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25.01.2022 Do you crap your dacks at the idea of having extra bodies in the house for a few days? Happy hour starts early, you down a cheese platter and then can’t be fagged cooking....takeaway it is!! Save money, energy and the crap feeling that takeaway can give you....including the blew the diet again guilt feeling..... by having simple stuff ready to grab when you need it. ... I’ve got family coming from Queensland (yay!) so I’m getting prepared. We’ll bang a bbq on tonight, out tomorrow night and then who knows So I’m going to have a few options in the fridge for lunches (if we’re home) and dinner if we need. And if there’s anything left it’ll go in the freezer or slopped together like bubble and squeak on Monday night. Save your gut, your wallet and blowing the good week you’ve had for something more worthwhile than takeaway. I’ve got roast veg to reheat or put in a salad (check my recipe out), a butterflied lamb and some chicken chunks to reheat or put with the salad. Any of it can be picked at as a snack or made into a meal. Easy done in the one oven... #mealprepideas #realfoodheals #cleaneating #healthyhabits #guthealth #nourishingfood #planforsuccess #eattherainbow #organised #tasmania #bellerive #rabbithole48
23.01.2022 Today’s visit to the outdoors.....a wee bit of weeding! We get microbes from the soil that add to our own microbiome. Being super sterile kills off the microbes on our skin and in our gut that are there to protect us. They also help us digest, absorb and produce vitamins and minerals and they help with lots of biochemical reactions in the body to make everything go smooth sailing on the everything our body does to keep us alive requires microbes on some level. ...Using soap and water is a better option than alcohol based hand sanitizers as the soap breaks down the fat cells in the microbes. Alcohol just kills everything off and it’s overuse can lead to resistant microbes forming. It was recognised years ago in the hospital system as we switched back to soap and water for everyday hand washing at the bedside and alcohol for extremely sterile times. Oh and it’s important to encourage others to do the same...that’s why I leave a pile of weeds for the person who feels the need to pick them up and pop them somewhere appropriate Get out and get dirty! #rhchallenge #microbiome #guthealth #nature #earthing #healthyhabits #tasmania #springtime #rabbithole48 #
22.01.2022 Budget Buster! The weekend is near, can’t be phaffed cooking vibe is high. Best dish for such an occasion is bolognaise of course. This is just 1kg of mince and the rest is veg, tomatoes and broth. Herbs and salt of course. I’ve blitzed up most of the veg left in the fridge and even roasted some eggplants as well! Blitzed them up to mush and they’ve added a nice thickness to the sauce. ... This will do us two meals! Yup! I have 4 grown men in the house and we’ll eat twice. #budgetmeals #quickandeasy #cookonceeattwice #keepitsimplestupid #nooffence #eatyourselfhealthy #cleaneatingrecipes #eatthecoloursoftherainbow #tasmania #rabbithole48
22.01.2022 If I were to wave a magic wand and your challenges to get some energy back into your life were to disappear, what would they be? What would life look like with more bounce in your step? What we eat can have a massive impact on how zippy you feel, but do you know if what you're eating is actually healthy? Some of the advertising and claims on packages can be confusing. If you need some tips on where to start download my 3 Step Kickstarter to find out the most important change...s you should make TODAY! When you sign up you'll receive weekly recipes and the things that changed the game for me when I flipped my health around with real food and managing my stress better. Find out more here:
21.01.2022 Flavour bomb for the most boring veg or Plain Jane Salad. Nutrient packed with room to pack even more in. If you fancy getting these kind of recipes and meal ideas straight in your inbox every week then click to sign up in my profile. Plus I’ve got the Ultimate Health Check floating about for you to see if there’s a little something your body might be trying to tell you.....
