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QuakeWrap Australia in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Engineering service

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QuakeWrap Australia

Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 434 760 136

Address: Lot 3, Unit 2 / 62 Crockford Street 4013 Brisbane, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Project update - Port Rail Bridge Works is well underway by Remedi8 Pty Ltd on the 144 concrete piles at Port Rail Bridge with 32 piles having already been wrapped with PileMedic PLG60.60 jackets .More updates to follow .

25.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - CROSS RIVER RAIL GROUT BAGS Synthetex Hydrotex grouts bags will be installed by Bother Boring and Tunneling between the shaft wall and stiffening beams. Stay tuned for more updates !

25.01.2022 Concrete Show 2019 in Jakarta , Indonesia has kicked off ! QuakeWrap Australia are in the Europe & Australia Pavilion at booth #4509 . Stay tuned for updates through out the show which finishes on Saturday 21st .

25.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - MILITARY JETTY PILES Sunshine Coast Council along with Abyss Diving will be commencing works on wrapping deteriorated timber piles with PileMedic in the coming weeks . These timbers had previously been encapsulated with concrete for borer protection , these old caissons will be removed and PileMedic Jackets installed . Stay tuned for more updates. #pilemedic #frpstructuraljackets

24.01.2022 NEW PROJECTS - DILLON ST CROSSING ,CAIRNS Works is under way by Dawson's Engineering repairing three deteriorated concrete piles using PileMedic PLG60.60 . Works were specified by GHD for Cairns Regional Council , stay tuned for more updates . #pilemedic #FRPjackets #infrastructureinnovators

24.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - SOUTHBANK OPEN SPACE CONCRETE PILES Works is underway on the Southbank Open Spaces project which involves PileMedic PLG60.60 Jackets being installed on 32 x concrete piles ( square and octagonal ) by Abergeldie , NCS and Subsea Diving . Stay tuned for more updates !

24.01.2022 Project Update - Palm Cove Jetty Works is underway by Roadtek on the timber on Palm Cove Jetty in Palm Cove Qld . This popular fishing spot is having PileMedic PLG60.60 installed on over 30 piles plus rod holders

24.01.2022 PROJECT UPDATE - SARATOGA JETTY Works has been completed by Sunshine Coast Council and Abyss Diving installing PileMedic Jackets on 6 x Timber Piles . Some of the piles were extremely damaged by borer activity and no longer there . New timber heads were installed and wrapped with PileMedic PLG14.13 jackets and filled with epoxy. Great work by all involved !

24.01.2022 Quakewrap is proud to be able support young Lismore golfer Harry White. Quakewrap has provided new golf shirts to keep him looking sharp as he proudly represents his local club, school, district & state over the coming year. Best of luck for those Aussie Age Titles later in 2019. The Quakewrap team will be following his moves & sharing his progress. Check out hazza.4404 on insta.

23.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - PACIFIC MOTORWAY CULVERT QuakeWrap's StifPipe has been selected to reline a 1.2m diameter corroded Corrugated Steel Pipe with contractor Australian Marine & Civil . Stay tuned for more updates ! #StifPipe #Culvertrelining

22.01.2022 PROJECT UPDATE - QAL Red Mud Dam Pipeline Timber Piles. Works is due to commence next week on emergency repairs of 38 x timber piles using QuakeWraps PileMedic Jacket System. More info to follow !#quakewrap #frpstructuraljackets #timberpiles

21.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - OX CREEK QuakeWraps certified contractor PBS has just completed installing PLG60.60 on 8 x timber piles for Banana Shire Council on Ox Creek Bridge. Great work by all invloved !

21.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - OX CREEK QuakeWrap's certified contractor PBS has just completed installing PLG60.60 on 8 x timber piles for Banana Shire Council on Ox Creek Bridge. Great work by all invloved !

