Radical Consultants in Sydney, Australia | Businesses
Radical Consultants
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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25.01.2022 Last week was a great week! I completed the accreditation of Peffer Pastoral Co's free range operation in Molong NSW. For those who may not know, Peffer Pastoral Co. is the business behind the Canobolas Eggs brand. Whilst I always enjoy my work in writing, training and implementing Quality Assurance programs, it's not always that I conclude a project with a sense of satisfaction that goes beyond the fact that the job's done. However, on this occasion I drove home embracing ...an unusually deep sense of accomplishment. What really inspired me arose from my recent awareness that when I work with receptive managers on their QA, they start to embody patterns of thinking and communication that are reflections of their work! These are not only reflected in their attitude to the management of their quality program, but can also potentially permeate into the quality of their relationships with co-workers as well. The corrective action system was a classic example in this case. As we all know, in every QA program, corrective action exists as a objective system "out there"; a tool that managers use as part of the quality management process. But wait! I was now hearing the same language of frequency and severity of non-conformances becoming apparent in the interpersonal communication! Phrases such as not acceptable, not negotiable, conform to specs, please clarify, and please verify were becoming used more noticeably at this workplace. You might ask "so what?" Well, here's the potential that I see in how this observation can benefit the organisation. When framed in an "I Statement" and used in conjunction with listening skills, I see enormous potential for quality language to become a fundamental aspect of any process for effective conflict resolution. After all, isn't conflict the likely outcome of unspoken and unresolved non-conformance(s)? Doesn't conflict arise when there is a supposedly insurmountable gap between your thinking, feeling and/or acting and mine? Owning my role in creating the gap and speaking it using an I Statement, and being willing to hear your role in the creating the same gap is the first step in resolving the conflict. All behaviour must be underpinned by the unwavering intention to resolve the issue. Like quality, the creating of healthy co-worker relationships also becomes an inside job. Food for thought! Abe Abe Moses, B. Ru.Sc.
25.01.2022 Our latest blog post.
24.01.2022 In a recent article on depression, in the Guardian, Johann Hari mentions 1970’s workplace research by the Australian scientist, Michael Marmot. Marmot’s research found that it is not the people at the top of work hierarchies who are most inclined to serious stress, and consequent heart attacks, but those towards the bottom. A very surprising result. And in working out why that is, he came to the conclusion that:... "... if you have no control over your work, you are far more likely to become stressed and, crucially, depressed. Humans have an innate need to feel that what we are doing, day-to-day, is meaningful. When you are controlled, you can’t create meaning out of your work.
22.01.2022 An invitation for professional self-reflection. In business and non-profit workplaces it is important to give people consistent direction in where the enterprise is going. One of the directions many people do have trouble with in their working lives is how to give feedback to each other in a way that does not escalate resentments, disengagement or conflict.... Listen to the podcast published by an organisation we have great respect for, Radical Candor. https://www.radicalcandor.com/blog/podcast-episode-23/ And then self-reflect on the directions people are receiving in your organisation about appropriate peer to peer feedback behaviour, how feedback actually occurs, and how effective such feedback is in encouraging best performance possible. Comment here if you do wish to share your self-reflections.
19.01.2022 The Limiting Dynamic of Role in the Workplace. The problem as I see it is that we take on a role at work and then we become it. We become the quality manager; or we become the accountant; or we become the truck driver. By becoming it we risk contraction, constriction or even abandonment of other aspects of self in the workplace. We subsequently brand or become branded as this, that or the other individuals.... One such constriction common in the workplace is our capacity to listen. By that I mean that we risk subconsciously filtering all communications from Person A as coming from that perspective. As if it is the only place the communication could possibly come from! When we become our role (and expect others to become theirs as well), we compromise our capacity to listen and risk adversely influencing our relationships with particular individuals in the workplace. Some of these relationships may become invalidated through dismissiveness born out of blasé assumptions. As a process towards seeking greater congruence in the workplace, I recently ran group sessions where I created a safe space for staff to respond to these questions: What is it that keeps you from wanting to be at work each day? What drives you to want to walk out of your job, either for the rest of the day or for ever? I was amazed what surfaced after just two sessions. In fact I was totally blown away by the RADICAL DIFFERENCE in group dynamics following just half an hour of this process. I saw increased understanding and compassion. Increased relating between individuals! And whilst these are just words what I felt emerging was the potential for a greater coming together in agreement within the team. I am now using this process of questioning to bring the team into alignment with the business goals. I am interested to hear your thoughts about the ways role limits your involvement in the workplace and how you get around that.
