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to load big map

25.01.2022 Five Undeniable Facts- By Steve Jobs. 1. Do not educate your children to be rich. Educate them to be happy. So when they grow up they will know the value of things, not the price. 2. Eat your food as medicine, otherwise you will need to eat your medicine as food.... 3. Whoever loves you will never leave you, even if he has 100 reasons to give up. He will always find one reason to hold on. 4. There is a big difference between being human and human being. 5. If you want to go fast go alone! But if you want to go far go together! And in conclusion, The six best doctors in the world. 1. Sunlight 2. Rest 3. Exercise 4. Diet 5. Self-confidence 6. Family/Friends Keep them in all stages of life and enjoy a healthy life.

25.01.2022 Join me for a short meditation

25.01.2022 Release the expectations of how its going to happen. Just believe so deeply on how you want you life to look and feel like.. It will then be attracted to that same frequency you are putting out. ... It HAS to come.

25.01.2022 31 laps around the sun... As I sit back and have a reflective inward birthday I realize that Im loving getting older. I feel like Im deeply stepping into my womanhood, knowing myself & loving myself on so many different levels. ... I see what I want in my life, I see what I dont want.. I see myself as I am.. I see the dark in me, I see the beauty in me, I see the ways in which I hold myself back in life and I see the potential that I have ahead of me. Im embodying more of my uniqueness, all of my skin, my lines, my freckles, all my different sized curves as they fluctuate through different cycles in life, my strengths & my weaknesses. I listen more to my heart and its desires, I embrace my optimism, my open outlook on life. I find so much more gratitude for what I have, my loved ones, the people who I impact, in big or small ways. More appreciative of the moment to moment blessings, living in presence, trusting life and the path ahead of me. This year has been big, and there is still so much more shifting that is taking place both internally for myself & in the collective. Take a moment of reflection and see how far you have come in your life. See what you have. And in that moment.. find softness & gratitude within your heart.

24.01.2022 Haha how true!!? Funny fact when I accidentally slipped out a fart in front of my first boyfriend .. I was soooo embarrassed that I locked him out on my balcony for a good 20minutes. Give me some of your funny fart stories!! ... I think they are hilarious! See more

23.01.2022 ... When we get faced by friction, it forcefully shines light on parts of ourselves that we may not have been aware of before. ... Bringing up reactions, uncomfortable emotions, and possibly even dormant traumas stored within the body. Its up to us to really stop when we do get triggered.. in that moment, see whats under the initial reactivity and look deeper within ourselves. What is this situation reflecting back at me? Whenever you feel the lack, the not worthy the not good enough.. Please remind yourself.. you have everything within you.. YOU are a WHOLE, ABUNDANT being.. You always have been. Love and accept that. And stop stealing life from yourself. :

23.01.2022 How do you work with your obstacles? Do you see them as hard things to deal with? Or can you begin to work with them in the light of letting them be your teachers.... Every time you get challenged, stopped, blocked in some way, ask yourself can I see this as a part of my journey.. my growth.. even as divine. When we accept & really see it....challenge dissolves. Have the courage to stand with it & meet it. This will free up the resistant energy & collapses its charge. Id love to know ..How do you move through obstacles???

23.01.2022 Ah the space... What a delicious, frightening, overwhelming, exciting, apprehensive place to be. Anyone with me??? Space is actually needed in order for things to come towards you...... I trust that the perfect things for me will drop in when it is ready to.. Timing is what I dont have control over (the universe has its own time), but the desire & what it is I want my life to look and feel like is fully under my control. Embracing the magic of the journey.

23.01.2022 She feels something blooming deep within her soul. She doesnt quite know what it is & where it will take her, but she knows its beyond her wildest dreams. She is open.... She is willing to be guided by the mystery. Life opens to her and she impacts the world simply by being her divine self.

