention that just so happens to be a vaccine. The evidence regarding any previous vaccine is irrelevant, each vaccine, and in fact each healthcare intervention, must stand on its own merits based upon evidence. To claim that the safety and efficacy of any past vaccine should automatically be bestowed upon any new vaccine is not only unscientific and illogical, it is dangerous, as the 1976 swine flu vaccine fiasco illustrated. However, nor should the failures of any previous vaccine be bestowed upon any new vaccine. So, with all that said, let us now take a look at the Moderna vaccine study, it’s conclusions, and the communications and policy recommendations that are stemming from it. Baden, L.R. et al. (Dec 2020). Efficacy and Safety of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine. NEJM DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2035389 The trial enrolled 30,420 volunteers who were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive either vaccine or placebo (15,210 participants in each group). The primary end point was prevention of Covid-19 illness [not infection] with onset at least 14 days after the second injection in participants who had not previously been infected with SARS-CoV-2. The mRNA-1273 vaccine showed 94.1% efficacy at preventing Covid-19 illness [NOT infection], including severe disease. Covid-19 cases were defined as occurring in participants who had at least two of the following symptoms: fever (temperature 38C), chills, myalgia, headache, sore throat, or new olfactory or taste disorder, or as occurring in those who had at least one respiratory sign or symptom (including cough, shortness of breath, or clinical or radiographic evidence of pneumonia) and at least one nasopharyngeal swab, nasal swab, or saliva sample (or respiratory sample, if the participant was hospitalized) that was positive for SARS-CoV-2 by reverse-transcriptasepolymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) test. *This is a unique definition of a COVID-19 case that completely eliminates the possibility of an asymptomatic case, even with a positive COVID test result. This is not a definition of a case of COVID infection, it is the definition of a case of symptomatic, PCR-test confirmed COVID illness. As everyone knows there are a LOT of asymptomatic cases of COVID, which is exactly why a positive COVID test, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms, is recorded as a COVID infection case. This operational definition of a COVID ‘case’ eliminates a huge proportion of COVID cases before the vaccination is ever administered. It also eliminates the ability to answer the question of whether the vaccine protects from infection or transmission; it only asks if the vaccine can reduce the incidence of symptomatic, PCR test confirmed illness. It is important to point out that they did conduct PCR testing on every subject before the first vaccine and before the second vaccine. Anyone with a positive test was excluded from the trial, as they should have been. Participants were assessed for the presence of SARS-CoV-2binding antibodies specific to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein (Roche Elecsys, Roche Diagnostics International) and had a nasopharyngeal swab for SARS-CoV-2RT-PCR testing (Viracor, Eurofins Clinical Diagnostics) before each injection. Common reasons for not receiving the second dose were withdrawal of consent (153 participants) and the detection of SARS-CoV-2 by PCR before the administration of the second dose on day 29 (114 participants: 69 in the placebo group and 45 in the mRNA- 1273 group). Note that they excluded subjects from the study not based on their own definition of a case of COVID illness, but by the universally accepted definition of a case of COVID infection a positive PCR test! So, we know they had the ability to do PCR testing, the question being begged is, why would they not do PCR testing to determine if the vaccine protected from infection? Why not do regular PCR tests on everyone once a week after their second vaccination until the end of the study?? This would have increased the accuracy of the PCR tests because it would have tested people in all stages of infection (remember the PCR test is more accurate after the first 5-6 days of infection). This was easily accomplished and would have provided valid data on whether the vaccine prevented infection and thus could contribute to herd immunity a VERY IMPORTANT question. They deliberately CHOSE not to do this, or perhaps just chose not to publish the results. Instead, they came up with a unique definition of COVID that deliberately removed any onus on the vaccine to prevent infection. From a research methodology viewpoint, as well as a public health standpoint, I find this both puzzling and troubling. In fact, this published paper, and all the experts who commented on it when it got published, including Dr. Fauci, stated that the study provided no evidence regarding whether the vaccine prevented infection or transmission. Thus, the