Quinns Rocks Primary School | Businesses
Quinns Rocks Primary School
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25.01.2022 Please be reminded the P&C raffle tickets need to be handed into the office by this Friday the 11th December. The raffle will be drawn on the last day of school Thursday 17th December. The hamper is valued at $250 and comes with a Christmas ham, a turkey and a duck plus much, much more. We also have the awesome Tank donated by Mr Nowicki that some lucky person could have under their Christmas tree. So don't forget to get your tickets in, and extra books are available from the office if needed :)
25.01.2022 Dear Parents, please be reminded that tomorrow 1st June we open our applications for Kindy in 2022. If you, a friend or family member have a child due to attend kindy next year, please remind them to pop into the office and collect an application form to complete. All applications submitted must have a copy of the child's birth certificate, a current Australian Immunisation Statement and proof of address (ie. utility or rate bill). Many thanks :)
24.01.2022 If you are coming to the Quiz Night on Friday please make sure you bring plenty of coins. We have 2 silent auctions, raffles, coin toss and a table quiz. Please also remember it is a cash only bar, no big notes and no BYO. Soft drink and water also available for purchase. You are welcome to bring food and nibbles for your table. It is guaranteed to be a fun night with lots of laughs!
24.01.2022 A few more pics from the sports carnival. :)
22.01.2022 Parents please be aware a newsletter in regards to the sports carnival on Friday was sent via email today. Also please note bright yellow canteen orders and money can be dropped directly to the canteen Friday morning, as the office will be closed. Parents may also order on this form and the food will be delivered to the child in their faction bay. Please remember the canteen will be closed for recess so make sure you pack a snack and water bottle for your child. Thank you
21.01.2022 Parents please be reminded that your school P&C have their AGM meeting today at 3.15pm in the staffroom. All welcome to come along.
21.01.2022 This Friday the student councillors have organised a fundraiser, where children can wear their favourite team sports tops, socks, caps or beanies for a gold coin donation. Please note NO FOOTY BOOTS ALLOWED. The student councillors are raising money for ongoing Asthma supplies in the School. The class that raises the most money will win FREE PIZZA for next Friday 25 September. Thank you :)
21.01.2022 Mrs Foot, Mrs Bennett and all the wonderful kindy 2 children had lots of fun dressing up for Ocean Day. They had so much fun playing ocean ring toss, racing sailing boats, playing with magic sand, water play and feasting on fish and chips for lunch. The children all enjoyed a yummy ice-cream treat in the afternoon!
20.01.2022 Dear JUNIOR disco parents, if you would like to have the final two dances with your child, you may enter the disco at 3.55pm as we would love to see your cool moves! The Junior disco finishes at 4.05pm at which time you can finish dancing and take your child home. If you do not want to dance then we will release your child as normal to you at 4.05pm. Thanks :)
18.01.2022 Dear Parents, Please be advised that due to water damage in the Performing Arts Area are we have to CANCEL Family Links tomorrow. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. :)
18.01.2022 Parents please remember tomorrow is Sausage Sizzle day. Please drop your order form and $3.50 to the office before 9am. Thank you :)
17.01.2022 Some photos taken at our sports carnival. We were lucky with the weather and a big thanks for everyone's co-operation on the day. :)
17.01.2022 One of our students finally attended the awards ceremony for the 2019/2020 season of Nippers and was awarded the trophy for champion boy U10’s (he is the youngest competitor in his age group too), the U10 Ironman champion, and was also awarded a medal for qualifying for the state finals. Congratulations Matthew what a fantastic result. :)
14.01.2022 Just a friendly reminder that the P&C Krispy Kreme fundraiser is due Tuesday 8th September. Please drop order forms and money to the office before next Tuesday. Doughnuts will be delivered to students on the last day of term. Thank you for supporting your school P&C. :)
12.01.2022 Parents please remember tomorrow is Cheeseburger day. If ordering a cheeseburger for lunch tomorrow please drop your order and money at the office before 9am. Thank you :)
12.01.2022 REPORTS WILL NOT BE ISSUED BEFORE THE DUE DATE : DECEMBER 15TH. There are constant demands on receiving reports early for a number of reasons. While some of the reasons are valid, I don’t believe there exists that common understanding of the number of processes within a process, that are required to get Reports ready for distribution. Early distribution requires many people involved to interrupt their schedules in order to have each comment recorded, edited and further signed... off. Remembering that we have children cross setting for numeracy and literacy, specialist teachers input and of course the collaborative process requires collective thought on a final comment. The final comment added is the Principal’s comment. Children who are absent on Tuesday 15th December and have notified the school that they will not be returning to school until next year (or never), will have their reports mailed via Australia Post. Thank you John Nowicki and Nigel Rogan
08.01.2022 Parents please remember tomorrow is Cheeseburger Tuesday. Please drop order forms and money into the office before 9am tomorrow. Thank you
08.01.2022 If you need uniforms Lowes has a special at the moment. Thanks :)
08.01.2022 Glowing at the disco last night. Hope everyone had a great time.
07.01.2022 Well done to the student councillors for organising such a terrific fundraiser for our school and thank you to all the children who donated to wear sports clothes for the day. The councillors raised a total of $378.15. They decided this money would go towards Asthma kits for the school. Now the lucky class who raised the most money, $43 in total and won FREE PIZZA on Friday is ........... Area 7! Well done everyone!