23.01.2022 I am here.. I am here to show you light & dark. I am here to help you see parts of you that you may have seen or understood. You may feel resistant... You may feel like pushing it way, but if you become open to hearing.. to listening.. to feeling.. You will begin to understand and open the doorway to the depth of your soul... to your truth... to the whole opening of your unapologetic self. And THAT my dear.. that is how life should be lived. Now Taking bookings for my 8 week Spiral ascension program. DM for more info. #iam

22.01.2022 That thats calling you to do something, go somewhere, speak to someone... . You may not know where it will take you, but that inner voice is your true authenticity speaking to you. ... It doesnt fail you, its always guiding you on your path to your highest potential. Dont get sidetracked and compare yourself to anyone around you. Please remember that everyones in their own journey and yours is allowed to look completely different to that! Since Ive been listening.. life has just opened up to me in so many ways! Cant wait to share more.

21.01.2022 START... knowing you are worth it. Comparisitis... It’s a real thing. I’ve been through it! ... Do you look at people around you and compare what they have/ dont have to you? Do you perhaps have a scarcity mindset? Judgement/ jealousy/ Insecurity may be some feelings that arise. Mindset & awareness is everything. It’s just a choice away. For me it was comparing myself to women who really embodied their feminine essence- who were confident and radiant in their power. It triggered the sh** out of me. It made me shrink. I felt jealous and fell victim to it, which stopped me from being able step into my own power & to be authentically me. It wasnt until I focused on healing my self worth wounds, through supported personal development & diving into awareness, that I saw myself in a different light. I love who I am and who I’m becoming. Through a self discovery process, I know more of who I am. I now honor that I am unique & am aware when I try be someone who I’m not. I invite you to start discovering .. stop comparing, and step into your authenticity. START! There is still another week of 4 free short workshops that can start this process. The world needs more authentic people who can stand In their own power. Are you one of them? Dm me if your interested. #authentic

21.01.2022 No penetration of the please. What boundaries are you setting for yourself? If you feel weird or drained after being around someone.. check your boundaries! They just might be a TAD leaky! ... I have definitely fallen victim to this, but with awareness Im growing stronger in my boundaries! If you truly love & respect yourself you will have clear & defined boundaries, and know where you begin and an other starts. You can put limits wherever you want, clarity is essential. You dont have to explain yourself. You can just be a no for things. No one should be told where their boundaries should or should not be, or be shamed for them at all. YOU have the authority to set whatever boundaries that you like in your life! If they are really true to you, the people who want to honor and respect you WILL listen to you. To receive and honor a persons limits- its called emotional maturity. So get clear.. and your will not be penetrated. Emoji me if you need to re-evaluate your boundaries??

21.01.2022 What do you want to call into your life? I have learnt these POWERFUL tips from an AMAZING conscious community that Ive teamed up with. They have propelled me into stepping up and get aligned & clear with my vision & have given me the tools to take charge and radical responsibility for my life! ... Id love for you to join me in this community if you are looking to create FREEDOM, ABUNDANCE and TRUE HEALTH in your life. Dm me for more info.

20.01.2022 This world is full of abundance! I truly think its our birth right to feel it and have it in all ways! We have been taught to think, feel and act in such a boded & limited way. As human beings can create the life that we desire!... Its a simple as getting clear and allowing the space for it to drop in. Stop to feel what you desire deep within your bones. Breathe for a moment. Open your heart to that possibility & potential. Feel the abundance you already have. Then ask for it to effortlessly come into your life. Believe & all is coming. It is all available to us. #abundance#manifestation#manifesting#lawofattraction#abundancemindset#believe#trust#empowerment#empoweringwomen#empoweryourself#manifestyourdreams#life#spiritualawakening#universelaws#universe#mindset#mindfulness#meditation#power#freedom#spiritual#unlimited#fulfillment#dreamscometrue#manifest

