Queensland Unions in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Non-profit organisation
Queensland Unions
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3010 2555
Address: 16 Peel Street 4101 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.queenslandunions.org
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25.01.2022 LNP leader Deb Frecklington and her party have consistently opposed stronger wage theft laws in Queensland that criminalise deliberate wage theft by dodgy employers. They voted against the inquiry into wage theft and criticised the wage theft report. Now theyre playing politics on the issue, saying if they win the election theyll review the new stronger laws just passed. The record shows the LNP doesnt really back these stronger laws that would punish dodgy bosses with jai...l. Deb Frecklington can afford to play politics - on $327,000 a year, her pay and entitlements are safe. Pity about the 437,000 Queensland workers are being ripped off around $2.3 billion in wages and super each year. #Endwagetheft now! Hospo Voice United Workers Union Young Workers Hub Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union Queensland Teachers Union Independent Education Union - Queensland & Northern Territory Branch AMWU Qld & NT Maritime Union of Australia - QLD BranchETU Queensland & NT Transport Workers Union - Queensland RTBU Qld Branch The Services Union MEAA Chris Gazenbeek - SDA Union Queensland Nteu Qld Division Plumbers Union Qld Australian Unions Young Workers Centre See more
25.01.2022 Even Malcolm Turnbull wants to protect our superannuation system.
25.01.2022 Queenslands wage theft legislation is in State Parliament today in the final stages before it is LAW! If you commit serious and deliberate wage theft you will be punished! #endwagetheft Young Workers Hub Young Workers Centre Hospo Voice
25.01.2022 This financial year Australian women will have to work an additional 59 days to earn the same pay as men. Does that sound fair to you? #EqualPayDay Queensland Teachers Union Independent Education Union - Queensland & Northern Territory Branch ETU Queensland & NT United Workers Union Finance Sector Union of Australia Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union Transport Workers Union - Queensland The Services Union Professionals Australia Australian Unions RTBU Qld Branch AMWU Qld & NT
25.01.2022 Applications for postal votes are now open via the Electoral Commission. You can apply online [http://bit.ly/PostalVoteApp] if you wish to lodge a postal vote. Remember the job cuts, asset sales and service closures the last time the LNP were in power. 2020 is NOT the year to risk the LNP. Vote to keep Queensland LNP free.
24.01.2022 In today’s Qld budget, the Palaszczuk Government locked in a $1 billion pipeline of rail manufacturing work in Maryborough. Our members in Maryborough are some of the best train manufacturers in Australia, and now they’ll be building Queensland’s trains for years to come.
24.01.2022 Breaking news today that the impact of COVID-19 has dragged Australia into recession. The worst path ahead for the Morrison LNP government would be to impose austerity policies that cut jobs and reduce services. You cant fix the economy by hurting workers. Join our campaign to make sure workers are at the centre of our recovery --> https://fortheworkers.australianunions.org.au/home Australian Unions
23.01.2022 Workers have been fighting hard for strong wage theft laws, meeting with and convincing MPs and decision makers who care to vote for these laws. Its an issue that affects almost one in five Qld workers. End Wage Theft Now! Hospo Voice United Workers Union
23.01.2022 Congratulations Michelle, well deserved!
23.01.2022 For Christmas 2020 my health fund gave to me If your health fund has given you nothing but premium increases and low benefits lately, have a chat to our mates at Union Health Fund. They’re member-owned and not-for-profit, so you’ll get honest health insurance advice without the hard sell. Plus if you switch to Union Health before December 17, you’ll get a chance to win the Ultimate Australian Christmas gift pack - crammed full of gifts and vouchers from Australian owned companies making the most of 2020. For more details go to --> https://unionhealth.com.au/wrap-up-2020 Union Health Fund
22.01.2022 Best wishes and good luck to all attending the QCUs #EmmaMillerAwards tonight. This event honours Emma Miller, a towering advocate for workers and womens rights in Queensland in the last century. She was a leader of the suffrage movement which led to women having the right to vote. The QCU proudly hosts the Awards each year as a tribute to the pioneering spirit of this amazing activist and to celebrate the achievements of contemporary Union women. Tonight the Kath Nelson Award will also be presented, recognising commitment to unionism and social justice.
