Quantum Creatures and Tailored Herbs in Perth, Western Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Quantum Creatures and Tailored Herbs
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Address: Swan Valley 6069 Perth, WA, Australia
Website: http://www.QuantumCreatures.com.au
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25.01.2022 Nothing better than working with animals around
25.01.2022 Talking about something causing stress... ouch. https://www.vetvoice.com.au//shock-horror-electric-shock-/
25.01.2022 S T R E S S We all need to stress less and live more. Stress is the one single most destructive thing for you health. This applies equally to our pets. Do what you can to reduce stress, in you and your pets lives, you will live longer, healthier and be happier. If it stresses you - ditch it, or find a work around to stress less Breathe it away - box breathing 3 minutes 3 times a day. Do it.... B O X B R E A T H I G Breathe In 4 seconds Hold 4 seconds Breathe Out 4 seconds Hold 4 seconds Repeat...
23.01.2022 Part 1 : How would you define Stress? Please comment below ... Part 2 of this post to follow tonight - please play along
23.01.2022 Using light therapy to help heal a wound. The blue light is anti-bacterial and the Redlight is combined with laser to help speed healing and reduce scar tissue. She fell asleep during treatment - miss fidgetbum relaxing #redlighttheraphy #coldlasertherapy #helpingdogs
23.01.2022 Saw this in Facebook - too funny not to share - from @kundalinitimes
22.01.2022 If there is one creature that will always see the opportunity in a difficult situation then its a pony - trust me ... Show me a picture of your little (or big) opportunist
22.01.2022 Isn’t this amazing!
22.01.2022 I always feel a real sense of sadness when I see a horse alone in a field, with no others close by. Horses are highly sociable and depend on each other for comfort and support. When one sleeps, the other keeps watch. I have a little and large situation going on at mine. Where big red is, there you will find little black. Funny because my first English horse book was called ‘Little Black a Pony and was about a little black Shetland and a big chestnut.
21.01.2022 Who else in Perth felt a bit like this pony today ?! Unexpected cold, wet and windy weather can take the body by surprise (not to mention the mind - especially if it was enjoying poolside cocktails over the weekend). Make sure your horse is protected from these changes in weather. How I hear you ask? clean fresh water (add electrolytes to food on cold days to keep them hydrated and prevent compactions) good quality hay / pasture... immune supporting herbs such as rose-hips and echinacea lots of love a rug if needed (I always rug mine if there is cold wet and windy weather - a shivering horse is a sad horse) See more
21.01.2022 #TuesdayTip - before you start a new treatment plan, start keeping note of how you feel and what you eat - log mood / gut / skin energy / etc (or how your animal is reacting / feeling) for a few days and then at the end of the treatment plan, you can look back and revisit - compare to how things are now.
20.01.2022 Here are the rest of these amazing stretches that Jess from Equestricare Equine Sports Therapy so graciously made available for you to use and share. I am certainly using these stretches, remember to never force a stretch or to hold it too long. Warm muscles are safer to stretch.
20.01.2022 We all love our pets, and as the years begin to take their toll on them, we need to make sure we know how to support them in their senior years as best we can. There are a few modalities we can use to make them more comfortable. Canine Massage is one way to keep muscle and joint pain at bay, by improving circulation, range of motion movements and releasing toxins from the body through the lymphatic system, especially important now that they are not as active as they used to be.
19.01.2022 My thoughts exactly. If you do feed kibble and you want to reduce the risk of rancidity and food going off, keep only a 2 week supply in a FOOD SAFE container, and put the rest of the bag in a freezer of fridge - or buy small bags that only last 2 weeks. Or find out how to feed a balanced species appropriate diet, that will keep your pet healthy for longer. I am doing a gold coin donation (100% to go to Dogs Behind Bars Rescue) info session on why a species appropriate diet is better for your pets, in February in Ellenbrook (will be available online in March). If you are interested, keep an eye out - one lucky participant will win a door prize valued at $130 - and design their dogs diet.
