Stephen Gardiner | Beauty
Stephen Gardiner
Phone: +61 1300 645 354
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25.01.2022 Who could you share some kindness with this week? A friend, a family member - what about a complete stranger! A smile, a compliment, both are free but will make you feel good all day!
25.01.2022 I had a client come to see me for quit smoking. Before we started I was careful to explain that you have to engage for the process to succeed. In other words, you have to accept all suggestions and act on them. Not long into the hypnosis session I noticed that she was just closing her eyes but not accepting the suggestions that I was giving her. I stopped the session and then asked her what was going on for her. She told me that she was consumed about the recent death of a fr...iend and was finding it very hard to focus on what I was saying. These thoughts were preventing her from focusing on what I was saying and acting on them. With this happening there was going to be little chance that she would stop smoking cigarettes. I suggested that we stop the session and that when the death of her friend was not so fresh in her mind she could come back. I’m happy to say that she came back a few weeks later and that she was successful in quitting smoking cigarettes. This illustrates that when you use hypnosis to quit smoking make sure that you are in the right mindset to accept, focus and engage in the process. #quitesmoking #quitingstories #peoplestorys #helpingothers
24.01.2022 How to keep Your kids entertained during Covid! Gotta love it! Might be a of trauma to deal with after though!
23.01.2022 Tips on Having Healthy Lungs: Laughing Laughing is a great exercise to work the abdominal muscles and increase lung capacity. It also clears out your lungs by forcing enough stale air out that it allows fresh air to enter into more areas of the lung.
23.01.2022 All the best actors, sports stars, business leaders all trained to be the best at their job. If you have a dream, don't just think about it or how cool it would be if you could reach it. Train for it, become the best at this dream you want. #trainingforadream #dreams #selftraining
23.01.2022 Happy holidays to everyone. to whatever you are celebrating this year we wish you well wishes and hope you enjoy this time with family, friends, and even some self-care time.
23.01.2022 Some time life is really really hard and you feel like you cant make it though. Sometimes you need to take a smoke and you feel better for now but soon you need to have more to help with stress or anything else. But you can change that if you want to make a change you can make a change but it takes one day at a time, one step at a time. The first step is always the hardest but we are here to help so are others. If you want to take that step in to a new life look at booking a COMPLIMENTARY Strategy Session -
20.01.2022 Everyone has a reason to quit, but is it a strong one? Some say they want their money back or save more money but some times that isn't the strongest reason to quit. I want more time with my kids. I want to see my grandchildren. I want a better and healthier life. there are so many reasons what's?... #reasonstoquit #myreasontoquit #quitsmoking #givingupsmoking
20.01.2022 I choose to know, that is safe for me to not smoke. I choose to know is the best way to start an affirmation. I choose to know I am safe. I choose to know I can relax and enjoy myself in every social situation.
18.01.2022 What’s your reason to Quit Smoking? The reasons that motivate my clients to quit smoking are varied. Just simple reasons such as ‘I’m Over It!’ are common. Or can't stand the smell anymore. Health; kids; grand-kids and sickness are common and great) motivators as well. Two of the best are pregnancy or 'not seeing my kids grow up.' Recently I had a client who told me a completely different reason. He’d had a health check and the Doctor told him if he continued to smok...e cigarettes he would have to give up his job, which he loved. On the surface this sounds like a really good reason to want to quit smoking, right? Then I asked him a really crucial question. If cigarettes were free would you still smoke them? His answer was, well if they were free I probably would because I like smoking. He wanted to keep his job, so needed to stop smoking. But, he enjoyed smoking. As humans, we are motivated to move towards pleasure or to avoid pain. This gentleman was in the middle. His pain was losing his job. His pleasure was 'he enjoyed smoking.' Whichever result was the stronger motivator would be the result he would get. So a little 'coaching' and probing was required before the Hypnotherapy to quit smoking was So if you have decided that you want to stop smoking cigarettes make sure that you really want to quit, not feel that you need to. When you want to you are already halfway there. Hypnosis just makes it easy to permanently quit. Book Here:
16.01.2022 Wouldn't you like to change your thoughts about smoking. Wouldn't you like to put money back in to your pocket and save for Christmas presents or that trip away. Wouldn't you like to change your thoughts about smoking? k Wouldn't you like to put money back into your pocket and save for Christmas presents or that trip away? book now -
15.01.2022 When you smoke a lot it get stuck in your clothes bring around the smell of smoke in every room your in. A lot of smokers that have quit they always say how on earth did they deal with the smoke smell. One of out clients said after 4 week of being off smoking said, "Every time I smell some one smoking I feel sick and wonder how did I use to smoke a box of those." So do you want to smell the fresh air?... #quitsmokingtoday #hypnotherapy #aushypnothearpy #mentalhealth
14.01.2022 doing things to help calm you down and enjoy the day you are having. Stress is a powerful feeling and it can take over.