18.01.2022 It’s okay not to know! Where you are going, what the future holds, in fact what the next moment holds. We don’t have the answers all the time. And that’s okay.... Be kind to yourself.. ask for patience, from yourself and others. We don’t have to have everything figured out all the time. The question is, how can we sit in centeredness.. in the unknown? Can you learn to stay calm and present in the space .. In the transition parts of life. It’s okay to not know. Be gentle on your heart. When we let go of the need to know.. answers will gently come and present themselves. Breathe into the transition spaces. Ground yourself and nurture yourself. I’ll be posting a grounding meditation soon. Stay tuned! #transition #grounding

18.01.2022 The universe rewards you for being in alignment. The work is not out there.. it’s from within. You’ve got to change it for yourself, no one can do it for you.... Ive had so many limiting beliefs, doubts & fears resurface this last week! ANYONE ELSE!?? This has made me even more motivated to unearth and actively change these deeply rooted imprints in my mind. When I can see these thoughts, I know I’m not in alignment with my truth.. I feel like shit! Feeling disconnected, I can’t bring forth the life that I know I am deserving of. How to look within? - Become quiet, sit, breathe & just be. - Journal. - Question your thoughts. It takes courage to look beyond the surface of the mind, but if you want change in your life, you are going to have to put in the time & effort.

17.01.2022 Surrender to the unknown.. It can be scary to really let go and surrender to the unknown.. We can close in fear & try to control as much as we can, but the truth is that nothing is ever in our control.. we never really know what will happen next!! Control is just an illusion we create within our minds to make us feel a little safer. Stop it! ... NOTHING IS UNDER CONTROL! The void/unknown is a powerful place when we can relax and drop into it.. It is the space where nothing and everything exists.. a place where we can create from. Surrender in to that space .. Aliveness lies there. Practice dropping into nothingness. A complete letting go of everything. Watch the freedom that arises when you keep on practicing. Who would like a short meditation on this???

17.01.2022 Imperfections are what makes us human.. I can put my hand up and definitely say I’m not perfect! I am human, I make mistakes, I have done shit things sometimes. I may do selfish things.... I may do things that people may frown upon.. or disagree with. But I am striving to be and do my best, be my most authentic self, follow what I feel is right and true for me.. and learning daily in doing so. We are all learning together on this planet. Sometimes we get it ‘right’.. sometimes we don’t. Understand that we individually have defined our ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’, .. And everyone else has a different idea on what that is for them. When we allow ourselves & others to be imperfect, It makes life a whole lot more interesting & growth provoking. Know that you always have the power to become the truest version of yourself that you can be, but that might not always be ‘perfect’ in another persons eyes.. and that’s okay.

16.01.2022 Are you kinda sorta getting what you want? The more you become clear with what you want, the more that you vibrate at that same level of knowing .. The more that you resonate at that frequency, the things that dont resonate will fall away making space for the clear things you desire to click in to place with absolute EASE!!... If its forced.. get clearer!!

15.01.2022 Movement is my medicine. These moments of movement give me clarity, bring me presence, drop me out of my mind and into deep connection. I’ve made it my weekly ritual to explore body mind and soul through conscious movement with @ecstaticmovement ... It shifts me from any kind of stuckness and heaviness to a feeling of relief and inner peace. If you are in Sydney come join every Thursday night in Cronulla! It’s honestly so good! Move in a way that strips away judgement and criticism. It is so liberating! Film by Joshua @ecstaticmovement #movementismedicine

14.01.2022 IM NOT THE SAME PERSON ANYMORE. I am truly grateful to offer The Spiral journey with you. The deep transformational upgrades I have received from this process are beyond priceless, and are purely magic. ... It is an ascension system of raising consciousness, aligning to your purpose & getting yourself out of the way. It is the fastest most potent process to remove blocks that are holding you back in life. This system offers the combination of ancient technologies like Traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic Chakra system & more modern approaches like Kinesiology, NLP, Levels of consciousness, spiral dynamics & of course magic. I am here to help you to where you want to go, empower & support you to be the person you want to be, have the things you want to have and do the things you want to do. Does this feel like a full body yesss??? This is for anyone looking to Up-level & upgrade their life - be it in relationships, money, business, self or teams. I am opening up my first 4 spaces of My 8 week Ascension journey for $1500 (8 1:1 sessions) & last 4 for $1900. Starting beginning of March Do you feel the pull? DM me to book. It lights me up so much that I’ve got so much interest in this!

