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25.01.2022 What is Pyrrole and pyroluria? With the knowledge of recent research about pyrrole, Ive revamped a previous article on my website and also made it more comprehensive so you can have a greater understanding about this disorder. Love to see your comments, Love Sue ...
24.01.2022 Hi Friends, dont miss out on registering for the free Genetics webinar starting on April 1 (or maybe 2nd for us here in Australia). We get 24hrs to view each speaker so you dont have to watch in the middle of the night and can watch any of them on encore weekend, but must be registered first (ASAP). Then unsubscribe when youve seen enough. Its easy to register, just use this link and find out more about your genetics. always great to learn new things. Please share with friends who may be interested. Love Sue
24.01.2022 Pyroluria is not for life. It can be treated and eliminated! Previously it was believed that when you were diagnosed with pyrrole, you had it for life, and any treatment with nutritionals was also for life.... In some cases this is true, but only if you dont eliminate the cause of the elevated pyrrole. The misconception of pyrrole for life evolved from the idea that pyrrole was inherited. Some factors that lead to pyroluria can be inherent, but the condition itself isnt genetic at all but rather a condition that results from oxidation in the body. We can have defective genes that make pyroluria more likely, but the fact is that there is a cause behind it that can be healed. Epigenetics (our diet, lifestyle and environment) have the biggest impact on our chances of developing elevated levels of pyrrole. I have covered some of these epigenetic factors before, such as leaky gut, small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), large intestine bacterial overgrowth (LIBO), parasitic infections, mould illness, heavy metal toxicity, other mineral imbalances like too much copper, and insufficient zinc. Diet plays an important role because of: damage created by acidic, processed, hydrogenated, genetically modified and toxic sprayed foods; eating or drinking too much sugar, alcohol and caffeine; and not consuming enough vegetables, water or fibre. Then theres the big one most of us can relate to: STRESS! Whats your stress resilience like and how well do you manage it? So when you have some or all these things going on that affect you, how do you support your body and mind? To read the rest of this article, please go here...
24.01.2022 Hi Pyrrole Australia friends, I just wanted to let you all know that I will have my clinic open all over the Christmas season. If you have any health concerns that cant wait till your practitioner is back from holidays, just know that Im here for you. The clinic is at Mooloolaba offering on the spot Live Blood Screenings, Iridology & Sclerology, or I can consult via Skype, Phone or email. To book in please use the following link or visit the True Vitality website...
23.01.2022 Hi Friends, for those that havent heard yet, you can now join the Closed Group called Pyrrole Australia Group. Heres the link to join but please dont forget to answer both questions or you cant be accepted.
23.01.2022 Over the last decade Ive consulted with many clients who had previously been treated for Pyrrole with high doses of nutrients, only to find that their symptoms had not improved or even become worse. My latest in-depth article: Are you being treated properly for pyrrole? covers four main topics: The consequences of treatments from inaccurate pyrrole readings... True causes of pyrrole not investigated Insufficient monitoring of nutritional levels Incorrect dosing Its quite a read, yet valuable information if your symptoms are lingering, so make a cuppa and read all about it. Go to:
21.01.2022 As a follow up from the Diet Poll, I would like to share with you that our Eating4Vitality program is 100% GF/DF and has options to screen out things like grains, sugar and many other things that may not suit your body (thought Id get a plug in for this awesome program). There are also diet options for those who prefer or need to follow other diet options like Paleo, Keto, SIBO etc. makes healthy eating easier. Check out the slideshow on the home page for a quick overview.