20.01.2022 So there’s this thing I’ve been working on and have fart-arsed around long enough so here tis! MY FREEBIE JUST FOR YOU! These are the key habits I’ve changed over the years that all make my health and my life fricken awesome. If things go to the poop, and they do, I know where to go to reset. Sign up here to get it in your inbox along with a weekly recipes, kitchen hacks and anything I think of to help you nourish, nurture and live an awesome life. ... #healthyhabitspayoff #realfoodheals #cleaneatingrecipe #changinghabits #gutheath #healingfoods #rabbithole48 #tasmania
19.01.2022 It's LIVE! My gorgeous friend, Kim Morrison, has released her own podcast! She is well known from the Up For a Chat Podcast with Cyndi O'Meara and Carren Smith as well as being the creator of Twenty8 natural skincare and organic essential oils. Her work around self love and creating strategies on how to pick yourself up off the bathroom floor when the shit hits the fan is life changing. Take a listen.
17.01.2022 Is time your worst enemy when it comes to preparing meals? Spending a few minutes in the morning or at lunch (for those working at him) can save you a whole bunch of effort at night. This way you can still get a yummy something on the table that you can be proud of. A roast is something we save for a night when everyone’s home and Monday’s are it! I’ve popped a shoulder of lamb (bone in) on a bed of carrot, onion and herbs and poured in some broth. ... If you don’t work from home then maybe it goes in the slow cooker in the morning. Set aside 15 minutes to plop it all together then set and forget. You could crisp it off in the oven when you bake some veggies later and the juices become your gravy. All the gut healing gelatin and minerals come out of the bones and supercharge your gravy. Win-win! I’ve got enough in their for another meal so ALWAYS cook once, eat twice!! Another win! #prepared #timesaver #winning #realfoodheals #cleaneatingrecipe #nofail #feedthehungry #feedthesoul #guthealth #rabbithole48 #tasmania #bellerive
11.01.2022 Chicken wings are there to be enjoyed for their crispy, salty and finger lickin’ goodness. I see you thinking this is not going to help your quest to fit in your jeans better. Well, stop it with your low fat mentality! It’s over my friend! You can breathe easy and enjoy all those foods our grandparents used to eat, the untouched beauty of real food in its natural form. The OG I’m not saying eat slabs of the stuff but if you take a look in your pantry and fridge, and what y...ou put in your mouth every day, how much of it is as Mother Nature intended? How much of it is fiddled with and fluffed up to be something it’s not? Processed oils, artificial flavours, preservatives and chemicals oozing out of every packet and jar. It just ain’t meant to be! Let’s get back the OG way of eating and you’ll find your body will love you for it. Less inflammation, better digestion and a stronger immune system. All with a convenient side of dipping on the scales. I will admit, we are chicken wing and garlic aioli fanatics in this house. For me, it’s my finger lick-in’ treat. It stops the usual junk food cravings of the young men and fills a good hole too. Cheap and cheery when you know how to season them properly. It’s an art I’ve made easier with my new membership The Secret Spice Society. Blended to swoon your taste buds and make good healthy food, fluff free and easy. Check the link in my profile for more info on how to get a different blend on your doorstep every month along with recipes and a bunch of online support. Tell me which foods you think are the naughtiest and let me help you find a decent sub out. #flavourbomb #spiceitup #foodismedicine #guthealth #immuneboostingfoods #membership #secretspicesociety #tasmania #bellerive
11.01.2022 Super quick and easy greens. You know I like things quick and easy and this is my fave after a week away and maybe a few too many cheese platters that result in a little too much food in the belly It’s time to get back into routine and cut back on the treats that appear alongside social gatherings, visitors and just being super chilled out. No guilt involved, but I know when it’s time to reset and clean out the system. Green veg is perfect served with lashings of garlic an...d fresh herbs. Eat a variety of colours overall but make sure there’s plenty of greens especially the leafy ones. Sautéed garlic, chilli, onion in ghee. Broccoli, beans and freshly podded peas (or whatever you have) Toss until tender with a little salt to taste. Served with a small portion on grilled meat, fried eggs or a spoonful of beans. Something super tasty, super easy and super nourishing. Leftovers for lunch can be eaten cold like a salad with a boiled egg or shredded meat. Eat once cook twice my friends #cleaneating #nourishingfood #greenvegetables #changinghabits #cookonceeattwice #chemicalfreelife #tasmania #bellerive #rabbithole48