14.01.2022 Feel it to heal it

14.01.2022 S H A D O W S. Coming out of a week long of journeying deep into shadows, fears, death, power, darkness, light, and shamanic rebirth. Gained so much insight into the field of the shadow & that in fact every human has them.... We all have the potential for good & bad. What are they?? They are all the things you are pretending you are NOT. (read that again) They are in the places you dont want to look. They are different for everyone. A simple way to start seeing & acknowledging them is by looking at where there is a judgment or a trigger/ emotional charge. When we ignore these we push It deeper & it can become distorted. When we start seeing & becoming aware of these, we have the opportunity to free up the energy to collapse it to bring it into acceptance. Love can only move through when we have accepted all parts of us. Are you courageous enough to look at yours?

13.01.2022 Open the bloom of your heart and become a gift of beauty to the world. Bryant McGill Some messages that came through this weekend in meditation was all about opening ourselves up to the beauty that life has to offer us.... Trust & all is coming. Opportunity awaits. The path is clear, you just have to get yourself out of the way. Open to the soft space within your heart. The universe is here to give. All is available to you. I hope it resonates

13.01.2022 A short meditation touching on the VOID. Where we aim to let go of the stuff of life and let the mind open up to become completely still. When we tap Into this place of nothingness.. we can open into new realities that are birthed from our soul.

12.01.2022 Everyone deserves to be happy. Ask yourself are you happy with the life that you are living? If not.. what do you want your life to look like.... Start looking forward.. not backward. We can get so caught up in the drama of life that we loose sight of the potential of our future. As shit as situations seem to feel in the moment.. if we shift our vision from the shit into the feelings we want to experience in the future, it dramatically shifts the vibrational state we are in- tuning our brain into creating the life we want to live. Remember.. no matter what, every human on this planet deserves to be happy. You included.

12.01.2022 What do you need? This is a list for anyone who wishes to engage in a process of deepening self- discovery & tap into a greater understanding of your connection to people & all of your relationships around you. What are some words on the list that you need in your relationships? ... When we know what we need we can communicate with others and deepen our connections. What are 3 things you need? I need affection, stability & humor. By the Centre for Nonviolent Communication.

12.01.2022 Are you aware of your thoughts? Do you know 90% of our thoughts are from the day before? We keep on repeating our story over And over again.. no wonder why thinks stay the same! ... If you want something to change, you need to change the story you are not only telling yourself.. but others around you. If you can write your own stories what would you start writing? What would you be? Who would you be with? Where would you live? What would you feel? You can have, be, do whatever you want in this life. You just have to stop telling yourself your old stories! And start DOING the THINGS that move you closer to the THINGS you want! #actionman

12.01.2022 exactly where you are right now, because where you are is always perfect. where you are and do what you can do... there will be no stopping you! !!... Do something different each day to make you feel alive! Its time to start living now! DO NOT wait for things to come to you. Just do it! Scare yourself!! Unplanned moments are the best ones! Let every life experience teach you something & help you expand daily. Start your adventure today! I am... : taking risks not knowing what will happen next diving into the unknown COME ALIVE! Feel it .. Breath it! Love every moment & embrace the new! Trust, let go & see what happens #motivation

11.01.2022 ?? Do it anyway.. .. ... Dont let fear get in the way of following that internal pulse. ... Fear just keeps us in our comfort zones, it holds us back from the potential life actually has to offer. Since Ive listening to my internal pulse, things & people have moved out of my life, and other things & people have dropped into my field, giving me the opportunities I never thought Id do. I can truly say that when we get out of our own way... ANYTHING & everything is available to us. Im feeling more aligned & alive than ever before!!! It takes a mindset shift to get there. ?? ? DM me x

11.01.2022 Holy shit this is actually happening! Its been a long time coming.. but timing is EVERYTHING!! Cant wait to share this special experience! Hope you can make it!

