Rabble Books & Games in Maylands, Western Australia, Australia | Gift shop
Rabble Books & Games
Locality: Maylands, Western Australia, Australia
Phone: +61 8 6244 1841
Address: Unit 2, 46 Eighth Ave 6051 Maylands, WA, Australia
Website: http://rabblebooksandgames.com.au
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25.01.2022 When We Say Black Lives Matter by Maxine Beneba Clarke rings out with the clarity of an extraordinary poet and artist. Little one, when we say Black Lives Matter, we're saying black people are wonderful-strong. That we deserve to be treated with basic respect,... and that history's done us wrong. Maxine Beneba Clarke writes of the book, In When We Say Black Lives Matter, a black child's parents explain what the term Black Lives Matter means to them: in protest and song, in joy and in sorrow. I see this picture book as an act of Black Love - I was inspired to write and create it when thinking about how to explain the concept of Black Lives Matter to the young African diaspora kids in my extended family, living in over eight different countries across the world - including America, Australia, Germany, Barbados and England. It’s beautiful. [image is a copy of the book with dark blue background, a parent with dark brown skin and a child with brown skin to the left, child holding a protest sign in one hand with the back towards us. The title is in yellow on the top right, WHEN WE SAY BLACK LIVES MATTER and small white writing at the bottom WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY MAXINE BENEBA CLARKE] #WhenWeSayBlackLivesMatter #MaxineBenebaClarke
25.01.2022 For First Nations people across this land, January 26th is a Day of Mourning. We stand in solidarity with them. We are normally closed on public holidays, but we can’t respect 26th January in its current form. As in previous years, we’ll be open Tuesday from 10-4 with all profits donated - this year to IndigenousX. We strongly recommend buying books by First Nations authors (just generally! All the time!) and using this as an opportunity to listen and learn. Follow Blackfulla..._Bookclub for book reviews, to help you choose your next read, or look back in our feed. Magabala Books is a First Nations publishing house AND bookshop, so if you buy books directly from them, the profits go back into their work. I’ve noticed more people thinking about paying the rent this year, and that’s absolutely what those of us who have settled on Indigenous land should do. Donate directly to First Nations organisations. Please consider ways to do that in an ongoing way as well. Besides supporting First Nations organisations, one of the most important things you can do is have open conversations with your family and friends about respecting the real history of this land, and amplifying First Nations voices. You can also show up to Invasion Day rallies in your city. Here in Boorloo, Perth, it’s at Forest Place, 1pm. If you want a rally buddy, send us a message as Nat will be there. Artwork/Memework by Beautiful, Talented & Deadly. Lots of their artwork is available for purchase, too. See the link in their bio. [Image is a picture of Australia with each state and territory in a different colour, and Stolen Land written over each state. Text at the top says how I view Australian maps that are broken down into ‘states’. At the bottom left is Kira’s page name Beautiful Talented Deadly]
25.01.2022 Star Crossed is a 2 player role playing game, which uses the suspense of jenga to create the tension of forbidden love. Some of you know it and love it already from its Kickstarter and have gushed about it to us! We’re told that it’s a great game to introduce beginners to the possibilities of RPGs but it’s also rich and wonderful for experienced role players. . I highly recommend this interview with designer Alex Roberts in Meeple Mountain talking about Star Crossed: https://...www.meeplemountain.com//interview-with-alex-rober/ Highlights include her talking about being inspired by swing dancing and how she used the lead-follow dynamic as a kind of flirting. . The stand out though is this quote: I made this game from an experience of radical queerness: to acknowledge that the way I love does not align with the dominant narrative, and to value solidarity with other marginalized people over acceptance in the mainstream. Love is not always easy. It’s harder on some people than others. A lot of folks have to live in the best ways they can, with hard compromises. I hope that resonates with all kinds of different people, facing all kinds of different struggles. . You need your own Jenga / brick-tower to play the game, I know lots of you will already have one but we’ve got some in-store too. *** Star Crossed is a two-player game about really, really wanting to, when you really, really can’t. The game is simple, quick, and filled