21.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - PORT RAIL BRIDGE QuakeWrap Australia is pleased to announce that PileMedic PLG60.60 structural jackets will be installed by the successful Adelaide based contractor Remedi8 Pty Ltd on the 144 x concrete piles for DPTI on Port Rail Bridge . Works is due to start 27th May onsite with more updates to follow . Great work to involved ! #pilemedic #pilejackets #infrastructureinnovators

21.01.2022 PROJECT UPDATE - Saltwater Creek Bridge Roadtek has just completed wrapping piles with PileMedic PLG60.60 on concrete piles to halt and contain ASR . For more info contact [email protected]

20.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - KANGAROO POINT RIVER WALK Building Solutions Brisbane has been awarded the contract by Brisbane City Council to repair concrete piles on the Kangaroo Point River Walk using PileMedic Jackets . Stay tuned for more updates

19.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - SOUTH JOHNSON BRIDGE Stage #2 is underway this month with PileMedic PLG60.60 Jackets being installed on concrete piles for MSF Sugar by Realfs Diving and Salvage. Croc infected waters , huge water flows are just some of the challenges onsite . Stay tuned for more updates

18.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - BCC PONY CLUB BRIDGE 4 x Timber piles have been repaired and restrengthened using PileMedic PLG60.60 jackets by Brisbane City Council . The timbers had severe splitting and deterioration . Great work by all involved !

18.01.2022 Project Update - Port Rail Bridge Wrapping of PileMedic PLG60.60 has progressed with 3 piers ( 48 piles ) already completed ! Great work by the team at Remedi8 Pty Ltd

17.01.2022 PROJECT UPDATE : BCC Culture Centre Works is well underway by Building Solutions Brisbane on repairing 17 x timber piles with PileMedic PLG60.60 . Stay tuned for more updates

17.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - MENZEL ROAD CULVERTS Works is underway building StifPipe sections for relining of corroded and deformed 3m diameter x 7.5m each twin cell CSPs in North Queensland with RoadTek . Stay tuned for more information . #StifPipe #infrastructureinnovators #QuakewrapAustralia

16.01.2022 PROJECT UPDATE - OX CREEK BRIDGE Works has been completed by PBS on the timber piles @ Ox Creek . Great work by the guys @ PBS ! To contact PBS see website below.

15.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - WENDLANDS GULLY BRIDGE Works is due to commence on 12 x timber piles on Wendlands Gully Bridge by Bundaberg Regional Council Timber Bridge team after the Easter break. BRC are a trained installer of the PileMedic structural jacket system . Stay tuned for more updates and have a safe Easter break . #pilemedic #frp #infrastructureinnovators

15.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - KARUAH JETTY Works is underway by Port & Hunter Commercial Diving on the BIG4 Karuah Jetty Timber Piles installing PileMedic PLG60.60. Stay tuned for updated through out the project and welcome Port & Hunter Commercial Diving to the QuakeWrap Installer Team !

14.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - Timber Rail Bridge , Salisbury QLD Works is underway on 7 x timber bridge piles on a rail bridge in Brisbane by Professional Bridge Services . Six of the piles to be wrapped in PileMedic PLG60.60 are abutment piles . Stay tuned for more updates on completion #quakewrap #innovationinnovators #frpstructuraljackets

13.01.2022 Project Update - Thursday Island Works has completed by SRG on wrapping 3 x ASR affected concrete piles with QuakeWrap PileMedic and Carbon Fabric for Ports North Cairns .

13.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - Port of Townsville Berth 9 piles Works is underway on 4 x concrete piles at Port of Townsville by Formset installing PileMedic PLG60.60 . These piles have heavy spalling in the tidal zone due to lack on cover . Stay tuned for more info

12.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - SARATOGA DRIVE JETTY. 8 x Timber piles will be getting wrapped with PileMedic for the first time by Sunshine Coast Councils Maintenance Crew this week. Stay tuned for further updates .

11.01.2022 Winner - Congratulations to the team involved at delivering the Port Adelaide Rail Crossing Pile Refurbishment Project and winning the award for project of the year in the $2-5m category at the recent Earth Awards Dinner in Adelaide. The highlights of the project included the supply and installation of our modular access system allowing increased productive hrs. at the work face on a project heavily impacted by tidal patterns. In addition all works were carried out whilst th...e rail service remained live with no interruption. The Remedi8 team installed the fully engineered PileMedic system from Quakewrap Australia . The systems unique qualities allowed 144no concrete piles to be fully repaired and protected in just 13 weeks onsite. The works resulted in the DPTI asset extending its lifespan for an additional 50+yrs with all works taking place within the boundary of a Dolphin Sanctuary . #pilemedic #frpstructuraljackets

10.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - PACIFIC MOTORWAY CULVERT QuakeWraps StifPipe has been selected to reline a 1.2m diameter corroded Corrugated Steel Pipe with contractor Australian Marine & Civil . Stay tuned for more updates ! #StifPipe #Culvertrelining

09.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - DUNLOP COURT FOOTBRIDGE PILES QuakeWrap PileMedic PLG14.13 Jackets will be getting installed by Alder Constructions on Concrete encased steel H Piles . Stay tuned for more updates .

