Quarrymans Hotel in Pyrmont, New South Wales, Australia | Beer garden
Quarrymans Hotel
Locality: Pyrmont, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9660 0560
Address: 214-216 Harris Street 2009 Pyrmont, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.quarrymanshotel.com.au
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24.01.2022 Zeds dead. Double Red 8.8% @capitalbrewing brought us something special. A big, juicy and dank double red. No subtle way to describe this beer. Bold, strong and bitter. Just how we like our red IPA to be. ... Now pouring from a tiny 30L keg so this will go fast! #craftbeer #drinkgoodbeer #publife #pubculture #craftbeerbar #sydneypubs #supportaussiebreweries #redipa #doublered #canberra #keepinglocalalive #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
24.01.2022 Drink local, support Aussie breweries, send extra love to Victorian businesses Chocolate biscuit milk stout by our mates in Victoria @moondogbrewing ... Timothy Tamothy Slam-othy 6.5% now pouring! Once you have this youll keep coming back for more! #drinkresponsibly #timtams #timtamslam #milkstout #craftbeer #sydneypubs #drinkgoodbeer #drinklocal #keepinglocalalive #supportlocalbusiness #publife #pubcture #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #localpub #aussieicons #quarrymanshotel
23.01.2022 Go Serena! And we tapped Modus hazy series #06 for you @modusoperandibrewing ... Apricot Coconut Cream IPA 7% #drinkresponsibly #usopen #hazyipa #drinklocal #drinkgoodbeer #supportaussiebreweries #keepinglocalalive #localpub #sydneypub #publife #pubculture #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
23.01.2022 Come join us this weekend @ The Q for all the NRL finals action, followed by The Bledisloe Cup on Sunday, all LIVE & LOUD on the big screen. #footy #footyfinals #nrlfinals #nrl #pubsports publife #pubculture #localpub #rugbyleague #bledisloecup #pyrmont @quarrymanshotel
23.01.2022 The only way to tell our dads how special they are! 1kg sticky pork ribs special is on this weekend, all day Saturday and Sunday Book your table now (10ppl max)... 96600560 [email protected] #happyfathersday #bbqribs #porkribs #rackofribs #pubspecials #pubfood #dad #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
23.01.2022 Gravymashpeas Something about this winning combo #winterwarmer #pubfood #pubmeal #sydneypubs #wintermeals #bangersandmash #mashedpotatoes #gravy #greenpeas #pubgrub #publife #pubculture #keepinglocalalive #supportlocalbusiness #wintermenu #pyrmont #purmontlical #quarrymanshotel
23.01.2022 #pasta #pubfood #sydneypubs #shiraz #keepinglocalalive #localpub #vegetarianpasta #pastaday #publife #pyrmont #quietnight #quarrymanshotel
23.01.2022 You always end up ordering parmi at pubs#noregrets
23.01.2022 TAP ALERT When youre about to get tired of all the Trump videos on news you see him on a beer label. Undercover Fashion Police Series #10 double NEIPA @9.1% ... by one of the oldest and the most creative brewery teams in SA Little Bang Brewing Company They seriously nailed this big boy! Drink responsibly #neipa #craftbeer #sydneypubs #supportaussiebrewers #southaustralia #rooftopbar #sydneyrooftop #publife #pubculture #covid19 #drinkgoodbeer #supportlocalbusiness #keepinglocalalive #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
22.01.2022 THE BLEDISLOE IS BACK THIS SUNDAY Live & Loud at The Q. Book your spot for you and your mates ... 9660 0560 [email protected] #bledisloecup #rugby #wallabies #allblacks #pubsports #sydneypub #pubculture #pubnight #livesports #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
22.01.2022 Sunday... #fishandchips #sydneypubs #pubfood #publife #pubculture #foodie #pubmeals #sunday #rooftopbar #rooftopterrace #frenchrose #sundayarvo #pyrmont #pyrmonocal #keepinglocalalive #localpub #quarrymanshotel