with delicious moments of excitement, tension, and occasional heartbreak. Will you be best friends about to graduate and move to different cities? A queen and her knight errant? Leaders of the vampire and werewolf clans? A lonesome trucker and an alien brain parasite? That’s up to you. But the tower decides how it ends. $54.99 . [Image is the box of Star Crossed, with that title at the top in purple surrounded by a pink star. Two people (well, one has purple skin and bipedal paws) sitting on Victorian-era chairs and playing with a jenga tower. Underneath that it reads The two-player game of forbidden love by Alex Roberts. The box is against a brick wall, and a thin piece of wood and a tiny part of a strawberry leaf is visible at the bottom of the pic.] . #StarCrossedRPG #AlexRoberts #TabletopGames #BoardGames #PerthGames #RPG
23.01.2022 ARE YOU READY FOR STORY TIME? Please join the fabulous Cougar Morrison and Justin Sider for a very special Drag Story Hour for Pride 2:30pm this Saturday! After our planned PrideFEST drag story times were cancelled last minute due to rainy weather, we’ve pulled together a Rabble story time! We have so missed hosting these. Big thanks to Henry on Eighth for giving us access to their venue before they open. As always, story time is open to anyone who thinks it will bring them j...oy. https://facebook.com/events/s/drag-story-time/378501570086266/?ti=icl Justin’s photo is by Ezra Alcantra. . [Image is a split picture showing Cougar on the left peering over glasses at the camera and the right side shows Justin clasping his hands together and looking at the camera. White text on a pink background at the bottom reads DRAG STORY TIME 2:30pm Saturday 14th Henry on 8th] . #PerthIsOk #PerthNow #PerthLife #DQSH #DragQueenStoryHour #DragQueenStoryTime #DragQueen #WeNeedDiverseBooks #RainbowFamilies #PerthDrag #StoryTime #KidLit #ChildrensBooks #CougarMorrison #JustinSider
23.01.2022 Freedom is a word where people can be who they are and live in a place where they can feel good. Freedom is a word of many colours - more or less to set yourself free, to be who you want to be. . This year, NAIDOC week and Trans Awareness week overlap over this weekend. It’s a wonderful time to celebrate shining lights across those communities, like sistergirl Crystal Johnson and her powerful voice. Crystal’s is the first chapter in this book and gosh we all need to read it, both within and beyond the queer and trans communities. This is such an important book. If your library doesn’t have it, request that they get a copy for the shelves. . #NAIDOCWeek #NAIDOC #Trans #Sistergirls #Brotherboys #CrystalJohnson #ColouringTheRainbow #TransAwarenessWeek #TransgenderAwarenessWeek
22.01.2022 Ahh folks, in just one week it’s our next Drag Story Time! It reminded me that I never posted about our epic, last-minute-rescheduled November story time with Cougar Morrison and Justin Sider! It was such a delight. Big thanks to Henry on Eighth for accommodating us last minute - it was bucketing down with rain outside and Pride soirée was cancelled but the story time went on. Love you all. . Next story time is Sunday 24th January (yes next week) with the wonderful wonderful ...Milo Hartill. 3pm at Rabble!! As always, everyone is welcome as long as you bring joy in your heart. https://fb.me/e/23eXsDjWL . [Image 1 is Cougar standing next to Justin against a brick wall. Cougar has a blue dress, black jacket with blue and red sequins and embroidery, with black hair. Justin wears a blue velvet jacket, blue sequinned bow / necktie, and blue fairy floss curly hair, blue glitter eyebrows, moustache and beard.] . #DragQueenStoryHour #DragStoryTime #DragKingStoryHour #DragQueen #DragKing #StoryTime See more
20.01.2022 So wonderful to meet Alton Walley yesterday! Alton has written four important books of Nyoongar stories, full of language. Three Dreamtime stories are published through UWA Publishing, as well as the beautiful Chunyart and the Cheeky Parrot, a story of a young boy learning from his family about the land and its useful plants (feat. some cheeky parrot mischief as promised in the title!!). Signed copies of all of these books are in-store now. . [Image is Alton smiling, standing amongst bookshelves and holding up two of his books, Chunyart, and The Dolphin and the Spearfisher.] . #KidLit #Noongar #NoongarStories #Nyoongar #AboriginalStories #FirstNations #Indigenous #AltonWalley
19.01.2022 We are thrilled to be stocking To Hold the Clouds! Such incredible talent in this book of emerging writers from Perth. We have long admired the significant work of the Centre for Stories, and their nurturing of diverse storytellers through to publication. . [Image is the book To Hold the Clouds facing the camera with a small spiral stack of books spine-out behind it on floorboards. In the background is bookshelves.]
