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25.01.2022 No surprise there ! Cash rates stay the same which means housing prices look to keep rising ....good for some not so good for others Great time to look at restructuring your lending and the possibility of that investment property ... if you don’t ask you won’t know contact me for a chat to see if we can fit this in with your lifestyle #homesweethome #homeloans #mortgagebroker #investmentproperty #lifestyle #youcandoit
23.01.2022 Have you started to think about transferring your superannuation into a Self Managed Super fund (SMSF) and buying property? ....Are you looking to have control of your super and not rely on the current volatile share market and in return gain a steady rental income? Did you know you pay 15% tax every time your employer makes a super contribution to your current super fund? Did you know that a self managed super fund does a tax return and you can claim any expenses within the ...entity? Not understanding anything I am saying but curious? One of the secrets to building long-term wealth is gaining as much knowledge as possible and surrounding yourself with the correct professionals. If you aren't sure where to start , lets chat and see if we can put you in the right direction. Find out why more people trust QFinance and Investments. Contact me today & let's talk! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/385bfx #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
23.01.2022 I often tell my adult children and my clients. Rent where you want to live and BUY where you can afford! Entering the property market, doesn't mean you are stuck living where you can afford to buy. Want to learn more? Let’s talk! Contact me NOW and together, we’ll make your dream of entering the property market more than just a dream... let's make it a reality. Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today!... - & - . Visit my website here: www.qfinance.com.au #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
23.01.2022 Time spoiling my grandsons and taking them to Shrek The Musical. So glad I’ve learnt over the years to budget and create a comfortable lifestyle in this stage of life I can show you how too #lifestyle #nana #grandsonsarebest #shrek #creatingmemories
23.01.2022 An Investment Property Strategy is so much more than just buying properties. Is your lending structure correct ? Have you minimal risk on your OWN home ? Have you got the correct loan product ? Have you purchased for maximum tax benefit ?... Have you purchased in a growth area ? Contact me today and we will answer these questions together . - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/38eyhk #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
22.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day! A special shout-out to 3 fantastic Dads in our family, my Dad, my Son-in-Law and my Partner. You all deserve every day to be special! Enjoy your day. Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/37zx8f... #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
22.01.2022 Did you know Christmas and the silly season is only 13 weeks away?? Don't panic, now is the time to start putting some money away and re-looking at your budget, so you avoid the holiday season stress. Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/38cegh ... #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
21.01.2022 Choosing the right property strategy can be overwhelming, especially if you’re just starting out and talking to different experts. QFinance & Investments specialise in constructing individually tailored strategies that will deliver the outcome you require. I analyse your financial situation and recommend a strategy for you to achieve your financial goals through property investing. My main objective is to consider: Correct lending structure... Personal budgets and lifestyle Minimising risk Each strategy is designed for your financial situation. Imagine Having a Personal Trainer For Your Finances. Contact me today & let's talk! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/386vam #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
21.01.2022 Do you understand all the governing rules of a Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) ? Buying property and borrowing in your SMSF is the most common reason people are setting up their own. Want to know how or if you qualify to set up your own SMSF ? Contact me and I will run through the pros and cons with you . ... Find out why more people trust QFinance and Investments. Contact me today & let's talk! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/38fhcc #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
18.01.2022 Ever heard of what a self managed super fund can do for you ? Maybe it’s not something that will suit you but it does not cost anything to find out otherwise . It’s a great way to get into the investment property market if you tick all the boxes #smsf #investmentproperty #retirement #happylife
