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Quirindi Sporting Clay Target Club in Quirindi, New South Wales | Gun range

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Quirindi Sporting Clay Target Club

Locality: Quirindi, New South Wales

Phone: +61 488 911 698

Address: Seven Creeks Road 2343 Quirindi, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Our Christmas shoot is this Sunday 13th, looks like it will be nice and cool It will be competition with the Chrissy layout going in. Please, if you can nominate and pay before you come would much appreciate. If you can let me know who is in your squad, even better as it will speed things will be just me in the office! I will have the square to pay by EFT and cash as well on the day. Free sausage sizzle and a drink for lunch. Drinks will be available to buy as well.... Bring your Christmas cheer, your Chrissy outfit and please remember your social distancing. Thankyou. See more

25.01.2022 AGM meeting this Wednesday the 18th November, 6.30pm start at The Quirindi Bowling Club. Come early if you wish to have a meal. Hope to see you there.

25.01.2022 The countdown is on.... Happy New Year everyone.

25.01.2022 There will be NO shoot this Sunday. Hopefully we'll get back to it soon

25.01.2022 Just to let our members and fellow shooters know, our club is not opening at the moment. There are still strict regulations in place and we feel that it is just too hard to get things up and running. We know everyone is anxious to get back to the shooting game, and as soon as we feel its right, we will let everyone know. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

22.01.2022 Well, it's starting to happen. The old shed is coming down.

19.01.2022 Hoping all those mum's get spoiled on their special day.

18.01.2022 Club Member Profile time!!!! NAME; Jo Cameron. (secretary). NICKNAME; Hubby calls me 'Chook' . Other people, usually.. 'Josephine, Jo-Jo, Pollyanna' just to name a few.. lol. MEMBER AT CLUB - YEARS; Since its inception - 1998.... SHOTGUN I USE; Beretta 682 Gold. BEST EVER SCORE; 89 & I shot this at Quirindi. STARTED TO SHOOT; When I first met Keith in 1997. Had always wanted to do it, just didn't have the right guy at first DOES ANYONE ELSE SHOOT IN THE FAMILY; My father shot in the bush & also did pistol. He passed when I was 8yrs. My brother & sister use to shoot in the bush as well, I was too young to shoot with them. Also, hubby Keith, son Michael, daughter Kathleen (started to), stepsons Luke, Dan & Jake. We all did hunting & clays. It did get expensive for us! SHOOTING COMPETITIONS & ACHIEVEMENTS; I won C grade Club Championship in 2011. I have 13 sashes, the first one I got was in 2005, I was SOOOOO excited! My pride & joy was when I won B grade high gun at Inverell in 2007, B grade high gun at Guyra in 2013 & Ladies high gun at Millmerran in 2014. A great achievement for me!!!! DID YOU HAVE A COACH; Keith taught me everything I know. Best coach ever! So awkward at first, but it all falls into place. HOBBIES; Squash, netball...(was). Now its... travelling, dancing & socializing with family & friends. QUOTABLE QUOTE; "Life is short, enjoy every minute" TIP FOR BEGINNERS; Do not feel embarrassed about people watching you. Just concentrate on what you are doing & listen to your coach. It will fall into place. My first round of 25, I only shot 3! Most important.. Enjoy yourself! FAVOURITE SONG; Hmmm, so many! Love all types of music & love to dance. 'Love a rainy night' - Eddie Rabbit, 'Stuck in the middle with you' - Stealers Wheel, 'Centrefield' - John Fogerty, 'Hurt so good' - John Mellencamp, 'Tennessee Whiskey' - Chris Stapleton. STEVE'S (president) say; Jo is a very efficient secretary; nothing is a problem & she always has her finger on the pulse. She is extremely easy to get along with & can handle a shotgun as well as most men. Jo has been involved with the Quirindi club for many years & is quite well known throughout the sporting clay fraternity, she is an extremely valuable member of our club & is a good friend to so many. Hopefully, she sticks around as secretary for a while yet.