21.01.2022 Anxiety & Depression Link to gut inflammation? Do you think there is an increase in anxiety lately? It certainly seems that way from what I’ve been seeing in clinic. Maybe it’s to do with the extra stress of the pandemic, or maybe it’s the fact that many are spending more time at home and not eating so well. In this article I look at how anxiety and depression can have roots in gut inflammation. ... There are of course many reasons behind anxiety and depression but what we eat, the gut bugs in our tummy both good and bad, and how inflamed our inners are can have a huge bearing on our emotional wellbeing. 80% of our Serotonin is found in the gut! There are tests that show your gut microbiome levels that include parasites, worms, pathogenic bacteria, imbalances in good bacteria and if we even have enough of the right bacteria. I have seen people with gut dysbiosis, correct these imbalances and then no longer have anxiety or depression. It’s not just as simple as taking any old probiotic as some can make things worse. Talk to your practitioner about what you can do to help balance your gut health. I’m here for you if you need extra support or a second opinion. Clinic, phone and online telehealth (video) consultations with me (Sue Kira, Naturopath and nutritionist) available. Love to hear if you have had any success treating anxiety or depression by supporting gut health with love, Sue
20.01.2022 Hi Friends, today Id love to share a link on the revamped article on What is Pyrrole and to let you know that theres currently 167 comments on this article where people have shared their stories and interest in this topic. You might find some inspirations. You may also love to share your journey with pyrrole too so that others know they are not alone. Great to share what has worked and what hasnt so we can all help each other. With love, Sue Heres the link
20.01.2022 Do you suffer from Anxiety? In the book Missing microbes by Martin Blaser, he quotes that a "healthy liver breaks down a natural form of Valium made by microbes in the gut, but a sick liver does not. The two key points being that we first need good gut bacteria in the right balance to make this natural Valium, and we also need a healthy liver to make the conversion to substances that calm the body and mind. 80% of our Serotonin and GABA (both calming) are made in the gut by... these healthy microbes. We all need a healthy gut no matter what condition we have. Whilst things like B6, zinc, magnesium, omegas, probiotics and prebotics are very important with treating pyrrole disorder, many dont realise how important it is to treat and heal the gut and liver. Leaky gut and dysbiosis as well as a dysfunctional liver are common with methylation disorders, Auto-immune conditions and Pyroluria and many of those with these conditions also suffer with anxiety. No amount of vitamins and minerals will heal the gut and liver without addressing what we put into our mouths. With Christmas, New Years and all the parties and festive gatherings at this time of year its important to avoid things that will upset the gut and liver so we dont suffer a huge setback in healing. The extra stress of potential family issues, financial burden of gifts and things like drinking alcohol, overeating or eating foods that dont suit us can have a huge impact too. Its no wonder that many people have a higher level of anxiety at this time of year. If you need help with anxiety, gut & liver healing and support for pyrrole disorder, please know that Im open over the Christmas holiday period either in clinic (Mooloolaba) or via skype or phone. Lets share in a dialogue below the foods and drinks we know will bring us undone and what we can do instead. Have a joy-filled Christmas holiday season. With love, Sue Kira N.D
19.01.2022 Great news, True Vitality Naturopathic Clinic will soon be opening at a new venue at Mooloolaba on the beautiful Sunshine Coast to be of service to local and visiting clients. Sue Kira will be offering her amazing Live Blood Screenings, eye opening Iridology and Sclerology examinations (pun intended) as well as Heavy Metal and Mineral screenings, DNA test kits, Pyrrole screenings and much more. Stay tuned for more updates and share the joy with your friends in need of experienced (27yrs), dedicated health care.
17.01.2022 Hi friends, Monday is the start of the free Vagus nerve summit and if you havent seen what the vagus nerve can do, you can check out this awesome chart that shows in an easy to understand format the many benifits of a tonned vaual nerve can help you with. This is a really cool guide. Love to hear your feedback on it and let me know if you will be listening in to the talks. Love Sue xx Download your complimentary eGuide, Vagus Nerve 101 The vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the human autonomic nervous system. Its fibers connect to all of your bodys organs from the neck down (except the adrenal glands), making it the primary component of your parasympathetic nervous system. Playing a key role in areas such as heart rate, breathing rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, detoxification and more, optimal vagus nerve function is critical to maintaining ones health and longevity. Because low vagal tone has been linked to: + Chronic fatigue + Fibromyalgia + Heart disease + Diabetes + IBS/IBD/SIBO/leaky gut + Autoimmune conditions + Neurological conditions + Cancer + And more! You simply CANNOT properly address health issues -- like gut, immune system or brain disorders -- WITHOUT optimizing vagus nerve function! In this 12-page eGuide, youll find strategies to increase your vagal tone, plus facts on polyvagal theory, indications of low vagal tone and the connection between strong vagus function and a healthy immune system.
