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25.01.2022 Recently had a great chat with #RoseDavidson of Talking with the Experts. Thank you Rose for your time and generosity. We discussed the importance of following up in various area of business, why nurturing current clients is valuable, and increasing sales by 10%-20%. https://youtu.be/RQUL6QY3Pbw
23.01.2022 A few weeks ago I saw this, probably as a post on Facebook, but not sure. As I am in a bit of a brain fog today, I opened this and read it again. It helped me, so maybe it will help you too. In case you can't read it, it says "First organize the inner, then organize the outer...first organize the great, then organize the small, first organize yourself, then organize others.: Zhuge Liang
23.01.2022 thinking about when people think great customer service begins....what do you think?? And when does it end??? #quoteconvert www.quoteconvert.com.au
22.01.2022 If you are going to hire someone to follow up your quotes for you, what skills would you require them to have?
22.01.2022 I am working on a document which will become an individualized procedure that I can offer to clients. I am looking for a correct or best name for it. So far, I have come up with the names below. I am looking for recommendations of which one would be preferable from a client perspective. If you would like to assist my selection process, please vote below or add your own suggestion/s. 1. Sales Transformation Programme 2. Sales Review & Process 3. Client Sales Procedure... 4. Other/your suggestions See more
21.01.2022 Who never has enough time to do all they want to in their business? What would you like to off-load or outsource? How many hats do you wear in your business?... Owner, employer, manager, visionary, bookkeeper, sales person, email answerer, social media guru, trainer, trainee, peace keeper maybe(?), bill payer, buyer, stock controller, networker, connecter, data manager, data entry person, and the list goes on - and on - and on. If you are in this position, and you would like to recoup some of your time, reduce some of your stress and increase your sales by 10-20%, perhaps a conversation with the Queen of Follow-Up could be useful to you. www.quoteconvert.com.au
21.01.2022 First attempt at sharing something I am passionate about.
20.01.2022 Found this little gem recently and thought it was worth sharing 5 laws The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea" by Bob Burg... Here are the Five Laws of Stratospheric Success 1. The Law of Value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment. 2. The Law of Compensation: Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. 3. The Law of Influence: Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interests first. 4. The Law of Authenticity: The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself. 5. The Law of Receptivity: The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.
18.01.2022 In December, I had to go AWOL for a couple of weeks. Here is why, and what I realized in that time.
18.01.2022 How is your customer service - do you know? I did some follow ups for a business who were wondering if one of their staff was doing the 'right thing' in his sales work. We discovered the need for re-training of their staff member to be following their procedures more fully which would give them more sales and a better reputation. We also found 20 new opportunities for quoting with people who had not bought the first time around due to the experience they had had with that sa...les person. Do you know what your customers or potential customers are saying about you? Are you aware of what kind of experience your potential and current clients are having with your staff, business or brand? Who is doing your follow ups to find out for you? If you are unaware of these things, and if you would like some answers, we can find out for you. Give me a call - 0423374114 - and find out what is happening that you are unaware of. www.quoteconvert.com.au
16.01.2022 Here is number 2. 2. You’ll Demonstrate Superior Customer Service Customer service begins as soon as you start a relationship with a potential client not when the job starts. ... Customer service is paramount if you want to stand out from the crowd. It is likely that when you send a quote, your potential client has requested quotes from at least a few other service providers. To compete against other companies, you’ll want every possible advantage to stand out from the competition. Following up on your quotes demonstrates your company’s commitment to customer service. Your client might not always remember you, but if you remember them, your customer service will stand out. Bonus - great feedback and reviews!