06.01.2022 Parents please be aware that we are currently collecting gold coin donations for the RSL WA 2020 Poppy Appeal. If children would like to donate we have a container in the office, where they will receive a poppy. Thanks for supporting our ex servicemen and women. :)
05.01.2022 Hi everyone, The Quinns Rocks SES Cadets have now joined the Containers for Change movement. I’m please to say that the Quinns Rocks Primary School students and families are now on board to help collect containers for Quinns Rocks SES Cadets, we really appreciate the continued support from the school and families. This is a really great opportunity for our cadet group to raise much needed funds to go towards training opportunities and equipment. WHAT DO WE WANT?... If you have any of the following items we would love to take them off your hands. We can take Glass Beer bottles (Stubbies only), Aluminium drink cans whole and crushed. Plastic drink bottles even without labels, small juice boxes and flavoured milk cartons 600ml or less (No plain milk cartons). HOW DO WE DROP OFF ? 1. You can drop your items off at Quinns Rocks Primary School on weekdays between 7am to 6pm and Tuesdays till 9pm. We have some special new bins with orange lids located on the fence line on Rees drive. 2. You can also take your items directly to the Clarkson Return It Depot to drop them yourself, please make sure you quote the following code in machine to deposit amount to the our Cadet account: C10337341 3. Family and friends of cadets from all around Australia can support us to in there local depots, simply tell them to use the cadet account code : C10337341. 4. We are also happy to collect from your home, you can contact me via email or phone. Details are below. Let’s all get behind this great new opportunity to help our environment, clean up our local area and raise funds for our awesome Quinns Rocks SES Cadets. Thank you everyone for your support Stephen Faulkner Chief Instructor Quinns Rocks SES Cadets [email protected] 0439 527 810 See more
05.01.2022 On Friday the year 5 girls enjoyed the sunshine, while participating in a Netball Clinic run by Netball WA.
04.01.2022 Tonight is our Quinns Rocks SES Cadets public open night at Quinns Rocks PS, come on down and check it out. Don’t forget to bring any containers for change items to support our group. More info in attachment. See you tonight https://www.facebook.com/155739381686283/posts/758505324743016/?d=n... QUINNS ROCKS SES CADETS 2020 OPEN NIGHT. WE ARE NOW RECRUITING FOR FEBRUARY 2021 Hi Everyone, Tonight is our annual Quinns Rocks SES Cadets public open night, we are going to have lots of interactive stands showcasing some of the training the cadets do. We are inviting any young people aged between 11-18 (11yr olds must be in year 6 next year.) that are interested in meeting a great group of people, making some great friendships and of course learning many great skill. For more information on costs and activities we do, please refer to attached flyers. We look forward to seeing you all tonight. Quinns Rocks Primary School 6 Rees Drive Quinns Rocks 6:30pm - 8:30pm Also, Quinns Rocks SES Cadets are collecting containers to fundraise for our awesome cadets, if you have a pile of cans, glass/plastic bottles or cartons and want to support our local SES cadets then please bring them down. We will have plenty of bins and crates to collect all items. Thank you. QUINNS ROCKS STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE CADETS
04.01.2022 The year 3's in Ms Russell's class completed some fantastic art works guided by Australian artists Pete Cromer and Anya Brock. The cockatoos are using a collage technique with recycled scraps of newspaper and tissue paper and then the children added glitter and drew in the eyes. The cute Koala's were painted use water colours and then then children painted extra bits of paper and added them to their drawings. Some of these wonderful art works are on display in the office. Great job everyone, they look wonderful.
03.01.2022 Merit Award Winners are grinners! :)
03.01.2022 Parents a note was sent home with all the details, but please be reminded the Annual Pre Primary Sports Day on Monday 16th November between 1.30pm and 2.30pm on the small grassed area outside the staffroom (known as the Year One Oval). Children are encouraged to wear colourful sporting gear that represents their favourite sportsperson or team (not mandatory). All spectators must remain in the area designated by signage and bunting.... At the conclusion of the event, about 2.35pm, you are invited to take your children home with you. Children will have their bags and will be despatched to you by staff, at the conclusion of the event. Do not wait on school grounds for any older siblings but wait at gate for their dismissal. Many thanks and enjoy watching your children :)
02.01.2022 Our Pre-Primary Purple class really enjoyed the Wildlife incursion last week. The children loved being up close to the animals and Mrs Symeou even got a cuddle from one of the snakes! :)
01.01.2022 As part of their Design and Technology subject, the students in Area 7 and 8 have been learning a little about fabrics and textiles. Miss King asked them to design and create their own t-shirt using a tie dying process. They all had a great time creating their shirts and were extremely pleased with the results. What a brilliant idea Miss King!
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