effectiveness rate of 95% (85% for those above 65 yrs of age) so widely reported and repeated is not based on immunity or prevention of infection, it is based on reduction of symptomatic illness (defined as symptoms AND confirmed PCR test). In other words, the vaccine provides NO HERD IMMUNITY because the vaccine provides NO IMMUNITY. What we MUST NOT now do, is accept reports or observations that the vaccine appears to reduce infection or transmission. They had EVERY CHANCE to study this is their controlled trial and they DELIBERATELY CHOSE NOT TO. Remember, they administered PCR tests to all participants prior to the first vaccine and again prior to the second vaccine but then CHOSE not to report on the data from any PCR tests after the second vaccination (the period that tested the effectiveness of the vaccine). This was a CHOICE. So, it is not ethical to deliberately choose not to report on this data in the controlled trial and then to make assertions about whether the vaccine prevents infection or transmission based on invalid evidence after the trial. Whether or not the vaccine can prevent infection or transmission, and thus contribute to herd immunity and perhaps prevent the spread of new variants is a HUGELY IMPORTANT question and one they had every opportunity to investigate in their published study. This is HUGELY SIGNIFICANT with respect to vaccine policy because, based on the data from this study, the only person the vaccine can protect is the person vaccinated. If you can still get infected and transmit COVID after receiving the vaccination, then you offer no protection to others. Further, for herd immunity to be achieved, people still need to get infected because the vaccine does not provide immunity. The hope is, obviously, that people who get vaccinated will get infected but not get seriously ill. Let’s not underestimate how significant that is with respect to reducing hospitalizations and deaths, but let’s not confer protection from infection and transmission that does not exist. Disturbingly, based on NO VALID DATA, many experts and many in the media are now suggesting the vaccine can provide herd immunity and protect against the spread of the virus, including new variants. None of this is possible if the vaccine does not protect against infection or transmission! Public health experts are saying that we need to rush vaccination to stop the new variants from spreading. But if the vaccine does NOT stop the spread of the virus, if it does not prevent infection or transmission, how can it reduce the spread of new variants? They are saying all workers in care homes should be vaccinated to protect the care home patients/residents. But the vaccine does NOT prevent infection or transmission of the virus so how can vaccinating a care home worker protect the residents or anyone else? One other comment on the methodology of this study. The entire purpose of a controlled study is to try and eliminate and/or control, to the greatest extent possible, any independent variables that could affect outcomes or dependent variables. The single greatest independent variables in this study are who got vaccinated and who got exposed to the virus. Without knowing these two variables it is impossible to determine if the vaccine prevented illness or whether lack of exposure to the virus prevented illness. The presupposition is that if you have a lot of subjects (in this case 30,000) and randomly divide them, that the exposure to the virus should be equal in both groups. However, it would have made methodological sense to control for or at least measure this variable as much as possible since it is so crucial. Without controlling for exposure risk variables such as social distancing, mask wearing, and number of social interactions in the community, even if these variables only have the potential to reduce risk by small percentages, it is impossible to know if in one group had less exposure to COVID than the other. In a study such as this with such a small number of subjects providing data on the primary study endpoint (only 196 subjects of the 30,000 were actually diagnosed with COVID during the study), small absolute differences in exposure risk could have had a significant effect on relative effectiveness data. Why not collect and analyze data on these variables as many other studies do? This is why at the beginning of operation WARP SPEED they were originally talking about doing a challenge trial where they were going to deliberately expose all study participants to the virus and thus control for the exposure variable. This would have been the only such vaccination trial in history and would have been a landmark study. The reason they were discussing this is because, from a methodological standpoint, it is the only way to control for the exposure variable and eliminate differences in exposure between the two groups as the cause of differences in illness between the two groups. In the end they chose not to conduct a challenge trial, not because it is not