15.01.2022 Simon Sinek _ Why! Would love to hear or read what your why is. Maybe we can compare notes.... Such a great subject #customerservice #customerexperience #why
15.01.2022 We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better. -Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon.com, Inc. How are you doing with this part of your business? What sort of host are you?... Do you have the time to make sure your 'guests' are taken care of in an exceptional manner? If you need to find a way to become a better host, let's talk. 0423374114 #quoteconvert.com.au
15.01.2022 Here is the last one of 4 Reasons to Follow Up Your Quotes 4. Following Up on Quotes is Easy! (Easy - BUT - time consuming and interrupts your other work flow. We will talk about that at the end of the article)... Getting leads that are interested in your services is the hard part. Once you’ve sent off a quote, following up is easy! Put together a process so you get reminded to follow up on your quotes. (Or get an expert to do it for you) The longer you wait to follow up with your client, the more cumbersome the process becomes. We recommend the following process: If you send your customer a quote, make sure you’re collecting all their important contact information in a CRM so it’s easy for you to follow up with them. Give yourself a reminder to follow up in 24 -48 hours. A quick phone call to ensure they received the quote is all that is required. (Not an email - if it went to the wrong address or into their spam, you will never know!!) We recommend following up with your potential client anywhere between 5 - 12 times if necessary . Sometimes you may not be able to get an answer when you ring, and you can be sure that 95% of the time they won’t get back to youthat’s okay. That’s the nature of business. But don’t delete the quote! Using quoting software allows you to keep the quote on file. If the client does contact you at any time in the future, you have a full record of what you’ve quoted. Remember, it is a time consuming task and it does take skill to do it well. Often the business owner is not the best person to do the follow up as they can be emotionally invested in getting an outcome. As people do not always answer their phones, you have to make the phone call again, and again, and again, at different times of the day. Talk to me if you would like another option 0423 374 114
15.01.2022 Hi Everyone, Well my new website is up and running. Nathen Rocca from Beardbot has done a stellar job. I would appreciate you taking a look and responding in some way - Like, don't like, it looks amazing, information is great, etc etc etc www.quoteconvert.com.au
12.01.2022 How many follow-up calls do does it take to win a quote?
11.01.2022 Not following up with your prospects is the same as filling up your bathtub without first putting the stopper in the drain. I read this quote and thought it was very appropriate for the following up of quotes. 'Prospects' is interchangeable with 'quotes' both meaning that there is an opportunity to make a sale and/or increase your revenue, ie cash flow, and it needs attention if you want to be in the running to win the prize. Once you decide you need to follow up, and you f...igure out you don't have time, or you hate doing it, I know someone who can assist in this arena - Me! Give me a call and let's have a conversation to work out if we fit together or not. 0423374114 or [email protected] www.quoteconvert.com.au #customerservice #sales #followup #followupcheckup
09.01.2022 I had a fascinating conversation with the extraordinary Face Profiler, Alan Stevens recently. Here is a part of that conversation. If you are wanting to learn more about how to have more successful relationships, either personally or in business, Alan is the best person to speak with about it. Thank you Alan for your time.
09.01.2022 A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.
09.01.2022 One of 4 reasons to follow up on your Quotes. 1. Following Up on Quotes Will Win You More Jobs Your clients and/or potential clients are busy. Everybody is!... Quite often people ask for a quote thinking they will get this work done and out of the way, but 'life'gets in the way - the car broke down, parent got sick and needed attention, a change in jobs - so many variables in the 'suddenly's of life. The quote will most likely move to the bottom of their email inbox and is no longer top of their mind. Following up on your quotes is a way to make things easy for your potential client. It shows you care. You get to find out what their issues are, take an interest in them. Often they just need a reminder before they move forward with accepting the quote. Sometimes, all it takes to close the deal is to ask for the sale. If you - hate doing this job - don't have time to do it - don't have the skills to do it - would like a conversation about doing it.... Give me a call and we can have a chat about your options. Christine - the Queen of Follow Up 0423 374 114 [email protected]
08.01.2022 Monday morning - focus group to begin the week. 40+ business people from around Australia, all up early and getting ready to win the week. Training given by #chrisblackburn of #ISRTraining. Such a great initiative to bring people together for vulnerability, training, learning, wins and challenges. Thank you so much. Also, if you are in Victoria, FOR FREE, you can join this session every Monday morning at 8am for 30 minutes. Just let me know or contact ISR yourself - either way is fine.