21.01.2022 The real motive behind the LNP attack on superannuation ....
21.01.2022 Hundreds of airport security officers facing the sack nationally are rallying rally around Brisbane Airport today - on a day when flights increase and border restrictions ease. After successfully winning an eleventh-hour injunction that temporarily halts the sackings, aviation protection officers are demanding employer ISS lives up to its obligations to long-standing workers - one in three workers at the Airport could lose their jobs. Today's action is about standing up to an employer that is failing to properly consult with its workers before threatening to sack them. Keep those wheels rolling until ISS listens! United Workers Union RTBU Qld Branch
20.01.2022 Stand up against the corporate bastardry at Qantas. Don't stand by and watch a company take nearly $1 billion in taxpayer handouts, then axe 2,500 loyal workers only to replace them with cheaper labour hire. Sign the Petition to #SaveQANTASJobs Transport Workers Union - Queensland
20.01.2022 Something else going on in the world this week ...
20.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day. In workplaces around Queensland, its a reminder that every day is an opportunity to have meaningful conversations about how your workmates are coping, especially in these times around the COVID-19 pandemic. This years theme is theres more to say after R U OK? But the first step is to ask a workmate who might be struggling, "R U OK?".
19.01.2022 Mates in Energy making sure they keep an eye on the mental health and physical well being of their workmates. An important initiative that will save lives.
19.01.2022 A UK cleaners resignation letter. All workers deserve respect at work. Full story here: https://www.news.com.au///97c7234f3a20dfa599b21ca546fa92c6
19.01.2022 Another Queensland union doing great work with and for its members. Transport Workers Union - Queensland
18.01.2022 What is it with the Brisbane City Council LNP leader Adrian Schrinner and his team - sitting on a mask stockpile when they could actually be used to prevent a second outbreak! RTBU Qld Branch Transport Workers Union - Queensland
18.01.2022 When comedy current affairs show #MadAsHell makes more sense than the federal government on the superannuation guarantee ...
17.01.2022 Unbelievable. At least 25 companies have paid bonuses worth a combined $24.3 million to their executives after claiming JobKeeper subsidies, an analysis of the financial reports of 290 entities on the ASX 300 has found.
17.01.2022 Laws have just passed in the Queensland Parliament criminalising deliberate wage theft! Thanks to all those workers and community members who shared their experiences of wage theft in submissions and inquiries. Your hard work and courage have made a difference! #endwagetheft Hospo Voice United Workers Union Young Workers Hub Australian Unions
17.01.2022 Queensland Unions have been lobbying the Qld Government for changes to ensure stronger regulation in workplaces to prevent sexual harassment before it starts. All workers deserve to feel safe and be respected at work. In response, the Qld Labor Government has just announced its review into the Qld Industrial Relations Act to strengthen the Industrial Relations Commission powers to stop sexual harassment in workplaces. The Review will also consider the other recommendations ...from the Respect@Work Report on Sexual Harassment released by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner in 2020. We need to change our laws from a complaints-based system to one based on prevention of harassment before it start. This is the first step! #implementthe55 #letsstopitbeforeitstarts #respectatwork Queensland Teachers' Union Queensland Nurses and Midwives' Union The Services Union ETU Queensland & NT AMWU Qld & NT RTBU Qld Branch Transport Workers Union - Queensland Finance Sector Union of Australia @together union
16.01.2022 Support your workmates, our dedicated health workers and your communities by staying home if you feel at all unwell and if you are showing any symptoms of COVID-19, then get tested. We can beat this together!
16.01.2022 An important update on the future of Virgin and its dedicated workers. The Transport Workers Union - TWU says it will hold new owners Bain Capital to account on its promises.