09.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - MOURILYAN WHARF Congratulations to Duratec for winning the Ports North Mourilyan Wharf pile remedial project and will be installing QuakeWrap Systems ! Stay tuned for further updates in the next two weeks . #pilemedic #FRP

08.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - TOWNSVILLE PORTS Works is currently underway with on 6 x concrete piles at Townsville Port . Stay tuned for more info

07.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - St Agnes Bridge Timber Piles Works is underway by Bundaberg Regional Council with QuakeWraps PileMedic PLG60.60 Structural Jackets being installed to rehabilitate 12 x timber piles . Stay tuned for more info or contact [email protected] #pilemedic #infrastructureinnovators #FRPjackets

07.01.2022 Project Update - QAL Red Mud Dam Emergency Works Works is underway will multiple timber piles wrapped in PileMedic PLG14.13 Structural Jackets . More updates to follow.

07.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - BAI STANDBY ANTENNA TIMBER POLE QuakeWrap PileMedic PLG14.13 will be getting installed 24m up in the air to repair a lightning strike damaged timber AM Radio antenna by Broadcasting Australia. Stay tuned for updates this week .

06.01.2022 World of concrete 2019 is underway. Already a great turn out of Aussie and Nz contractors

06.01.2022 Small Bridges 2019 is underway , come see us at booth #34

05.01.2022 PROJECT UPDATE - Menzel Road Culvert StifPipe Works has now been completed by Roadtek North Qld for Cassowary Coast regional Council on installing QuakeWraps StifPipe Structural Liner on 7.5m long x twin cell 3m dia CSPs. This project was a first of its size to be installed and due to the ability to adjust the StifPipe to any shape it also enabled maintaining the largest diameter possible due to the deformed shape. For more information contact [email protected] #StifPipe #quakewrap #innovationinnovators #culvertstructuralrelining

05.01.2022 NEW PROJECT Works in underway by Mates Pty Ltd installing our Synthetex Hydrotex Uniform Section ( US200) at BP refinery in Brisbane for 2000m2 of Swale Drain lining . Stay tuned for more updates or visit

05.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - Thomatis Creek Bridge Piles PileMedic PLG60.60 will be getting installed on concrete piles by MSF Sugar near Cairns . Works to commence after Easter , stay tuned for more info.

04.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - Mt Gravatt Busway Column repairs Building Solutions Brisbane has recently completed wrapping of concrete columns for Brisbane City Council on the Mt Gravatt Busway walkway using PileMedic PLG60.60. Great job by all involved ! #PileMedic #quakewrap #FRP #infrastructureinnovators #columnrepairs

04.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - Caltex Product Wharf Brisbane. Works has been completed by Harrap Marine Industries at Caltex Product wharf repairing deteriorated timber piles with QuakeWraps PileMedic jacket System .

04.01.2022 QuakeWrap Australia Open for Business . To all our clients , QuakeWrap Australia is stocked with PileMedic and open for business . Current orders will be fulfilled and delivered over the coming weeks as per project schedules . Obviously with the travel restrictions in place our techincial support will be done via digital media and facetime/ teleconference systems. QuakeWrap appreciates your support during these trying times and will endevour to maintain our quality design , s...upply and support services . For Sales enquiries contact Gary on 0426 816 247 For Engineering contact Rahmin on 0437 236 874 For Account enquiries contact Shauna on 0413 343 277 To speak with Tony contact 0434 760 136

04.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - MSF Sugar South Johnson Bridge PileMedic PLG60.60 jacket installation works is underway by Realfs Diving for MSF oSugar on the South Johnson Bridge near Innisfail . The 12 x square concrete piles needed urgent structural restrengthening before the cane harvesting season starts in 3 weeks and cane trains start running over the bridge. Stay tuned for more information in coming days

03.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - PINE CREEK BRIDGE Bundaberg Regional Council will be wrapping 4 x timber piles @ Pine Creek Bridge with QuakeWrap PileMedic PLG60.60. Works expected to commence in May . Stay tuned for more info . #pilemedic #infrastructureinnovators #timberpiles

02.01.2022 NEW PROJECT - QUEENS WHARF PILES QuakeWrap PLG60.60 jackets will be getting installed on 42 x concrete piles on the new Queens Wharf walkway for Waterways Construction by CMG . More updates to follow. #pilemedic , #infrastructureinnovators #pilejackets

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