QUEEN ROCKS | Musician/band
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23.01.2022 Today we are sharing Brendan's (Spike's) top 10 favourite Queen singles selected from Greatest Hits 1, 2 & 3. 10 votes for the best song down to 1 vote for 10th best. We'll tally up the votes from each band member to give you QUEEN ROCKS' guide to the BEST QUEEN SINGLES EVER! And, like last time, we're GIVING AWAY PRIZES as we go. Here's Brendan's Top 10: 10. Innuendo 09. I Want It All 08. Princes of the Universe... 07. Save Me 06. Hammer to Fall 05. Somebody to Love 04. Don’t Stop Me Now 03. One Vision 02. Under Pressure 01. Who Wants to Live Forever Enter the competition here: https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your #queen #queenrocks #freddiemercury #rogertaylor #johndeacon #brianmay #innuendo #iwantitall #princesoftheuniverse #saveme #hammertofall #somebodytolove #dontstopmenow #onevision #underpressue #whowantstoliveforever
22.01.2022 Today we are sharing Jason's (Freddie's) top 10 favourite Queen singles selected from Greatest Hits 1, 2 & 3. 10 votes for the best song down to 1 vote for 10th best. We'll tally up the votes from each band member to give you QUEEN ROCKS' guide to the BEST QUEEN SINGLES EVER! And, like last time, we're GIVING AWAY PRIZES as we go. Here's Jason's Top 10: 10. Princes of the Universe 09. The Show Must Go On 08. Seven Seas of Rhye... 07. Bicycle Race 06. Innuendo 05. I Want It All 04. A Kind of Magic 03. Another One Bites the Dust 02. Hammer to Fall 01. Somebody to Love Enter the competition here: https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your #queen #queenrocks #freddiemercury #rogertaylor #johndeacon #brianmay #princesoftheuniverse #theshowmustgoon #sevenseasofrhye #bicyclerace #innuendo #iwantitall #akindofmagic #anotheronebitesthedust #hammertofall #somebodytolove
21.01.2022 Our sincere thanks to Dougal and Tony for a fun interview on The CHAT PACK tonight which you can now watch below. Stand by, because the prize Jason won on the show tonight will be paid forward and offered as a prize to one of our social media followers soon! https://www.facebook.com/thechatpacklive/videos/341842570187776/ #Queen #interview #queenrocks
20.01.2022 Queen + Adam Lambert World Video Premiere of their 2014 Live in Tokyo performance of 'I Was Born to Love You’ on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndlVdBFbOU8&feature=youtu.be It was the first time they ever played this arrangement of the song live together. ... #Queen #QALlive #IWasBornToLoveYou #AdamLambert #QAL
20.01.2022 #QueenRocks hand picked best Queen’s finest. Checkout the playlist on Spotify
17.01.2022 Now it's Marty's (John Deacon's) turn! We're sharing each band member's top 10 favourite Queen songs selected from Greatest Hits 1, 2 & 3. 10 votes for the best song down to 1 vote for 10th best. We'll tally up the votes to give you QUEEN ROCKS' guide to the BEST QUEEN SONGS EVER! And, like last time, we're GIVING AWAY PRIZES as we go! 10. Radio Ga Ga 09. Under Pressure 08. We Are the Champions... 07. Bohemian Rhapsody 06. The Show Must Go On 05. You're My Best Friend 04. Somebody to Love 03. I Want to Break Free 02. Who Wants to Live Forever 01. Don't Stop Me Now https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your #queen #queenrocks #brianmay #freddiemercury #rogertaylor #johndeacon #radiogaga #underpressure #wearethechampions #bohemianrhapsody #theshowmustgoon #youremybestfriend #somebodytolove #iwanttobreakfree #whowantstoliveforever #dontstopmeknow
16.01.2022 40 years ago today Queen released Another One Bites The Dust. Convinced by Michael Jackson it would be a hit, this John Deacon penned funk/disco classic went to #1 practically everywhere! Official video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY0WxgSXdEE #queen QUEEN ROCKS #anotheronebitesthedust
16.01.2022 Luke, Marty and Jason have cast their votes in the quest to find QUEEN ROCKS' best of the best Queen singles. The Show Must Go On is now the clear leader. Here's all the votes so far: 15. The Show Must Go On 10. Who Wants to Live Forever 10. Radio Ga Ga... 10. Killer Queen 10. Princes of the Universe 09. Under Pressure 09. These Are the Days of Our Lives 09. Bicycle Race 08. We Are the Champions 08. Seven Seas of Rhye 07. It's a Hard Life 07. Bohemian Rhapsody 06. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 06. Innuendo 05. You're My Best Friend 05. I Want It All 05. Las Palabras de Amor 05. Somebody to Love 04. No One But You 04. A Kind of Magic 04. Another One Bites the Dust 03. Thanks God It's Christmas 03. I Want to Break Free 02. Hammer to Fall 01. Don't Stop Me Now Next time we'll get Brendan's (Spike's) Top 10. Don't forget to enter the competition here: https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your #queen #queenrocks #competition #win #theshowmustgoon QUEEN ROCKS