clearly the most valid study design, but likely because they did not feel it ethical to deliberately expose subjects to COVID fair enough. I also cannot help but wonder why they did not specifically look at care home residents. Everyone knows this cohort is responsible for a huge percentage of deaths, so why not vaccinate entire care home populations and compare the results to unvaccinated care home populations? My conclusions? The study, though very few subjects (196) reached the endpoint of diagnosed illness, did show a remarkably high effectiveness for preventing symptomatic illness and serious complications from symptomatic illness. How generalizable 196 endpoint subjects are to billions of citizens could be reasonably argued but the difference in endpoint results between the vaccine and placebo group were, without doubt, statistically impressive (94% less illness in vaccine group than placebo group). Based on the data presented, assuming it is accurate, it makes scientific and logical sense that the vaccine was given emergency use authorization. The study does NOT provide ANY evidence for prevention of infection or transmission and thus the vaccine can NOT be said to contribute to herd immunity. Thus, getting vaccinated can ONLY protect the vaccinated from serious illness and NOT from infection or from infecting others. This MUST be honestly communicated. As far as safety data goes there were very few serious adverse reactions and no deaths reported in the 15,000 subjects who received the vaccine that could be reasonably attributed to the vaccine. However, the study only provided data on acute adverse reactions. It is impossible to determine if the vaccine might result in some chronic adverse effects such as autoimmune issues without further study, which is apparently ongoing as it should be. As we have all seen, there have been reports of serious anaphylactic allergic responses in the public following vaccination that were not reported in the study, again illustrating that there is some inherent risk of applying the results of a study with 15000 vaccinated subjects to a population of millions or billions to be vaccinated. There have also been reports of deaths associated with the vaccine; these warrant investigation, and the results must be honestly communicated. My Policy Suggestions Based on the Data The current documented case total in the US is 26,068,554 (as of Jan 27, 2021). The CDC estimates that only 1 in 7 cases are documented (CDC Estimated Burden of COVID-19 (Jan 18, 2021) https://www.cdc.gov/.../2019-ncov/cases-updates/burden.html). This means that the actual case total is as high as 26,068,554 x7 = 189,479,878. The population of the US is 332,113,877 meaning that, prior to the administration of any vaccine, up to 57% of the population has already been infected. Herd immunity has at the very least already been partially reached prior to vaccination and remember, the vaccine has not been shown not contribute to herd immunity because it has not been shown to prevent infection or transmission. In fact, global COVID-19 cases have dropped by half and remain in steep decline. This CANNOT be due to widespread vaccination for two reasons. One, there is no widespread vaccination and, two, the vaccines do NOT provide immunity and thus cannot contribute to herd immunity or reduce the rate of new infections. There has already been over $10 billion in direct spending on vaccines, and the Biden administration just announced another $20 billion for the vaccination roll out program (not including the additional 200 million vaccine doses just ordered), and $50 billion dollars for testing in a population which has likely already reached an overall infection rate/herd immunity status approaching 60%! The above spending does not include the well over $2 TRILLION spent on COVID assistance/stimulus most of which was required due to lockdowns not the illness. Getting vaccinated does NOT prevent you from becoming infected, or from infecting others, so getting vaccinated does not benefit others, only yourself. This is the perfect scenario for vaccine choice because any argument that not getting vaccinated is selfish or against the public interest is moot. If the vaccine prevented infection and transmission, and was proven safe and not simply given emergency use authorization, then a logical argument could be made that the unvaccinated represent a risk to others (though this argument makes little sense if the vaccine is effective because the vaccine would make the vaccinated protected from the unvaccinated anyway). So, with all the above, my suggestion would be to take all measures possible to offer the vaccine to all care home residents first, then those over 65 with comorbidities, then those under 65 with comorbidities. Vaccinating anyone else, since the vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission, makes very little economic or healthcare policy sense in my opinion. Now, if a new valid study were to be conducted which showed that a vaccine could