22.01.2022 You always find beers you like here at the Q. 24 taps, Aussie brews, rotating and fresh. Whats new; Batch Brewing Company Juicy Boys Ballistic Beer Oakes XPA KAIJU Beer Metamorphosis ... BentSpoke Brewing Co Red Nut Willie the Boatman Crazy Ivan . . #inhopswetrust #craftbeers #drinkgoodbeer #supportlocalbreweries #keepinglocalalive #beersforlife #sydneypubs #publife #pubculture #pyrmont #localpub #quarrymanshotel See more
22.01.2022 We are COVID Safe Business
20.01.2022 We are for indie brewers, Aussie independent small batch beer makers like this super talented team from Ballistic Beer in QLD. No compromise, never disappoints. Just awesome beers Mexican hot chocolate stout 6.5% Hawaiian Haze DDH pale 4.6% Pilot light mid strength 3.5%... #craftbeer #indiebrewers #drinkgoodbeer #supportaussiebreweries #supportlocalbusiness #keepinglocalalive #sydneypubs #publife #pubculture #craftbeerlover #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
20.01.2022 Two of our favourite stouts are now on tap . @philterbrewing Caribbean Stouts @bigshedbeer Golden Stout Time .... #stout #milkstout #darkbeer #cragtbeer #winterbeer #sydneypubs #publife #beergarden #pubculture #localpub #courtyard #pubbeergarden #goldengaytime #drinkgoodbeer #supportlocalbreweries #keepinglocalive #froth #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel See more
19.01.2022 Just a few spots left. Call us on 9660 0560 to grab a table. #hornvstszyu #boxing #pubsports #boxingmatch #sydneypub #quarrymanshotel
19.01.2022 You can always count on our sour selections. Fruit bursting palette tingling freshness in a glass!! @moondogbrewing In the crumble, mighty crumble apple crumble sour 5.8% ... @hopeestate Mango sour 3.7% #sourale #craftbeer #sydneycraftbeer #sydneypubs #publife #pubculture #drinkgoodbeer #sourbeer #mangosour #applesour #supportaussiebreweries #keepinglocalalive #drinklocal #supportlocalpubs #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
18.01.2022 Ebi katsu burger. Put it in my mouth! #prawnburger #burgers #pubfood #sydneypub #pubculture #pubburger #sydneybar #supportlocalbusiness #burgerporn #smileyface #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #sydneyburgers #quarrymanshotel
17.01.2022 THURSDAY HALF PRICE BUFFALO WINGS . . #pubspecials #pubfood #thursdayspecials #buffalowings #chickenwings #wings #piblufe #pubculture #sydneypubs #wydneybestwings #bluecheesesauce #spicywings #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
17.01.2022 Elsie or the Nerd? Elsie imperial 8.5% Nitro Nerd 5.8% On tap now ... Drink good beers, support Aussie indie craft breweries Drink responsibly #stout #porter #milkstout #coffeestout #nitrobeer #nitrous #craftbeer #supportlocalbreweries #keepinglocalalive #drinkgoodbeers #sydneypubs #sydneybars #publife #pubculture #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
15.01.2022 All rise for Tequila Queen! Oak aged Margarita Sour by @counterculturebeer at 7%, extremely limited, brewed with Arretto tequila, lacto, Cointreau and galaxy hop. #craftbeer #pubculture #drinkgoodbeer #sourale #margarita #lime #tequila #agave #sydneypubs #pyrmont #supportlocal#supportaussiebrewers #quarrymanshotel
15.01.2022 WE ARE OPEN FROM 1PM #quarrymanshotel #rooftopbar #sydneyrooftopterrace #sydneyrooftopbar #cocktails #rooftopgarden #cactusgarden #palmsprings #sydneysummer #outdoorbar #pyrmont
15.01.2022 When @hopeestate beers arrive at the Q, the whole place lights up, the red carpet rolls out on the floor, people dress up, queue up socially distanced and eagerly do their COVID sign ins. Well, its almost like that. But quite true. We have two of their imperials on tap now. Raspberry sour 7%... Double NEIPA 10% #drinkresponsibly #happyfriday #sydneypubs #publife #pubculture #craftbeer #drinkgoodbeer #supportlocalbreweries #aussiebeers #indiebeer #sourale #neipa #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
