Queensland Prison Officers Association | Businesses
Queensland Prison Officers Association
Phone: +61 7 3807 3807
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25.01.2022 Are you serious? we are .... #joinnow
24.01.2022 Unfair Dismissal Appeal? START HERE #workersfirst
22.01.2022 We have the answer for the imminent unemployment consequence. Register to become a Workers First recruitment agent immediately and get paid to recruit for us on a commission basis whilst you work from home. Contact Leroy Day from our office to find out how to get started. Recruit a basic member, get $28 commission.... Recruit a general member, get $56 commission. Terms and conditions apply but why wait for the inevitable. Start your recruitment today and starts earning real money for your hard work whilst you work from the safety of your home. #workersfirst www.workersfirst.com.au
21.01.2022 At Shine Lawyers, we know how to right wrong. Get the right advice from the right people. Contact us for a free initial consultation.
20.01.2022 When you feel a wave of hate and disposition come over you, pause and reflect on this; Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 1... All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. #workersfirst
20.01.2022 #workersfirst is at 109 City Road Beenleigh Qld 4207 (07) 3807 3807 or [email protected] | www.workersfirst.com.au
19.01.2022 It's different for everyone and nobody who's served is immune. #prisonofficers #workersfirst #blackdog
18.01.2022 https://twitter.com/workersfirst/status/1311785295092703232
18.01.2022 United Nations Universal Charter - Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. #workersfirst
18.01.2022 No Australian worker will ever be unemployed on our plan. Every worker can become a Workers First Recruiter and start earning an income immediately. Exclusive to Workers FIrst members, the opportunity to become a Workers FIrst Recruiter ensure that you will never be without the ability to put food on your table.... Recruiting one member to our Basic Membership ($1 per day) attracts a $28 commission. Recruiting one member to the General Membership ($2 per day) attracts a $56 commission. How many people do you know with workplace issues? Imagine for a moment that you recruit 2 people per day as Workers First Basic Members, that's $28 x 2 x 7 x 52 = $20,384 per year extra income. How many people do you know? JOIN NOW and email [email protected] for more information on becoming a Workers First Recruiter today. http://www.workersfirst.com.au//basic-workplace-cover-wf.h
17.01.2022 Time management for small business is important, wasting time on industrial disputes that get out of control through poor management not only cost the business bottom line, but it effects the lives of workers and their families. [email protected] #workersfirst
16.01.2022 ‘Friends’ come and go, but Workers First will always be there for you. #workersfirst @workersfirst
16.01.2022 Thank you to Shine Lawyers for sponsoring the 2020 Australian Prison Officers Association and Workers First pocket notebooks. Here’s how to get one and remember, basic membership is just $1 per day plus GST. Can you really afford not to be a member?... #prisonofficers #shinelawyers #workersfirst
15.01.2022 You know that show cause response the boss wants tomorrow? Imagine if you were a Workers First member, we would have helped you through it ... #justsaying JOIN NOW http://www.workersfirst.com.au/Articles.asp?ID=300
15.01.2022 Workers First is a family business that cares about you and we aren’t afraid to show it. #workersfirst https://www.instagram.com/p/B8bkljWntuy/?igshid=6i2uzygwdzij
15.01.2022 Outstanding result, well done.
14.01.2022 Consideration in employment contracts must be sufficient and lawful, but need not be adequate. Consideration must be sufficient, but not necessarily adequate. T...he consideration provided by both parties must be legal. A genuine promised to commit a common-law or statutory crime is not good consideration. A promise that is contrary to public policy is not good consideration. A promise to commit some non-criminal acts contrary to statute in some tortious acts are also not good consideration. In the 1933 Kings Bench case of Wyatt v Kreglinger and Fernau the employee worked for the employer for 47 years. One month before his retirement the employer promised him a pension on the proviso that he did not enter into any other employment or business on his own account in the wool trade. The employee agreed and received a pension for a decade before his employer reneged on the agreement. The court upheld the employers defence that the agreement was an unreasonable restraint on the employee. Consequently, the consideration provided the employee was not good consideration and it was a promise to do an illegal act: namely, being unreasonably restrain from competing with the employer. The contract will be unenforceable if the illegal promise provides the main consideration. Where the legal consideration only constitutes a severable and subsidiary part of the consideration that it may be possible to sever offending part and for the remainder of the contract to be enforced. This is why you need to ensure you get the right representation early. #workersfirst
13.01.2022 Our members will love their new pocket note books. Beat the rush JOIN NOW. http://www.workersfirst.com.au/Articles.asp?ID=300
13.01.2022 Allegations of bullying and harassment are high stress allegations for all parties involved, if you've been in this situation, we don't need to tell you that, but you may need our help to resolve it. [email protected] or call 0738073807 Australia-wide
11.01.2022 Brisbane Youth Detention Centre staff let down by local management. #workersfirst https://twitter.com/7newsbrisba/status/1298169894568001536