14.01.2022 Healthy living tip. The time to give up smoking is now, are you ready? #smokingcessation #smoking #hypnotherapy #heathytip
14.01.2022 The sooner you are able to quit the sooner your body can heal. #health #quitsmoking #Smoking #healthyloving
13.01.2022 Think about what you really do want: maybe... see your kids grow up; have more energy; get fit; smell better, in fact smell and taste and enjoy the food you eat! Or something else?
13.01.2022 Book now, to your new life as a non-smoker.
12.01.2022 Life is definitely better ‘up’ than ‘under’...... its time to Quit, isn’t it?
12.01.2022 Stress can make many people smoke wanting that hit that will calm them down. I can help and cut that connections of stress and smoking.
12.01.2022 Change Your Thoughts to Stop Smoking Before you change anything in your life whether it is a habit like smoking or looking for a new job you have to want to make a change. When people decide to make a change, there is often a misconception of hypnosis in that all you do is sit back and magically hypnosis turns you into a non-smoker. The hypnotist will just ‘sprinkle some fairy dust’ or something! do-you-want-to stop smoking The truth is that hypnotist cannot make you do... what you do not want to do. To make changes you have to be open to it and want to do it. If you are at the stage where you don’t want to stop smoking and you are prepared to change then hypnosis is for you. It can help you to stop smoking quickly and effectively when you are at this point. So if you are ready to stop smoking and you are open to change then look at hypnosis. Private Message today for Your Special Discount Book Now!
10.01.2022 What something that your kid or someone else's child done that surprise your? Children are smart amazing and the future of our world. A day to remind us that this new generation will take out place and make this world a better place. #universalchildrensday #ChildrensDay #WorldChildrensDay #UniversalChildrenDay
10.01.2022 Being like everyone else is boring , if we were all the same what would be the point of meeting others. It would be predictable we would know how it would go cause we would be all the same. And what is normal ? What makes something normal? is it cause others say it is? What gave them power to tell what is normal? We all have a different view on what is normal so make your own normal that makes you happy. #selfcare #normalisboring #mentalhealth
10.01.2022 When was the last time you walked out side and got some fresh air? #freshair #quitsmoking #smokingfree
08.01.2022 In you have decided Now is the time to quit smoking then hypnosis is definitely the method you should consider. 60 minutes is all it takes to be smoke free, for life!
06.01.2022 Looking for ways to get healthy maybe it’s finally time to stop smoking? It’s not as hard as you think
06.01.2022 There are many reasons to quit smoking. What's yours? #smoking #quitsmoking #healthand
05.01.2022 What’s holding you back? The first thing is that you have to want to make a change. You might feel that you need to change your habit of smoking cigarettes but do you really want to change? Your want has to be bigger than your need to successfully quit smoking. The next thing you need to change are your limiting beliefs that you have about yourself. We all have limiting beliefs. These beliefs start whilst we are in the womb. If your parents have had a stressful marriage or ev...ent then chances are that you will have a belief that it is not safe before you are even born. If your birth is traumatic then that will reinforce this belief. From when you are born to the age of seven you have no filters to say if something is said to you is true or not. Whatever is said to you forms new limiting beliefs. Later as you go on in life your experiences and what is said to you forms more limiting beliefs. The next step is to resolve any unresolved stress or trauma from the past. The unresolved stress or trauma holds you back into the past events and it is very hard to move forward. Often smoking is a way for a person to not think about the past stress and trauma. Next you need to see and have a clear idea of your future. You need to imagine and feel it clearly. Imagine and feel what it will be like when you have stopped smoking cigarettes. Finally it is wise to find out what your top values are because if you do not set goals in alignment with your top values you will not achieve them. If this resonates with you why not give me a call on 1300 64 53 54 and set up a complimentary session to discuss how you can get a strategy to move forward.