15.01.2022 The State Government has outlined its economic plan for a post-COVID Queensland. Jobs and a healthy future for all Queenslanders are on top of the priority list. The $1 billion boost is good news for Queensland workers and their families. #securejobs #forQldworkers #COVID19
15.01.2022 Hang on Michelle Landry, does this mean your have an adventure - go fruit picking comment aimed at local jobseekers is actually total crap? United Workers Union
15.01.2022 First they cut shift workers sick leave. Now the LNPs Federal Attorney-General Christian Porter wants to stop a $40 billion backpay claim in favour of dodgy bosses ripping off long term casuals. The LNP puts the interest of bosses and big business above workers every time. Queenslanders need secure jobs so they can invest for their future, not more casualisation and insecure work. #securejobs
15.01.2022 Young workers speaking out to make sure strong #wagetheft laws are coming to Queensland. If you dont fight you lose. Hospo Voice United Workers Union
14.01.2022 Just because you slap on a hi-viz shirt doesnt mean you support workers rights, Senator Canavan. Its like labour hire companies slapping the label "casual" on a worker when they have a regular, ongoing job to cut wages and rights. Dont trust the LNP with your pay and conditions. ETU Queensland & NT Plumbers Union Qld AMWU Qld & NT #skene
14.01.2022 The Queensland Council of Unions strives for the elimination of Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) from our homes, our families and our communities. Today marks the first day of the international United Nations "16 Days of Activism to end domestic and family violence". Unions have a critical role to play in this . The workplace must be a safe place for women and all workers. Decent, unionised workplaces should also be where we can respond effectively to DFV.... Visit our Resources Page for more resources, tools and information. --> https://www.queenslandunions.org/16-days-of-activism-again/ See more
14.01.2022 Flashback! On 12 September 2012, Queenslanders marched in the streets in unprecendented numbers to protest against the job-cutting, service-slashing, asset-selling Newman LNP government, where Deb Frecklington had a critical role as his Assistant Minister. Eight years ago today, Queenslanders were angry after the LNP cut 14,000 jobs and slashed frontline health services. Lets not go back there again Queensland and risk an LNP government that only stands for cuts and chaos. #StandForQldWorkers Together Queensland United Workers Union ETU Queensland & NT Queensland Teachers Union Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union RTBU Qld Branch The Services Union
13.01.2022 Labour Day out and about - Bris Vegas turns it on! QCU President and QTU General Secretary Kate Ruttiman, QNMU General Secretary Beth Mohle, Kate Flanders Assistant Secretary Together Union, Jen Thomas Executive President The Services Union, and Sharon Caddie Assistant Secretary United Workers Union talking to the media about women workers, pay equity, childcare and bring safe at work.
11.01.2022 Lost for words at the hypocrisy of some LNP politicians gagging to ditch legislated increases to the superannuation guarantee. SIGN the petition --> https://www.megaphone.org.au//don-t-let-the-morrison-gover
11.01.2022 Dont believe the media spin about rivers of gold in fruit-picking. More disturbing stories are surfacing about the Federal LNP governments visa scheme after allegations of sexual harassment and an hourly wage of just $2.50. These arent isolated incidents, its widespread industry practice where labour hire operators deal with foreign backpackers. Thats why after the state election we need to ensure Queensland keeps its labour hire licensing scheme to track down and regulate these dodgy operators. Check out this disturbing expose on the federal governments visa scheme. --> http://bit.ly/visaworkerexploitation
10.01.2022 Today Bombardier Members have walked out the gate in a 24 hour protected strike. Bombardier have told RTBU Members that if they want a better deal they have to ...get into the trenches. Well were here Bombardier, and well keep fighting until you come to table with a deal that recognises and respects the vital work that Bombardier Workers do everyday. The Workers United Will Never Be Defeated!
10.01.2022 Queensland Unions are again acknowledging and supporting NAIDOC Week - from 8 Nov to 15 Nov - with our annual QCU NAIDOC Awards. Although NAIDOC Week itself, and our Awards, have both been delayed this year due to COVID, we are anticipating entries from affiliates highlighting the work of unions and indigenous worker activists right across Queensland. Winners will be announced in December.... Have a great NAIDOC week everyone celebrating the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
10.01.2022 Members stood together, spoke out, and the Queensland Palaszczuk Government listened. This week, laws passed State Parliament making it a crime to steal wages f...rom workers! Earlier this year, the Victorian Government passed similar laws after a strong campaign by union members. Next we will keep fighting to make wage theft a crime across the country!
09.01.2022 QCU General Secretary Michael Clifford provides a snapshot of the 2020-21 State Budget.
09.01.2022 Congratulations Peter on your new challenge, and best of luck to retiring RTBU Qld Branch Secretary Owen Doogan.
08.01.2022 Remembering those whove died at work in the mining industry. Join miners families, friends and colleagues to unite and honour those who went to work and never returned, and to fight for the living.