prevent infection and transmission and thus contribute to herd immunity then this would have to be taken into consideration - as would the current state of herd immunity at that time. There is little benefit to vaccinating an entire population when the vast majority of the population are at very low risk of severe illness and/or death. As has been well established, those under 65, and those of any age without comorbidities, are at lower risk of severe illness and death from COVID than from seasonal flu. Spending hundreds of billions of dollars and allocating healthcare delivery resources to vaccinate huge populations of people who will receive little to no benefit makes no sense. Vaccinating children under the age of 18 without comorbidities borders on the absurd. The risk of severe illness and/or death is almost nil, and certainly far less than from seasonal flu, and vaccinating these children provides no protection to anyone else since they can still become infected and transmit the virus after being vaccinated. Further, there were no children under the age of 18 included in the vaccine studies so there is no safety or efficacy data for this cohort. Also, without vaccination, the rate of infection in schools is already significantly lower than that in the general population and the morbidity and mortality rates, as I just mentioned, are so low that there is no chance to elicit benefit that justifies either the cost or the potential risk. Mandating COVID vaccination for school children would not only be unscientific and far from evidence-based; it would be illogical and useless. OFFER VACCINATION TO THE TEACHERS with comorbidities! The problem now is, due to fear mongering regarding exaggerated risk of death to healthy people under the age of 65, even young healthy teachers now believe they are at significant risk and are refusing to go back into the classrooms. According to the CDC, healthy people under the age of 65 are at no greater risk from COVID than from the flu. Do these teachers refuse to teach during flu season? No! Why not? Because nobody told them they were going to die from the flu. We have made this bed, now we are lying in it. Pun intended. Mandating COVID vaccination that does not prevent infection or transmission for anyone seems to me to be equally illogical and, perhaps, immoral. Offering the vaccine to adults who wish to have it, in the order of priority I have outlined above, in my opinion, is both logical and moral. It is interesting to note that, as of this moment, prior to any significant portion of the population being vaccinated, but at a moment when a large proportion of the population has been infected (think herd immunity and Farr’s Law), that infection, hospitalization, and death rates are significantly dropping. I will be curious to see if, once the vaccination is widely administered, how much credit the vaccine will be given, especially if infection, hospitalization, and death rates keep dropping. Remember, you cannot logically or scientifically credit a vaccine that does not prevent infection or provide immunity with reducing infection rates or with providing herd immunity. If the vaccine has an impact that is congruent with the data, what you should see is infection rates staying the same but hospitalization and death rates dropping by 96% because the data shows the vaccine prevents illness and serious illness NOT infection. Again, let us all hope that the vaccine is as safe and effective as possible as we keep track of the data and use valid science to evaluate its safety and effectiveness in the real world. If, as published, the vaccine can prevent 96% of serious illness and deaths that is a remarkable public health achievement that deserves unreserved praise. Let’s not, however, make claims about effectiveness regarding preventing infection or transmission when no such data exists and let’s hold policy makers accountable to create and implement evidence-based policy and to make only evidence-based claims of benefit from implemented policy. If we do this, we all win. If we do not, we all lose. Credit James Chestnut
09.01.2022 Thank you CrossFit Geelong for sharing your story https://www.advocateme.com.au//crossfit-geelong-join-our-c
09.01.2022 Nobody claim 2021 as ANYONE’s year After what we’ve had our eyes opened to in the last 12 months whose actually even sure it’s 2021!
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08.01.2022 https://gadoliniumtoxicity.com/