11.01.2022 For all lovers of essential oils and those who want to know what the fuss is about! They are the closest thing to getting out in nature itself as I’ve been talking about all week! Doesn’t matter what brand you use, this is all about getting the most out of them particularly in this whacky world we’re living in right now
09.01.2022 Beans, beans are good for your heart. Beans beans they make you f....if you grew up in the 70’s/80’s you know the rest of the song! The longest living populations in the world have a few things in common and eating legumes are one of them. Why do they make you fart or blow up? Because you don’t have them regularly enough and when you do, you have a fat bowl of them! Am I right? ... To increase their digestibility soak them over night or up to 24 hours in lightly salted water. Change the water every 8 hours or whatever suits. This also halves the cooking time. It also breaks down the phytic acid that can stop you absorbing those valuable nutrients. Some say whack some bicarbonate in or some vinegar but I haven’t tested that theory. If you have whacky digestion then maybe just try adding a tablespoon or so to a meal once or twice a week and see how you feel. Legumes, when prepared this way, are great fibre for you gut bugs (bug food) and are high in proteins and a range of nutrients. I’m up for some Mexican tomorrow night so I’ve popped some black beluga beans, green lentils and black rice in to soak until then. They’re also good in a salad, mixed in with a stew or savoury dish, or mush up with a sweet potato, an egg and spices for a bean burger Red lentils hide well in a bolognaise too It’s the perfect way to reduce meat intake and cheap as chips I’m guilty of not using them much so here goes to experimenting with them once a week! #guthealth #cleaneating #foodprepping #mealplanning #changinghabits #cleaneating #microbiome #fibre #tasmania #bellerive
09.01.2022 Holy shizballs, just loaded this sexy dessert on The Rabbit Hole website, plus if you get my emails it would’ve landed today When you drop the sugar load, you don’t crave sweet stuff as much so this becomes the perfect chocolatey bomb that will impress your friends and hit the spot. Every week I send out a recipe and a some brilliant ways to make eating healthy fricken easy and tasty. ... Subscribe in my bio and you’ll get my Ultimate Health Check to see how you’re tracking. #healthyhabits #simplydelicious #changinghabits #guthealth #chocolatedessert #cacao #healthyfat #dairyfreedessert #glutenfreedesserts #tasmania #bellerive #rabbithole48
08.01.2022 Don’t sit and wait to see what the new year will bring you, get out and make it happen girlfriend! Spend more time doing what worked, stop wasting time doing what didn’t work. What do you want more of? Move towards it every day. ... What do you want less of? Stop doing what brings it to attract what you project so keep those dramas at bay by sticking to what helps you reach your goals. Speaking of goals....get yourself some! Even if it is to have more fun. If life gets you down, do things to pick it up. You can’t change anything by doing nothing!! Bring on the New Year....I have plans for you 2021 #gratitude #love #selfcare #lifegoals #journeyoflife #bringiton #tasmania #eastcoasttasmania
08.01.2022 Done in a flash this Mayo recipe gives you heaps of variations meaning none of it will go to waste. Super healthy fats and full of flavour. No need for store bought Mayo filled with artificial ingredients and inflammatory refined oils. Your body thrives on real, nourishing foods so make this one of your new not negotiable staples. Full recipe here: or link in my profile. See more
07.01.2022 Cooking on fire! I grew up doing it in the old Dutch oven, but this is another level! Loved spending the day with the amazing Sarah Glover and learning different ways to cook on, over and in fire. And let’s talk about the venue! The most incredible historical site 30 minutes from Hobart, run passionately as a distillery and event venue. ... Supporting our locals. #simplecooking #localfoodie #supportlocalbrand @shenedistillery @missarahglover