16.01.2022 Hi friends Over the last few months while it has been quieter it gave me the opportunity to rewrite and consolidate the pyrrole articles I have written, particularly as some were done many years ago and there have been many advances in research along the way. Many of the articles were heavily edited and some have been completly re-written which was a huge undertaking as you can imagine, but so worth it. So if you have read my articles before, you may like to revisit them now. Heres one of my favourites - Tests to find out why you have pyrrole - which is about many of the tests that can be done once you have a pyrrole diagnosis so that you can discover the possible underlying causes of elevated levels of HPL. This article explains why these tests are helpful for you and your practitioner to further support you on your healing journey. Love to hear what tests you have done and what has been helpful for you to get back to feeling your best. With love, Sue x ps. I am still available via Telehealth (like Skype/zoom only easier) for online consultations or in clinic at lovely Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coast.
15.01.2022 Sue Kira - now available for Skype/phone consultations Hi friends, Following numerous requests (and because Eating4Vitality is up and running) I now have time for Skype, Email or Phone consultations on Wednesdays and Fridays for new and existing clients.... I specialise in Pyrrole Disorder, Methylation imbalances, Leaky gut and other gut issues, heavy metal detection and detoxification, mental health support, mitochondrial support, genetics, chronic fatigue & specialised dietary advice. For extra support with Pyrrole Disorder or other health conditions, please use this link if you would like to make a booking to speak with me: With Love, Sue Kira N.D.
14.01.2022 Recently I ran a poll asking what diet supports your body the best. From the Pyrrole Australia Closed Group page plus the Open, Pyrrole Australia page there was (at the time of writing this) a total of 182 responses with 109 giving diet feedback. Thank you to all who contributed to this poll. The most popular by far was the Gluten free/ Dairy free option (although some are only gluten free), closely followed by refined sugar free, then Paleo and Keto. Heres the tally, w...ith the percentages taken to the closest decimal point... A) GF/DF 43 (39%) B) Paleo 13 (12%) C) AIP 2 (2%) D) Keto 11 (10%) E) Low FODMAP 3 (3%) F) Leaky Gut 2 (2%) G) SIBO 1 (1%) H) Sugar (refined) free 16 (15%) I) Grain free 3 (3%) J) B6/Zinc rich 6 (5%) K) Other (broken down to include GAPs 3, Nitrate free 2, Whole food plant based 2, and anti candida diet 2 (8%) The popular choices are awesome to support your immune system and digestive system and are not too complicated to use in everyday living. Our Eating4Vitality program is 100% GF/DF and has options to screen out things like grains, sugar and many other things that may not suit your body (thought Id get a plug in for this awesome program). There are also diet options for those who prefer or need to follow other diet options like Paleo, Keto, SIBO etc.
14.01.2022 I have just added another poll, but its in the closed Pyrrole Australia Group due to the sensitive nature of the questions. I have asked what symptoms do you or family members with pyrrole experience. Please feel free to comment here, but better still join our Closed Group to keep the info more discreet. Youll find a post below with the link to join the group. Love to see you there :) All the best, Love Sue :)
13.01.2022 Hi Pyrrole Australia friends, I would like to do a poll on the various types of diets/food lifestyles you find/found helpful for you with supporting pyrrole disorder and all that it comes with. Please share so we can get as many respondents as possible. Options can include... A) Gluten/Dairy Free B) Paleo C) Auto-Immune Paleo D) Keto... E) Low FODMAPs diet F) Leaky Gut diet G) SIBO diet H) Sugar free I) Grain Free J) Foods rich in B6 and Zinc K) Other - what works for you Feel free to just use a letter that responds to one of the diets above, or just write out your story on what foods help or hinder your progress. Thanks everyone, love Sue xx
13.01.2022 Hi Friends, love to know your pyrrole score via a poll so I can gauge percentages in each range. Thanks heaps. Love Sue Kira ps in the closed Pyrrole Australia Group I was able to put 9 fields into the poll but this one would only let me do 2 so love if you could go to the closed group, join up and do the poll there so its more accurate, otherwise please leave a message with your score as well as using this poll. Thanks
13.01.2022 Best foods to eat and avoid for pyrrole For many, the best way to treat pyrrole disorder is with supplementation, but there are those who find they are too reactive to the supplements for pyrrole, cant get the dosage balance right, or simply just cant afford on-going treatment. This is where diet can have a huge impact in supporting the body with pyrrole.... To read more, visit Love to hear what foods help or hinder your healing process.
