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Purpose Driven Performance

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25.01.2022 PDP recently completed a 3 week engagement delivering a series of governance workshops to clubs from the City of Busselton and City of Bunbury. These workshops covered a range of governance topics including: - What is governance? - The role of the board. - Key duties and responsibilities of Directors in the sport and recreation (S&R) industry environment. ... - Director duties and responsibilities in relation to financial reports. - Board composition and skills mix, diversity, group dynamics and strategies to improve a boards effectiveness. - The board operating as a collective setting the culture and behaviours for the board. - Ways to structure board processes including meetings for greater effectiveness. - Understand the role of directors in overseeing strategy formulation and long term planning - The boards role in assessing and monitoring risk. Many thanks to Pam and Sheridan from Busselton and Bunbury for their support of these workshops as well as the South West Sport Development Federation and the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries. #governance #community #board #director #sport #notforprofit

21.01.2022 One of, if not the most enjoyable part of my role is working with a diverse range of organisations, individuals and community groups across the sport and recreation industry. PDP’s latest project is undertaking a review of the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries Learning & Development and Club Support programs. Working with Colin Brown, over the last month we have have held a range of workshops, forums and met with representatives from clubs, local go...vernment, State Sporting Associations and other industry and community groups across the state. While administering clubs has no doubt become more challenging, there is a real opportunity for everyone involved in providing club development support to be much better aligned and working together to make sure clubs can get the right support at the right time from the right source. Looking forward to completing our consultation and bringing all of our findings together in the coming weeks.

17.01.2022 Purpose Driven Performance was born out of a passion to see purpose driven organisations serve their communities better through improved governance, strategy and business performance. We do this by working alongside our partners to deliver bespoke solutions that focus on supporting you achieve your core purpose. We deliver support across the following key services. Governance and board reviews Board induction, education and training... Strategy development and planning Performance scorecard to monitor progress against your strategic objectives We are specialists across the community sport and not-for-profit sector. Get in touch to find out more about how we can help your organisation achieve its purpose. #governance #purpose #board #director #strategy #performance #purposedriven #nfp #notforprofit #sportgovernance #community

17.01.2022 It now seems somewhat seems a distant memory but the sights of playing fields, courts and pools completely empty when they would have otherwise been bustling with community sport will be one of the defining images I will always remember 2020 by. As columnist Richard Hinds writes 'In those weeks when the footy fields and netball courts were empty, the scoreboards unattended and the canteens unmanned, we remembered that sport is not in its essence an industry, it is a way of life'. #communitysport #2020 #COVID19

16.01.2022 An important day yesterday for Western Australian sport with SportWest launching the Strategic Priorities for WA Sport in a presentation to the Hon. Mick Murray MLA, Minister for Sport and Recreation. Eleven strategic priorities across the themes of Capability, Access and Innovation have been developed which will guide the WA sport industry for the period 2020-2024. It has been a challenging time for the whole sector but now more than ever sport has a vital role in supporting and reconnecting our communities. It was a pleasure to lead the coordination of the strategic priorities over the past 6 months on behalf of SportWest. Thanks to everyone from the industry for their input and the support of the members of the Reference Group. A copy of the Strategic Priorities is available for download.

15.01.2022 Fantastic night last night at the RAC SportWest Awards, recognising both our WA elite champions alongside local clubs and individuals who contribute so much to community sport in WA. Well done to all the award winners, finalists and nominees, as well as Rob Thompson, Matt Bamford and everyone else behind the scenes for pulling together another great night. #rac #clubs #sport #community #optusstadium #RACSportWestAwards #SportWest

14.01.2022 Strategy is as much about what you do as what you decide not to do.

14.01.2022 While this snapshot highlights some of the challenges facing sport at the height of the pandemic in Australia, the return to sport experience in WA has been largely positive with many sports returning at similar levels or even growth. The critical message out of these findings is the importance of the role of sport in connecting the community and the benefits of sport to peoples physical and mental wellbeing.

12.01.2022 Strategic boards are able to demonstrate the following key attributes. Be clear on the purpose of the organisation Take a long term view See the big picture... Seek awareness of the forces for change, emergent ideas and technologies Understand the business and what drives the value it creates Plan board composition to enable multiple views and knowledge Be pro-active in the strategy process Engage in listening, questioning, dialogue and analysis Make strategy and strategic conversation an ongoing activity Understand change management Be ready to support management in the leadership of change

12.01.2022 The Australian Institute of Company Directors recently released the 10th Edition of the Not-for-profit Governance and Performance Study which provides a snapshot of the current state of governance across the NFP sector. Some of the headline results across the key findings are: NFP directors are spending more time on their board roles with over 50% of respondents spending more than two days per month on a single board role. Female representation continues to grow with 40% ...of respondents female, up from 27% in 2010. Attracting younger and culturally diverse directors continues to be a challenge. Strategic planning and implementation are seen as areas for further improvement. In a separate finding for sporting organisations, membership and facilities were identified as key challenges while sports betting and digital technologies were also highlighted as new considerations playing on director’s minds. How is your board evolving to respond to an increasingly complex governance environment?