10.01.2022 Whatever you’re doing today, remember to have fun or find something else to do. #workersfirst
08.01.2022 Here's why you ought to be joining the Australian Prison Officers Association. #workersfirst #prisonofficers #forthosewhoserve #shinelawyers https://www.prisonofficers.org.au/why-join
06.01.2022 Hey guys, just letting you all know that there is an issue transferring our phone number to the new office at 109 City Road Beenleigh Qld 4207. If you need us,... please call 0434WORKER (0434967537) until Telstra fixes the transfer. Brian Newman Workers First Pty Ltd (p) 07 3807 3807 (f) 07 3807 3809 (e) [email protected] (url) www.workersfirst.com.au (a) PO Box 1152 Beenleigh Qld 4207
06.01.2022 Well, that is the holiday period over for now. It’s now back to work for me and a blistering pace to be set for Workers First in 2020. We have a new office to m...ove to and a new initiative of pop-up clinics in rural and remote areas of Australia to give workers direct access to our Workplace and Human Rights Advocacy service. In the first weeks of January we will introduce the newest asset in the Workers First fleet as a Jayco Work ‘n’ Play mobile Work Station we will be using to facilitate meetings on site with workers at various locations. Workers First TV will also roll out in January and throughout 2020 our library of YouTube guides for workers will develop into a comprehensive how-to-guide for workers who need workplace and human rights representation. It’s going to be an exciting 2020 for Workers First, our staff, members and clients. Buckle up, 2020 is the year the vision is realised and significant changes in the way workers are represented in Australia will serve to release workers from the shackles of poor performances by the trade union movement that has let us all down for far too long without address. Welcome to 2020. Brian AJ Newman Workers First Pty Ltd
06.01.2022 Do you know someone who’s been unfairly dismissed? Start by filling out this quick questionnaire and we’ll get you the help you need. #workersfirst #unfairdismissal #fairwork
05.01.2022 Attention Coronavirus Career Casualties, the Unfairly Dismissed and those who are Employment Excluded: Stay calm and call Workers First if you need help with a work issue. 0738073807 or [email protected] ... #coronaviruscareercasualty #employmentexcluded #coronavirus See more
04.01.2022 Members are snapping up the 2020 Workers First and Australian Prison Officers Association notebooks proudly sponsored by Shine Lawyers
03.01.2022 Today, Workers First appeared before the Supreme Court instructing Counsel for and on behalf of a Brisbane Youth Detention Centre member. Would your union do the same for you? #JOINNOW #WORKERSFIRST #PRISONOFFICERS http://www.workersfirst.com.au/Articles.asp?ID=299
03.01.2022 We are going to run a competition for the best Workers First Tick picture of the week. Post it on the Workers First Facebook page with #workersfirsttickit We’ll then post the winner each Monday at 18:00 with the prize. #workersfirsttickit
02.01.2022 I’m taking the plunge. As many of you know, I practice as a Workplace and Human Rights Advocate, and whilst I have a Law Degree (plus a few other bits and bobs...) I have not ever practiced as a Solicitor and the truth is I probably never will, but, the time has now come for me to seek admission from the Supreme Court of Queensland and be admitted to the roll of Solicitors after having fought off the temptation for many years. The grand plan beyond that is to sit the Bar Practice course and exam (necessary to practice as a Barrister) in 2021 (assuming the world still spins) and then to seek admission to the Private Bar as a Barrister. Acting thence exclusively for Workers First clients as in house Counsel (Barrister) of course. It’s been a fun journey so far, so I figured why rest here when there so much more to be achieved in life yet. I can honestly say, I love my job and whilst not even remotely necessary for the ongoing success of Workers First that I seek admission as either a Solicitor or a Barrister, I feel it would be an opportunity missed not to do this, at least for the sake of setting a reasonable standard for our children. Of course my Master of Laws Degree studies roll on as do a few other studies, but I figured this was likely give some kind of benchmark for the kids as they get closer to graduating High School and ponder their own careers. #workersfirst #doitforthekids
02.01.2022 Clock ticking on an unfair dismissal appeal [email protected] or call (07) 3807 3807.
02.01.2022 South East Queenslanders have been praised for their response to the latest covid-outbreak, as tens of thousands of people turned up to get tested. So far the ...detention centre cluster has been contained, but our Chief Health Officer has warned more cases are out there. More: 7NEWS.com.au/coronavirus #7NEWS
02.01.2022 Funny what pops up as recommended opportunities on my LinkedIn profile.
01.01.2022 FREE to all members. Membership of the Australian Prison Officers Associaiton (APOA) is open to Prison Officers, Police Watch-house Officers, Youth and Immigrations Detention Officers, Security, Intelligence and Investigations Officers throughout Australia in public and private sectors. Basic membership starts at $1 per day plus GST and entitles you up to five (5) hours representation and advocacy per year (non-cumulative). Powered by Workers First and supported by Shine Law...yers, the Australian Prison Officers Associaiton is the best expert and professional representative entity available to those who serve. JOIN NOW http://www.workersfirst.com.au/Articles.asp?ID=300 #prisonofficers #workersfirst #joinnow
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