14.01.2022 Another cracker from @garageproject Once a collaboration beer with @moderntimesbeer Easy As NEIPA 6% This will not last. Now pouring... #neipa #craftbeer #sydneypubs #publife #pubculture #localpub #hazybeer #hazyipa #nzbeer #drinkgoodbeer #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
14.01.2022 Horn vs Tszyu Wednesday 26th August Live and loud on big screen Book your table now!... Call 96600560 or email [email protected] #boxing #hornvstszyu #publife #sydneypubs #pubsports #bigscreen #fight #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
13.01.2022 Meet Galactopus: American Barleywine. 10.1% ABV. The Barleywine style is a delicious, deeply malty, excessively strong ale from England. Americans like to throw a lot of hops in their beer. The Galactopus is a giant space faring cephalopod who, although approachable and charming, does devour planets, moons and suns, reaping freaking awesome destruction on a truly epic scale. Both the Galactopus and the American Barleywine in general should be approached with caution. You won...t find this on tap in Sydney. Traveled all the way from SA, crossed VIC borders safely and now pouring here at The Q! #drinkresponsibly #barleywine #craftbeer #strongale #craftbeerpub #sydneypubs #supportaussiebreweries #keepinglocalalive #beerstagram #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #drinkgoodbeer #quarrymanshotel
12.01.2022 Almost at maturity, aged in our cellar for 4 years. Deep layers of malts, Bourbon and sweet bitterness of burnt toffee to follow. A perfect cold days drink. Only one keg before we tap another in 2021. #vintageale #strongale #coopersbrewery #agedbeer #craftbeer #craftbeerdrinkers #supportaussiebreweries #supportlocalbusiness #keepinglocalalive #drinkgoodbeer #malt #pyrmont #sydneypubs #publife #pubculture #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
12.01.2022 We are doing everything we can to protect our customers and our staff from nasty virus, ew!! We are registered COVID Safe venue and all staff are trained and follow the COVID safety management plans. We have a hygiene marshall on the floor during lunch & dinner services every day ensuring all the high touch points and surfaces are sanitised constantly . .... #covid19 #staysafe #sydneypubs #hygienemartial #coronavirus #publife #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel See more
11.01.2022 Our Negroni and Old Fashioned are nicely aged in wooden barbells for your Friday treat #cocktail #classiccocktails #negroni #oldfashioned #barrelagedcocktails #sydneypub #publife #pubculture #keepinglocalalive #wintercocktails #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
08.01.2022 Sustenance. $15 Saturday rump steak all day today. . .... #rumpsteak #pubspecials #pubfood #publife #pubculture #dailyspecials #sydneypubs #supportlocalpub #steakspecial #mushroomsauce #craftbeer #pyrmont #pyrmontlocals #quarrymanshotel See more
07.01.2022 Join us at The Q for the Super Rugby Au Final this Saturday, Live & Loud on the big screen! Book your table (Max 10ppl) 9660 0560 [email protected]... #SuperRugbyAu #SuperRugby #BRUvREDS #rugby #sport #pubsports #publife #pubcture #localpub #quarrymanshotel #pyrmont
07.01.2022 2020 will be remembered as the weirdest time in your life but youll look back in time and think those were tough days but I drank so many damn good hazy beers! We hope to make your 2020 a tiny bit bearable and memorable. #cheerstoyou #inhopswetrust #keepinglocalalive #publife #pubcture #neipa #hazyipa #craftbeer #suportlocalbreweries #drinkgoodbeers #indiecraftbeer #sydneypubs #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
07.01.2022 1/2 price Tuesday tacos! COME GET IT! #tacos #chickentacos #halloumitacos #pubfood #pubfoodspecials #dailyspecials #tuesdayspecials #publife #pubculture #goosfood #sydneycheapeats #pyrmont #localpub #quarrymanshotel