07.01.2022 Women now make the majority of union members, and Australias fastest growing unions are in industries with a predominantly female workforce. Queensland Unions support #WomensHealthWeek (7 Sept to 11 Sept) initiative, which aims to encourage women to learn about, and take positive and proactive steps to being healthy in mind and body. Take the survey https://www.jeanhailes.org.au/survey2020 to help create a true snapshot of the state of womens health today, including the physical and mental health effects of COVID-19.
07.01.2022 IBM taking out the trash on Friday afternoon, with a huge admission of $12.3 million in wage theft. Workers in a Victorian regional call centre were paid at the minimum wage but actually should have been paid at the higher Award rate. Thats not an issue of "complexity", thats outright negligence. #endwagetheft
06.01.2022 CAR RALLY ALERT - Queensland union members and supporters are urged to support ISS workers seeking a fairer deal around redundancy packages for loyal Airport security staff. Meet at the Car Park behind the DFO at the Airport at 6:30am Tuesday December 1 and get behind these workers! United Workers Union #carrally
05.01.2022 When past performance is the best indicator of future outcomes. Don't let the LNP freeze your super.
05.01.2022 #WageTheft identified as a huge problem in South Australias agricultural sector ... these experiences are exactly why Queensland unions have worked hard in this state for strong wage theft laws, now in Queensland Parliament. These laws will amend criminal legislation to target employers who commit serious and deliberate wage theft, and make it easier for workers to recover stolen wages. Young Workers Hub United Workers Union Hospo Voice
05.01.2022 More evidence that we need stronger laws to stamp out #wagetheft and protect workers. Queenslands laws are now in Parliament and cant come soon enough.
04.01.2022 ABC #Insiders pundit Amy Remeikis provides perspective (that you won’t get in NewsCorp) on the union movement’s significant impact on the election outcome.
03.01.2022 Queensland Health staff will receive an additional two days leave in acknowledgement of their efforts and response to the #COVID19 pandemic. Staff must be emp...loyed on the eligibility date of 10 September 2020 to be entitled to the two days additional leave, which will be accessible from 1 November 2020. Find out more: https://bit.ly/3mgpk46 See more
03.01.2022 More of the highlights from yesterday's stand out Labour Day!
02.01.2022 One thing you can guarantee about the LNP - they hate the idea of workers having strong superannuation schemes. Thats why this Spring federal LNP MPs are ramping up their attacks on super. The LNP and their mates in big business want to freeze the superannuation guarantee at 9.5% instead of following through on the law theyve already passed to increase it to 12% by 2025. The superannuation guarantee at the current rate isnt delivering a dignified retirement for workers. Working people deserve financial freedom and options in their retirement. SHARE this post around to SAVE THE SUPER GUARANTEE so workers too can share in a dignified retirement.
02.01.2022 Car rally kicking off at DFO urging respect for long-serving ISS staff at Brisbane Airport. United Workers Union
01.01.2022 This is the Queensland LNPs new Senator, Amanda Stoker. This former barrister says its not clear why labour hire firms need licences. Up to June 30 2020, the state governments labour hire licensing unit had cancelled 61 licences, suspended more than 200 licensees, successfully prosecuted seven operators, and imposed fines totalling hundreds of thousands of dollars on dodgy operators breaking the law. Thats why, Senator. #labourhire
01.01.2022 Queensland flies high to keep #AFL alive in 2020 as #TheGabba is confirmed to make its AFL Grand Final Debut - the first ever held outside Melbourne. Fabulous work from all involved to make it happen (despite COVID-19) and keep the season afloat for fans across Australia and generate local jobs for Queensland workers. United Workers Union MEAA Queensland Teachers Union Independent Education Union - Queensland & Northern Territory Branch ETU Queensland & NT Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union Transport Workers Union - Queensland RTBU Qld Branch The Services Union Plumbers Union Qld Maritime Union of Australia - QLD Branch Together Queensland AMIEU Queensland Branch Victorian Trades Hall Council AFL AFL Queensland The Gabba Brisbane Lions Gold Coast Suns Annastacia Palaszczuk MP Mick de Brenni for Springwood
01.01.2022 The 2020-21 State Budget pumps an extra $6M into the Labour Hire Licensing Unit. More inspectors, more industries, more focus on preventing worker exploitation in labour hire. Another initiative fought for and won by unions.... #enddodgylabourhire AMIEU Queensland Branch
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