16.01.2022 Inflammation can be alleviated by using kinesiology tape to help to direct the buildup to lymph nodes, where the body can then eliminate the fluid build up through it elimination channels. #rocktapeequine
16.01.2022 Coffee is my biggest vice, it's got a hold stronger than a toddler with a new toy. What about you, any vices?
16.01.2022 Mould is an often overlooked environmental toxin in our lives. It does not only affect your health, but also the health of your pets. Some cognitive issues can be attributed to mould toxicity.
16.01.2022 How do I know my pet suffers from anxiety? Signs to watch out for: Hiding in dark places, ears pulled back and whites of eyes showing, tail clamped, tense muscles, trembling, panting and licking. Lack of appetite, not wanting to be away from their human / herd members. Excessive barking or vocalisation, repetitive behaviour such as fence walking, odd toileting behaviours (in strange places). Changed bowel movements. Restlessness and running around the paddock. Heightened sense of alertness, jumpy. Destructive or aggressive behaviour, are only a few of the signs to watch out for.
14.01.2022 For the love of animals - its always been part of our history. https://www.facebook.com//a.16603561675/2737316669820793/
14.01.2022 I feel so stupid... if only I had known ... if only someone had told me ... then I never would have given my pet /child / myself xxxx These are some of the most devastating works I have heard. This is a HUGE reason why I raise awareness of choices you can make for your / pet / childs health. ... For me its all about INFORMED CONSENT. That is a basic right we have and it should NEVER be taken away from us, by others who believe they know better. #informedconsent
14.01.2022 Anxiety in pets: Conventional Treatments Chances are that if you go to a conventional vet for anxiety issues, you are very likely to leave with some anti-anxiety medication clutched in your hand. These medications are mostly the same as what doctors will prescribe people with anxiety such as Valium, Xanax, Prozac or Lorazepam. These meds need to be taken for a few weeks before the effect will kick in, but this is just the beginning of, an often life long dependency on these ...meds, for your pet, and just like with humans, the withdrawel is often what causes the problem, not the anxiety issue. If you are lucky your pet will only need them for a short period. There is also a lovely list of side effects associated with these drugs: Increased or decreased appetite Lethargy and/or drowsiness Affected learning and memory Increased urination Upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting Increased aggression and anxiety Damage to the liver Seizures Insomnia Skin conditions Some drugs can even result in withdrawal symptoms if used long-term and stopped abruptly. Lucky for us and our pets there are other solutions to this problem, and they are much better tolerated, can be tailored to your pets' anxiety triggers, such as behavioral training or herbal support.
14.01.2022 I am super excited to anounce a new release tisane, specially formulated and perfected for this amazing event - hosted by https://www.facebook.com/MandalaHolisticTherapies/ in The Vines, on the 27 the of November. This tisane is formulated as a refreshing warm or cold tisane, enjoyed with or without a slice of lemon or honey. It comprises of wonderfully nourishing herbs that have antioxidant, immune-modulating, and restorative actions according to traditional use. Come and jo...in us and experience a meditation and tea ceremony. You can book your spot at https://fb.me/e/2cHD3d7gP and taste this tisane as part of the event - you will also receive a sample bag to take home or you can purchase a jar at the event (at a special price for $13 on the night only)
13.01.2022 The zodiac signs as dogs
13.01.2022 Hands up who can identify with that look .... The dread a look can inflict. How do we manage our ‘moody’ mares? I have a mare - but she is not really moody, although she can go from happy to bite your face off, in a nano second - so, mmmm maybe she can be moody?!? The amount of ‘moody mare’ products out there is a testament of the prevalence of issues managing these she-dragons.... I would love to hear how you have managed your moody mare - what worked / did not work for you? Not all solutions come in the form of an injection, there are other ways to manage these mares, sometimes it may not even be hormones ! Keep tuned, as I will be giving a presentation on the herbal management of mares in January - in the Swan Valley, date TBC.