07.01.2022 After-sales follow up - Following up your sales demonstrates your commitment to customer service, builds your customers' loyalty and helps generate repeat sales.It also offers a way to request reviews. Follow up steps include: contacting customers after purchase to ensure they are happy providing repairs, refunds and warranties... creating opportunities for customer follow-up such as sales alerts asking for a review providing links to review posting = The follow-up techniques will help you and your sales team build an ongoing sales relationship with your customers and encourage them to refer your business to others. If you don't have time to do these important tasks, or if you really don't like doing them, then have a conversation with me to find out your options www.quoteconvert.com.au 0423 374 114
07.01.2022 Number 3 of 4 Reasons to Follow Up Your Quotes 3. Leads are Expensive!! Leads cost you money!!... Whether you are advertising on traditional channels, social media, or using other sites to get leads, you are spending time and money to get them. Do you ignore your paying clients? No?? Then why would you ignore leads that you’ve paid money for? What good is there in pouring $$$ down the drain? A person who has already engaged with you is more valuable than one that hasn’t. Make sure you’re getting the most value out of the leads you work so hard, and pay so much, to get! Want to know your options?? Give me a call and let's have a conversation. 0423 374 114 - no obligation.
07.01.2022 What is required to give excellent customer service? Time Energy Focus ... Enthusiasm Commitment Trust Skill Knowledge Where and how do YOU find the time? Tell us your secrets........ And if you need help in any of these areas, make contact with me and let's talk about it.
04.01.2022 An interesting article - read the whole thing via the link below. "There appears to be something still special about voice-to-voice" is a quote from the article. I agree, nothing beats face to face, then 2nd best is zoom (face2face via internet), then next best is an actual conversation via the phone. This is why I don't automate in the same way others might. There is tonality, inflections, emotions in a real conversation. Difficulties in relationships (business or personal) ...cannot be fully and successfully solved via any medium other than voice to voice, in my opinion. What do others think?? That is why I do what I do - talk to people on behalf of my clients!! If you would like a real conversation with me, make contact, always happy to discuss your needs. 0423374114 https://www.nbcnews.com//phone-call-dying-no-it-has-found-
03.01.2022 Do you have a sales process or procedure? Is it necessary to have one? What are the effects of having one, and what are the effects of not having one? My view is that there is a need for one. Why?... How else do you keep track of your quotes? How else do you know whether the potential customer is due for a call? Surely, it doesn't reside in your head??!! Imagine the clutter there if that is your 'CRM'? Imagine the stress your brain is under to remember everything? Have you thought about having someone evaluate your procedure and find out what is working and what isn't? Maybe it is time for that to happen.... Find someone who can help to streamline your sales process and hand you a documented procedure for your business. If you need help, give me a call and we can have a chat about it. www.quoteconvert.com.au #sales #productivity #customerservice #smallbusiness #customerexperience
02.01.2022 Half way through a one day sales workshop with #ISRTraining. This stuff is gold! No fluff, just get right into it and don't waste time or words. Thanks Ryan and ISR, this is amazing training as usual from you.
01.01.2022 Fun, entertaining and will bring a smile to your dial!
01.01.2022 No wonder you have no time for the important things!! "Salespeople spend just one-third of their day actually talking to prospects. They spend 21% of their day writing emails, 17% entering data, another 17% prospecting and researching leads, 12% going to internal meetings, and 12% scheduling calls." Written by Aja Frost What about he FOLLOW UP process?... For one of THE most important, disruptive to workflow, inconsistent jobs in the sales process, how and where do you fit that in? - maybe it fits into the 1/3rd?! How much extra time do you have in your day to do your follow ups? How stressed are you because you know it is important to do, but don’t have time, don’t have the skills, don’t like doing it, or don’t want to hear the "NO" that might come? What if someone could do the follow up calls for you? Would that take a load off your shoulders? It may give you some extra time to talk with the new leads that you have, and it will definitely give you back some space in your brain. Like it or not, believe it or not, the fact that you sometimes think about not getting to do the follow up calls weighs on your mind. What if someone could remove those thoughts from your brain to give you room for more pleasant thoughts - like the next potential client for whom you will be solving problems? Would you like that? Would that appeal to you? Would that relieve some stress for you? Let’s talk!! Make contact with me via PM, phone call, email, or via my website www.quoteconvert.com.au
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