04.01.2022 Smoking can be used as a way to suppress uncomfortable feelings and alleviate stress, calm nerves, and to relax. It can also be a way of taking time out from a situation. That's why most people tend to smoke in order to feel better in a certain situation. We can help beat and change the smoking copping habit into something more healthy. With a quick 60 minute session to change the habit and if you unsure give us a call or make a booking.... booking - #quitsmoking #reasonstoquit #smoking
03.01.2022 Tips on Having Healthy Lungs: Staying hydrated Getting enough water is as important for the lungs as it is for the rest of the body. Staying well hydrated by taking in fluids throughout the day helps keep the mucosal linings in the lungs thin. This thinner lining helps the lungs function better.
03.01.2022 What Happens When I Quit Smoking Cold Turkey? When you quit using nicotine patches or gums, or through cold turkey treatment, your success rate is greatly reduced. This is because it may be difficult to avoid friends, family or work colleagues who ‘know you’ as a smoker. They want you to rejoin their ‘group’ and so they encourage you to start smoking again. With Quit Smoking in 60 Minutes therapy these situations have been dealt with during the hypnosis. But if you try to without hypnosis then the key to preventing relapse is to recognise that certain environments trigger smoking behaviour, so avoid those places. Example: If you normally smoke when you drink coffee, then change to drinking tea and stand or sit in a different location. (the coffee and the location are both triggers that makes 'that little voice in your head' start saying.... time for a smoke!) See more
03.01.2022 What are your goals for 2021? What’s going to change in your life? Plan and train..... or in 12 months time you will be right where you are right now!
03.01.2022 Preparing Yourself in Quitting Smoking For Good: Prepare for Quit Day Once you have decided to stop smoking, you are ready to set a quit date. Pick a day that works in your schedule. Book early if you have time restrictions. Leave yourself time after your session before your next appointment so you are able to focus on the process without stress. ... On your quit day: Todays the Day. You are ready. Have your last 'ciggie'... everyone likes to!! Chuck out your 'smoking' utensils. You won't need them anymore. Start thinking about life as a 'permanent non-smoker!' Arrive for your appointment on time or a bit early. Relax... We have been helping people quit smoking for 15 years - You will be surprised how easy it can be.
03.01.2022 Tips on Having Healthy Lungs: Watching your posture Since the lungs are soft structures, they only take up the room that you make for them. You want to occasionally sit tall and reach overhead, to make more room for your lungs. A simple technique for giving your lungs even more room is leaning back slightly in a stable chair, lifting the chest and opening the front of your body as you breathe deeply,
02.01.2022 Its always nice to be reminded to look on the bright side or look for the silver lining. #brightside #goodvibe
02.01.2022 A lot of people are afraid of quitting smoking because they feel that they will gain to much weight when they quit. This can happen if you 'replace' the habit of smoking with a new habit of eating! What most smokers do not realise is that cigarettes contain high sugar content! Yes, tobacco is graded and priced on high sugar content and then, more sugar is added during the curing and production process. So when you smoke you get a 'hit' of energy from that sugar. ... The simple way to eliminate your fear of putting on weight after quitting is to have a piece of citrus, or a small amount of citrus juice if you get a sugar craving. In two or three days the cravings for the sugar hit will be gone. #smoking #quitsmoking #reasontoquit #smokingfree #weightwatching
02.01.2022 If you want to Quit smoking you have to want it and have a good reason to quit something strong something to drive you to your end goal. What is YOUR drive to quit? #quitsmoking #quitingreason #myreasontoquit #smoking #health
01.01.2022 Sometimes we need a reminder. so, HEY YOUR DOING GREAT TODAY! #mentalhealth #selfcare
01.01.2022 You need to have a good reason to beat a strong habit like smoking. What's your reason to quit? #quitsmoking #Quittingreasons #smoking
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