13.01.2022 HI Pyrrole Australia friends, Soon I will be running live Q&A sessions, but they will be in the closed group so if you havent already joined the closed group and want to be part of the live Q&A, then please take yourself over to the Pyrrole Australia Group. Just a quick note on invites. I have noticed that when friends invite other people to the group, they are not answering the two questions. If you wish to join the closed group, both questions must be answered to be autho...rised to join. This is super important. Heres the link to the group to join.......see you there soon, love Sue Kira Naturopath from True Vitality
12.01.2022 The practitioner to see when all else fails Sue Kira is a specialist in Pyrrole Disorder, Methylation imbalances, gut issues, heavy metals, allergies, mental health support, mitochondrial rejuvenation, genetics, hormones, immune imbalances, chronic fatigue and therapeutic dietary advice. She investigates the number one domino (the main cause) so that health issues can fall into place & heal.... Available via Skype for consultations... 15-minutes: great for acute situations or a quick question between your normal practitioner visits 30-minutes: suitable for follow up sessions or to ask a few questions 60-minutes: comprehensive assessment; testing recommendations; nutrient, diet and healing advice To make a booking, please go to: To read about Sue and view many articles on Pyrrole Disorder and health go to
12.01.2022 Is Anxiety and Depression linked to Gut Inflammation? I posted about this topic a while ago and it was very popular, but I know how hard it is to reach everyone who needs to see this info so I thought Id post again. Id also love to hear from anyone who has found that healing the gut has helped their anxiety and/or depression and pyrrole symptoms.... Many of my clients with pyrrole and anxiety/depression have had great success by healing their leaky gut and balancing their mineral and vitamin levels. I have found a direct correlation between pyrrole disorder and gut inflammation.The article in this link looks at the connection between stress and Cortisol levels that lead to inflammation signalling the release of inflammatory cytokines, which via the Vagus nerve (nerve that connects the gut and the brain) triggers the release of an enzyme in the brain that stimulates the biochemicals that create anxiety. Read how healing the gut could be your pathway to eliminating anxiety or depression, as well as reducing your pyrrole levels. Read more here ps, would also love your feedback here.
12.01.2022 What is Methylation? Hi friends, I have just updated my article on methylation, so even if you have read it before, you might find it a very interesting reread. Love to hear your thoughts on all things methylation and how methylation disorders may be affecting you. ... Dont know what methylation is, or how it affects you, then click on the link to read more. Happy methylating. Love Sue
11.01.2022 Do you really have pyrrole, or were your results distorted? Since I became involved with pyrrole in 2010, I observed how many clients tests showed extremely high levels of pyrrole, yet their symptoms were not too bad. Conversely, many clients had relatively low levels of pyrrole, yet had awful symptoms. But why? We now know its because other components in urine can be detected which can falsely elevate or falsely reduce the true level of HPL (pyrrole). ... This could have a huge impact on how you are being (or have been) treated. For more insights, please read my new article: Do you really have pyrrole, or has urobilinogen affected your results? It also includes a relevant scientific article I previously shared from Brett Lambert, Principle Scientist at Applied Analytical Laboratories (specialists in pyrrole testing) which explains why AAL switched to new testing protocols in October 2018. This brings to light a poll I ran on Facebook some time ago regarding pyrrole scores above and below 50. 48% of responders had scores of less than 50. In their case, if they had other metabolites in their urine when they were tested, its possible their HPL reading may have been false and they could in fact be well within range and may not have pyrrole at all. Consequently, they may have been incorrectly treated. However, many people do well with extra B6, zinc, magnesium etc irrespective of their condition. But if they have been on high doses of any of these (except magnesium) without first having their nutrient levels tested, that could cause problems. I have seen many people with toxic levels of B6 with accompanying symptom consequences. If your HPL level was around 50 or less and you were diagnosed with pyrrole, or, the test was conducted by a lab other than AAL, or, conducted by AAL before October 2018, then you may consider retesting with AAL, the only lab providing urobilinogen corrected results. AAL is now also testing other urine metabolites, which screens for other conditions that can be detected via urine. This provides the most comprehensive urine screening you can have, all with the one simple sample at the only laboratory dedicated solely to testing and researching pyrrole and currently the ONLY lab ACCREDITED. If you want to be tested with AAL, please email me the town or city where you live, and Ill return email the appropriate request forms. Love Sue PS Can you please provide feedback here about where your test was done, your score and if the score reflects the level of your symptoms or not e.g. high score low symptoms, low score high symptoms, high score high symptoms etc. Id appreciate your input as this is valuable information to share with each other.