18.01.2022 Happy NAIDOC week! We’re so thrilled to be celebrating with Djinda Bridiya Wellbeing up at Heathridge Recreation Centre today (until 2pm). Thanks so much for inviting us! Check out https://www.naidoc.org.au/get-involved/naidoc-week-events to find #NAIDOCWeek events near you! . [Image is a table laid out with books by First Nations authors and illustrators]
17.01.2022 We are big fans of Smart Ovens for Lonely People, which has recently won the Readings Prize! Brooke says Liz’s stories are bold, strange, hopeful, playful, hilarious, heartbreaking & deeply, deeply profound all at onceI sometimes compare her to George Saunders but her work is truly like nothing else I’ve read. The contents page gives you the first taste of this, with story titles like Mounting Sexual Tension Between Two Long-time Friends; Tom Knows Ant is a Spy but Ant Do...esn’t and Ron Swanson’s Stencilled ‘Stache. Oh, and Shirt Dresses that Look a Little Too Much Like Shirts so that It Looks Like You Forgot to Put on Pants (Love Will Save the Day). Congratulations Liz! Signed copies of everything we could find with Liz’s name on it now in-store. [Image is Nat, Liz and Brooke smiling, standing outside Rabble and holding copies of Smart Ovens for Lonely People.] . #ShortStories #AustralianFiction #ElizabethTan #SmartOvensForLonelyPeople
13.01.2022 maar bidi is tracks made by hands, a pathway: handwriting. maar bidi: next generation black writing is an incredible collection of nine emerging First Nations authors, all young people who were brought together in Elfie Shiosaki and Linda Martin’s creative writing program out of UWA, on Whadjuk boodja. Featuring illustrations (on the cover and inside) by @kambarni. . From @magabalabooks: The collection is a compelling yarn between writers about their hopes and visions from t...heir futures, and what it means to be young, black and passionate in a divergent and conflicted world. The heart of the collection is its affirmation of the agency of Indigenous youth to make meaning of their own lives, pasts and futures - to speak for themselves, instead of being spoken about by others. . [Image is a picture of the book on floorboards, the cover features illustrated leaf imprints and these words: maar bidi / next generation black writing / with an introduction by Kim Scott / Edited by Elfie Shiosaki and Linda Martin] . #FirstNations #FirstNationsAuthors #Aboriginal #Indigenous #Whadjuk #ElfieShiosaki #LindaMartin #MagabalaBooks #MaarBidi See more
08.01.2022 Any McQuire has written an unflinching, hopeful and beautiful picture book that looks at 26th January through a lens of resilience and survival while examining the reality of invasion. With stunning illustrations from Matt Chun, it recenters the lens by focusing on one First Nations family’s Invasion/Survival day. This is such an important book. If you’re a teacher, please read this book in your classrooms (school is back over here in WA the following week, never too late to ...reflect). Please put it in your schools and libraries and homes and read it with the young people in your life. Amy’s powerful framing reaches beyond littles to the adults who read it too. ***** From @hardiegrantbooks : Day Break is the story of a family making their way back to Country on January 26. We see the strength they draw from being together, and from sharing stories as they move through a shifting landscape. The story refocuses the narratives around ‘Australia Day’ on Indigenous survival and resistance, and in doing so honours the past while looking to the future. Confronting yet truthful, painful yet full of hope, Day Break is a crucial story that will open up a conversation on truth-telling for the next generation. Nat . [image is a copy of Day Break sitting atop a pile of copies of the book. The cover shows an adult with brown skin and white hair, green short sleeved top and pink leggings with white and black dots, and a child with brown skin, black hair, blue long sleeved top and yellow leggings. They have one arm around each other looking away from us towards a gold embossed circle in the background, which connects with the Aboriginal flag outline gold-embossed around the cover. Light green and white trees surround the rocky shore, with blue water in the distance and a light pink sky. Across the top in large letters is lDay Break, and near the child’s back is January 26. The day we remember. At the bottom left corner is Amy McQuire and bottom right corner is with Matt Chun.] #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe
06.01.2022 Rabble Night’s is back and this time, it’s permanent! We’ll be open Thursday and Friday nights until 8 from now on. We’ve grown so so much in the last two years and the truth is we need more time to get stuff done, which means more options for you. Starts tomorrow! . [This is a very busy graphic, reminiscent of 80s film graphics - we were going for a Baywatch Nights kind of feel. It reads "Rabble" in hot pink scribble writing, "NIGHTS" in bold silver block letters and "THURSDAYS & FRIDAYS TIL 8 in smaller glowing neon text, all with a space laser dark blue background.] . #PerthBooks #PerthBookshop #PerthBookstore #IndieBookshop #IndieBookstore #PerthIsOk #PerthNow #PerthLife #PerthHappenings #Perth #PerthChristmas #PerthGifts
04.01.2022 We are so excited to share with you all this first version of a Noongar literature guide that Cassie Lynch has put together for Rabble. It started off as an idea for a staff training resource but we hope it can also help more people connect with Noongar literature by providing a brief insight into some key texts. There is such knowledge in these books, many written by elders. It is a privilege to stock them. The guide is currently available as a hard copy resource to look at ...in-store and we’d love to get feedback from people about the format as we develop it further. . We are always very grateful to Cassie for being so generous with her knowledge and time. Do follow her on Instagram if you don’t already - she’s an incredible poet in both Noongar and English, as well as an author and a scholar and a heap more hats besides: @coastal_carnivore . . [Image is an excerpt from the Noongar Literature Guide, showing a section of the cover of Nyoongar Boodja: Koomba Bardip Kooratan with that title at the top and Nyoongar Land written at the bottom, on top of a picture of the sky and the Stirling Ranges. Text underneath the cover image reads TWO-WAY LEARNING ABOUT THE LAND Elder Noel Nannup shares the creation story of Noongar Boodja, along with parallels with science. See also Noel’s in depth creation story Moondang-ak Kaardjiny.] . #NoongarBoodja #NoongarStories #NoongarBooks #Noongar #Nyoongar #FirstNationsAuthors #AboriginalAuthors #NAIDOC2020 #NAIDOC #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe See more
01.01.2022 YASSMIN ABDEL-MAGIED Join us on Sunday 7th Feb at 5pm AWST (8pm AEDT, 9am UTC) for Yassmin Abdel-Magied in-conversation with Rai Ismail. This is a FREE online event for adults and young people, but you need to register here: https://fb.me/e/XuHfe2qd You can place a pre-order for Listen, Layla via our website or in-store (or with your local bookshop!), it’s released 2nd Feb. https://rabblebooksandgames.com.au/p/young-adult-listen-lay... Yassmin was the first writer to ever visit us at Rabble when we opened our doors! It is always a very great pleasure to listen to her talk about her work and life. So come celebrate the release of Listen, Layla with us! Exploring the diaspora experience, race, politics and identity, Listen, Layla by Yassmin Abdel-Magied is an own voices novel for young readers, which bursts with passion, humour and truth. Yassmin will share her experience writing her second novel, and turning her first novel into a screenplay, in conversation with award-winning writer Rai Ismail. . [Image is a split screen, the left two-thirds is the orange book cover with Listen, Layla in large yellow letters across the top, and a young girl with brown skin and a purple hijab with a crown hovering above her head in the middle. The dark orange smaller text under Listen says What’s a queen to do when her summer plans go horribly wrong?. Black letters across the bottom read YASSMIN ABDEL-MAGIED. Small multi-coloured confetti-dots are scattered across the cover and a faint outline of a placard that says (justice in Arabic) and the outline of the Sudanese flag. The right third is Yassmin smiling / laughing at the camera wearing a blue and white checked shirt, a red jacket, a peach and blue turban-style hijab and black rimmed glasses.] #YassminAbdelMagied #ListenLayla #LoveOZYA #AuthorEvent