06.01.2022 Meet Ira. He's not an IPA, not a Red Ale, or some kind of pseudo-Scotch Ale, but a bit like all of them. Ira is... different. Ira doesn't go for sports, he's not interested in the school disco, but you should see his collection of vintage Spiderman. He plays a mean oboe, and his cactus garden is borderline scary. Sure, he's not the coolest beer style around, but beyond the socks and sandals, Ira's having freaky thrills we can barely understand. ... 6% booze, 80 IBUs, toffee pinecones, pineapple and dank. Hes our absolute favourite By @littlebangbrewing #indiaredale #redale #craftbeer #drinklocal #supportindiebeer #supportaussiebreweries #sydneypub #keepinglocalsalive #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
05.01.2022 Shiny soft buns, juicy patty, guilty looking cheddar, messy sauce and a mountain of fries. Lets be honest. We all know that a bowl of salad doesnt go that well with beers. #cheeseburger #burgerisyourfriend #pubfood #pubburgers #classicpubfood #sydneypub #pubculture #publife #keepinglocalalive #supportlocal #eatlocal #drinklocal #pyrmont #pyrmonlocal #quarrymanshotel
04.01.2022 Cheers to this gorgeous Sydney winter day! Drink local, support Australian independent breweries #keepinglocalalive #sydneypubs #popculture #beergarden #publife #covid19 #bluesky #sydneywinter #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #drinkgoodbeer #craftbeeraustralia #supportlocalbreweries #quarrymanshotel
03.01.2022 Just what you need. $12 Saturday Parma all day today. . . #pubspecial #pubfood #publife #sydneypubs #pubdeals #dailyspecials #pubculture #localpub #saturday #supportlocalpubs #keepinglocalalive #craftbeerbar #sydneycraftbeer #parmigiano #chips #shoestringchips #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
03.01.2022 It’s been a while since we had the pleasure of pouring @sharkislandbrewing beers at The Q. This fantastic Voodoo IPA reminds us how we should never forget the joy of drinking a good American IPA. Crisp and bitter. It’s what we always love about beers. Cheers for the damn good beers guys! #americanipa #ipa #drinkgoodbeer #supportlocalbreweries #keepinglocalalive #sydneypubs #publife #pubculture #beergarden #craftbeer #craftbeerpubsydney #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
03.01.2022 MELBOURNE CUP LUNCH THE Q WAY We do what we do best for this year’s Melbourne cup. Casual and easy, no stress and fun day with good food, good beers & quality wines and cocktails!... TV screens on all levels No course menus just tasty Ala carte Make it a family gathering, work team day or mates catch up and enjoy the race Book a spot in our front bar, Beer garden, Lounge bar or on the Rooftop 96600560 [email protected] Limited spaces & seatings due to COVID capacity restrictions so don’t miss out! Small deposit and T&C apply. See our special Melbourne Cup lunch menu on our website (link in bio) or email us for more info. #melbournecup #raceday #melbournecupday #horseraces #publunch #sydneypubs #publife #pubculture #pubsports #horseracebets #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
02.01.2022 2 DAYS TO GO, Wednesday August 26th from 7pm The hugely anticipated super welterweight showdown between Horn & Tszyu is nearly here! It's being called the biggest domestic boxing match of 2020, so don't miss this one
02.01.2022 HORN vs TSZYU Wed 26th Aug 7pm Call us now to book your table... 9660 0560 [email protected] #boxing #fight #pubsports #pubcukture #sydneypubs #boxingnight #matchiftheyear #pyrmont #quarrymanshotel
01.01.2022 @modusoperandibrewing ON TAP NOW . . #craftbeer #redipa #souripa #ipa #sydneypubs #pubculture #publife #drinkgoodbeers #supportlocalbreweries #keepinglocalalive #goodbeers #ontapnow #pyrmont #pyrmontlocal #quarrymanshotel
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