13.01.2022 Reiki is a wonderful modality to help reduce stress and anxiety in you or your pets life. If you have a reactive horse or dog, why not book in for a reiki session and see the difference a session can make. Reiki is also used in some hospitals to help manage pain and anxiety due to illness. Reducing stress and anxiety helps the body to switch to its healing - parasympathetic mode, as the body is no longer worried about that lion lurking in the bush, it can allocate resources ...to healing. Adaptogenic herbs is another tool I can use to help the body adjust to stress and re-establish a balance. These herbs are especially useful when stress has been long standing or there has been a long recovery from injury or illness. In people the term wired and tired is commonly used to describe people who have been under the pump and just keeps in going. Nutrition is very important to help the body cope with increased demands (emotional, physical, illness) and addressing those deficiencies, that is caused by long term stress is an important step to balanced wellbeing. I can use hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) to identify these deficiencies and excesses, even identify possible metabolic issues caused by long term stress such as laminitis in horses. If you would like to try some if these solutions get in touch
12.01.2022 Tissue Salts / Schuessler Salts Tissue salts, are also called cell salts, Scheussler Salts or biochemic salts. They are essentially minerals, that are found in and around us (rocks, soils, food). ... Dr. Schuessler (1828-1898), was a 19th century German doctor, that found when the human body is reduced to ashes, it comprises of 12 minerals. When these minerals are perfectly balanced in our bodies, we are in good health. Due to the poor quality of present day solid, our foods are increasingly lacking these essential building blocks. Modern day living and stress also robs our bodies from these minerals. Dr. Schuessler believed that these inorganic minerals are the basis for health and well being, he developed these 'salts' to be easily absorbed in our system to help regain the balance we need. Did you know that some believe these salts can also be linked to astrological constitution types? Relevant to those born in September is Kali Sulph (Virgo ) and Nat Phos (Libra ) needs to take 2 tablets daily to stay in balance...
12.01.2022 Herbal support for anxiety have been used for centuries. Lavender essential oils and herbs are probably the most widely used and known natural plant remedy to help reduce anxiety in mammals. Lavender combined with other anxiolytic and sedative herbs can be an effective and risk free way of supporting your pet with anxiety. I would never recommend internal consumption of any Essential oil, unless under the guidance of a qualified clinical aromatherapist. You should likewise no...t be offering this to your pet to lick off your hand. Offering instead, the opened bottle of essential oils to inhale till they move away, is an effective way of presenting this remedy. Never put undiluted essential oils on skin or fur and only offer very limited exposure to oils to cats - be aware which oils can be and can't be used with animals and small children.
12.01.2022 Part 2: The answer is that stress is not just mental, it is anything that puts your body under pressure. It can be that 3 hour bike ride once a week on Sundays or being sick, having low iron or thyroid dysfunction. When your body is stressed the ancestral brain springs into action and the response in a cellular level, is the same as if you are being chased by a lion. Your sympathetic nervous system takes over and all non-essential body functions are put on hold - such as dig...estion, hormone production, rest - you get the drift. So a continued stressed state can literally wreck havoc on your health. The box breathing technique helps to hack your vagus nerve - which in turn allows the parasympathetic nervous system to kick back in - relaxing. Meditation or yoga is also a great way to reduce stress in the body. Have you got any more ideas how to reduce stress in your life?
12.01.2022 Am so grateful to be able to help, feeling guardedly optimistic, go on Arab you can do it!
12.01.2022 You all know that I like Dr Becker, and today she read my mind. I was contemplating which veggies to add to the puppies food (confession - I used frozen (blanched) winter veggies), but it's great to share such a clear easy to remember infographic. Remember to lightly cook and finely dice / blend the veggies you give them - it helps them digest and absorb the goodness better.
11.01.2022 Today is a day to remember the sacrifices made in the name of war. Not only human, but the countless animals who have their lives for our wars. Lest we forget 11:11 11/11
11.01.2022 Pet introductions What to do when you live on a property and an Italian Spinoni (hunting dog) comes for a visit? Let it meet the birdies through glass....... Keep the energy low and we’ll get there over time ... maybe
11.01.2022 My darling old girl. I know our time together are coming to a close. Your eyesight is failing and you miss the call to dinner sometimes, because you can’t hear that well anymore, but you still gallop around the house like a puppy every now and again, get up to greet me when I get home (if you hear me). Sometimes you cry because you think you are alone, but soon wag your tail when you spot the others. I try to support my old lady with joint supplements, herbs and lightly coo...ked more digestible food. She seems happy and still leaps onto the couch like a frog, I recon there is still a fair bit of life in the old girl yet
11.01.2022 As a qualified naturopath I have completed 4 years of tertiary level study in herbal medicine. I have been taught which herbs are contraindicated with certain conditions and medications. I understand the synergistic properties of herbs and how they affect the body and systems. I also have the ability to prescribe TGA approved liquid herbal medicine. In my practice, I use mostly liquid herbals, but in certain cases a well balanced herbal tea or a blend of herbal powders in food can be just as therapeutic. Who do you trust and go to for your herbal advice?
