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Push The Limit Personal Training
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24.01.2022 PTL Fit Tip: Eat a Balanced Diet (70% Diet 30% Exercise) The 70/30 ratio of nutrition to workout is something I myself and many colleagues believe to be a true percentage breakdown of the importance each plays in maximizing your results. Also, adequate rest/sleep is essential too. The right food choices can make you reach your fitness goals even faster as the right nutrients and vitamins will give you energy and burn up any calories fast. There are hundreds of crazy diets ou...t there that are meant to be quick fixes but the core of fitness and health is simple, just eat right. Eat a balanced diet and you will not only feel better, but look better. No excuses, just result's. Push The Limit KC
22.01.2022 PTL Fit Tip: Always remember that even slow progress is still progress! Take action, give it everything you have, trust the process and the results will come!... Chin up and Push the LIMIT. KC
21.01.2022 Focus of the week: Commitment In this world of abundance, is it a lack of opportunity that holds you back?... Its more likely to be a lack of focus or commitment. Challenge of the week:... If things are slow, is it that you are distracted? Push The Limit Personal Training KC
21.01.2022 Focus of the week: The road to fitness SUCCESS requires - Vision... - Goals - Determination - Hard Work Challenge of the week: What road are you on? The journey to success calls for direction and plans, vision and goals; and conviction and strength to overcome obstacles on the way. Push The Limit KC
20.01.2022 PTL Fitness fact: "The average person walks 112654.08 km during there life time." Walking: Trim your waistline, improve your health.... Know the benefits: Physical activity doesn't need to be complicated. Something as simple as a daily brisk walk can help you live a healthier life. For example, regular brisk walking can help you: Maintain a healthy weight Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes Strengthen your bones Lift your mood Improve your balance and coordination The faster, farther and more frequently you walk, the greater the benefits. Can you really walk your way to fitness? You bet! Get started TODAY... Push The Limit Personal Training KC
19.01.2022 The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. Confucius Push The Limit Personal Training... KC
17.01.2022 Here is a good image showing effective ab exercises. However sit ups are not the best. I would pick 3 of these and perform sets of 12-20 reps. Abdominal muscles react better to higher reps. You can do supersets or single sets depending on your ability. Weighted cable crunches and hanging leg raises are great also.... Get out and be active this weekend. Have a super weekend all. :) Push The Limit KC
15.01.2022 Hey team PTL: Strategies on how to cope with cravings. So I went down and wrote a few strategies on how to cope with cravings. Most weight problems always boil down to snacking, eating foods that are unhealthy or just plain over-eating. Just as Lao Tzu says:... "If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place", The same counts for, "if you correct your mind, your body will follow." We need to make new associations with our food cravings. Change your thoughts and associations with foods, and you may change what you crave. I'll get back to this in the final points of this post. Here are 6 things you can do to get your cravings under control, both with your mind and body: 1. Firstly make sure you get in your required micronutrients so that you don't experience any vitamin or mineral deficiency leading to a craving. Eat a variety of foods, balance your fats, minimize processed foods, and limit alcohol, sugar and other refined carbs. 2. Have a hot drink instead of the food you crave: tea or coffee work great! 3. Avoid the trigger foods that you crave for 5 days! Use your willpower for a couple of days. Make it a mental challenge for yourself. Make it into a game. The toughest days are the first few, but after a while your body self-regulates and if your nutrition is right your cravings will go. This is especially the case with sugar. 4. Keep those junk foods out of the house. Don't have them nearby, and you can't succumb to a weaker moment and binge on them. Chuck it away, destroy it, give it away. Just get it away from you. OR you can just do what I do, and, 5. Associate the pleasure of a healthy alternative with that craving. Make your trigger food equivalent version with high-nutritious ingredients that fit your macronutrient requirements for the day. e.g. want a muffin? Make a high-protein muffin using quality ingredients. Want a brownie? Same thing. Pizza? Same. 6. Become aware of what you are doing in any moment. Visualize the short-term instant-gratification that will give you a 5-minute buzz versus your long-term goal and ask yourself which one is more important. Then make a decision based off of that. But seriously, strengthen your MIND. Think about it for a minute, are you going to let that little piece of food CONTROL you when it tells you 'eat me' ?? That all you got? Is that how strong you are? Train hard, train smart. Push The Limit KC
