Queensland Family Matters Campaign | Other
Queensland Family Matters Campaign
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25.01.2022 All of the Aboriginal Children's Commissioners on today's webinar stress the importance of fully implementing all five elements of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle. Are you aware of all 5 elements? Are you applying them with every engagement with our children and families? Family Matters - Strong communities, culture & children.
25.01.2022 Registration is now open for some deadly Indigenous Zoom (online video conferencing) talks during National Science Week. Learn about bush tucker, bush medicines, Indigenous astronomy and engineering and more! https://nisep.org.au/indigenous-science-experience/
24.01.2022 Today's new discoveries: The Queensland Government will support people needing to go into quarantine after travelling for essential services such as health treatments. People travelling for personal reasons must factor quarantine costs on return to their communities into their travel budget. For more information: www.datsip.qld.gov.au/coronavirus.... Also, a new Queensland COVID-19 data website has been launched to include a breakdown of regional COVID-19 numbers by Local Government Area, giving communities more oversight of their local cases. Visit http://health.qld.gov.au/covid-data As long as good hygiene and social distancing is practised, family members can visit their loved ones. Nursing homes should not be in lockdown nor residents confined to their rooms.
24.01.2022 Each year the Family Matters report card shows how each state and territory is implementing the four building blocks of the Family Matters Campaign. In Qld, we are not in the red but we are not yet all systems go! In fact, building block 3 has dropped back to 'poor' with few of our children being placed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family or carers, and no data available on their journey through the system to reconnecting with family ('reunification'). We look f...orward to working with Qld Government to strengthen areas we are doing well and to implement solutions in areas where we can do better for our children and young people. #ourmobsmatter #familymattersreport2020 #kidscommissionernow
21.01.2022 "We would like a commissioner to have the power to get information from the states, territories and the federal government... to be reporting to parliament, wit...h independence, and work with community to design what sort of response and accountability should be." - @SNAICC CEO Richard Weston https://www.sbs.com.au//call-for-the-establishment-of-a-na
20.01.2022 Listen to SNAICC-National Voice for our Children CEO Richard Weston on NITV Radio, talking about the urgent need for a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander childrens commissioner: https://www.sbs.com.au//call-for-the-establishment-of-a-na
20.01.2022 https://twitter.com/FamilyMatte/status/1252106690004045826 Each month Qld Family Matters leaders meet to discuss campaign efforts to address the over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the child protection system. Even though there is a pandemic, we cant take our eyes off what is happening with our kids and in communities. Peoples lives cant be put on hold, so we know we need to help one another and use our own networks to get through thi...s. Family Matters leaders in Qld meet again next week. Please comment with any emerging issues from the coronavirus pandemic that may be important for this group to discuss.
20.01.2022 Posters for next Tuesdays #ChildrensDay2020 are available for digital download in different sizes, with an option featuring space to add your organisation and ...event details. You can also download promotional wallpapers and banners: Go to: Aboriginalchildrensday.com.au/posters-and-web Our 2020 Activity Sheet for children can be downloaded from Aboriginalchildrensday.com.au/activities #EldersOfTomorrow #StrongInCulture
18.01.2022 Family Matters Qld co-chair Aunty Rachel Atkinson talks about the newly released Changing Tracks Action Plan 2020-2022 for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children: Changing Tracks shows that change can only happen when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are involved in decision making. It is only through being involved in the total control of these decisions will we see self-determination. Family Matters is doing this with Changing Tracks as it pushes to reduce the number of children in state care." View it here: https://bit.ly/3bDcDKl
17.01.2022 looking forward to these live feeds and the virtual market experience of Meeanjin markets 8 and 9 May
17.01.2022 https://twitter.com/FamilyMatte/status/1240769973850497025
16.01.2022 This website is a one stop shop for useful information to help your family and friends cope with the impact of coronavirus. It includes links information about Centrelink, banks, phone and internet providers, your health and wellbeing, and support services like counselling and Family and Domestic Violence https://communitydoor.org.au/information-for-clients Please share widely!
15.01.2022 "In jurisdictions that have created space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and community-controlled organisations to lead reforms, we are seeing... glimpses of change." Family Matters - Strong communities, strong culture, stronger children. Co-chair Natalie Lewis https://www.canberratimes.com.au//indigenous-children-si/
15.01.2022 This November, NAIDOC week will then roll into Family Matters National Week of Action 12-19 November. Save these dates!