16.01.2022 All of us at QUEEN ROCKS are sad to hear of the passing of guitar great Eddie van Halen. It's an appropriate time to remember that Brian May and Eddie were friends and recorded together on Brian's Star Fleet Project mini LP back in 1983. Here's a link to the recording on YouTube. Check out Brian and Eddie trading solos on Blues Breaker, their tribute to Eric Clapton. RIP Eddie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL4QEsOJG0A #brianmay #eddievanhalen #edwardvanhalen #vanhalen #queen #starfleetproject #starfleet
15.01.2022 Hey Folks! We did with the albums, now it's time for the songs! We're going to share each band member's top 10 favourite Queen songs selected from Greatest Hits 1, 2 & 3. 10 votes for the best song down to 1 vote for 10th best. We'll tally up the votes to give you QUEEN ROCKS' guide to the BEST QUEEN SONGS EVER! And, like last time, we're GIVING AWAY PRIZES as we go! We'll start today with Luke (Brian May): 10. Killer Queen 09. These Are the Days of Our Lives... 08. Who Wants to Live Forever 07. It's a Hard Life 06. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 05. Las Palabras de Amor 04. No One But You 03. Thanks God It's Christmas 02. Bicycle Race 01. Another One Bites the Dust #queen #queenrocks #killerqueen #brianmay #freddiemercury #rogertaylor #johndeacon #thesearethedaysofourlives #whowantstoliveforever #itsahardlife #crazylittlethingcalledlove #laspalabrasdeamor #noonebutyou #thanksgoditschristmas #bicyclerace #anotheronebitesthedust
15.01.2022 WIN A QUEEN HITS COMPILATION OF YOUR CHOICE - WEEK 4 WINNER! Congratulations to Tymeeka Lambert (perfect surname Tymeeka!), our fourth and final winner! Tymeeka chose to win Queen The Platinum Collection Triple CD. #queen #theplatinumcollection #platinumcollection #queenrocks
14.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY FREDDIE!!! Freddie Mercury, the greatest frontman of all time, would have turned 74 years old today! Freddie's unique combination of talents - singing, songwriting, musicianship and stage performance - plus his natural charisma and flamboyance, will never be equalled. Thank you Freddie for all the joy you have given millions of people over the last five decades. We love you! #freddiemercruy #queen #birthday #happybirthday #74
14.01.2022 Both Luke and Marty have cast their votes in the quest to find QUEEN ROCKS' best of the best Queen singles and they only had one song in common in the respective top 10 lists - Who Wants to Live Forever. So it's a 3 way tie at the top for now! 10. Who Wants to Live Forever 10. Radio Ga Ga 10. Killer Queen... 09. Under Pressure 09. These Are the Days of Our Lives 08. We Are the Champions 07. It's a Hard Life 07. Bohemian Rhapsody 06. The Show Must Go On 06. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 05. You're My Best Friend 05. Las Palabras de Amor 04. Somebody to Love 04. No One But You 03. Thanks God It's Christmas 03. I Want to Break Free 02. Bicycle Race 01. Don't Stop Me Now 01. Another One Bites the Dust Tomorrow it's Jason's Top 10. Don't forget to enter the competition! :) https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your #queen #queenrocks #competition #win #whowantstoliveforever
13.01.2022 QUEEN + ADAM LAMBERT "LIVE AROUND THE WORLD" album debuts at Number 1 on the Australian Charts! #queen #adamlambert #qal #livearoundtheworld #aria #1 #number1 #no1 #australia
12.01.2022 Happy (belated) Birthday to Deacy!!! John Deacon celebrated his 69th birthday yesterday. He wrote some of Queen's biggest hits - Another One Bites the Dust, I Want to Break Free and You're My Best Friend. Check out this lovely rock ballad written by John - Spread Your Wings - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyd6OLyhPJo. The video was shot in Roger Taylor's garden the same day that the video for We Will Rock You was filmed. #queen QUEEN ROCKS #johndeacon #69 #spreadyourwings #wewillrockyou