11.01.2022 Every time it aches, feel it. Dont run away. What lies underneath it? Where is it coming from?... Under the first reactionary layer there is another.. Break it down, see it clearly..liberate yourself. I like to journal around what it is thats causing me unease and pain. Here are some questions to help the unearthing process: - What are my thoughts, feelings & sensations present? - What core desire was not getting fulfilled that caused the discomfort? - Where does this desire come from? Contemplate, meditate and see what you find.

10.01.2022 WOMEN HAVE A SOUL NEED TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES. ~ Women who run with wolves. .... A Womans souls needs to be set free.. . Have you been caged? Tamed? Captured? Or has your wild woman been squashed in ANY way? . Deep dive into the power of your own soul. All the answers and knowledge lies there. . If we only gave ourselves the chance to feel into that deep wild wisdom we would be divinely guided & empowered at all times. . Its available to us all! It just takes a bit of unpacking, trusting and breaking of cages to get there. . What is your soul calling you to do? What would it look like to free yourself ? . . . . . #empoweringwomen#universe#Vibration#empoweredwomen#divinefeminine#divineguidance#trust#universaltrust#spiritualguidance#wildwoman#womanempowerment#embodimentcoach#embodiment#heartpower#divine#feminineenergy#riseofthefeminine#selflove#selfempowerment#selfknowledge#spiritualawakening#divinetiming

10.01.2022 ? I have the deepest desire to live the best life I can live... This can mean letting go of people, places things that are no longer in resonance with me & to where I am desiring to go.... : As you begin to manifest in your life, fully, with joy, & commitment, not everyone will be ready to find you in this place ... That doesnt mean you have to change who you are. The is, not everyone is for you ... Thats what makes this world so special, when you find the few people you have friendship, love or a real relationship with ... giving your love to those who are not ready to love you. difficult conversations with people who dont want to change. The most valuable and most important thing you have in your life is your . What you give every day is what will become more and more in your life. ~ All you need to do Is that you deserve a real friendship, a real commitment & a complete love. Then just wait ... The Universe will deliver.

10.01.2022 ... How much are you willing to stretch your limits? Go beyond your normal range of comfort?... When do you ever let yourself completely go?? Women!!! Its time to claim your unique wild. To fearlessly tap into your divine feminine & unique expression. You are here to claim all of you. Reclaim what you have buried, forgotten, abandoned. Accept your inner and outer landscape. Who is with me??!! I have an amazing offering @hyayogacronulla Saturday 17th October (on the MEW MOON ) Where we will be diving deep Into this inner work of reclamation. Can not wait to share this! Tickets up shortly. #unique#wildwoman#unleashed#untamed#manifestation#mindful#meditation#acceptance#empoweringwomen#femininerising#divinefem#empowerment#empower#yoga#yogajourney#yogalife#maditation#lawofattraction#spirituality#spiritualjourney#life#abundance#growth#growthmindset#limetless#universe#love#connection#energyhealing

10.01.2022 impacts the world by being herself.. fell into her deepest desire when was still & when listened to her heart.. is the one you want to be.. ... is you.