10.01.2022 Tips to recover after a long weekend: While we all enjoy our long weekends or vacations, where we get to relax, indulge, and party, we do not enjoy the struggle of getting back into our routines afterwards. Long weekends and vacations throw our body out of balance and finding the way back can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help you get back into your routine after an overly indulgent vacation. Sleep- It is important to get back into your normal sleep pattern when you... return. Try going to bed at a reasonable hour and try to wake up at your normal time no matter how you feel. This will help regenerate your cycle and tell your body it is time to get back to normal Drink water- to flush out all the toxins from your weekend away (campfire smoke, unhealthy food, and alcohol) make sure to drink a lot of water! Drink 2-3 L of water a day to flush your systems. This is an important step in your detox. Exercise- some people will be itching to get back to their workout routine, while others will be dreading it. Either way, it is very important that you start right back up the following day after vacation. Get your endorphins flowing and a good sweat going and you will begin to feel better. It will certainly take some time to get back into your normal exercise routine, but with hard work you will reach it and feel great! Avoid/Reduce Stress- returning to your strenuous lifestyle or job after a long weekend/vacation can be very challenging. While this will definitely be hard, try to reduce your stress as much as possible. Maybe meditate for a few minutes a day, take a yoga class, go for a massage, or take some time to do something just for yourself. Stress only negatively contributes to an already worn out body, so try to avoid and reduce your level of stress as much as possible. Get back to Your Healthy Eating- indulging on yummy food on vacation that you otherwise avoid or having one or two extra drinks is certainly fine. However, once you return it is important to get back to your healthy eating patterns. Eat your veggies, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains. Also, drink some green tea. This will give you antioxidants to get rid of the radicals you built up all weekend. Hopefully these tips help you get back on track after a long weekend/vacation. We all struggle with getting back into our routine but these suggestions can make it a bit easier for you. Challenge yourself to work hard and reach your goals! Have a great long weekend everyone. Get out and enjoy the good weather. :) Push The Limit KC
08.01.2022 The Good Things About Group Fitness Classes: Group fitness is a fun and effective way to maintain and improve your health. All PTL group fitness classes are suited to all fitness levels to ensure that each participant has the ability to set and meet their individual fitness goals. 1. You feel less like an ass: Some people don’t like being the focus of attention; singled out to have their weaknesses exposed. They prefer to blend into the background, more passively acclimate t...o the situation until they reach a certain comfort level. Also, when you are trying something new, it might feel good to look around and see others are in the same situation you are, equally clueless but eager to learn. Dance lessons, ski lessons, and cooking classes are other common examples of this. 2. It costs less: This is a no-brainer. Many people look at the price tag of one-to-one services and group services and clearly they see group training as much less expensive. 3. There’s not so much of a commitment: Similar to #1, group classes let you lurk in the shadows. If you don’t show up, you don’t need to cancel, pay a fee, or feel bad for standing someone up. 4. You don’t have to think much: Sometimes it’s nice to simply do what someone says and follow their lead. No planning or brain effort needed just follow along. This is was pointed out to me by one of my clients years back sometimes it’s good to shut the brain down and just go. 5. Social support: Having a group of peers around you pushing, sweating, and giving signs of encouragement is huge. This is especially true for athletes, as the team culture pushes them to higher levels. This is also a proven benefit of support groups as well. If you have any further inquires please pm me. Push The Limit KC
01.01.2022 Apologize for the Lack of Posts: Even if you are committed to your blog sometimes real life issues might get in the way. Your full time job might require some extra attention during certain periods of the year, or you might have other outside influences. (All good of course) :) Sorry about the lack of posts lately, but things will get back on track.... Push The Limit Personal Training KC
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