07.01.2022 A process to a food is never added in the ingredient list. Sign the petition to stop this being put on our fresh food @additive_free_kids Do you want to the right to know what is in your food? Would you like emulsifiers / glazing agents added to your fresh fruit and veg (even if it is organic) without your knowledge? The European Union looked at this application and decided that they didn't want it either. They allowed it only on fruits that have hard peels that are usually d...iscarded. It was not permitted on ANY vegetables. We already know that some emulsifiers are linked to damaging our gut health. Do we really know the impact of consuming these manipulated ingredients (and frequently) over the longer term? There hasn't been enough research into the long term impact on our gut health. It is time PEOPLE are put before PROFITS! It is time HEALTH is put before PROFITS! If you want your fruit and veg to be FRESH without any processing aids, take one minute and sign this petition. Then share it with friends and family so that they can have their say. Let's stand up united Additive Free Advocates and say enough is enough. Leave our fresh fruit and veggies alone. The link to the petition is Additive Free Kids
07.01.2022 Would you down a plate of these and feel guilty? Blown the diet. Damn you self control. There’s goes the NY resolution Well I helped polish these off while camping last week....and some! No guilt. I didn’t gain kilos overnight. Food is a source of nourishment and fuel. These were home made so I knew what was in them and we shared them as a family. That alone is golden. It’s what we do regularly that counts, not what we do sometimes. ... Being super strict leads to feeling restricted and deprived and the stress can have a bigger impact than a bowl of dumplings. If you find you’re taking this rule and running with it then that may be called self sabotage.....think why is that? If you have urgent health goals for this year then you may need to be strict for a while but generally speaking, taking things step by step and creating new habits one by one leads to lasting change. No more rebounding or yo-yo dieting. Choose three things you want to change this week and stick to it. #keepitsimple #guthealth #healthyfoodchoices #cleaneating #healthyhabitspayoff #tasmania #bellerive #rabbithole48
07.01.2022 Today in the great outdoors....there’s nothing better than watching puppies play, run and be free. Animals are the best medicine. If you don’t have an animal then go to the beach and watch everyone else’s. Stop and say hello to them or their owners. Dog owners love to talk about their dogs Not every morning walk has to be a sprint. Spend some time taking in your surrounds and connect with all the weird and whacky dog people you come across #rhchallenge #natureisthebestmedicine #dogwatching #slowdowntime #lookaroundyou #bellerive #tasmania #rabbithole48
07.01.2022 Just a little reminder as the day is drawing to an end and you're madly trying to fit everything in.....or maybe you've already turned off! 3-5 deep breaths can calm your stress levels so your brain is more functional and not in crazy-land of busy. Plenty of time to get those last things done, so get a wriggle on.....but breathe first!
06.01.2022 Back on deck! Time for some planning and prepping to start getting s#*t done! Just need to adjust to having a Uni student wandering aimlessly while I video If you're getting on the "new year, new you" train then check out my workbook to see how your health is tracking, what impact it has and some primo food swaps to get you growing old gracefully....
06.01.2022 Share time What is your biggest health challenge? Comment below or DM if you’re shy If you were to wave a magic wand and have it disappear, what would it be? My biggest health challenge was daily headaches and low energy for around 20 years. Now I only get headaches when I’ve been leaning over the keyboard for too long on too many days! Plus a whole heap of other niggly symptoms fluffed off as well. Winner! I accepted it as normal, but the new normal is soooo much No more headaches meant no more pills and no more irritability. Good for me, good for the family and good for the poor bugger I may have snapped at! You only get one life, make it count. #smallsteps #bigchange #feelgoodlookgood #recoveryjourney #immunehealth #longevity #tasmania #Bellerive #rabbithole48
05.01.2022 Summer salad season is here. Don't wreck your salad with a bought dressing, make your own.....honestly it's a no brainer! Bought stuff is full of sugar, canola oil, artificial flavours and know I hate that stuff! Time to whip out some salad dressing ideas.