09.01.2022 Be yourself and own everything about you. Why dont you like you ? When YOU like YOU, the whole world will fall into line.... They will like you to the degree that you like yourself. The longest relationship you are going to have is with you why dont you start loving yourself? The most important words you will hear are in fact the words that you say to yourself... be aware of this. Imagine if you loved yourself so deeply that the world met you at that reality!!!! ~words inspired by Marisa Peer

07.01.2022 You are the architect of your evolution.

07.01.2022 .. When you go after your dreams it inspires others to do the same. I have been having the most amazing conversation with beautiful friends of mine, sharing my growth this year, my experiences & what direction Im taking my life!... Im deeply listening & following my dreams, my passions, and feeling that alignment coming into my life.. It feels Fing amazing to share... I feel magnetic! In that sharing it encourages & Inspires others to do the same.. to do the work.. the inner work & really strive to be the best version of themselves, embracing their unique authentic self. Does this resonate ? Please reach out! I want to share with you what Ive been doing to get me to this point! #raw#beauty#untamed#acceptance#woman#feminine#divinefeminine#feminineenergy#power#empower#empoweringwomen#womensupportingwomen#womenrising#empowermentcoach#lifecoach#entrapreneur#abundance#manifestation#mindful#creatrix#lawofattraction#infuencer#magnetic#unlimited#freedom#financialfreedom

07.01.2022 The Divine Mother Goddess. Everyone has a mother... to be born means to be birthed by the goddess herself. What a blessing. ... Everyone has different relationships with their mothers.. some have great ones, some don’t and some are non existent. Whatever it looks like to you, take time to honor the divine mothers who have birthed life onto this earth, because without them we wouldn’t exist. I deeply appreciate you all and your strength, your courage and your heart. Divine mother goddess.. I bow in reverence to the pure magic you are. The life givers of this earth. I am grateful to be a woman and am looking forward to having this experience someday in the future. #divinemother

07.01.2022 What is here for me to be grateful for in THIS moment? What would have to shift in me to be open to that perspective? When gratitude flows through my veins, I am overcome with deep sense of wholeness where I am in need & in want of nothing... ... Breathe and let go into this moment. When I do this, the love of life and experiences flush through my existence with no attachments. What a place to live from! End your day with feeling into 3 things you are grateful for. An amazing practice to start living from a heart centered place.

07.01.2022 Comparisonitis- Do you have it? Comparison is a self sabotaging mechanism that blocks you from being & living in your power. Stop it!... Embrace all of you.. just as you are! What areas of your life do you fall ill to comparisonitis?

06.01.2022 to unlock the doors to your awakening. to release what is NOT you & rise up to to meet yourself in all of your entirety. ... There is no more ignoring, suppressing, hiding.. This is an unveiling, an unravelling, this is your becoming. Dont be afraid. Dont resist. Open up to the divine path that is YOURS to journey through. So excited.. I have a powerful offering in the making! Stay tuned! .

06.01.2022 No matter where you are in life, open, surrender and trust. The stars are already written #destiny

06.01.2022 S O L I T U D E. You can be devastated by things not supposedly working out in your life (I believe things are always working out for you not against you). Shift your vision & you will grow exponentially from this experience! ... Now its your time to become who you need to be. Handel yourself with emotional maturity, grace and balance. Welcome all that arises .. all is valid. Be with yourself, be OKAY with that, to know yourself, nurture yourself and come into balance. From this healing space you will be propelled into great things.

05.01.2022 A L I G N M E N T. . Feeling this so deeply right now. . Feeling an energetic thread pulling me into a direction I really dont know... but so deeply excited for it to unfold.... . . . . . . . #unknown#universe#wisdom#embodiment#dream#lawofattraction#universehasyourback#trust#timing#synchronicity#evolve#grow#yoga#yogajourney#journey#transformation#life#divine#divinetiming#divinefeminine#embodiedwoman#power#spirituality#spiritualawakening#awaken#namaste See more

05.01.2022 This is just life...We are just people trying to figure each other out. Trying to figure ourselves out. ~ Glennon Doyle.

04.01.2022 You can have it all. It may require you to let go of expectations, ideas of how it will happen, when it will happen & the clenching and gripping of .. will it happen at all? Ask and you shall receive.. Destiny is in our own hands & all we have to do is put our belief out in to the quantum field and let it come.... If that means people, jobs, places & things dropping out of your life to align you with your path, then allow it & trust the shift, as that is for your highest interest. You CAN have it all.