18.01.2022 As a , I love seeing the keys handed over to a successful buyer. As a & , I know there are some really important steps for a smooth process. 1. Sort your finances - Identify your budget and identify how much you can afford. 2. Start saving for a house deposit as early as possible. 3. Get a clear idea of the price of the house you want so you have a set goal to work towards. A great savings goal for a house deposit i...s 20% of the purchase price, plus enough to cover buying costs . 4. Work out what you can afford to borrow depending on your income and financial commitments, house deposit, plus any other savings and credit score and credit report 5. Find the best home loan rate. When looking for a good deal on a home loan (mortgage), the interest rate matters. Please take note that a home loan is a long-term debt, so even a small difference in interest adds up over time. 6. GET MY HELP See more
16.01.2022 Did you know, if you have more than one property you can split your mortgages between different lenders? Don't be fooled by your bank saying they must have all your securities. Contact me today so I can show you how to structure your properties to benefit YOU not the BANKS. I always sit down with my clients and work through the depreciation and all the costs related to buying a new investment property. 9 times out of 10 they are surprised at how much they will get back in t...heir tax and what they can claim. I will even go shopping with them to look at properties in their budget that suits their budget and lifestyle in an area that has capital and rental growth. Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/37zh7g #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
15.01.2022 Your finances are like a relationship. You cant cheat and expect it to work. Having set goals and the RIGHT budget to meet those goals is the key to 'getting ahead' with your finances. Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today!... - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/37ywr4 #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
15.01.2022 Today I am going to chat about the tax deductions involved with depreciation when buying a brand new investment property compared to an older one. A quantity surveyors report is GOLD when it comes completing your end of year tax return. The report outlines depreciation on the building costs as well depreciation on fixture and fittings. You will be pleasantly surprised how much these figures will reduce your taxable income. Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strat...egy. Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: www.qfinance.com.au See more
14.01.2022 Happy Thursday
13.01.2022 Meet Milly, our spoilt fur baby . Our mad cocker spaniel that brings so much love to everyone. She’s my little office helper ...#officehelper #cockerspaniel #finance #homeloans #mortgagebroker
13.01.2022 And did you also know that SMSFs have become an increasingly popular choice for Australians in recent years? A self-managed fund can even use borrowed monies to purchase a single asset, or a collection of identical assets that have the same market value. However, you can’t buy a residential property through your SMSF if you intend to live in it, or for any family member to live in. Let me know when you would like to extend your financial knowledge on how to optimise your M...ortgage and Financial situation. I'll do my BEST to provide you with a financial strategy that is tailored for your own situation in the comfort of your own home. There's no harm in asking! Find out why more people trust QFinance and Investments. Contact me today & let's talk! - & - . Visit my website here: www.qfinance.com.au #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFi
13.01.2022 In this video I am going to call BS on the huge number of Ads I am seeing promising to have your home loan paid off in just 7 years! I've been in the mortgage industry for 30 years. I've worked for the major banks. I've worked for wealth creation companies. I have clients myself that I have set up investment properties, structured it correctly and yes shown them how to pay off their home loan sooner ... but never would I promise to have their house paid off in seven years. C...heck out my video below to learn why! Do You Need A Personal Trainer For Your Finances? Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: www.qfinance.com.au
11.01.2022 One of the biggest stressors in most homes is Financial Stress ... especially in the crazy times we are living in with lock-downs and so many changes to business. Having your finances correctly structured takes the pressure off day to day living. Not sure how to set that up? DM me and let me be your Personal Trainer for your finances. Are you ready to improve your financial situation? Contact me now to see if we can minimise your risk. - & ... - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/38bapc #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
11.01.2022 It's a simple fact that Aussies love real estate. According to the ATO, a total of 2,097,392 Australians own 1 or more investment properties. This means that 8.7% of the Australian population can classify themselves as property investors! Would you like to be a property investor or would like to add to your current one and to make sure they are structured financially correct? Lets chat and see if we can put you on the right path.... Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/38ddt6 #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