08.01.2022 You could eat whole real food... ... or you could have the scrapings from a chemistry lab floor .... (with seed oil of course) Just sayin’... Ingredients: Vegan Pork Style Pieces (40%) (Water, Vegetable Protein (Wheat, Pea), Textured Pea Protein, Wheat Gluten, Sunflower Oil, Seasoning (Sugar, Maize Starch, Black Pepper, White Pepper, Nutmeg, Cayenne Pepper, Salt, Chilli Cumin, Garlic Powder, Oregano, Sage, Marjoram, Yeast Extract, Potato Maltodextrin, Sunflower Seed Oil, Onion Powder, Rice Flour, Parsley, Caramelised Sugar, Paprika Spice Extract, Rosemary), Potato Protein, Pea Protein Isolate, Preservatives: Potassium Lactate, Potassium Acetate; Stabilisers: Agar, Calcium Lactate; Salt, Dextrose, Citrus Fibre, Natural Flavouring, Maltodextrin, Acidity Regulator: Lactic Acid, Ground Nutmeg, Smoked Yeast, Mushroom Powder), Rapeseed Oil, Fortified Wheat Flour (Wheat Flour, Calcium Carbonate Iron, Niacin, Thiamin), Water, Onion, Crackd The No-Egg Egg (Water, Pea Protein, Thickener: Methyl Cellulose, Gelling Agent: Gellan Gum, Firming Agent: Calcium Lactate, Nutritional Yeast (Dried Inactive Yeast, Vitamin B12), Flavouring, Black Salt, Acid: Lactic Acid, Acidity Regulator: Potassium Bitartrate, Colour: Beta Carotene, Vitamin (D & B12), Stabilisers: Guar Gum, Cellulose Gum, Dextrose), Stabiliser: Methyl Cellulose, Cornflour, Cider Vinegar, Wheat Starch, Sage, Sugar, Wheat Gluten, Pea Protein, Thickener: Pectin, Salt, Yeast, Dextrose, Citrus Fibre, Concentrated Lemon Juice, Garlic Puree, Mustard Flour, Paprika, Turmeric https://www.msn.com//tesco-launches-vegan-scot/ar-AAKNi2i
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06.01.2022 Free Online Event The Dreamwork Summit October 13-16, 2020 This event, presented by The Shift Network, will feature more than 20 of today’s leading master dream teachers, psychology professionals, and celebrated authors including Sandra Ingerman, Robert Moss, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Paul Levy, Dr. Clare Johnson, Adriana Ayales, Sharon Blackie, and Sergio Magaña... During this groundbreaking 4-day event, you’ll discover: The latent power of daydreams, visions, and synchronicities as sources of spiritual development The richness of active imagination and hypnotic dreamwork when facing crucial life transitions and transformations How Gestalt psychology, dream psychodrama, and improvisational dream theater can intersect to help dreamers find insight, health, healing, and wholeness Four lucid states and how we can tap into them for deep healing The levels of dreaming from Toltec and Aztec wisdom Dreamwork is an invitation to gently uncover your psyche’s rich repository of symbols, colors, sensations, and images discovering limitless resources for alchemizing life’s nightmares into gold, and uncovering who you really are and can become beneath your waking mind. RSVP here for The Dreamwork Summit at no charge: https://shiftnetwork.infusionsoft.com/go/dws20/a21353
06.01.2022 This is MORE than just a yoga session for when you are feeling angry. It’s also for those times when you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked or anxious. It’s especially great for grounding yourself and clearing out all the energies you’ve picked up throughout your day. ... So grab your Yoga Matt and take this one outside. Connect with the earth and see how amazing you feeling in just 18 short minutes. No fancy yoga poses I promise! https://youtu.be/ie5yjNGLxfQ
04.01.2022 https://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6194059984001
04.01.2022 Stay grounded peeps - the best is yet to come
04.01.2022 What is the COVID-19 Omnibus Bill? How will it affect Victorians? What is this about 'pre-emptive, indefinite detention'?... Here is a breakdown of the Bill which is not due to be passed by the Legislative Council until early-mid October.
03.01.2022 https://www.irishcentral.com//rfk-jr-sues-facebook-anti-va
03.01.2022 Link to replay in comments
03.01.2022 Did you know that medication for heartburn and reflux is often designed to suppress stomach acid production? Did you also know that long term use of these proton pump inhibitors more than doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer but even short term use raises the risk? That is why we need to address the causes and not just treat the symptoms. Reflux is often considered to be a condition of too much acid when often it’s exactly the opposite - too little. ... Stomach Acid is essential for so many aspects of our health as it allows the correct breakdown of nutrients vital to healthy function of your body. It also initiates the correct cascade of healthy digestive function. It also creates an effective protective barrier to bacteria and parasites. So if you are suffering reflux or heartburn the better strategy is to find out why and what’s triggering it because the band aid approach of suppressing stomach acid through medication is a slippery slope to further chronic disease. Start asking the Why and start researching it for yourself Here’s a great start: https://www.bookdepository.com/Why-Stomach-Acid-Is-Good-for https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30288155/
02.01.2022 https://youtu.be/fboUAeL4dZo
01.01.2022 Dr. Fyans is a local GP who actually cares. She gives us a whole new perspective on seeing cases as just that...cases, not disease numbers. She also talks abou...t the health effects of fear over a prolonged period of time. Thank you for speaking out Catherine, we will be forever grateful to you. See more
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