04.01.2022 D r e a m s. I wake up every day motivated to live the life of my dreams. I have this powerful urge to create, share & grow into the best version of myself.... Im feeling more and more in alignment with my purpose & getting more and more clear with who I am, where I want to go, how I want to impact the world. I have had an amazing opportunity come my way that has led me to this clarity and knowing. Im a big believer in The Universe delivering & the synchronicities that have led me to this point is just fricken crazy. I believe everyone can live the life of their DREAMS. Are you a believer? The opportunity can be yours as well! Drop a DM if you want to know more.

04.01.2022 Being open to the full range of our experience is part of being alive. Being fixed & attached to having a certain experience is not the idea or the path to happiness. Our aim is to be good with all the experiences in life & not to reject the parts of us that might not feel ‘good’ . ... Take all parts of us with us through all ranges of our experiences. This is how we integrate & become more whole. Do you avoid embracing the shitty moments? If you are human.. you are in fact strong enough to feel it all.

03.01.2022 . Claim all Parts of YOU! I have such a deep sense of appreciation for the female form.. the divine feminine in all of its beauty.... Im in absolute awe of the divine power we hold, overwhelmed with nurturing qualities, love & the deep ability for us to feel. . We are divine creatures that birth life onto this planet! (Powerful much!??) It pains me to see the hardening of women, blocking off emotions as they may see it as a sign of weakness. (Ive been there!) Our ability of feel so deeply is magical. We MUST embrace all of ourselves.. all of the curves, all of the feels, all of the juiciness of our being. WE ARE SO BEAUTIFUL. We are all so uniquely different, we must not disempower one another, or see each other as a possible threat. We are women, lets support, lets feel together, lets dive into our superpowers, move with consciousness & awaken our powerful feminine essence. Who would like to join a supportive sisterhood of empowered women ??? Facebook group staring soon! Comment below so I can personally let you know!

03.01.2022 .. ?? Be SO clear on what you want your life to look, feel & even taste like! Make the conscious choice to change what you are doing, how you are thinking & DECIDE where you want to go. ... My god your world will open up! I feel like Im being propelled into the life of my dreams. Its fricken crazy.. BUT I decided that I wanted it... so The Universe is delivering! Its happening quicker than I thought it would! YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL. .. I cant wait to share more of my journey with you & whats in store! Some hints: Freedom, abundance, empowerment, health & wealth!

02.01.2022 The darkness is coming to light... It is being brought to the surface in order for us to shift our collective state of consciousness as humanity. . Those that are courageous & open enough to look at the tainted shadow world will move more easily into a place of higher frequency. .... Its in moving through dark times, we weave something profound in us. . Be courageous enough to go there. . It is by healing the darkness within us that we heal the collective darkness and start shifting the collective vibration of the planet. . Remember to remain in a place of love within you, even when you awaken to the crazy darkness that is. Trust yourself to go there. You will make it through. . This is the great awakening! . . . . . . . . #pause#Shadow#passion#Conscious#consiousness#Universe#spirit#spiritual#namaste#yogi#lessons#Evolve#grow#cronulla#cronullayoga#connection#selfrealisation#meditate#mindful#meditation#kriya#bhavyoga#bhav#spiritualmood#yogateachersydney#yogasydney#transcend#divine#loveoverfear#yogaphilosophy

02.01.2022 Stay in your own lane .. trust that everything is always working out FOR you. Not against you.

01.01.2022 Please dont hide your uniqueness! You are not here to please anyone, or to blend in, we have too many people trying to be the same as each other... its kind of boring. Your souls mission is to be authentically YOU! ... To come into unity with ALL parts & stand in your rawness. Im in the beginning stages of creating the most powerful workshop for women to access all of this STAY TUNED!

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