09.01.2022 Do you know how important a depreciation schedule is when buying a brand new investment property? This report will allow you to write off 2.5% pa of constructions costs over 40 years. Example : property costing $250.000 to build has a depreciation every tax year of $6,250 every year for 40 years. It also itemizes fixture and fittings which can be depreciated eg. air conditioners, carpet, fans, stove tops, tiles, etc etc. These costs and percentages are calculated by a qu...antity surveyor in booklet form and is held by yourself and your accountant for the life of the property whilst in your hands. These are GOLD and dont buy an investment property without one . Want to learn more? Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/386atx #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
08.01.2022 Mental health has become a serious issue with lock downs & COVID. With today being R U Ok Day, now is the time to reach out and ask the question R U OK? Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/3845m3... #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
08.01.2022 Equity equity equity !! Understand what that means ? Wondering what the equity is in your home so you can consolidate debt, my new car, school fees , holidays or an investment property ....exciting times !! #equity #homesweethome #homeloans #debtconsolidation #holidays #newcar #family
07.01.2022 With every new investment property purchased always make sure you have a depreciation schedule to help your accountant calculate the depreciation you can off-set against your taxable income. Have no idea of what I am talking about but want to learn more? Comment below and lets have a chat. Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today!... - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/387fu3 #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
05.01.2022 Saving money and having a solid financial strategy takes TIME AND CONSISTENCY!!! If you are not sure how to set up the the right savings plan, let's talk, its always good to have an expert in your corner. Get Your Financial Future Secure With The Right Strategy. Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/38buwc ... #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
05.01.2022 Creating and STICKING to a budget is the key to getting ahead financially. As someone who has had a personal trainer for my fitness ... I get the value in accountability. If you would like some accountability with your finances reach out and let's chat. Do You Need A Personal Trainer For Your Finances? Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/385tjp ... #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
01.01.2022 Want to get your finances in order? Maybe you want to buy your first home or an investment property? Here are some really simple steps to start: Start NOW - Getting started is the single biggest, most important, and also most difficult step. Keep it simple - Having a solid plan and then being consistent and getting steady, stable results over time will pay big dividends. KNOW your costs - Get clear on your everyday money management and have a plan in place for it ...Get some ACCOUNTABILITY - Having a coach will keep you accountable to the goals you’ve set. I've spent most of my adult life working with a personal trainer to hit my fitness goals. Your financial goals should be the same. If you would like some help with reaching your financial goals, DM me and lets talk! Imagine Having a Personal Trainer For Your Finances. Contact me today & let's talk! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/38cwsp #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
01.01.2022 Are you looking to buy or build a new home to live in? Maybe looking to renovate? You maybe in luck if you act quickly and meet all the requirements. The HomeBuilders Grant provides individuals and couples with $25,000 towards building or buying a new home as well as substantially renovating an existing home they occupy . But wait! Remember for First Time Home Owners' there is the $15,000 First Home Owners Grant as well as either NIL Stamp Duty or reduced fees depending on... purchase price. All this to assist you get into the market Want to know if you qualify? Contact me to find out ... it costs nothing to chat Do You Need A Personal Trainer For Your Finances? Message me today! - & - . Visit my website here: www.qfinance.com.au #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker
01.01.2022 Let your money work as hard as you do. Don’t store all your cash in a savings account or in other assets that ultimately don’t serve your goal of financial freedom. Imagine you are the CEO of your money your assets are your employees. Who should be fired? And who should be promoted? Are you ready to improve your financial situation? Contact me now to see if we can minimise your risk. - & - . Visit ...my website here: https://qoo.ly/384qvf #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
01.01.2022 Ever wanted to know how to use the equity in your home to buy another property? Maybe you don't know how to structure it correctly and you are putting your own home under more risk than necessary. If you would like to discuss how you can split your properties with different lenders, reduce your tax by buying new and not old, comment below and let's chat! You might be quite surprised at how much you might actually get back in your tax! Find out why more people trust QFinance ...and Investments. Contact me today & let's talk! - & - . Visit my website here: https://qoo.ly/37ybh3 #QFinanceandInvestments #DevelopingYourFinancialIQ #MortgageBroker See more
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