05.01.2022 Taking a break outdoors of course. Working from home often means I work through lunch and only get up to pee! Today I had lunch then slipped down to the lawn for a little read. Here I sit telling everyone else to get out of the office and yet some days I don’t take my own advice. Kim Morrison released her new Self Love podcast (Apple)on Tuesday and it was a ripper! I’ve heard her speak dozens of times but I always find something I needed to hear. So I’ve ripped out her book... and started from the beginning. Self love isn’t a fluffy thing. It’s reminding yourself to do the things that light you up, to not get caught up in the rat-race and just calm your farm somewhat! Not always easy to do as we come up with excuses as to why we don’t, blaming others, and simply not taking responsibility for our own destiny. So if that sounds like you then listen to the podcast, get the book or just cut it out! #rhchallenge #noBS #cutthecrap #getupandmove #lunchbreakstretch #groundingmyself #springsunshine #tasmania #belleruve #rabbithole48 @kimmorrison28
03.01.2022 7 Meals planned without planning. Is this your face when it comes to dinner? Meal Planning....bleh, who does it? How to plan when you haven't planned. How do you choose what you're eating if you don't plan? Tell me, I seriously want to know what you guys are doing When I do it, I love it. But if I haven't then this is what I do: Go to the butcher and see what's on special (Monday's aren't always a good day until they've stocked up)... pick a slow cooker meat, a roast, a grilling meat, a stir-fry meat, and mince. Buy enough for a double batch for the slow cook and the roast That's 7 meals done and dusted. Maybe more. Half the slow cook, goes in the freezer after a couple of lunch servings are taken out. One roast gets chopped up and straight in the freezer, after a couple of lunches are served out. If they're too small for another meal then they get turned into soup! Bang a heap of veg and broth in a pot and then add your leftovers. Cook once, eat twice my friends! BOOM, DONE! If you want some of my fave recipes and nerdy health tips straight in your inbox each Thursday then get your name on my list here: PS Try and have a veg meal and a fishy something each week too. #realfoodrecipes #cleaneatingideas #healthyhabits #changinghabits #glutenfreerecipes #variety #cookonceeattwice ##tasmania #rabbithole48
03.01.2022 Do you wonder why some people rub you up the wrong way and others you’re immediately attracted to? Check out this free webinar to explain how you can understand people and their personalities better. I’ve heard this work several times but will still be tuning in as there’s always something that sinks in.
02.01.2022 Do you find it hard to know what IS actually healthy food? Or is it that you are victim of the evil temptress that is the weekend? Or do you find it so hard to know where to start that you don’t start at all? What are your challenges? ... Comment below or DM me if you’re shy If you don’t know where to start then try my 3 Key Steps to choosing the right food for your health. They will see you eating food that nourishes you and eliminates inflammation. Get off the slippery slope to feeling crappy as you age and get on your way to Planet Awesome #smallsteps #healthierhabits #realfood #guthealth #startsmall #bekindtoyourself #bekindtoyourbody #subscribe #healthyrecipes #healthytips #simplestuff #nofuss #rabbithole48 #tasmania
02.01.2022 Chia Pudding - simple, tasty, nourishing. 3 tbspn chia seeds (coulda done 4) 1 cup coconut milk 1 scoop collagen powder... 1 tspn honey 1 cup berries Protein and gut healing goodness from the collagen. Fibre and healthy fats from the chia (like, lots of fibre ) Antioxidants, fibre and nutrients from the berries and honey. Sounds pretty good to me! Soaked the chia and milk while I did my 30 minute workout Plonked everything in a pot on a medium heat until the berries softened. Boom done Fibre packed, healthy fat packed, warm and toasty on the inside! Make a big batch and have it ready for the week, hot or cold. Pour it into little glass jars and top with fruit and yoghurt when you’re ready to serve. #healthyrecipes #goodfats #fulloffibre #breakthefast #loveberries #lovehoney #bellerive #tasmania #rabbithole48
02.01.2022 Do you work through lunch? Time getting away from you? Stand, stretch and Smile! If you’ve been sitting too long. Indoors. Get up, get out and breathe! It lowers the stress levels and helps you reset. If you break the stress response regularly, you trick your body into thinking it’s calm. (Sounds like I’m talking about tricking a child into eating vegetables ) ... Everyday stress can read to the body like it’s under attack and some serious s#*t is about to go down. When really you’re just trying to meet a deadline and juggle 5 balls. The result ain’t pretty long term. I’m talking disease, weight gain, early ageing, mood slumps, ugh! Who wants that? Simple things can make a big difference. Write in the comments how you break up your day and tame that inner beast called stress.....or if you don’t, why not? Have you even given it any thought? #stressless #selfcare #breathedeep #smilemoreworryless #longevity #movemore #rabbithole48 #tasmania