10.01.2022 Join me for The Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit Many people in this modern world overstimulate their nervous systems and become desensitized to chronic stress. Over time, this can lead to low vagal tone, which has been linked to a variety of mental and physical health issues, including chronic inflammation, neurodegeneration, poor gut function, autoimmunity and cancer. And we know this to be true: you cannot FULLY heal leaky gut, microbiome function or brain issues... WITHOUT optimizing your vagus function... Learn to rebalance your nervous system when you attend this complimentary, online event! WHY ATTEND? Your host, Dr. Eva Detko, became a health advocate through her own healing journey. Following a viral infection, she ended up bed-ridden with chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. The conventional approach had no solutions for her, so she tackled the task of finding the root cause of her condition. She realized that the real reason her body had not been able to cope with that viral infection was that she had overstimulated her nervous system for many years -- the viral infection was merely a trigger for her CFS and fibromyalgia. Once she had addressed her nervous system dysfunction, she was able to get her life back. She has since helped hundreds of clients overcome complex health issues by helping them restore their autonomic nervous system balance, which is critical to healing from any chronic condition. Shes here to help you by sharing what she learned. The Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit will help you understand: + The location and many functions of the vagus nerve + How to measure vagal tone + Symptoms and root causes of vagus nerve dysfunction + The role of chronic stress and emotional trauma + Impacts of toxins, infections & EMFs + How to strengthen vagus nerve function + Physical and mind-based approaches + And so much more! The Vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the human autonomic nervous system. Its fibers connect to all of your bodys organs from the neck down (except the adrenal glands), making it the primary component of your parasympathetic nervous system. Playing a key role in areas such as heart rate, breathing rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, detoxification and more, optimal vagus nerve function is critical to maintaining ones health and longevity. Because low vagal tone has been linked to: + Chronic fatigue + Fibromyalgia + Heart disease + Diabetes + IBS/IBD/SIBO/leaky gut + Autoimmune conditions + Neurological conditions + Cancer + And more! Mind, Body & The Vagus Nerve Connection Summit taking place on June 15-21, 2020 -- over 40 experts teaching you how to ACTIVATE the vagus nerve to REBALANCE your nervous system and help boost your immune system and overall health! See you there, Love Sue Kira (TrueVitality & PyrroleAustralia)
07.01.2022 True Vitality Clinic with Sue Kira (27 years exp) is now in full operation. After some equipment faults were rectified, Im happy to announce that the clinic is re-open for business. Anyone close to Mooloolaba (or in need of a holiday) in Sunny Queensland, can come and have a Live Blood Screening, Iridology and sclerology (reading the red lines in whites of eyes) photographic session and of course a comprehensive consultation. Skype and phone sessions are still available to those who cant come to the clinic and Im now able to offer Skype iridology and sclerology sessions too. Available 7am to 5pm (even on Saturdays) To book, please use the following link
05.01.2022 Hi Friends, I have just created a sub Group off this one called Pyrrole Australia Group. It is a closed group, so in there you will be able to discuss openly with others with pyrrole
05.01.2022 Hi Friends, Ive been watching the free Understanding Genetics summit and just finished watching a talk by Dr. Kara Fitzgerald on Methylation. If you know you have issues with methylation, have MTHFR or have been told youre an undermethylator etc, then this is a great free talk. You can sign up for free using the below link. If you missed this talk, then apart from others still running, there will be a finale where you can choose to listen to any or all of the talks at the end of the summit. Worth checking out. Love Sue
04.01.2022 Hi Pyrrole Australia friends, I just watched a great little video on the Pyrrole Australia closed Face book group (love to see you there) by Dr. Bill Lynch, well know author of Dirty Genes (great book by the way, just reading it on Kindle now only $4.99) and hes got some new info on Folic acid. Definitely worth watching especially if you have MTHFR but really for anyone. Heres the link....