15.01.2022 Yesterday Family Matters Qld had the opportunity to listen to "Transnational Dialogue" with Josh Creamer, Beverley Jacobs and Deborah Sanchez, Indigenous Legal Experts from Australia, Canada and USA. So much was covered - Stolen Wages, Stolen women, stolen children - so many similarities across all these countries with British colonial histories. Excited to hear from Josh Creamer that Qld is undertaking a civil action case regarding child removals that have continued to incre...ase for decades, which defy the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle and breach the Racial Discrimination Act. Beverly sent us off with words of strength and resilience "it feels like being in battle, being in war, all the time. I maintain strength by being at home, in community, with my people, with ancestors that are always with us all the time. I believe we are winning! Weve survived attempts of genocide and we are still here!" Beverly then encouraged everyone to educate yourself, learn the true history, and then educate others. "All peoples are responsible for the future". #indigenouslivesmatter
15.01.2022 The Family Matters Campaign report, released this week, suggests the number of Indigenous children in the system will double over the next decade, if action is ...not taken now. CEO of the National Secretariat of Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC), Richard Weston says the paper identifies a number of strategies to arrest the trend. Catch up via the link below, or find us on the ABC Listen app... https://www.abc.net.au///speakingout/speaking-out/11598426 SNAICC-National Voice for our Children; Richard Weston; Kirsten Gray; UTS: Jumbunna Institute for Indigenous Education & Research
13.01.2022 Family Matters campaigners are gearing up to get loud and active in 2020 about the importance of supporting our families to keep children connected to family, community, county and culture. Remember in your planning for the year ahead to get behind this cause during the National Week of Action, 18-24 May 2020! https://www.familymatters.org.au/week-action/
13.01.2022 Family Matters Queensland and QATSICPP invite you to a free screening of "In My Blood It Runs" at Wuchopperen Health Services, Cairns. The screening will commence at 6:15pm, with a discussion panel following. Registration is via Eventbrite, here are the details. * Interested in hosting a screening? Please contact Eva Ruggiero, Family Matters Queensland Coordinator, on 07 31024119 or email to [email protected]
13.01.2022 In reflection on the first Changing Tracks action plan, and looking ahead to outcomes we expect to see as a result of the newly released Changing Tracks Action Plan 2020-2022, Family Matters Qld co-chair Dr. Gerald Featherstone had this to say: We have seen results from our services facilitating family-led decision making to safely care for and protect our children. We welcome actions that enhance our participation in key decisions and increases community-controlled funding to continue to over-turn this tide of over-representation." Read the full media release and new Changing Tracks action plan here https://www.familymatters.org.au/over-representation-of-ab/
13.01.2022 The last week of home schooling! Countdown is on! A few words of encouragement from Family Matters Queensland co-chair Dr. Gerald Featherstone: In Queensland, we are all continuing to work hard to support families. While this may look different, our focus is on safety for all families and children in this uncertain time. We understand changes to schooling may be a worry and that families may need school assistance. Contact your local support services for assistance. View the Contact Lists from page 12 for your local services https://www.familymatters.org.au//FamilyMatters-Community-
12.01.2022 Posters for next Tuesday's #ChildrensDay2020 are available for digital download in different sizes, with an option featuring space to add your organisation and ...event details. You can also download promotional wallpapers and banners: Go to: Aboriginalchildrensday.com.au/posters-and-web Our 2020 Activity Sheet for children can be downloaded from Aboriginalchildrensday.com.au/activities #EldersOfTomorrow #StrongInCulture
12.01.2022 ALERT: The Family Matters Report 2019 will be launched at Old Parliament House at 7:30am AEDT on Thursday 17 October. We would like your help make sure A...ustralia takes notice. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are now 10.2 times more likely to be removed from their families than non-Indigenous children. The rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children being removed from their families compared to non-Indigenous children has risen to an all-time high. What you can do to support the launch On the day, we will share with you a copy of the report and its key findings. It would be great if you could share the report, data snapshot and media release, as well as post on Facebook and tweet using #FamilyMatters all day to promote the launch as much as possible.
12.01.2022 Family Matters co-chairs Gerald Featherstone and Rachel Atkinson are reminding mob that the way support services are being provided may have changed, but help is still available. Contact your local health or family support service. Be informed, look after your Elders and look after each other! #FamilyMatters
12.01.2022 Todays new discoveries: The Queensland Government will support people needing to go into quarantine after travelling for essential services such as health treatments. People travelling for personal reasons must factor quarantine costs on return to their communities into their travel budget. For more information: www.datsip.qld.gov.au/coronavirus.... Also, a new Queensland COVID-19 data website has been launched to include a breakdown of regional COVID-19 numbers by Local Government Area, giving communities more oversight of their local cases. Visit http://health.qld.gov.au/covid-data As long as good hygiene and social distancing is practised, family members can visit their loved ones. Nursing homes should not be in lockdown nor residents confined to their rooms.
