QuAC in Condell Park | Higher education
Locality: Condell Park
Phone: +61 415 340 979
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25.01.2022 Asalamu alaikum. We are pleased to advise that our first round of classes will be starting based on the feedback we have received. TO REGISTER CLICK BELOW... https://forms.gle/KytjrYaVwCVcEeHt9 Our first stage offer is for Children aged 6 - 11yr boys and 5 - 13yr girls as follows: To register your children, please complete the form below. Once you submit, please come to QuAC on Thursday or Saturday @ Condell Park to complete the sign-up along with registration payment of $35 which includes all the course books, workbooks per term + 1 weekly, fortnightly or monthly payment. We will email you our address and times once you submit your details. For more details you can visit our Facebook Page or email sister Rayhana [email protected] REGISTRATION DATES @CONDELL PARK Thursday 13th June 2019. Between 3pm and 5pm or Saturday 15th June 2019. Between 11am and 1pm OUR LEVEL OPTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: Level 0 - (Arabic letter recognition, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Tajweed) 2 days a week, Monday and Wednesday. 4pm - 6pm Start date : Mon 17 June 2019. $100 per week, per child (boys 6 to 11 - Girls 5 - 13yrs) Level 1 - (Arabic grammar, Vocabulary building, Comprehension, Speaking, Reading and Writing, Tajweed) 2 days a week, Tuesday and Thursday. 4pm - 6pm Start date : Tues 18 June 2019 $100 per week, per child (boys 6 to 11 - Girls 5 - 13yrs) Level 0 B - (Arabic letter recognition, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Tajweed) 1 day a week. Wednesday. 10am - 12pm Start date : Wed 19 June 2019 $50 per week, per child (boys 6 to 11 - Girls 5 - 13yrs) Level 0 C - (Arabic letter recognition, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Tajweed) 1 day a week. Saturday. 10am - 12pm Start date : Sat 22 June 2019 $50 per week, per child (boys 6 to 11 - Girls 5 - 13yrs) TO REGISTER CLICK BELOW https://forms.gle/KytjrYaVwCVcEeHt9
22.01.2022 Learn Arabic Fus’ha with QuAC. We are excited to take these early steps with you and your children in the lifelong pursuit of the best knowledge of this world. We are currently scheduling the classes that will be on offer.. Click Below to complete the PreEnrolment Form https://forms.gle/SRR9TD4dGFV5QE6Z6... Concerning the matter of paying attention to the Qur’an and learning and teaching it, the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: The best of you is the one who learns the Qur’an and teaches it. (al-Bukhari,) (Places are Limited, Classes starting soon InshaAllah at $25 per hour)
19.01.2022 Alhamdulillah, our furniture, desks, whiteboards, etc have arrived, just in time for classes which are starting real soon. All those who pre-registered, you will receive an email with allocated class and times for your child (or Sisters too) Brothers will receive a separate email as we are still allocating classes. For those who didn't pre-register, there are still places left. Hurry! Complete our online form. https://forms.gle/LtL2TdRttsqbsTwJ8
19.01.2022 5 Pillars Holiday Booster Programme. Registrations Open. A pillar a day with fun and engaging activities. 5yrs to 10 yrs Boys and Girls. 3 hrs per day. 10am - 1pm. 6days. ... Indoor and Outdoor arts, games and activities. (weather permitting). Food and resources provided. Week 1 Monday 8th July 2019: Tawheed Wednesday10th July 2019: Salaah Friday12th July 2019: Zakaat Week 2 Monday 15th July 2019: Fasting Wednesday 17 July 2019: Hajj Friday 19 July 2019: Summation, Awards. Click below to register https://forms.gle/cRaHmiAvVBFTyBVp7
18.01.2022 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Based on the responses of the parents, we are happy to offer the Weekday Children’s Arabic Class for $20 per hour, as opposed to the original $25. Please note further subsidies are available. Level 0 (Arabic letter recognition, Vocabulary building, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Tajweed)... Start date :Monday 17 June 2019 Consisting of two classes per week - Monday and Wednesday. From 4pm - 6pm. Level 1 (Arabic grammar, Vocabulary building, Comprehension, Speaking, Reading and Writing, Tajweed) Start date :Tuesday 18th June 2019 Consisting of two classes per week - Tuesday and Thursday. From 4pm - 6pm. Registrations are on Thurs 13th June 3pm - 5pm Or Sat 15th 11pm-1pm at our School Room in Condell Park. Please contact us to book a Registration Day and Time, or to find out about further subsidies. Please click. https://docs.google.com//1FAIpQLSe8YA6RTHp7QCtT5a/viewform We are happy to work with you to find solutions for your children.