11.01.2022 Just a fox having fun on a trampoline
11.01.2022 For those of you who needs a bit of midweek inspiration
10.01.2022 Isnt he magnificent? Such untamed beauty reminds me to cherish the world I live in. It saddens me to see how humans disregard animals as just an animal. I believe we need to treat all animals with love and respect. If you eat meat then the practice of thanking the animal for its sacrifice, so it may sustain our bodies, is one I think we need to embrace, as in its death its giving life to others.
10.01.2022 The story of a puppy and its journey into the abyss and back to health. Meet Little Man. I was asked to help with some advice on herbs, as he was in a country where veterinary care for one this sick, was not an option. The photos show the before (a month passed from photo 1 to 2), at the time of rescue and when he was returned to his owner, well on the way to recovery. Malnutrition (only rice - which is notorious for being high in Arsenic) and caused this rapid decline, ...which then lead to susceptibility to illness, mange and a heavy worm burden. Fate brought him into the path of a lady who had knowledge, support and the grace to help this poor creature. She reached out to me for some additional advice and with the help of herbs, homeopathics, energy healing and proper nutrition (as well as following a healing protocol for distemper from the early 1900s) he turned the corner. His rescue angel will follow-up on him and support his owners in his recovery journey. See more
09.01.2022 Excesses in processed pet food are not uncommon. These excesses may not be something that causes immediate issues in most cases, but over time they can be very detrimental to your pet's health. In my latest blog, I take a closer look at a few of these excesses commonly found in processed pet food, such as protein, calcium, magnesium, and other additives. You can find the link in the comments :)
08.01.2022 Just received back a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis from a horse. So interesting looking at the results and how that’s connected to the case taking interview. Wow. I got information on if the horse is a fast or slow metaboliser, if it’s more adapt as endurance or speed as well as information on how the Pituitary-Adrenal-Thyroid axis is functioning. it underlined what the owner was feeling (only to mention a part of the information gained) ... By looking at the ratios of minerals, I could determine if the horse has anxiety, bone health, gut health, how the liver is functioning, how well it can fight bacteria or if it’s better at fighting viruses and even an indication to possible blood glucose issues. Looking forward to discuss with the owner and helping this horse feel better (Cause that what I do - I want to make the animal feel better ). #HTMAhorse #mineralinteractions
07.01.2022 Some great resources from Equestricare Equine Sports Therapy on how to do stretches with your horse.
07.01.2022 Just leaving this here - enjoy the rest of your day, knowing there are cute villain fighting dogs out there to protect you
07.01.2022 Happy New Year to one and all! Firework displays will be held in many areas tonight, please ensure your pets are safe and contained.
06.01.2022 Finally! The horses thank you.
06.01.2022 Some more stretches that can be beneficial to your horse - this lovely series of stretches are from Equestricare Equine Sports Therapy
05.01.2022 Happy International Dog day everyone!!! I took the fluffy one for a play at the dog park with some cousins and Aunty Mel today. They are also getting some special treats with dinner tonight - what did you do with your pupper?
05.01.2022 Did you know that the FDA lists Bravecto, Credelio, Nexgard, Simparica and Revolution Plus in an alert? They all include a pesticide in the class of isoxazoline chemical compounds. Which can have some nasty nasty side effects. Moxidectin found in equine worming and dog heartworm medication, caused many deaths and seizures in animals and had to be taken off the market (proheart 6), before being relaunched with the stipulation that clients should be advised of its side e...ffects, and not to give to sick or weak animals. Same drug. Same issues. One treatment is enough to give your pet seizures (often life long) or cause death. Know what the risks are before you give any tick / flea, worm or heartworm preventative to your pets. Ask to read the package insert or do your research, BEFORE you give your pet these pesticides, because once its in, its in, you cant detox it - is it safe for you to take? If not, dont give it to your pet.