15.01.2022 We are all individually responsible for our responses to life. In other words, "what card life has dealt us this minute." We can choose our response. Then why do so many of us continue to react to similar situations in precisely the same manner? Is there more to this pattern than meets the eye? I wonder? What are your thoughts?
14.01.2022 Critical Pathways to Use Immediately and Dissolve the Stress of COVID-19 - April 22 - ONLINE WEBINAR We are facing the most phenomenal challenge to our way of life in decades with the COVID-19 pandemic. The media channels are overloaded with "Breaking News Bulletins", coming hot off the press in rapid succession. In other countries, fellow humans are dying at accelerating rates that are now threatening to reach catastrophic levels. Economic and financial structures, normally ...Continue reading
14.01.2022 The latest blog from Abe Moses is now online.
11.01.2022 Is your organisation struggling in these challenging times? What are the blocks to workplace transformation? What could your healthy organisation look like? Why aren't more organisations successfully transforming their workplace?... Join me in a lively and interactive evening of debate and discussion as we destroy some myths and gain valuable insights as to why... Workplace Transformation is Essential to Growth. https://radicalconsultants.com.au//event-workplace-transfo
08.01.2022 Confronting the Challenge of Cultural Change in the Workplace Q&A with Abe Moses, Founder of Radical Consultants Q. What needs confronting, and why?...Continue reading
06.01.2022 A Message from Abe Moses, Founder of Radical Workplace Consultants: Workplace Transformation is Essential to Growth On Tuesday (12/11/2019) night, I had the privilege of presenting to a fabulous group of attendees who showed a ton of interest in the topic! After all, who isn't struggling with workplace transformation? Plenty of healthy interaction as well.... There are multiple pathways that lead us off track, following the path of this familiar quote: 'The definition of insanity is...' Seems to me that the point of difference lies in the field of awareness. How we do what we do. Even mindfulness oft becomes something we 'do' from time to time, more so than something we embody. Eating becomes a social event, instead of a healthy interaction with food that is destined to nourish us and become a part of our bodies. So many addictions...so many seductions...so many distractions...opportunities to leak our power (attention) and take a bite of the latest apple. (Pun intended, Steve.) It’s no wonder our health is deteriorating. Energy follows where attention goes. Our attention is being hijacked, seduced by the mental-emotional tag team. What a great opportunity to wake up, to live on the edge, to call out the illusions of the mind, and reclaim our true power - our power of choice.
06.01.2022 I once belonged to a community that espoused this quote: Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. Here's my Hoop of Fire. It's living with my "little saboteur"...the voice in my head that whispers "what makes you think you can present on personal and organisational transformation? Are you crazy?" What's your "daring adventure for this week?" Are you willing to share?
02.01.2022 This online live webinar is for anybody who experiences stress as a re-occurring theme in their life, especially in today's COVID-19 world. "In these difficult times, it's even more important to have qualified guidance and skilled facilitation to bring your workforce back to trust, harmony and productivity." We are facing the most phenomenal challenge to our way of life in decades with the COVID-19 pandemic. The media channels are overloaded with "Breaking News Bulletins", co...ming hot off the press in rapid succession. In other countries, fellow humans are dying at accelerating rates that are now threatening to reach catastrophic levels. Economic and financial structures, normally the pillars of the developed world, are crumbling. Businesses are shutting up. Nations are entering into an economic depression. standing people down from their jobs. Read more on the Radical Consultants Website, and from there, Register at Eventbrite for the Interactive Presentation. https://radicalconsultants.com.au//interactive-zoom-presen
01.01.2022 Radical Confronting Liberating! Radical Change requires Radical Leadership that embodies corporate values. We specialise in assisting business managers to effectively lead and manage workplaces.... Our goal on this page is to create engagement with others who are thought leaders in Organisational transformation, and with workplaces and people who may benefit from a radical approach to change. We are in the process of building up a team of radical consultants. Via this page the momentum of that team building will continue. **So what do radical consultants do? Radical Consultants: We offer a radical approach to personal and organisational transformation that values healthy relationships, acknowledges strengths, and progresses from co-dependency to interdependency. Radical Consultants: We see what is wrong with the way we work and we have the skill to move towards rightness. Radical Consultants: We focus on the underlying workplace issues of our time.
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