16.01.2022 Missing the smell & the fun. Hopefully we can get back to it soon

14.01.2022 51 keen shooters turned up last Sunday for our January shoot, a 33/33/34 course was decided to be put in as the temps were going to be high. Thankyou to Terry for setting the course up during the week & the guys who attended the working bee on the Saturday. I heard comments that the course was challenging, but everyone liked it, there were good scores all around! Congrats to Andrew Garvie for shooting a 50 break! And congrats to Steve Dawson & Matt Duncan for shoo...ting a 25 break! Well done guys. Junior Award went to Joey Reedy this month, must say his shooting is improving each month....80/100. Great score Joey Thankyou to Andrew Garvie & Frank Searles, they presented their wins to the Juniors, an awesome gesture. Club draw was won by John Turnbull, congrats. We are now back to one pkt next month. Winners on the day.... No one wanted shoot off's as it was hot, so we had coin toss' etc. O/A.. ANDREW GARVIE..97/100 AA.. COL BOORER..92/100 A.. JOHN MCKINNON..81/100 B.. DOUG MCGILCHRIST..76/100 C.. PATRICK PENICK..68/100 Congrats to all the winners, see you next month! See more

12.01.2022 We recently had a AGM meeting & found out later that alot of members didn't receive an email due to Microsoft having a few problems. So with that, we decided to hold another AGM meeting. This will take place on Wednesday 18th November, 6.30pm at the Quirindi Bowling Club. Everyone welcome

12.01.2022 Hoping everyone has a very Merry Christmas & that 2021 is alot better then 2020 has been Enjoy & hopefully we'll see you soon. Cheers

11.01.2022 Memberships are now over due! Please get them in ASAP.Memberships are now over due! Please get them in ASAP.

10.01.2022 Hopefully soon

09.01.2022 First day at the range when lock down is lifted! I can't wait !

05.01.2022 Shoot this Sunday 24th. Please BYO lunch. Drinks are available. Please remember your social distancing & please use sanitiser that will be around the grounds. See you there

05.01.2022 And so it begins

05.01.2022 Memberships are due. Please get them in as soon as you can. Thanks heaps Memberships are due. Please get them in as soon as you can. Thanks heaps

04.01.2022 A bit of history. Club member John McKinnon & friend to many Col Burt.

02.01.2022 The committee would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! We hope that you'll be able to spend this time with your family. We all hope that 2021 will be a much better year! See you at the next shoot...hopefully MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!... See more

02.01.2022 Our Chrissy shoot was last Sunday, and it was quite pleasant as it wasn't as hot as it usually is, but we did have abit of a breeze that upset some targets. 50 shooters was way more then I expected, everything seemed to run smoothly even though we didn't have an office to work out of. Thankyou to the guys who set the course, this ones abit harder as we have special stations , thankyou to the people who help pack away, this makes things alot easier & we can get away earlie...r. Thankyou to BBQ helpers, office staff & the young girls who picked up ALOT of clays. Much appreciate! In the layout we had a sit down station, one where a clay flew off a trampoline (a few people liked that), the chicken & the hen, the reload station & a rabbit crossed kangaroo target / . It was all fun, & we had a few laughs! Welcome to Bev from America, we hope you enjoy Australia Thankyou to the few that dressed up, we gave best dressed to John Turnbull & Bev Miller as a couple. . A buggy was dressed up as a deer, but unfortunately I didn't get a photo . It was too fast for me Member draw.. Nick Boorer - not present so it jackpots up next month. We had a few white targets scattered in with the orange ones, if you were lucky to get one & shoot it, you got a pkt of shells. Everyone must have been on target, as we handed out 21 pkts Congratulations to Keith Cameron & Steve Saunders who both shot a 25 break. Unfortunately the badges are packed away somewhere . I won't forget you Steve Winners on the day.... O/A..KEITH CAMERON 94/100. AA 1ST..HENRY PHILLIP 92/100. 2ND..STEVE SAUNDERS 91/100. 3RD..STEVE DAWSON 88/100. A 1ST..JOHN MCKINNON 79/100. 2ND..IAN SIPPLE 78/100. 3RD..JOHN CASSIN 78/100. B 1ST..IAN WHITE 79/113. 2ND..JOHN NORRIS 78/113. 3RD..ROB LAWMAN 70/100. C 1ST..JOHN REEDY 61/100. 2ND..JOHN HOSKING 61/100. 3RD..NICK BOORER 61/100. DOM BYRNES won cash draw. Congrats to all, we hope you all have a lovely Christmas & New Year. See you in January See more

02.01.2022 Not much left to go of the shed. Thanks to these guys for your time & effort. It certainly is appreciated.

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