12.01.2022 We have just one more round of voting to go from Dave (Roger) to determine QUEEN ROCKS' list of the BEST QUEEN SINGLES EVER! But before we do that let's check the total votes so far. Princes of the Universe is the new leader, replacing The Show Must Go On at the top. And Innuendo has leapt to second place. Which song will win?? Stay tuned for Dave's votes! 18. Princes of the Universe 16. Innuendo 15. The Show Must Go On... 14. I Want It All 11. Who Wants to Live Forever 11. Under Pressure 10. Somebody to Love 10. Radio Ga Ga 10. Killer Queen 09. These Are the Days of Our Lives 09. Bicycle Race 08. We Are the Champions 08. Seven Seas of Rhye 08. Hammer to Fall 07. Save Me 07. It's a Hard Life 07. Bohemian Rhapsody 06. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 05. You're My Best Friend 05. Las Palabras de Amor 05. Don't Stop Me Now 04. No One But You 04. Another One Bites the Dust 04. A Kind of Magic 03. Thanks God It's Christmas 03. One Vision 03. I Want to Break Free #queen #queenrocks #freddiemercury #rogertaylor #johndeacon #brianmay Queen #princesoftheuniverse QUEEN ROCKS
11.01.2022 We did it with the albums, now it's time for the songs! We're going to share each band member's top 10 favourite Queen songs to give you QUEEN ROCKS' guide to the BEST QUEEN SONGS EVER! And, like last time, we're GIVING AWAY PRIZES as we go! https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your #competition #win #queen #queenrocks Queen
10.01.2022 -- SPOTIFY PLAYLIST -- QUEEN ROCKS' BEST QUEEN SINGLES EVER For your listening pleasure as voted by the members of QUEEN ROCKS.... 28 Queen singles in release date order. Tell us your favourite... perhaps one that didn't make our list? #queen #singles #greatesthits #bestof #freddiemercury #brianmay #johndeacon #rogertaylor #NowPlaying
04.01.2022 Paul Dempsey from Something for Kate and Bernard Fanning from Powerderfinger with a great lockdown acoustic version of UNDER PRESSURE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDPMoOM8jnU&feature=youtu.be #queen #freddiemercury #davidbowie #underpressure #pauldempsey #bernardfanning
02.01.2022 You can't see Queen at the moment. You can't even see QUEEN ROCKS at the moment. But very soon you will be able to see and listen to Queen and Adam Lambert when Live Around the World in released on DVD, BluRay, CD and Vinyl on Friday 2nd October. Hooray!! Here's all the details: http://www.queenonline.com//press-release-queen-adam-lambe #queen #adamlambert #livearoundtheworld
02.01.2022 WIN A QUEEN HITS COMPILATION OF YOUR CHOICE - WEEK 2 WINNER! Congratulations to Joe Rocca, our second winner! Joe chose to win Queen Deep Cuts Volumes 1, 2 & 3 on CD. There is still 2 weeks to go... 2 more chances for all who have entered so far, or if you haven't entered yet get your entry in now for your chance to win! https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your ... #queen #deepcuts #win #competition #queenrocks QUEEN ROCKS
02.01.2022 To coincide with our quest to find QUEEN ROCKS' favourite QUEEN songs we're giving away a QUEEN hits compilation of your choice every week for 4 weeks! https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your #queen #queenrocks #competition #win
01.01.2022 WIN A QUEEN HITS COMPILATION OF YOUR CHOICE - WEEK 3 WINNER! Congratulations to Denise Thomsen, our third winner! Denise chose to win Queen The Platinum Collection Triple CD. There is still a few days ago... 1 more chance for all who have entered so far, or if you haven't entered yet get your entry in now for your chance to win!... https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your #queen #theplatinumcollection #platinumcollection #win #competition #queenrocks QUEEN ROCKS
01.01.2022 WIN A QUEEN HITS COMPILATION OF YOUR CHOICE - WEEK 1 WINNER! Congratulations to Tanya Berger, our first winner! Tanya chose to win a copy of the Bohemian Rhapsody Film Soundtrack on CD. There is still 3 weeks to go... 3 more chances for all who have entered so far, or if you haven't entered yet get your entry in now for your chance to win! https://contest.app.do/win-a-queen-hits-compilation-of-your... #queen #win #competition #queenrocks QUEEN ROCKS
01.01.2022 Exciting news! Queen + Adam Lambert Exclusive World Video Premiere of their 2018 Live At The O2 London Performance of 'The Show Must Go On’ is now available on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odtNNiIzv1k #Queen #QALlive #TheShowMustGoOn #AdamLambert #queenrocks
01.01.2022 Hi folks, Jason (our Freddie) will be interviewed on The Chat Pack tomorrow evening with Dougal Austin and Anthony T. Schmidt. The show starts at 7:30pm AEST.
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