17.01.2022 Arabic Fus’ha Classes for Women Starting Tuesday 23rd July 2019 inshaAllah. Learn Quranic Arabic Language to understand the Quran. We aim to provide a high level of educational methodology based on the Madinah Curriculum, and supported by numerous engaging support and extension activities. ... Each lesson consists of a conversation based on certain language patterns. Various types of exercises and reinforcement activities helping the student to understand each of the patterns occurring in the lesson, and to master them bi’ithnillah. Level 1 covers - Arabic Fus’ha Language and Literacy: Grammar, Morphology of words Vocabulary building , Comprehension, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Conversational skills. Class prerequisite - Arabic reading. Start date :Tuesday 23rd July 2019 inshAllah. Where: Condell Park. Consisting of one or two classes per week - Tuesday and Thursday. From 10am - 12pm. Cost $20 per hour. Resource Fee (books, worksheets etc) - $35 Babysitting available for $10 per hour. Please email [email protected] if you have enquiries or would like to enrol.
14.01.2022 Please register children Now for Level 1, 4pm to 6pm class Starting Tuesday 25th June. Please Note, students starting after this date will have to catch up. Please Click below to register. https://forms.gle/CGQ4g4DkJRFRfSDU8... "Are those who know equal to those who know not?" It is only men of understanding who will remember. Surah Az-zumar
12.01.2022 5 Pillars Holiday Programme for kids! Register today.
12.01.2022 Arabic Fus’ha is the most important language in the world because it is the language of the Quran. It is vital that muslims endeavour to acquire knowledge of this language for themselves and their children to ensure that they understand what they are being told by Allah azawajjal, and strive to implement it. Verily we have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’ân in order that you may understand (Soorah Yusuf: 2)
05.01.2022 It is our duty to preserve Arabic Fus’ha as a functioning language, not being limited to just sounds and symbols that go no further than the throat. It is the language of the Quran and the knowledge of it is contained within this language. "The wisdom of humanity is coded in language, once a language dies, the knowledge dies with it. This is a known position and through out history, the extinction of a cultural identity rapidly followed the extinction of its language. ...It is a powerful tool wielded ruthlessly, necessary to achieve full assimilation. The breaking up of the Arabic Language into local dialects had a profound effect on the Arab world. Firstly it limited individual access to the Quran and Islamic Knowledge, with knowledge of this only residing with a small group and access to this knowledge being very limited. So we resemble the christians whose general population can only maintain a relationship with God and religion through human intermediaries. Secondly the socio-political ramifications of this led to the reinforcement and institutionalism of the division of cultural groups and identity, nationalism . Meaning one community (Umma), one nation became distinctly divided into smaller weaker nation states leading to a weak global position. And we can all see the results of this. May Allah swt have mercy on the Umma of the Prophet saws. Allah swt does not change the condition of a people until they change the condition of their hearts. As an umma we need to reclaim the language of our religion. The Map shows the dialects of Arabic today
03.01.2022 Great to see Sunnah Sports with Bizry team ready for the second Soccer Cup!
01.01.2022 To all those people who gave so generously, in this wonderful month, for no other purpose than seeking the pleasure of Allah swt, we humbly thank you. May Allah swt be most pleased with you and your families, straighten your affairs and grant you every good in this life and the next. As an Ummah, it is so heartening to see people give of their wealth to preserve the knowledge of this religion. May Allah swt have mercy on us and guide us all to the straight path. ... - 64:17 "If you loan Allah a goodly loan, He will multiply it for you and forgive you. And Allah is Most Appreciative and Forbearing." We also want you to know that we are committed to your Akhira investment. We intend to run additional Islamic classes in the classroom that you helped set up and ask Allah azzawajjal to give you a share in every good that we do and what follows it. And we are the most fortunate of people who still have a few wonderful days and nights remaining of Ramadaan. So please continue your good deeds, and take advantage of the many opportunities here and abroad to help the Ummah of the Prophet SAWS and gain a share in the here after.
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