10.01.2022 The phrase ‘noses in, fingers out’ describes the accepted practice of the board governing the organisation and letting management get on with the operations. While the nature of this relationship may have changed slightly in recent months as the boards of not-for-profits and sporting associations tackle COVID-19, it is important that the distinction between the roles of the board and management is maintained. Boards must continue to be strategic in their thinking, asking the ...right questions and supporting management to get on with the job to put into action the plans that will lead organisations on the path to recovery. #governance #board #directors #boards #notforprofit #associations #nfp #communitysport See more

10.01.2022 Community sport and events that many not-for-profits rely on have come to a complete halt in the past couple of weeks. This is going to place significant challenges on these organisations, and it is up to their boards and leadership teams to guide them through and out the other side. Here are key questions every board should be asking. - Are effective measures in place to ensure employee safety and compliance with public health directives and obligations?... - Do we have appropriate procedures in place for staff working remotely? - What support does management need and what is the best way to support them? - Are we communicating timely messages to both internal and external stakeholders? - Have we planned for best, medium and worst case scenarios and developed contingencies to protect the organisation - Are we adjusting revenue projections and taking action to boost financial resilience? - Are we routinely reviewing the impact of the landscape changing as the crisis evolves? - What planning do we need to do for post-pandemic operations and are there new opportunities that we need to consider? Stay safe every one and look after each other. #board #governance #covid19 #nfp #associations #sport #community

09.01.2022 GOVERNANCE EXCELLENCE WORKSHOP SERIES This week Colin and myself finished our second workshop series on Governance Excellence on behalf of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. It was fantastic to have such an engaged and interactive group of 20 committed individuals from all parts of the sport and recreation industry. Looking forward to our third series aimed at the Chairpersons from the industry commencing mid October. #governance #associations #notforprofit #sportsbiz #recreation #workshop

09.01.2022 I recently published this article on Linkedin which looks at some of the questions directors need to be asking about their organisations digital capability

09.01.2022 Tuesday evening was the fourth and final session for the Governance Essentials course delivered on behalf of the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries. We had 19 participants from a diverse range of organisations covering State Sporting Associations, Local Governments, Clubs, and Peak Bodies Parks & Leisure Australia and the Leisure Institute of WA. It was fantastic to have such a highly engaged group allowing us to explore a range of topics including: ... Key duties and responsibilities of Directors Governance structures in the national sport environment Understanding financial reports and key questions Directors should ask Board composition, skills mix, diversity and strategies to improve a boards effectiveness Setting the culture and behaviours for the board The board’s role in strategy formulation The risk management role of the board Well done to everyone and we are looking forward to kicking it all off again with a new group Tuesday week in our second series Governance Excellence course which has been oversubscribed. #associations #board #organisations #governance #notforprofit

08.01.2022 THE ROLE OF THE BOARD AND MANAGEMENT IN DEVELOPING STRATEGY One of the topics at a recent governance workshop we delivered to the sport and recreation industry on behalf of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries looked at the respective roles of the board and management in developing an organisations strategy. At one extreme is a primarily management driven strategy with limited board involvement while the other end is a predominantly board driven a...pproach. We asked the audience to think about their own boards and as expected, there was a diverse range of responses from about 80% management driven to 80% board driven. Pleasingly everyone reported some level of involvement from either party. So what is the right mix? Well the exact mix will be different for each organisation however an iterative approach that involves both the board and management is likely to deliver the best outcome. While the board is ultimately responsible and accountable for the organisations strategy and subsequent performance, the CEO should be the key driver and use the board to test ideas, gain advice and insights and present different possibilities for feedback from the board. In the not-for-profit environment, boards that have a diversity of skills, age, gender, background, experience etc. will be best placed to help test and challenge the ideas and strategies that are presented by the CEO. By working closely throughout the process, a strategy that is developed with a board and CEO in alignment will provide everyone with a clear understanding of the key challenges and how they are to be addressed. If you have any thoughts on this or would like to share your experience of how you have seen the board and management work together in developing strategy please let me know.

07.01.2022 Really looking forward to this - PDP has been selected to deliver 3 series of governance workshops for the sport and recreation industry.

03.01.2022 In a recent article I wrote on trends and changes that will impact community sport post COVID-19, I highlighted the importance of the governance and management culture of associations and clubs in determining how successfully these organisations can recover from the current crisis.

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