05.01.2022 With Spring come bees, with bees come (potentially) hives, swollen eyes/ lips and other varieties of bee-sting after effects. What have you got in hand to help? IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO BEES YOU NEED YOUR EPIPEN I have a handy little homeopathic remedy called Apis. Apis can effectively be used as an acute remedy for bee stings, sore throats, hives, nettle rash, mild allergic reactions as well as other conditions causing heat, redness, swelling, burning and pain.... Arnica is another great homeopathic that should always be at hand. Use it in any emergency situation, to help reduce pain, swelling and bruising. Rescue remedy added to the mix, to calm everyone’s nerves is also not a bad idea These remedies can be used on all creatures big and small. Because it’s a homeopathic it will work energetically with the body and have no ill effects or nasty side effects or interactions. I am working on a free resource for animals and the use of homeopathic remedies - it will be available soon, keep your eyes open in the next few days #homeopathyforpets #apismellifera #homeopathyfordogs
04.01.2022 Go to the BEACH to REDUCE STRESS Walking in nature is a fantastic way to achieve relaxation, the beach is a great place to let the waves sweep your stress into the ocean. Walking barefoot on the sand, in and out of the waves, will recharge you energetically. Your horse / dog (lets leave the cat home for this outing...) will enjoy the salt air and the water is a wonderful healing tool. I will never forget when I took my newly acquired gelding to the beach for the first time. I... remember him stopping dead in his tracks, as he saw the ocean, and he just stood there breathing the salt air and observing the scene before him. It was like a light switched back on in his eyes and I swear he was reborn that day. It was as if the ocean washed off all the years of competition stress and rebirthed him with a newfound personality and 'joie de vivre', he became a horse again. See more
04.01.2022 How clever, funny and informative
03.01.2022 Useful during allergy season. Homeopathics are symptom specific, so even though they may treat the same condition, there are different remedies tailored to each specific individual and their symptoms Homeopathic Remedies - Symptom Picture ... Allium - Hay fever with colds and sneezing, with profuse clear nasal discharge. Euphrasia - Conjunctivitis, hay fever and colds. Dry itching gritty eyes, with acrid tears. Light sensitive. Nat mur - colds and hay fever with sneezing with nose running like a tap. Sad, irritable and depressed.
02.01.2022 #pleeeaaaase play with me. The hope of the young and the of the old #gottolovetheoldies #hopeoftheyoung #pleaseplaywithme #puppylove
02.01.2022 For all Perth people: Apparently there is a major Parvo virus outbreak in Toodyay and Beverley. Avoid taking puppies and immune compromised / unvaccinated dogs out there. If you live in the area take care.
01.01.2022 There is a saying: the eye is the window to the soul. Did you know iridology is an art practiced by naturopathic practitioners? I was amazed when I went to see a Naturopath years ago, before I studied to become one myself, and she asked me (after looking in my eyes) if I had a major respiratory infection in the last year or two. I had pneumonia about 8 months prior to seeing her. In iridology the eye has been mapped out into different regions - referring to body systems and... parts. Lighter colours in the eye (as can be seen in this eye) refers to more recent weakness, whereas darker lesions are older or inherited weaknesses. Each occurs in the area or system of the body affected, according to the mapping. Iridology can also show how strong person ‘constitution’ is, if they are prone to digestive issues, anxiety and even parasitic infestations, and much, much more. Of course Iridology can not be relied upon as a stand-alone diagnostic tool, but it certainly can point the way, or confirm questioning. See more
01.01.2022 We must fight against the spirit of unconscious cruelty with which we treat the animals. Animals suffer as much as we do. True humanity does not allow us to imp...ose such sufferings on them. It is our duty to make the whole world recognize it. Until we extend our circle of compassion to all living things, humanity will not find peace. Albert Schweitzer See more
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