10.01.2022 Our mob have always drawn on our strength and the strength of our culture to overcome threats. With the high risk of transmission of this virus and the vulnerabilities experienced by Queenslands First Nations peoples during this pandemic we need to keep strong in practicing good hygiene and looking after our mob as restrictions begin to lift. The Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council has developed a number of COVID-19 resources that you may find useful. https://www.qaihc.com.au/res/covid-19-coronavirus-resources #FamilyMatters @FamilyMattersQ1
09.01.2022 Today the Family Matters National Leadership Group announced in the SNAICC e-bulletin a new date for the launch of the 2020 Family Matters Report Thursday 12 November. The 2020 Family Matters Report launch at Parliament House will be followed by an online Family Matters National Week of Action, running from midday on 12 November through to midday on 19 November. During this week, we will be counting on all Family Matters supporters to help in our efforts advocating for children in the child protection systems around Australia and for their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, particularly with the continuing impacts of the pandemic.
08.01.2022 We are excited to announce our new co-chair for the Family Matters Queensland campaign, Mr Michael Currie. https://twitter.com/FamilyMatte/status/1290100187285712897
07.01.2022 2 minutes to go! Join Link-Up QLD at 10am for a livestream Sorry Day event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linkupqueensland or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC08-zlEaNNP5PlbIG2syyAg
07.01.2022 Family Matters co-chair Aunty Rachel Atkinson: "Giving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders the chance to work with government to reduce the number of children in foster, kinship and out of home care is the key. Family Matters Qld looks forward to our continued partnership to meet the needs of our children. Were looking forward to seeing an increase in active efforts to keep our children connected to family, community and culture." Read the full media release and new Chan...ging Tracks action plan here https://www.familymatters.org.au/over-representation-of-ab/ QATSICPP
06.01.2022 Join us tomorrow for Family Matters conversation with Aboriginal Children's Commissioners. Hurry before registrations close! #kidscommissonernow... #OurMobsMatter #familymattersreport2020 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/making-child-protection-mor
04.01.2022 The Healing Foundation is developing the first ever state-wide healing strategy, in Queensland. Tell The Healing Foundation about the solutions you know will work for your community. Have your say this week - up until 30 April http://bit.ly/37wiI9S #QLDHealing #DreamBig2020
03.01.2022 The number and over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in foster, kinship and other state care must be reduced with the release of Changing Tracks 2020-2022 says Family Matters Queensland. This is the second action plan of Our Way: A Generational Strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children. The first Changing Tracks action plan saw many reform changes implemented particularly from the Child Protection Amendment Act, passed in 201...7 and implemented from 2018. This next plan, Changing Tracks 2020-2022, released today, is set to grow on these reforms to see a long overdue reduction in the high number of our children in care as its first priority. This strategy is strategically co-designed by Family Matters Qld and the Queensland Government to map out a shared pathway of change to be actively implemented by the wide range of government and non-government agencies that are involved in our families lives. https://www.csyw.qld.gov.au//changing-tracks-action-plan.p
03.01.2022 A message from our Queensland Family Matters campaign co-chairs, Rachel Atkinson and Gerald Featherstone: In light of COVID-19, our Family Matters National Week of Action is postponed to later this year (November 12 - 29). We know mob are pulling together to support one another, as weve always done. We know support services are changing the way they support you so they can continue to be available for families. Reach out to your local services if you need support.... We can and will get through this pandemic! During the national week of action, we look forward to celebrating family and community stories of success in overcoming difficulties faced this year. Each year, Family Matters National Week of Action also gives us an opportunity to call on government to act on issues facing families. This year these issues are heightened for us during COVID-19 particularly the risk of disconnecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from family, community, country and culture. Get in touch with your local child and family support service if your family is having difficulties maintaining contact at this time. We are in this together and our families matter! See the Contact List in the Family Matters Community Resource Guide at https://www.familymatters.org.au//FamilyMatters-Community-
02.01.2022 Thanks to Senator Rachel Siewert the Family Matters REPORT 2019 has been tabled in the Australian parliament. As the Senator noted, Aboriginal and Torres Strait... Islander children are now 10.2 times more likely than other children to be removed from their families. This rate and the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children living away from their families are at a devastating, all-time high. Read the Family Matters report for the solutions to this nationwide crisis. (Photo credits: Mike Bowers/The Guardian; Marissa McDowell) https://www.familymatters.org.au/the-family-matters-report-
01.01.2022 Here at QATSICPP we are excited to join this event on Zoom with our inspirational Aboriginal Children's Commissioners and our colleagues across these lands
01.01.2022 https://twitter.com/indigenousx/status/1183875175898468353
01.01.2022 What a wonderful way to kick start National Reconciliation Week! I pay my respects to the Turrbal people, the traditional owners of the land Im living and working from today.