03.01.2022 Hi Friends, if you are not already on my True Vitality Face Book page, Id love to invite you to like or better still follow me there too as I have some awesome articles that I wish to share with you all soon. If you have any friends with health issues, love it if you could share with them too.
03.01.2022 Anxiety and Depression link to Gut Inflammation Many people suffer from the debilitating effects of anxiety and depression and those with pyrrole disorder seem to have a higher incidence. Studies have shown a link between these symptoms and inflammation in the gut. Interestingly, the incidence of anxiety and depression is increasing, while the incidence of poor gut health has also increased. A coincidence?... The article in this link looks at the connection between stress and Cortisol levels that lead to inflammation signalling the release of inflammatory cytokines, which via the Vagus nerve (nerve that connects the gut and the brain) triggers the release of an enzyme in the brain that stimulates the biochemicals that create anxiety. Read how healing the gut could be your pathway to eliminating anxiety or depression. Read more here I look forward to assisting you to regain vitality. Love Sue
03.01.2022 Our amazing immune system Recently there have been quite a lot of articles on supporting our immune system, but not everyone fully understands how it really works and the various organs and cells involved. I have just finished a comprehensive article that I’d love to share with you all so that you can get a deeper understanding of our amazing immune system. ... The article also includes things that you can do to support your immunity in different ways. Some old goodies and some you may not have thought of. Love to hear your feedback and anything you would like to share about what you are doing to support your immune system. With love, Sue xx
02.01.2022 Hi Friends, If you have Private Health Insurance would know that Naturopathy was wrongly dropped from the health fund claims system recently. Well I have great news. ... If you would like to book a consultation with me and are a member of one of the following health funds, you will be able to claim your consultation with me as a Nutritionist for a Nutrition consultation claim. Yippeee, but get in quick or they may change their mind on this one too. Currently I have registration with the following funds for nutrition (this can change at any given time Im told) AHM Aust Unity NIB HBF Westfund Health To make an online booking, please use the following link. I am now available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for Skype, Messenger calls, or logged email consultations. I look forward to working with you and your family to achieve awesome health and vitality.
01.01.2022 Vagus Nerve Support for Gut and Mental Health Hi Friends, Ive been studying loads about the Vagus nerve and how activating this important cranial nerve can help not only to balance our structural body but also help with things like digestion, mental health and how we relate to people. Ive done a couple of courses and read a few books and much research and now I see that theres a summit comming along soon, so thought Id share this link with you, as its free.... Love to hear about if you have had any experience with the Vagus nerve or heard muich about it. Think this could be a turning point for some of us. What are your thoughts?
01.01.2022 Magnificent Magnesium Back in 2004 I wrote an article on the many virtues of magnesium. Magnesium is still my number one favourite mineral. It has so many benificial uses. Stress sucks magnesium out of our body big time and if we are low in Magnesium we will feel the effects of stress even more than if we are replete with this amazing mineral.... If you would like to read more about this magnificent mineral, please check out this link. Share here about how magnesium has helped support your body in times of stress or in the many other ways it can be helpful.
01.01.2022 Following on from the post yesterday on Anxiety, Id love to share with you all an article that I have written about the many faces of anxiety - or in other words, the many possible causes of anxiety. Love for you to have a read and share with the group if you have any feelings towards what could be the root cause of your anxiety or the anxiety of a loved one. I have added in a photo of me and my daughter scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef as this gave me tremendous anxiety..., which fortunately stopped when I surfaced. This of course is situational anxiety but many suffer from anxiety for no apparent reason. The article may give some clues to other causes to investigate. Getting to the root cause of anxiety is the most important part of healing from it. If you need support for healing anxiety, remember that Im here for you over the Christmas holiday period in clinic, via Skype or phone consultation. Heres the link
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